《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Pink Cheeks


Not Edited

Zayn sat criss crossed on the ground of the highschool campus.He watched as other teens got picked up ,and teens go to there own cars and drive away.

He began to move his head along to the music that was currently playing in his head phones.Going from side to side which led to his pink and red flower crown to fall.

He was unaware of it at first ,til he looked down and saw.He moved his tiny hand and fingers to grab the flower but before he could pick it up ,someone who was walking by stepped on it.

"Oh my bad"The guy said giving the crown to Zayn before walking away.Zayn stared at the broken flower crown.He wanted to show it to his daddies.Now it was broken.His eyes began to water as tears began to stream down his face.

It was special to him.Today was one of his daddies birthday and he specifically made it pink and red because his daddy had once said he thought those colors would look very pretty on a flower crown.

He began to cry out loud,while holding the broken flower crown.Some of the teens would stare and wonder what he was crying about.Some people knew he was special and just let him be.

Soon a black Sudan came up.One got out of the car.Turning a few heads.I mean he wouldn't.He was wearing a white t and baggy denim jeans with timberlands.He was practically showing of his angelic body.With those silverly shades made him look bad ass.

He walked up to the crying Zayn , instantly picking him up.

"Oh don't cry.Tell daddy what's wrong"He said.

"Lili flower crown broken"Zayn cried.Liam smiled.

"Babe it's okay .there are plenty of flowers to make another one"He said opening the car door and putting Zayn in.He grabbed the multiple seat belts.Which went across Zayn then over him.Then another to go the other way across.When he was done he shut the door and got in the passenger seat.


"What happened"Louis said.Looking at his eyebrow pericing then Zayn who had puffy red eyes .

"He broke a flower crown"Liam told louis.Louis nodded.He didn't really care.Zayn made flower Crowns all the time.He literally could make another one.

"No no.Zayn no break Lili flower crown"Zayn cried.Liam made one if those realization looks.

"Oh you made it for me "Liam said Louis drove off at an fast speed.

Zayn nodded.

"Lili like red and pink.No red pink flowers"Zayn cried now hiccuping.Liam sighed.Yes they had there own house.Him and louis of course.And a garden full of flowers for when Zayn came over since he lived with his parents.But they weren't home alot due to leading a business.

But in that garden there weren't any roses or anything red.It was every color but red.

"That's okay baby.You can do another one for me in different colors any one you like"liam said.Zayn stopped crying but still continued to hiccup.He nodded.Liam smiled.He turned his attention away from Zayn and toward louis.

"Above your eye is bleeding"Liam said casually.Louis quickly glanced in the rear view mirror to look at his eye.

"Shit"He swore.Liam hit him

"My bad"louis said looking at Zayn.Who was looking at him.Louis looked away and continued driving.Liam looked out the window.Zayn messed with the seat belts,trying to get them off.He had been wanting to touch Louis's eyebrow pericing for the longest.After lots of frustration and yanking he finally discovered he could pulled the seat belts loosing them up.And he did exactly that.He scooted up and reached his hand to louis face .Louis saw him and was about to say something until Zayn yanked his pericing from his face causing him scream.Liam turned around quickly.Louis swerved a little before he pulled of to the side.


"What the hell is wrong with you.You do not do that"Louis said as blood trickled down his face.

"Aye,chill.He didn't mean it"Liam said.Zayn eyes watered but he didn't cry he just looked at the piercing in his hand.He slumped back.He then pulled out a little yellow and blue flower crown from his bag.

He put the yellow and blue one on himself,then pulled out another flower crown which was orange and green and put it on louis.Then he grabbed the broken flower crown and put it on liam.

He slumped back down.

"Zayn sowwy "Zayn said looking down.Liam and louis just melted.Louis sighed.He couldnt be mad at that.Zayn looked like a cute puppy.

"Its okay.But next time let me know if your very intrigued with something on me okay"Louis said.Zayn nodded.Liam smiled.Then hit louis.

"What was that for"Louis said

"For yelling at him"Liam said.Louis rolled his eyes.

"Your such a softy "louis said tending to his cut.he patted it softly with his fingers.

Then Zayn hit liam.Well it wasn't really a hit more like a soft tap

Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"No hit lou"Zayn said.Louis laughed.It was super funny and just to cute.

"Yeah,dont hit me Liam"Louis said .Liam chuckled.Zayn gave louis and Liam a tiny kiss on the cheek.Louis and Liam smiled.

"Lou look scawy"Zayn said.As he was looking at the dried blood on Louis's face .Louis smiled.

"I wonder why"he said as he drive of the sideline onto the road.Zayn smiled sheepishly his cheeks going to a deep red since they were already red.

And fixed his flower crown while maybe just maybe pulling up the skirt he was wearing up a little to show off his angelic thighs which of course got the attention of both liam and louis

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