《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.19 I want to go home


Avalon pov.

They took me and Calum to the pentagon. they put us in a room.

"Av I'm scared" Calum said hugging me.

"I know,I am too" I said rubbing his back.

I start to scratch his ear and his tail starts to wag.

"It's okay we'll be back home soon. I just know it" I said then we lied down on the bed. Calum snuggles in to my side.

Oh I hope they get here soon. I want to go home.

Calum pov.

I'm so scare. I want my Lukey.

Right now I'm snuggled in to Avalon's side. I hear the door open.

"Look at those hybrids. they are going to be great test subjects" a mans voice said.

"Yes, what are we gonna do to them first" another man said.

"Take some blood samples" the first one said then they left the room.

"Piss Avalon did you hear that" I said.

"Yes and I don't like it. I hope the guys get her soon" she said the kissed my cheek then we fell a sleep.

Alex pov.

We are out side the pentagon. we have no idea how we are going to get in there.

"So what do we do. how the hell are we gonna break in to the pentagon lab and get them out" I said the the guys.

"I don't know"dad said looking over at the building.

"We could call and say a bomb is in the building" Harry said and got hit in the back of the head by Louis and dad.

"No Harry we should try and sneak in through the AC vent" Louis said pointing at the vent.

"Okay let's do it but some of us should stay out here" Luke said and we all nod and decide who goes in.

It's me,dad,Luke,and Ashton are the ones that get to go in.

Zayn kicks the AC vent in for us then waits with the others.

Here we come mom.

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