《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.20 Safe


Alex pov.

We crawl through the AC air duct. Looking for the room mom is in. we have seen a huge missile. I saw two guys about to fuck when Ashton covered my eyes and made me move on.

"How long have we been in here" I asked crawling behind Luke.

"I don't know a hour maybe" he said.

"Ugh if I ever meet those guy that took mom. I may kill them" I groaned.

"Yeah,Yeah" Ashton said from behind me.

"Don't touch me you baster!" we heard mom scream.

We follow her voice. We find the vent where she is and look in and see a lab table with mom strap to it.

She trying to get out of the restraints.

"Oh stop moving you will never get out. now stay still" the scientists said with a needle. He injects her with the needle and draws some blood.

"This is terrible" dad whisper looking concerned. We all nod.

"Mewwww!" mom sounded like a cat cause they stepped on her tail.

"Sorry kitty" one of them said clearly not sorry. she hiss at the and I notice for the first time she had fangs.

Avalon pov.

Pain. so much pain. they stick me with needle and step on my tail.

I am one pissed off kitty no pun intended.

"Oh shut up kitty" one of them said and I hiss at them.

I smell Alex,Niall,Luke,and Ashton. I look at the AC duct. I see them and they Signal me to stay quiet. I do a small nod.

"Let see her reflexive" one said then they put a collar around my neck.

They unstrap me from the table. They chain me to a wall and start a tennis ball launcher. I block every last one.

"Okay let's put her up for now. get the other hybrid"


Oh poor Calum. They throw me in to the room and take Calum.

Poor thing but it won't last long cause Niall and the rest are here.

~~~~~~~A hour later~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Calum have been though hell. I mean it when I say hell. I am so sore from those needle.

We are lying on the bed when I hear something but is coming from the AC duct. NIALL.

I look at the duct and see Alex face.

"Mom we are gonna get you out soon" he whisper I nod.

"Okay so when the next person comes tackled them" he said.

"Okay I will. Calum did you hear" I whisper.

"Yes I did. I'm so happy" he said.

~~~~~~~10 minuets later~~~~~~~~

"Are you hy-" me and Calum cut the man off.

"Well, I'd love to stay longer but no" I said then punch him in the face and nock him out.

"Avalon great job" Niall said. They broke though the duct.

"Their now out yet" Ashton said and hugged me then Calum.

"Yeah let's blow this joint" Alex said.

"Yes let's go" I said then we went in to the duct cause the people are gonna think we are in the building.

the voice over the speaker said.

"Ha, their not gonna get us" I laughed.

I crawl through the duct and get out. we are greeted by the gang. we hop in the van and high tail it far away for here.

Finally safe.

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