《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.18 I hate the gov.


Niall pov.

We are almost there. it takes a hour to get to this ranch that they are on. I hope Avalon is ok.

We finally get there and there is Avalon and 5 guys standing outside. we stop the car and Alex shots out the car and tackles Avalon.

"Avalon your okay" I said.

"Of corse I am. it's great to see you. meet Tom,Max,Siva,Nathan,and Jay" she said then gave me a kiss.

"So you guys took Avalon" Luke said.

"Yeah we did but we keep here safer then what would have at that lad" Nathan said.

"Let's go inside" Tom said and we all walked in side.

Av sits on the couch,Alex on her lap with Nathan on her right and Luke on her left.

Government agent pov.

We surround the ranch there is no way of them getting out. We slowly start to come in. we get up to the house and swarm it. I break the door down.

"Give us the hybrid" I said.

"No!" all the guys in the house said.

"Okay you want it the hard way so be it. take the hybrid!" I order. my men pin down the guys.

"Sir this ones a hybrid too" one of my men said.

"Then bring him too" I said and we took the hybrids too the car and pushed them in. then we leave.

Niall's pov.

"I can't believe this we just got her back now she gone again ugh" I grown.

"Yeah,this is fucked up" Ashton said.

"What do we do now?" Tom said.

"Does she still have her phone?" Luke asked.

"Last time I cheeked she did" Nathan said.

"Niall cheek here phone" luke said.

"Okay" I said.

I look and it looks like there heading to the pentagon.

"Oh c'mom there heading to the pentagon!" I groan.

"Well let's get going" Harry said.

"Move out!" Tom shout.

Here we come Avalon.

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