《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.10 dancing with my sister


Niall pov.

We are moving me and Avalon's stuff over to Michael place. it took us 3 hours to move our stuff and set up are new room.

"What you think Av" I asked warping my arm around her waist.

"Yea I like it" she said then hit my face with her tail.



"Not funny don't hit me with your tail"

"What do you mean" she said then move away a slap my with her tail.

"You just did it. Don't do it again or you will be sorry" I said angrily.

"Ok Ni I won't" she said then played her iPod out loud and it was summer by Calvin Harris.

Damn, she can move her hips. I join in and we soon start grinding. my hands griping her hips.

The next song that played was fancy by Iggy.

Damn it was like me and her were made for each other.

Avalon pov.

I can't believe I am dancing with Niall like this and I love it. Are body's move together like we were made for each other. shit I'm falling for my stepbrother .

After fancy, Na na by Trey Songz came on.

Its amazing how we move together. I turn around and we continue dancing.

Michael pov.

I walk passed Avalon's and Niall's room and see them grinding on each other. damn they look good together. I just keep walking and not disturb them they look like there having fun.

I'm looking throw some stuff the foster home people gave me like Niall's birth certificate. I was going to put it away when something catches my eye Niall's last name it's really Malik. damn zayn 's his brother.

Zayn pov.

I just want to kill Harry and Louis 'cause I still can't get to mess out my car that they left when we found out Avalon was half cat. that was some time ago. so I am making Larry get me new carpeting for my car.


*ring ring*

I grab my phone and it Michael.

"Hey, vas happen"

"Zayn, Niall's last nane is really yours"

"What are you talking about his last name is Horan"

"No it's not I looked at his birth certificate"

"How you get that"

"The foster home people gave it to me along with other stuff but that stuffs not important"

"Ok, I'll ask my mom about that. later"

"Later Zee"

Then I hung up and text my mom.

-is Niall my brother don't lie cause I saw his birth certificate

-sorry but yes he is your dad did not want him so I gave Niall to Bobby sorry you were one when it happen sorry.

I did not text her back. Niall's my brother.

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