《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.9 Accidently kissed


Ashton pov.

Ok I hate Avalon's stepbrother he's a jerk and a asshole. But he's all she has left so I can't complain as long as he does not hurt her. If he does I will destroy him.

Avalon pov.

Luke is driving me home and when we get they I go to kiss him on the cheek but he turn his head. So I ended up kissing his lips. I pulled back quickly.

"Sorry" he said.

"It's not your fault you just turned you head" I said then got out the car.

I get in the house and see a pissed off Niall.

"What?" I asked.

"You kiss that fucking ass!" he shouts.

"No! I when to kiss his cheek and he turned his head at the last second" I explain.

"Ok I don't like him or the other guy at all" he said starting to calm down.

"I don't care if you like them or not they are my friends. so I don't care what you have to say" I said then headed up to my room to changes. when I walked passed Niall to the stairs he grabbed my ass. man that is getting annoying.

Niall pov.

I don't like those guys but they are Avalon's friends. I really love Avalon but I can't show my feelings well.

"Av?" I asked walking in her room.

"Yea Ni"

"I'm sorry"

"Oka-wait did you just say your sorry" she said in disbelief.

"Yes I'm sorry for being mean to you"

"Thanks Ni" she said then hugged me and her tail swayed from side to side like a happy cat. well she is part cat.

"Come on let's get to bed we need to move all are stuff to Michael house. oh we are sharing a room" I said then take my shirt and pants off and tack the to my room and get in bed.


Avalon comes in and crawls in to the bed. I wrap my arm around her waist. Then we fell asleep.

Michael pov.

Tomorrow Niall and sexy Avalon move in. she is hot but I would not go for her cause I can see Niall loves her and would kill my if I tried something. so I am gonna play it safe then get beat up by Niall. he may be younger then me but he stronger and faster. I also noticed that Avalon and him are the same height. Oh and I swing both ways but I'm more in to guys.

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