《Land Before Love.》CH7- Seeing is Believing
One month later...
I sat curled up in furs against a tree near Mr. Larkin's tree house. Winter had hit and piles of melting snow were scattered around, some flakes dusting the pine trees above.
I can see my misty breath leave my hollow chest. I watched it dance into nothing.
The people of the Southern lands had not required the tools to make refined gloves, or of any sort. But I think it was mostly because they were use to the harsh climate. And because their skin was darker then mine, they didn't have the problem of finding their fingers turning purple.
It was like that now; I could barely write a sentence before curling my fingers back into the thick fox furs around me.
It was probably the 10th letter I was writing for my sisters back in Fellshore. But I hadn't received a reply yet. Mr. Larkin had not received anything from the three times my people have come to this land to pick up food supplies.
My hope to hear from them still remained. But it was dimming like the sun's light this winter. It was making me depressed and isolated.
That month ago when I said I would try and gain the people's trust was lost. I had tried but it became hard with the language barrier. I used Jaida as an interpreter but the conversation rarely flowed nicely. It became noticeably awkward and uncomfortable. Forced.
I had taken a lesson with Mr. Larkin to try and learn their language but gave up quickly. It was hard, so hard I got frustrated and refused to do any more.
The fact I wasn't hearing anything from my sisters was making me more out of sorts. I was sinking into my own world, and I could tell Jaida was getting anxious when I barley ate anything.
Not that my husband even noticed. I was bitter towards Zachan, not that he notices that either. Mainly because he never is here, or I never see him. He has not spoken one word to me. He floats in and out of my days like a phantom.
I speak little of my life here to my sisters in my letters. Mainly because there is nothing to say. But my letters mainly consist of questions of what's happening across the channel of water. Doing this is like the last shred of home I have left, and I cling to it desperately.
It was nearly dark by the time I realized how long I was sitting here. Way longer then I had done in the past. Achy and tired I groan as I get up, wrapping the think fur around me. I folded the letter closed and slipped it to rest on the gap of the ladder to Mr.Larkin's tree house.
If it snowed the letter would probably get wet and ruined. But the sad thought dawned on me, it wouldn't matter. Someone probably wasn't even going to read it anyway.
I walked the route I now knew off by heart to my tent at the haven. I got to the Tala River, walking carefully across the frosty bridge. Parts of the stream below had ice chunks frozen around rock. The rest of the water flowed, and I could feel its icing current nipping at my boots as I crossed.
Once across I heard a twig snap behind me.
The hair on the back of my neck stands up. I rustle up the courage to look over my shoulder to find nothing obvious to blame for the noise. I force myself to shrug it off, hoping it was a rabbit or deer.
I keep walking a few more steps before more noise erupts behind me. But this time it is followed by a vicious growl.
My heart could have stopped before it starting beating rapidly. I turn again quickly this time, not wanting to be caught off guard. Especially by a creature that could make a noise like that.
I spot movement in thick bush vegetation a few meters in front of me. Two great big yellow eyes stare back at me.
I couldn't even scream from the way the fear was shutting down my mind. More so when the creature stepped out of its hiding in two long strides, half of its missive body appeared.
It was a huge black wolf.
I had seen wolfs before, less the half the size of this one. Who was currently stalking towards me.
I ran.
I was glad the wind was whistling in my ears loud enough so I couldn't hear if it was following me. Other wise I would have been shaken even more.
I discarded my heavy warm furs quickly in my race back to the haven. I was shivering but the running kept my blood warm enough.
My heart is beating so quickly it hurt, and my lungs feet like they are coated in razor sharp ice. My mind was racing quicker them my legs.
I finally heard human voices and I reveled in the fact I wasn't far.
Bolting into the haven I looked over my shoulder to make sure the wolf did not follow. Otherwise I doubt I would be trustworthy for leading a beast to their home.
I didn't see the person in front of me until it was to late. Hitting them hard I stumbled back, finding my feet before seeing whom I had run into.
Chief Kono looks wide eyed at me, assessing me from head to two. I also noticed a gathering of people around him. Some held flaming torches, armed with spears and daggers as if ready to go out for a nighttime hunt.
Still panicked by the huge creature I turn back to look out to the forest. In the dark I saw no shape or form. I heard no steps or viscous growls.
It was gone.
"Aleenia?" it was said by the chief with caution. When I didn't response, my wide eyes still on the forest, do I hear him speak to someone else in a low voice with his native tongue.
A gentle tap on my shoulder has me turn around, still in shock.
"Aleenia, is everything alright?" The chief's wise eyes watch me.
"A wolf..." I whisper, shaking my heard looking at the ground. I meet the eyes of Chief Kono."There was a wolf." I say louder.
They couldn't hide their reactions. All of them seemed to seize up on the spot. I guess that reaction would be normal. Wild wolves are dangerous animals, and having one not so far away is daunting. But their reaction seemed so much more.
"Are you sure?" the Chief asks, as whispers break out from the men and woman warriors around me.
"Yes." I take steadying breath." It was black... but it wasn't normal. It was huge, beyond the size of any wolf I have ever encountered."
More murmurs break out, and I notice a man. The one I see regularly with Zachan has a face of recognition before he slips away.
"I understand your fear Aleenia, by chance I think you might have over estimated its size. Seen something else? A bear?" the chief calmly rallies back.
I think for a moment. The possibility true but it was too real, and I know my mind could not think of something like that in a random moment.
I shake my head." No, It was defiantly a wolf."
The Chief doesn't reply back, even though I see doubt in his eyes. Yet it was mixed with something else I couldn't place. I must sound crazy to him.
"Aleenia!" I hear the familiar voice of Jaida break through. She comes hurriedly over to me, ducking between the people scattering away back into the haven.
Once in front of me she seems she wants to hug me, but stops her self. The worry crease between her eyebrows deepens when she sees my state. " Where are your furs?"
I had then noticed my shivering state when she put an arm around me, already leading me back to my tent.
"I dropped them." The rush of my fear was leaving me, my teeth started to chatter. I looked around, people who were ducking into there own tents were giving me wary eyes." Why was everyone out?"
"They were going to search for you." She informs me." When you did not return before dark I informed the chief you were missing, they thought something had happened to you."
So the hunt about to take place was for me. I wanted to feel humbled they would look for me. But it was probably more a burden, having to make sure their bargaining chip wasn't lost.
We made it back to the tent and I was surrounded by warmth from the fire pits scattered about the rooms. I didn't even blink an eye realizing Zachan wasn't here. I doubt he even noticed there was a search party to find me.
Jaida found me more furs, burying me in two large ones as I sat at the low table in the dinning room. I look down to the furs around my shoulders. Normally I was graced with fox or thick bear furs. Most of the people around the Ukan tribe have the same, yet more have pelts of squirrels or marten, smaller animals. But not once have I ever seen a wolf fur.
"Are there wolves in these lands, Jaida?" I ask, as she makes tea from a pot over the fire pit.
She hesitates when I ask the question. But she pretends to play it off. I can tell she is being very careful the way she answers this. It got me wondering why.
"Our people see wolves as sacred animals. They dwell mainly in the Valdoor Mountains, rarely do they come down from there..." Jaida stops for a second, thinking her next words over." Your people Aleenia, have your Gods. We have ours."
Still not satisfied with the answer I am about to push for more, although we have a visitor. Zachan's male companion, the one who slipped away beforehand stands in the entrance. His face is hard, his stare serious as he takes both us women in.
"Jaida." He says, his accent making the name so much more natural than when I say it.
"Fram elle, Kern" She says, eyeing him with a slight edge. The man- Kern- nods before leaving, not giving me a second look.
Jaida ladles in some tea in a small clay mug, she walks it over to me, the warmth healing my frozen fingers.
"What does he want?" I failed to make my tone less bitter.
Jaida puts on a reassuring smile, but it doesn't have me feeling comfortable." To talk, everyone is a little shaken from what you witnessed. He just wants me to reassure to everyone it is alright."
I nod and she makes sure I am all right before leaving.
Sitting alone again I gather my thoughts. There was no lie to what I saw.
But what Jaida said was odd to me. Wolves are powerful, yes, but unpredictable in natural. Although I suppose all animals are. But to worship them like gods was strange to me.
I remember praying to my god every half moon back at the little church in Fellshore. I didn't really pay attention to the readings or sacred texts. For me, going to church was about community. About making sure my people were alright. I didn't really have belief in our God. A faceless being that created the earth. Who created us. But that was just me, and some times I felt jealous of those people who believed in something.
They always seemed more hopeful. Something I have lost.
That night I tossed and turned. This time I could with out worry, as I didn't share a bed with Zachan. However in the dead of night I hear someone enter the tent. And from my experience that night, my heart couldn't help but start racing.
From the light of the fire pit I could see the familiar silhouette of my husband. Zahcan give me one brief look before preparing for bed. I felt him as he lay down and sighed. And I got the feeling he wasn't going to fall asleep.
So we both lay there, awake. Not moving and not saying a word to each other.
The next day was one of the first days I felt like sketching. The real reason was because I wanted a sketch of the wolf I witnessed yesterday before the image was gone from my mind.
A gathered the sketchbook and charcoal pencils I had bought from Fellshore. I had barely used this one, and flicked through a few pages before setting my mind at work to capture the creature I laid eyes on last night.
There is a peacefulness when I sketch. It felt so familiar to me that I lost track of time. Enjoying the way little by little a picture was forming.
I stayed in the dining room all day. Only when the sky was darkening, did I have a visitor.
Kern. His presence filled the doorway, his shoulders wide and his body built. He wears a long sleeve shirt, over it a hard leather plate of armour, front and back. A bear fur was wrapper around his neck and shoulders.
His dark eyes were on me.
I place my pencil down. I keep my voice strong. " Jaida is not here."
I didn't know if he understood until he spoke back, his accent thick. His voice deep." Where did she go?"
I watch him." I'm not sure." I reply honestly.
To my dismay he comes further into the room. He seems taller as I sit on the flat cushion to the table. Towering over me he stops to stand near where I sit. He peers down to the sketch. A flicker of surprise coats his face.
"You draw this?" he asks and I nod. It dawns on me that they might not have seen a sketch like this before.
Kern then scoffs." You can not possibly have seen a wolf that big."
His doubt has my skin crawling. I was already irritated by his obnoxious tone.
"I did, and Jaida isn't here so you can find her else where." I dismiss him, hoping my position as Zachan's wife gives me at least this purpose to shoo him away.
Unfortunately he did not take it very well me speaking to him like that.
"You did not see a wolf. We found tracks of a bear in the forest this morning." He states.
I pierce my gaze at him in confusion. " Bears hibernate in the winter, why would one be out in the forest?"
His jaw starts to tick." There are no wolves here."
His demanding nature made me mad." Jaida said wolves live in the mountains, what is to say one came down-"
"Jaida does not know what she says." Kern cuts me off, more bite to his words." And you saying you saw a wolf will only frighten our tribe, so you should keep your mouth shut."
His loud tone of voice had me frightened. He then leans down, flicking his eyes to my sketch." And keep that away from people." He hisses.
Zachan stands at the entryway now, staring down Kern near me. For the first time I am grateful for Zachan to appear.
Kern straightens not giving me another glance as her strolls past Zachan, out of our tent.
Zachan watches me and I don't waver my gaze from him. He takes a slow step into the dinning room. My eyes stayed attached to him as he walks around me. I feel the heat of him as he stands where Kern was standing seconds ago.
I watch his face morph into confusion as he looks down to my sketchbook. When seeing the wolf he seems taken back, his eyes filling with something I can only describe as sadness. But the emotion flickers away all to quickly to truly catch.
With out looking at me he leans down, his fingers brush mine as he takes the front of my open sketchbook and closes it.
He says nothing after as he exits after Kern.
It was his silent way of telling me not to look into it. To not believe in what I saw.
But he, and Kern had just given me more reason to keep looking.
Because they're hiding something.
Another Update, I hope you guys like this chapter, tell me if you like this length or a little shorter?
Also what is your thoughts on the wolf seen by Aleenia?
Please Comment and Vote!
I hope to Update soon.
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