《Land Before Love.》CH6- Not Letting Go
I still felt the anger in my bones as I managed to find the bridge again, following along the river and making it back to my new home before dark.
My teeth were chattering by the time I walked though the flaps of the tent, and I was happy when I felt the warm air of a fire surround me.
I stood there awkwardly in the hallway, fear gripping me again... however Mr. Lakrin's words hit home pretty hard. From my experience last night, I didn't have a reason to be afraid of Zachan.
"Aleenia?" I hear Jaida's voice call my name, her footsteps following as she joins me in the thin hallway. She breathes a sigh of relief when spotting me, her hand relaxing whilst holding a clay jug. " We were worried something had happened to you."
Not wanting to explain the real reason I left, for fear of my own husband, I tell the partial truth." I was just with Mr. Larkin- Andrew, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was so late."
Jaida's eyes survey me, and once satisfied I'm not harmed she places one hand on my upper arm." How did you find him, I do not believe I had shown where he lives."
" I just remembered Chief Kono mentioning it last night, I'm sorry I should have told you where I was going." Another partial truth, as I really just stumbled upon Mr. Larkin. Not that finding him was a huge celebration.
"There is no harm done, Aleenia... You must be hungry, food is just been served." Jaida was already guiding me to another flap in the tent. She held it open as I went through but I stumbled to a stop. I guess my fear still remained in place.
I had only been in this room once earlier today. It was a dining room as well as a drawing and meeting room of sorts. A low table was situated in the middle, with plump yet flat cushions on the rugged ground around it. Other items of furniture were scattered around the outside, a stack of draws and a high desk containing maps in a language of symbols I had never seen.
But now the room also contained two men, one Zachan the other tall with a similar build. His skin was slightly darker, and his face rounder then the angles of Zachan's. But both men still had on their traditional pants with the colorful fabric hanging between their legs. Both a bright red that stood to alert by the fire pit that lit the room near the table.
Whatever they were discussing stopped abruptly at my entrance. With out a word Zachan rolls up the large piece of parchment in his hands handing it to the other. With a short bow of the head to both of us, the other man leaves brushing past me and Jaida in the entry way.
My husbands eyes don't find mine as he sits down at the low dining table. His large legs crossed on the cushion as he helps himself to the foods on platters and bowls sitting in front of him.
Jaida walks around me giving me an encouraging smile before she fills Zachans clay mug with a drink. I take cautious steps and cross my legs like Zachan, feeling lost in the new world.
I will admit the food smells delicious. There is a scatter of fresh vegetables and fruits I have never seen. But what takes my interest is the wholesome smell of the tender meat cut in slices before me. I peer around the table, looking for a serving fork or a knife or a spoon but find none. There is not even cutlery beside my plate.
I peek an eye up to Zahcan, who is ignoring me and using his hands to pick up what he likes whilst using some flat bread to wrap everything up for eating. Following his lead I reach out like a scared child of having her hand slapped and obtain some flat bread. Firstly with meat, then some rubies seeds from a bulging maroon fruit along with some vegetables.
I might have over stuffed my wrap but lead it to my mouth. The taste is amazing, juicy, tender, sweet with a good balance of spice. In the quietness that is Zachan, I forgot I wasn't alone and moan at the good flavor. But seconds later I squeak in surprise and as I feel the ruby seeds burst in my mouth. A strange sensation.
My cheeks starting to flame I peek an eye up, just to see the slightest twitch in Zachan's lip. It was either a smile or grimace, I could not tell . But it was gone before I truly could see, just like the contest of his plate. His stern face appears again before drinking from his cup. After, he stands and leaves, with no words spoken.
I put my wrap down, my stomach no longer hungry even though I feel hollow. Jaida who had watched the whole thing seems as disappointed as me. The fact that she was losing hope, meant that I should give up entirely. My marriage was not going to be what I witnessed with my parents. Love. No, it was just a union to make our people at peace and happy. But not us happy...
" You like the food?" Jaida breaks the silence. Forcing her brilliant white smile.
I nod, forcing my own small smile.
"Good, I made sure they did not make it with too much of our spices. If your not use to it, it can be hard to handle."
Another forced smile breaks my lips.
Silence falls upon us and I could tell Jaida sensed my unease and disappointment.
"If you are not hungry I can show you where you can wash."
Taking a look at the food I wanted to feel hungry, but my stomach wasn't having it. My pit of despair did not want to be filled.
I whisper an agreement and Jaida gathers a few things before leading the way. I felt the vibrant atmosphere of a feast or gathering of some sort, but thankfully Jaida led me away from the other people.
I was starting to fear where Jaida was leading me in the dark until we trailed along a forest path for a short amount of time reaching a small clearing. The moon wasn't as present tonight but still sent a glow over the steaming pools before me. Looking up I saw the high rise of the Valdoor Mountains, their caps snow peeked. And all those miles below in built warm springs were situated at the bottom.
"This is your private bath, no one will come here." Jaida informs me, placing a towel and a navy dress with a red sash on a small rock by the pool.
"How is this possible?" I ask, watching small trickles of water cascading down ridges of rock.
"The water is heated deep from the mountains, something hot and brutal bubbles underneath the rock. But it has not ruptured for centuries, its safe. I promise you Aleenia."
A volcano. It made more sense now. I had read vaguely about them before. The lethal substance that glows red and cools to rock. I trusted Jaida's words, but still felt uneasy of how something so unpredictable lay not so far away.
I nod in response, walking closer to the lip of the water to dip my fingers in. It's a delicious heat, not burning at all.
"No one will disturb you, I'll be waiting amongst the tree line. Call when your done." Jaida turns to walk away.
"Thank you." I say after her. She looks over her shoulder giving a small smile in return before disappearing into the trees.
As much as I hated making her wait in the cold night, it gave me reassurance knowing I wasn't alone in a foreign place.
It look me awhile to feel comfortable to peel off my clothes and slip into the pool of beautifully warmed water. I was sighing in delight as the depth reached to my shoulders, surrounding me in a warmth I haven't felt in a while. Some wonky but smoothed out steps lay in the pool and I sat.
I sat and thought for a long time.
I was feeling stuck.
But it felt different to my life in Fellshore, my home. I was stuck there because no one wanted to marry me and be tied to a dead land. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere with out my father, even if I wanted to leave my homeland. But I was home, familiar with everyone and everything there.
Here was completely out of my element. Everything is different to what I was used to.
A part of me wanted to embrace this new life, do something here to help or at least help myself against the anxiety and boredom. But I wasn't willing to let go of who I was, where I was mere days ago.
I was truly stuck. That is why tears of sorrow and frustration poured out of me, hitting the hot water like rain. I sat there crying for a long time, wondering if Jaida could hear. Or if she would come back wondering what was taking me so long.
Pulling myself together I got out, hurriedly drying myself in the harsh dawning winter night. Getting dressed I called out Jaida's name and she came, leading me back to my new home.
"I would like to write to my sisters." Was my way of saying hello to Mr. Larkin the next morning, hovering at his doorframe.
" And I would like a new door." He grumbles, looking tired from only just waking up. He was slumped at his desk, a hand holding his head up.
I decided this morning I was going to swallow back my pride and see Mr. Larkin the day after I stormed out on him. His chuckling that followed me out was still ringing in my ears. But if I want some small shred of comfort and happiness for this new life, I want a piece of the old. I wanted to write to my sisters, hear their voice in the letters they would hopefully write back.
"Is it possible?" I persist, taking another step into the tree house.
Mr. Larkin rubs his eyes and leans back on his chair with a heavy sigh." I suppose... but I don't know how well it would go down with Chief Kono."
I bite my lip" He doesn't have to know."
Mr. Larkin quirks an amused smile." I suppose..." He drawls again." Tell you what, you write a letter and I'll make sure it gets delivered with the food supplies that will be picked up in a couple days."
A sense of hope and relief swept over me, until Mr. Larkin opened his mouth again." However you got to do something in return."
"Which is?" I was starting to become apprehensive of the answer.
"Stop moping about all day. I got an interesting visit from Chief Kono wanting to know in which ways he could make you happier here. Its starting to rub off on the people here, wandering why you sit and do nothing all day. Its not sitting well with them... there starting to wonder why you're here in the first place..."
The statement left a bitter taste on my tongue, and stubbornness was kicking in. I admitted to myself before I did not take criticism well." I have given up my life to be here, it's taking a while for me to adjust. And if they haven't figured out why I'm here yet then they obviously have not been paying attention." I cross my arms.
Mr. Larkin lets out a long whistle, taking in my counter argument. He nods his head before looking back at me. "You could be a spy..." he suggests.
The notion has me letting out a hysterical huff." A spy, I married Zachan to ensure peace between lands. A spy would cause the complete opposite... and me a spy!"
"Calm down Mi Lady, I know your no spy... you lack the ability of being discreet." He teases." However the indictments add up, you seem to keep to yourself and wander around the lands alone. And now you want to write to your sisters... to these people it might seem a little fishy."
I bite back a harsh reply; wanting to argue on how absurd it is to think me a spy. It's not a long shot to make, but in my eyes it was seeming ridiculous.
I swallow another mouthful of my pride and grit my teeth." What should I do to convince them otherwise?"
Mr. Larkin pulls his cocky smile, the one he always wears when he knows his won." Get them to trust you, talk to the people here. Share some knowledge, help on the farms. Be creative Mi Lady, I can't think of everything."
" Trust goes both ways." I say back.
Mr. Larkin's smile disappears and is replaced by an exhausted look. He rolls his eyes." No wonder you ended up here, all your pervious suitors probably had a hard time getting any where with you."
My cheeks go a flaming red, about to bark back a reply Mr.Larkin puts up a dismissive hand.
"Save it. I'm trying to help you Aleenia. I understand this way of life is new to you but your going to have to get over it. From my understanding so far these people have given you no reason not to trust them... but if you can't look past your own nose, then trust me instead. I want this marriage deal to work out for my sake as well as yours. If you give them more reason not to trust you, you could be dead and a war could brew... I think that is the last thing you want."
It astounded me how quick he could bounce back and fourth between a teasing conversation to a serious one. But I hate admitting he has pinned me with his words. I was walking on thin ice if I wasn't carful here. In my head I decided I would try to gain trust here. It wasn't going to happen over night but little by little it could.
I shook out my hands to release the annoyance in me before continuing the conversation." Alright I will try, can I write to my sisters then?"
All Mr. Larkin's hard features vanished as the air around him lightened." Alright, I won't mention it to the Chief. But you'll have to write your letter here, if you don't want anyone to see."
I rather had been sitting somewhere privately but understood his concern. I nodded and Mr. Larking handed me a piece of paper with a quill and ink. I sat outside on the small porch of his house in the trees and wrote.
At the end of my letter tears stained the paper.
Hello, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I felt inspired to continue the story, I have been writing all day.
Sorry for the big gap between updates, I wish I could promise there wont be another one but I'll be quite busy these next few weeks.
So Please Comment and Vote, tell me what you think so far.
Hope to hear from you,
Love U.
- In Serial36 Chapters
The Demon's Rapture
A man down on his luck, a world that's following suit. Caught up in a battle as old as time, Earth is devastated by mass disappearances, natural disasters, and all sorts of world bending feats. Divine interference refuses to let Earth progress as it was meant to, and those left behind can only do their best to survive. Sebastian just so happened to be one of those left behind. Scorned by those above and below, he does his best to survive in what can only be described as the Rapture. Hey! This isn't my first piece of writing but definitely my first piece of what would be a webnovel. Release is planned to be daily but will probably be inconsistent at first, and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Inspired by many other authors on RR Average of 2k words a chapter after Chapter 3
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