《The Toy human》Chapter 10 A team forming?


Charnessa closes her eyes and grits her teeth. She prepares for blunt impact and unbearable pain. Being clubbed to death by a baseball bat won't be a quick. Maybe she'll be fortunate enough to pass out by the third or fourth swing.

Charnessa has hit the wall. 8 days of being tortured and babied is enough. This will never end. She won't beg for her life now nor apologize. Adrenaline is surging through her veins. She is ready to die.

"Put the bat down."

A robotic voice over the PA system is calm and direct. Charnessa opens her eyes to see mommy obeying the command instantly.

"Gentlemen, that will be enough."

The two masked men immediately leave the side of the bed and walk out the door.

"The animal is sufficiently restrained. Proceed with the shaving."

Charnessa can hardly believe her eyes. The commands over the PA system are being followed without question. Whoever mommy really is, she isn't in charge. Someone else is.

Mommy takes a minute to calm down and catch her breath. Charnessa can tell by her body language that she genuinely lost her composure. She's trying to get it back.

"Proceed with the shaving." The command is repeated.

Mommy sits down on the bed next to the spread eagle Charnessa. She tries to dismiss her angry outburst.

"Mommy is very sorry for her rough language, Baby C. You are a very bad baby, but mommy will make everything right. Now..., mommy will shave all that unsightly body hair and make baby all nice, smooth and presentable."

Charnessa notes the strain in Mommy's voice. She is struggling to get back in character.

"This woman is taking orders," Charnessa thinks, "She has no power here."

Mommy opens her purse and takes out an electric razor. She holds it high for the camera before turning it on. The sound of the buzzing is as loud as a chainsaw. Charnessa's heart flutters in fear. She takes in a deep breath and steadies herself.

"Stay cool, girl. No panic. This is all an illusion. You will get through this."


Charnessa stares straight up at the opaque dome. She prepares herself for the indignity of having her vagina shaved in public.

At least she sees a crack in wall of her enemies. Mommy takes marching orders from higher ups. She's just as human as she is. Mommy is vulnerable.

Charnessa tunes out the outrageously loud revving. The shaving is no more than a tickle on her pelvic area. She examines the faces pressed against the dome up top. She can't hear the jeering over the ear shattering noise but she makes out outlines of sinister smiles.

What appears to be a child has climbed onto the middle of the dome. His face is pressed up against the blurry glass. Charnessa notices his tongue sticking out. The tongue extends until it reaches out at least a foot from the boys face before it quickly retracts inside his mouth.

Charnessa flinches.

"Oh my god! Daddy Dominic is right. These things really aren't human!"


2:30 pm

Charnessa is playing mindless video games. She is still recovering emotionally from the morning's big blow up. She lost her cool and thought she was going to die. She didn't die or get hit by the baseball bat. She wasn't spanked or even hit on the hand with a ruler. After she was shaved she was calmly let out of her restraints and left to go on her merry way.

She resisted. Charnessa is encouraged by her actions.

"Maybe I can defeat these beings, whoever they are. They need humans to do the dirty work for them. If it's human vs human, I have a chance."

A chat request shows up in a box on her computer screen. Charnessa clicks on it.

Daddy Dominic : Hello Charnessa, it's me. We can talk freely.

Charnessa is confused. She isn't on littlespace. Is this some kind of a trick?

Daddy Dominic : Charnessa, are you there? Please, whatever resentment you have, put it aside. I'm taking a big risk talking to you this way. I need your help. Please answer.

Baby C : Is it really you, daddy?


Daddy Dominic : Yes it is. Call me Dominic. This conversation isn't being monitored. Look, I have some real news for you.

Baby C : Are you playing tricks on me, daddy? That's not nice. Can you prove you're my real daddy? I'm just a silly little baby, I can't tell.

Daddy Dominic : It's me, Charnessa. I drugged your coffee that night. I took you down on the elevator. Okay?

A wave of resentment wells up in Charnessa. She hammers at the keyboard.

Baby C : You deceitful, lying, son of a bitch! Why the fuck should I listen to you?

Daddy Dominic : Yes, yes, I'm all of that. I know. And again, I'm sorry. Please listen to me. I have a plan. I'm getting people on our side to form an escape from this hellhole. I have less than a minute to tell you before this chat terminates. You in?

Baby C : Yeah. Type.

Daddy Domnic : When Mommy drugs you tonight say I'm tired, mommy. She's going to say I'm tired too, baby. You've got be discreet. Get right up in her ear when you do it, don't let the audio catch you. And for Christ sakes, don't attack her again. You got it?

Before Charnessa can type yes, the chat box disappears. She goes back to playing video games while she assess the situation. The same mommy that threatened to beat her to death now wants to be an ally? Is this credible?

Then again, mommy really blew her top and spoke out of character. Mommy is clearly not calling the shots. Maybe she's just as fed up with this whole situation as she is. It's worth a shot.

A familiar pressure is coming on. Charnessa can't avoid nature's call. She sits on the bed and crosses her arms. There's no use trying to hold it in. She closes her eyes and muster's all the force she can.


She farts long and loud for everyone to hear. If that doesn't get the point across she starts fanning herself vigorously.

Daddy comes through the door with a fresh diaper change.

"Oh my baby C. That sounded bad. Did you make a stinky poo in your diaper?"

"Yes, Daddy. I cannot hold it in any longer. I pooed myself."

Charnessa assumes the position, laying back on the bed with her arms crossed.

"Very good, baby C. I see you want to be a good little baby. You and Mommy got upset with each other earlier. You're very sorry about that, aren't you baby C?

"Yes Daddy, I made a big mistake. I was a bad baby. I promise to behave now."

Daddy was slow to change her baby as the beings from above raced to the glass to witness the event. The streaming audience numbers shot up as always. He was building the anticipation.

As Daddy wipes baby clean and rubs Johnson's baby powder over her big rear, he says something that perks her ears.

"Is Baby C getting tired early today? You look a little sweepy, dear."

The change is completed. Charnessa surprises Daddy by straddling and hugging him.

"Oh, baby C, I see you are very appreciative of your Daddy today. Isn't that so refreshing?"

Charnessa is right on top of his ear, she whispers. "I'm tired, Daddy."

Almost imperceptibly he whispers back, "I'm tired too, baby."

Daddy stands up, putting baby C down on the bed at the same time. He talks in his regular tone of voice.

"Look at you now, baby C, all nice and clean. Aren't you glad you have such a nice Daddy? He's always there to respond to baby's needs."

"Yes, Daddy. I think you're a wonderful Daddy..., and we..., understand each other so much better now."

Charnessa winces inside. This is taking a chance. She might be overdoing it but she has nothing to lose. She wants to know where Daddy stands.

He hesitates a few seconds, then speaks.

"Yes, Baby C. I think we make quite a good team."

Daddy turns and walks out the door.

It's unmistakable. Charnessa's heart jumps. The list of allies is growing.

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