《The Toy human》Chapter 9 I want you to shave my pussy


Charnessa is fuming after discovering that Daddy Dominic is, or rather was, a real life friend. She keeps her head buried in her pillow and sucks away at her paci. She wants no one to know how upset she really is.

"How could he do this to me?" She wonders. "And where the fuck are we? This can't possibly be anywhere in Chicago."

Charnessa drifts back to events of 8 days ago.

It was after a grief recovery meeting. She was sitting with Dominic and another middle aged lady she recently befriended named Melika. They were all sipping coffee and trading tales about their sordid lives. It had been an emotional meeting. Melika had shared that she lost her lesbian lover and wife of over 25 years. She and Dominic were consoling her.

It was getting late, close to 10pm. Melika stood up to leave. Now it was just the two of them.

"Do you have to be getting back too, Charnessa?" He asked.

"Getting back to what, Dominic? I live alone and I don't currently have a job. There's nothing waiting at home for me except empty rooms and walls."

Dominic was his usual, affirmative self. He always put a positive spin on things.

"A quiet house gives you time to think. Everything's gonna change soon, girl. I can feel it. You've got to hang in there."

He gave me a wink and squeezed my hand. Being around Dominic warmed my heart. I was in no hurry to go anywhere.

"What about you?" I asked, "Don't you have to be getting back home to your loved ones?"

Dominic and I had talked on the phone many times. He was always there to counsel me. I didn't know much about his personal life.

"Charnessa, I am home. I own this building. I bought this place with my ex-wife about a dozen years ago. We were 12 steppers, we used to host all types of meetings together here on the ground flood. Well, Patty flew the coop so now I host alone. I've got rooms for rent on the second, third, and fourth floors."

"Really? Must be cheaper to live here than where I'm at..., now that my husband took off on me."


"Absolutely, girl. Seriously, you need a room? Let's go upstairs, I'll cut you a discount until you find another job."

"Dominic, are you serious? I'd love to sell my home and be close to these meetings. I live half way across the city."

"I got a lease with your name on it, Charnessa. Finish your cup and we'll talk it over."

I was so excited. Dominic was such an easy going guy. I never figured him to be my type but I had a bit of a crush on the dude. I'm guessing he's in his mid 50's. He's kinda short, probably a little shorter than me. He doesn't have the body of a dancer, like my ex. Yet there's something about him. He's kind, he listens, and he has charisma out the ying yang. I liked Dominic, a lot. Plus I just learned he's single and on the market.

It all hit me at once. I started getting tired as we were walking to the elevator.When I got in I felt funny. I swear the elevator was going down instead of up. I had a terrible headache and blacked out. I woke up in this room.

The bastard drugged me! Now he says he's sorry? Get the fuck out of here! The guy's the devil!

Charnessa angrily chews her pacifier until she falls asleep.


Charnessa is jarred awake by a familiar sound. She glances over to the livestream camera. The viewer numbers are going up. She looks over to the clock, 11am, it's too soon for lunch. She pats her diaper, checking to see if she wet herself or went poo during her nap. She's all dry down there.

Charnessa gulps hard. Something is about to go down and she has a good ideal what it is.

The door opens and Mommy comes shuffling in with her black purse in hand. She stands in front of Charnessa on the bed in silence.

It must be time for another shaving. Charnessa purses her lips. She's not going to give the viewing audience the pleasure of seeing her squirm and panic. She knows the ridiculously loud chain saw was just a sound effect meant to scare her. Today she isn't going to be scared.


Mommy puts down her black purse and lays out a mammoth white beach towel next to her. Clearly she wants Charnessa to get on the towel but she isn't saying so yet. They must want to build the suspense for her sick viewers, whoever they may be, they want her to react with fear.

She remembers what Dominic said. These people, or beings, are fascinated by emotions. Charnessa is determined to remain stoic and not give them the show they want. She considers staring down Mommy but that will draw immediate punishment. Instead she calmly folds her arms on the bed and stares straight ahead at nothing. She appears to not have a care in the world as she waits for Mommy to speak.

Charnessa can't see behind Mommy's mask but she notices that Mommy fidgets a little with her hands. Mommy appears nervous for some reason. Mommy turns her head behind her as if looking for some sign or instruction from invisible accomplices.

Finally she speaks.

"Baby C, why look at you sitting there. You seem very cool, calm and collected this morning."

Mommy's voice is on edge, lacking it's usual superficial warmth and confidence.

"Yes, Mommy. I do feel pretty satisfied with myself. Does that bother you for some reason?"

Charnessa is careful not to smile or to mock. She sits with her legs and arms crossed and tries to project a worry free attitude. Mommy continues to fidget and dart her head around the room.

"Baby C, do you understand why Mommy is here right now? Do you remember our conversation from yesterday? A poll has been taken. Your body hair has been deemed unsightly. We must remove it."

Charnessa answers quickly with no sense of fear.

"Yes, Mommy. I remember. What part of my body do you want to shave today?'

Mommy clears her throat. She's uncomfortable with Charnessa's ease.

"Well..., baby C..., I do believe that is your choice. We shall shave a little each day until your appearance has been deemed acceptable."

Charnessa places herself in the middle of the beach towel and unfastens booth ends of her diaper. She holds both her legs wide open, facing Mommy.

"I want you to shave my pussy, Mommy."

Charnessa tries to sound nonchalant, but it comes out flippant. Mommy is flustered.

"Baby C, you are not to use such vulgar language in front of your Mommy."

Charnessa smiles, she's getting excited, feeling a new sense of power in upsetting Mommy.

"Fuck you, Mommy! Eat my pussy, old lady! Eat my motherfucking pussy, bitch!"

Charnessa loses her cool. She kicks Mommy with all her might and sends her sprawling. Mommy's mask comes off as she reels backwards and hits the ground.

Using years of dance training, Charnessa hops off the bed and straddles Mommy in one powerful, athletic leap. She explodes in rage, pummeling Mommy with wild haymakers. Mommy covers her face as two more men in masks storm into the room and push Charnessa off. They forcefully throw Charnessa back on the bed and tie her arms to each bedposts with thin but very strong ropes of wire.

Mommy grabs her mask and slowly gets to her feet. Charnessa didn't get a good look at her real face. Mommy gets her mask secured as the the two men hold her powerful legs in check. They quickly get each leg attached to the bottom bedposts with more wire.

Chanessa is spread eagle on the bed, wearing only her purple t-shirt.

Mommy lashes out at Charnessa, using very un-Mommy like language.

"Baby C, you stupid fucking, cunt! I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

The two men stand at the sides of the bed with their arms folded as Mommy limps around the room until she gets to a closet. Charnessa's tried the closet before but has not been able to open it. Mommy pulls out a key and opens the door with ease.

Mommy pulls out an old baseball bat and slams the closet door shut. She limps back over to the bed and holds the bat close to Charnessa's face.

8 days of torture has pushed Charnessa over the edge. She doesn't care anymore, she isn't backing down.

"Go ahead and do it, you fat old, limping, bitch! I ain't fucking scared of you! Go ahead and kill me! End this sick shit now!"

Mommy raises the bat over her head.

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