《The Toy human》Chapter 8 Devastating betrayal


It was now the morning of day 8. Breakfast had been served. Charnessa was starting to think over strategy of how to deal with her imprisonment.

Yesterday she had done all that was expected of her. She had gone through the humiliation of having her underarms shaved and the embarrassment of fainting from fright. She had endured being drugged, diaper changes, and talking to Mommy and Daddy in short, child like, phrases. She went through the day having raised no objections over her treatment. She asked no questions as to why she was being detained or how long she could expect her imprisonment to last.

She had complied with appropriate behavior all day long and into this morning. She didn't seem any closer to having any answers. She gained no rewards for good behavior, other than being told she was a good baby and condescending pats on the head. She was no closer to freedom.

Perhaps being compliant wasn't the way to go. Maybe she should start objecting again, and fighting back. She was frozen by indecision. She simply did not know what to do.

Charnessa wandered over to her desk and woke her computer. Maybe she could pass some hours playing mindless games as she waited for her second shaving.

Charnessa dreaded the shaving. She was determined to react differently to it today. She felt stupid that she passed out yesterday. It probably gave her audience a thrill to see her so scared. She thought about what happened with the rational thinking of a 34 year old, master of fine arts graduate.

"The sound generated from the harmless little razor had to be a sound effect." She thought, "There's no way an electronic device that small could create a noise that loud. They were fucking with my head..., and like a dope, I fell for it."

She held up her arm to examine her armpit under her dark purple shirt. She had fine stubble hair from a rough and indelicate cut but there was no pain. The discomfort she felt yesterday was probably from generous amounts of rubbing alcohol.

"I panicked over nothing. Today I'm going to stay cool. And I'm not giving those bastards any baby talk. Either I keep my mouth shut or I respond like an adult. I'm not a fucking child!"

So the plan was set. Could she stick to it? What if there was another perverse poll result?


Charnessa cruised online to see what, if anything, was worth doing. To her surprise, littlespace.com was available. She quickly logged on as baby C and looked for the chat box. Daddy Dominic was listed!

Baby C : Hello Daddy Dominic! Are your really there?

Daddy Dominic : Yes I am, baby C. How are you doing this morning?

Baby C : I'm fine, Daddy Dominic. I enjoy talking to you.

Daddy Dominic : I enjoy talking to you too, baby C. Listen, about the other day, I said some things to you that perhaps I shouldn't have said.

Charnessa thought carefully before responding. She didn't want to be disconnected for inappropriate behavior. Daddy Dominic knew things about her personal life that no stranger should know. As of yet, it was the closest thing she has to a clue about this whole strange situation. She had to risk prying further.

Baby C: Daddy, I don't want to be inappropriate with you, but you know details about my personal life, very personal and painful details. I'm going to have to ask you, how do you know these things about me?

Charnessa looks at the blinking cursor of Daddy Dominic. She is anxiously awaiting an answer. 15 seconds, 30 seconds pass. Charnessa closes her eyes and bows her head. She's shut down the conversation again.

Wait! Daddy Dominic is typing an answer.

Daddy Dominic : Baby C, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to trust me. I am on your side. If you believe I am on your side then I want you to type, yes daddy.

Baby C : Yes, daddy.

Daddy Dominic : Good. I want to tell you somethings about who I am and what I know. I have to be very careful, baby C. I think I've figured out certain things about what's going on. Our conversation is being monitored. But it's only being monitored one way. They aren't paying attention to what I'm saying. Don't ask me why, I don't know, maybe they trust me. They are only monitoring YOUR responses, baby C. As long as you stay within certain parameters, we won't be disconnected. This is what I've discovered through trial and error. I ask that you play along with me. I need you to type, yes, daddy, tell me more.

Baby C : Yes, daddy, tell me more.

Daddy Dominic : Good. That's the spirit, baby C! I will tell you what I can in bits in pieces. When I type, respond, I need you to type something in response. Keep it simple and short, pretend you are into being a baby. We can't go too long without you responding or they'll grow suspicious. We have to keep this code up if we are going to get anywhere and really communicate. Otherwise, they'll pull the plug on us, like they did the other day. Okay, you got it? Good. Respond.


Baby C : Ohhh yes, daddy. That sounds like a lot of fun!

Daddy Dominic : Excellent, girl! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Keep it right there! Okay, first I have a confession to make. I'm the reason why you have been taken captive. You know me in real life, you might have already guessed who I am. I betrayed you, Charnessa. I work for these people and I want to get out. I've seen too much abuse. I took this job because it pays me an astronomical sum of money. I'm starting to realize the money isn't worth it. The people that run this operation are sick. Sorry for this bombshell, dear. I'll give you a moment to let this sink in. Respond.

Charnessa's heart sinks as she reads each successive word. This man knows her by name. She thinks back to the events of a little more than a week ago. It's all starting to make sense now. She is blown away.

Daddy Dominic : Respond! Charnessa, you've got to type something, quick!

Baby C: Daddy, I've been really nice all day. I've been a very good baby. Friends treat each other nice, don't they daddy? If you are nice to someone you love, they're supposed to be nice back to you, right?

Daddy Dominic : Dammit, Charnessa! You can't be too obvious like that! You are really pushing it, girl! They're going to shut us down. Look, I know you are mad. You have every right to be angry. Yes, I betrayed you. But hear me now, Charnessa, I sincerely apologize. I want out. If want out too, we've got to stick together. I am just as trapped in this hellhole as you are. I think I've figured a way out of this but we have to be careful. We have to plan this in stages. Are you with me, girl? Respond.

Baby C : Daddy, I'm getting tired now. I don't want to chat anymore. I think I want to take a nap.

Daddy Dominic : Okay, Charnessa, I know you are still steaming. I'll give you a chance to cool down. Again, please accept my apology. This rabbit hole is deeper than anyone ever anticipated. I think what we are dealing with is non-human intelligence. They seem to lack empathy. No, not just that, they lack any form of emotion at all. Emotions seem to amuse them, but also frighten them. It's really sinister and twisted. I've formed a small coalition. We all need each other to get out of here. Think about what I've said, okay? Respond.

Baby C : Bye, daddy.

Daddy Dominic : Uh, okay..., bye baby C. We'll chat later, dear.

Charnessa is filled with rage as she logs off of littlespace. She knows she is being watched from above and on camera. She doesn't want to visibly show how upset she really is. With pursed lips she walks over the the bed and snuggles into a fetal position. She fishes out her paci from the covers and plops it in her mouth. She closes her eyes and pretends to take a nap.

Daddy Dominic is the same Dominic she knows from her grief recovery group. It is a group that holds twice weekly meetings on the north side of Chicago. Charnessa has been attending the meetings religiously for the last six months as her life has come crashing down around her. The group has gotten her through the death of her mother, being fired from her job, and her ugly divorce. She considers the people from the group to be her friends.

There was no greater friend from the group than Dominic. He was an older man with greying hair and a thick salt and pepper mustache. Dominic was her sponsor. He had been a very sympathetic shoulder that patiently listened to all her troubles over late night phone conversations.

This same Dominic is responsible for her captivity in this human zoo.

"You sick, demented, son of a bitch!" Charnessa thinks as she sucks amiably on her pacifier. "If I ever get the chance, I'm going to fucking kill you!"

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