《The Toy human》Chapter 11 This behavior cannot be tolerated


The end of the day routine confirmed that Mommy was on board with the growing alliance. Baby C leaned on Mommy and said she was tired. Mommy whispered back that she was tired too. Charnessa fell into her drugged sleep feeling hopeful that she would finally escape her nightmare.

Chranessa began day 9 of her imprisonment as she had all other days. She was very cordial with Mommy, responding only in happy, baby babble. Mommy gave her a black t-shirt to wear. You couldn't see her nipples through the black. The t-shirt signified the highest level of compliance.

Mommy changed her diaper and gave her baby her morning injection. Baby C danced around the room with a smile on her face. She ended her routine with a leap from the bed into a split on the floor. As the beings from above the dome applauded her performance, Charnessa noticed a folded piece of paper brushing up against her skin within the diaper.

"This is got to be a message from Mommy." Charnessa thought.

She tried to think of a way she could read the note without being noticed by the ever present camera. She waited until after breakfast was over and sat down at her computer. She discreetly retrieved the note and unfolded it in between her legs as she pretended to play games on line. The note was to the point.

Daddy has a plan to get you out the room for meeting. Crap yourself after lunch at usual time. Play along and refuse to be changed.

Okay. This seems simple enough.

Charnessa doesn't know any details of the plan but was on notice. Whatever ruse Daddy has in mind, she's going to play along. It's been 9 days since she's seen anything other than this annoying room and the ominous dome above. She wants out.

The timing on the note is specific. Charnessa knows it's usually after lunch before she has to go pee or poo. Still she fears an early accident. She needs an activity to calm her mind, bowels and bladder.

Charnessa goes online to littlespace in the hopes of chatting with Daddy Dominic. Unfortunately, it says the site was undergoing maintenance and would be back soon. She is forced to waste time playing mindless video games.


After lunch, Charnessa feels the familiar pressure building inside her tummy. She feels nervous and excited. Never has she felt such anticipation over the prospect of shitting herself. She closes her eyes and squeezes hard. This needs to be loud.


Charnessa is dizzy when she opens her eyes. It's not the fart of the century but it's the best she can do under the circumstances. It should bring attention. She stands in a corner of the room with her arms folded. If it's a show they want, then it's a show she's going to give. She's ready to get loud and ignorant with Daddy.

The door opens.

"Baby C, it sounds like you had to go potty. Daddy is here to change his baby. Assume the position on the bed and Daddy will change you."

"No. I don't want to get on the bed. I want to walk around in a poopy diaper."

Their was a gasp from above. Baby C was refusing a diaper change. Daddy remains calm.

"Now, now Baby C. You know you can't go walking around in a poopy diaper. That is unacceptable behavior. Get on the bed now and assume the position. Defiance will be punished, baby C."

"No, Daddy. I will not assume nothin. I'm a bad baby. A bad, bad, badass baby and I won't be changed."

More gasps and snickers come from the top of the opaque dome. The livestream viewer numbers are over 7,000.

"Daddy is running out of patience with you baby C. You are very much out of line, today. We are already past the point of the ruler or a spanking. Get down on the bed and assume the position, right now!"

Daddy is losing his cool. Charnessa thinks about digging in the back of her diaper and writing a message on the wall. Daddy grabs her arms before she can do anything.

Charnessa wants to be bad. She starts humming a tune and then busts into a freestyle rap. This is completely out of character for her but that's the point.

"I'm a badass baby. I don't mean maybe. I go pee and poo as my soggy diapy drips thru. Who dat bitch in the diaper with a booty itch? Badass baby is a nasty ass witch."


The lyrics are beyond silly. Charnessa wants to make it look like she's lost her mind.

Daddy rears a hand back. Charnessa expects to be slapped. Daddy holds his hand as if waiting for a signal. The PA system crackles with static. A command is given.

"Enough. This behavior can no longer be tolerated. The animal has cracked. Take her to compliance training immediately!"

The door opens. The two men who restrained her yesterday rush in. Daddy holds Charnessa's in place as they grab her arms and handcuff her behind her back. They aren't gentle. They force her to walk barefoot out the door.

Once out in the hall the smooth floor turns to rough, rocky ground. Charnessa examines the claustrophobic walls. Everything is encased in rock. The opening is so narrow that three adults can barely fit walking side by side. The ceiling is uneven. At most it rises to 7 feet, at times they have to stoop down to get thru.

"This is a fucking coal mine!" Charnessa blurts, horrified.

She expected a jail like facility, with concrete tiles and florescent lights, much like her room.

The passage is dimly lit. The stumbling Charnessa steps on a sharp pebble and stops.

"Owww! I hurt my foot. Fellas..., give me a second, please."

Daddy scolds her.

"Shut up, baby C! Keep walking. You brought this on yourself."

The men push her forward. She steps on several other small pebbles and stone as she is hurried through the maze of rock.

Finally the passage opens up into a wider area, still surrounded by rock. There are several jail cells on either side of the hall. Charnessa is roughly pushed into the nearest cell. She immediately recognizes this place. It's the same holding cell baby Watson was in on the bad baby video. She sees the camera up in the corner.

Mommy steps out of nowhere and enters the cell with Charnessa. She is wielding a baseball bat.

"Hello, baby C. Mommy's been waiting for you, dear."

Daddy, and the two security guards all surround her in the cramped cell. They are all wearing their masks and standing over menacingly. No one has removed her handcuffs.

A sinking feeling is welling up inside Charnessa as she sits cowering on the floor, trying to examine her dirty and bleeding feet. She's been tricked.

"Oh shit...., I guess this all was really a trap, huh?"

"Shut up, baby C!" Daddy shouts, "You brought this on yourself. We're done with the soft discipline. Now we wait for the executioner."

Charnessa can't believe her ears. She panics.

"I..., I thought you said, I was going to be disciplined..., like being hit and stuff...., right?"

Mommy shakes her head back and forth slowly. She smacks the barrel of her bat in her hand.

"We're beyond that now, baby C." Mommy informs her. "We're tired of your abuse and push back. The executioner has been called in to exact revenge."

Charnessa's eyes fill with tears.

"Revenge for what? I haven't fucking done anything! You put me in this goddamn prison and tortured me for 9 days! All I did was resist."

A hooded figure in a black robe appears and walks into the tiny cell.

"Too late to apologize, baby C." Daddy says, "The executioner is here."

Charnessa sits on the floor resigned. There is no more fight left in her. She smiles ironically.

"All of this..., just to be killed in the end. Ain't that something? And I thought my ratings were going up. I got 7,000 views, man."

The executioner closes the cell with a firm clang. This must be it. He gets on the bed and reaches for the security camera. He clicks the light off.

"Oh, I get it," Charnessa says bitterly, "When you guys are done having fun you turn the camera off so you can kill people in quiet. Nice going murderers."

The executioner pulls off his hood.

It's Daddy Dominic!

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