《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 5
The sun was rising as the rays of light shines on the neighborhood. One of them brought the light through a window. Just then, an alarm went off and repeated the sound countless times. Eventually a hand reached out and pressed the button to stop it. It was Mizuki, as she sat up from her bed and yawned. She ran her hand through her hair and looked around her room. Right next to her desk was her volleyball uniform. She smiled, and then took a deep breath.
After a while, she ate breakfast and changed into casual shirt and pants. Soon she was carrying her gym bag and was out the door. In the kitchen, there was a bento she made for Shoyo. On top was a note.
I'll be having a practice match today
Be back in the late afternoon
— Mizuki
"And that's all she said," Hinata was standing in front of his captain in the gym.
"I see. Well, you can tell the coach when he gets here. For now, just warm up with the others."
>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>
Mizuki had just got off the bus. She looked at the directions her coach gave. She walked down a street that had shops with all sorts of food products. While minding her own business, three high school girls were walking a few feet ahead of her.
"Let's get their early."
"Sure. I hope he'll be there. I want to give him these cookies."
"They look nice."
"Yours too."
Suddenly, a dog on a leash was running towards them.
"Look out!" The dog's owner shouted. The girls looked up to see the dog right in front of them. They panicked as the dog came right up to one of them. The girl threw her cookie bag high in the air.
"Aaahh! My—!!"
"?" Mizuki looked up to see the bag. She reacted and jumped to snatch it in her right hand. The girls were surprised as Mizuki safely landed. The dog owner grabbed the leash and apologized to the girls.
"I'm very sorry."
"N-no....it's fine."
"No harm done." As the dog and his owner left, Mizuki went towards the girls.
"Is this yours?" She looked at the brunette.
"Ah, yes. Thank you so much."
"Are those handmade?" Mizuki asked.
"Wow~ They look so cute."
"T-thank you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but do you know where Aoba Johsai High is? I think I'm lost."
"Oh, actually we're students there," a girl with black hair answered.
"We can take you there if you'd like," the short hair girl suggested.
"Really? Is that okay?"
"Sure. I have to thank you for saving my cookies," the brunette smiled.
"Thank you so much! I appreciate it!" Mizuki smiled and bowed to them.
Soon they were all walking together. Mizuki later learned that the brunette was Matsuko, the black hair girl was Rin, and the one with shorter black hair was Hana. As they entered the front gate, the girls explained why they had small gift bags.
"So you're going to give those treats to this Oikawa person?"
"Hai. He's so cool and handsome," Rin dreamily sighed.
"He's the best setter on the volleyball team," Hana said, "and he's the captain, too."
"We always go to their games and cheer for him."
"But it is true when you said you graduated high school in America?"
"Hai. I just came here a week after graduation."
"And you're our age? You're lucky to be done with school."
"By the way," Matsuko implied, "why do you have to visit the gym?"
"Well, my coach wanted me to practice with the boy's volleyball team."
"Eehh!?" They all exclaimed, startling Mizuki.
"That means you'll be playing with Oikawa-san!"
"How lucky~!"
"So you play volleyball?"
"I love volleyball," Mizuki grinned, "it was a lot of work, but I had fun."
"That's so cool, that you know how to play," Hana smiled.
"Oh, we're here," Rin pointed to the gym. They entered the large building, where the volleyball players were already setting up the equipment. Mizuki turned to see the girls.
"Well, I have to see the coach. Thank you for helping me." She bowed to them.
"No problem. Good luck with practice." They waved as they went to sit in the stands up above.
Mizuki exhaled and smiled. She walked onto the court, looking at the members who wore their uniforms. She then saw a man with dirty blonde hair. Mizuki smiled and immediately ran towards him.
"Mizoguchi!" She happily shouted, as the man turned his head. She jumped on his back with him stumbling as she had her arms around his neck.
"Eh? Mizuki...?" He stared at her as she got off and faced him in front.
"I missed you," she grinned, "you're still coaching, I see."
"Is that really you, Mizuki? You look different," he smiled and then ruffled her hair.
"Geez, stop it..." she fixed her hair.
"You came. Glad you can make it."
"Irihata-sensei," Mizuki walked up to him.
"Look at you," he smiled, "you turned into such a beautiful young lady."
"Thank you, sensei."
"Uh...? Where's Shotarou?"
"He's late," she huffed.
"Ahaha, that sounds like him. We've been old friends, so I'm used to his change of pace. At least you're here."
"I'm glad. I heard a lot about your team from my little brother."
"Alright...why don't I gather everyone," Mizoguchi blew his whistle, catching everyone's attention.
"Line up you guys!" And so they did. The members grouped together while the coaches and Mizuki stood facing them. Some of the players looked at the girl confusingly.
"Before we begin practice," Irihata announced, "there's someone I would like you to meet. Go ahead."
"Hai," Mizuki walked up, "I'm Hinata Mizuki, 17 years old. Its nice to meet you." She bowed to them.
"Mizuki is a volleyball player from America, and just moved back to Japan. She will be practicing with us today. So behave yourselves, and give her a warm welcome. Got it?"
"Yosh! All of you can resume your duties!" The coaches left Mizuki with the others. Just then, a boy with spiky hair came towards her. She looked up at him.
"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, third-year and vice-captain of the Aoba Joshai Volleyball team. Nice to meet you." He put his hand out, and Mizuki shook it with a smile.
"Its nice to meet you, Iwaizumi."
"You said your name was Hinata Mizuki."
"That sounds like the small boy we played against. His name was Hinata too."
"Hinata Shoyo? Yes, he's my little brother by two years."
"Really?" He asked in surprise. Mizuki nodded.
"But you know...you can call me Mizuki. I use my first name so no one will get confused with my brother's."
"Ah, no... I can't do that..." he gave a small smile.
"It's fine. I don't usually like the formalities. So call me Mizuki from now on, kay'?"
"Watch out!" Someone shouted. A volleyball was in the air, and headed towards them.
"I got it, Kindaichi!" Iwaizumi was about to grab it, when Mizuki jumped and caught it with ease.
Mizuki landed in front of him. The orange hair girl looked at the ball, and gave it to Iwaizumi.
"Here you go," Mizuki handed him the ball.
"Ah, t-thank you." Iwaizumi was shocked, just as much as the others. He didn't see someone jump that high, except for her brother. Mizuki turned to see Kindaichi and walked towards him.
"Kindaichi, was it?"
"Ah—hai!" He stiffened with a blush. Mizuki glanced at the pole he was holding.
"Let me help you," she grabbed the other end.
"Oh, no! You don't have to..." However, Mizuki swung the end on her shoulder and turned her head.
"Don't worry. If I'm here, I might as well help you. Let's go!" She smiled while walking, with Kindaichi following her either way. Iwaizumi couldn't help but be impressed by how persistent and helpful she was, even though she was their guest. Just then, he heard girls squealing and shouting near one of the entrances. The vice-captain irked and turned to see the chocolate hair boy walking in with his usual dumb look.
"Hey, Shittykawa! You're late!" Iwaizumi glared at him.
"Sorry, Iwa-chan," he smiled. From the court, Mizuki tapped on Kindaichi's shoulder.
"Who's that?" Mizuki whispered.
"That's Oikawa Tooru. He's our captian."
"Heh~ so that's Oikawa." She curiously stared at him. She shrugged her shoulders and then looked around to see a boy with a shaved head.
"Hey~," she called out to him, "you there! What's your name?"
"Uh... Watari Shinji..."
"Watari, can you help set up the net?"
"Hai!" He gathered the net with the help of Kindaichi. From afar, Oikawa and Iwaizumi watched them.
"Heh~ who's that little cutie?"
"Hey, don't start hitting on her," Iwaizumi warned his friend, "that's Hinata Mizuki; Hinata's older sister. She's going to practice with us."
"Hoh~?" Oikawa slowly walked ahead. Mizuki was busy helping another member gather the volleyballs.
"Nice to meet you, Yahaba-kun," she smiled as the boy shyly smiled back.
"Hello~" Oikawa interrupted them. Mizuki looked up at him and blinked.
"Oh, hello..."
"Thank you for helping my kouhai with the supplies," he beamed, "my name is Oikawa Tooru, third-year and captain of the team."
"... Hinata Mizuki...."
"I heard from Iwaizumi that your shrimp-chan's older sister, right? I didn't expect you to be so cute. I'm jealous~"
"Uhh...." Oikawa took a step closer and did a peace sign.
"You can call me Oikawa. If you need anything, just call me and I'll be there. I wouldn't want a beautiful girl like you to do everything by yourself."
"Ah...um..." She sweat dropped.
"Say, after practice do you want to hang out? I'd like to know you more an..." He didn't finish as Mizuki snuck away to see Iwaizumi.
"Umm, Iwaizumi," she whispered, "your friend is creeping me out. He keeps talking on and on. Is he always that straightforward with girls?"
"Pfftt!!" Iwaizumi couldn't answer, as he was trying to suppress his laughter. Oikawa stared blankly at them, until Iwaizumi cleared his throat.
"S-sorry," he couldn't help but smile, "don't worry about him. He's nice, I guess...but to be honest, he can be a total pain in the ass. So if he bothers you again, I'll kick his ass and set him straight."
"Hey! That's mean~!" Oikawa whined.
"Shut up! Trashykawa!" Iwaizumi scowled at him, while Mizuki chuckled at the vice-captain. She knew instantly that they had a complicated friendship, but cared in their own way.
"Mizuki," Mizoguchi walked up, "we've assembled the teams for practice. It's first and second-years against the third years. You can decide which team you'll be playing."
"Hinata-chan~ be on my team~!"
"No thanks. I'm with the other team." She bluntly declined.
"You sure you're okay with it?" Iwaizumi asked.
"Well we can't have two ace players on one team," she smiled while waving her finger, "it wouldn't be fair."
"Eh? Hinata..."
"Ah, hai. Mizuki...you're an ace?"
"I was a libero before switching roles, but I like being the ace too. It's a challenge for me."
>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
The teams were set up on the court. Mizuki was the replacement for Kunimi Akira, one of their wing spikers. The third years were the first to serve the ball. Iwaizumi bounced the ball a few times. In the stands, the three girls were watching them.
"Its starting," Rin said.
"I wonder how Hinata-san will do?" Matsuko looked at Mizuki, who was standing on the court with the juniors. Meanwhile, Irihata looked to his left to see Shotarou walking towards him.
"I'm here," Shotarou grinned.
"You're late, Paul," Irihata smirked at him.
"Ahaha, my bad," he rubbed the back of his neck, "so did I miss anything?"
"We just started. I believe practice will be a little interesting with Mizuki here."
"Heh...I hope so." The old men watched as the game commenced.
"Nice serve!" Iwaizumi's teammates shouted. He threw the ball up and spiked it towards Watari. The second year caught it.
"Nice receive!" Yahaba shouted.
"Yahaba! Toss it!" Mizuki shouted. He did what he said, and set the ball. However, he thought it was too high.
Just when the blockers jumped up, Mizuki jumped higher as she saw the ball come towards her.
"Ah—!" They were startled.
"Hah!" Mizuki slammed the ball right passed their hands and passed Iwaizumi. Mizoguchi blew his whistle. A few people from the stands were shocked more than the players.
"What power!"
"Woah! She totally got through them," Matsuko smiled.
Mizuki stretched her arms out. She then looked at the second year.
"Ah, hai!" Mizuki walked up and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Good job," she complimented, "that set was perfect. Keep it up."
"A-ah, thank you Hinata-san!" He bowed and stood up again.
"Its Mizuki," she smiled as the second year blushed.
"Looks like her serves are improving," Irihata stated.
"She's only been an ace for two years," Shotarou began, "but she's a fast learner. Mizuki is the most determined person I ever met."
"That's why you let her train with the older kids, is that it?" Irihata laughed. Shotarou shrugged with a smile.
"Heh~ interesting," Oikawa was amused. When it was the third year's turn, Oikawa was the one to serve. He gave a brief wave to his fans as they squealed, much to the demise of Iwaizumi. The captain jumped and his serve was fierce. Mizuki looked back.
"That serve was amazing," she whispered.
"Did you like my serve, Mizu-chan~?" 'Oikawa winks. Both Mizuki and Iwaizumi frown at him for using a casual nickname. Oikawa serves another powerful swing. Still the shot went towards Mizuki, who quickly received it.
"I've seen better," she playfully stuck her tongue out with a smile, making the third years smirk.
The match continued. So far the juniors were in the lead on the last set; 23—22. From the stands, Rin glanced to her left to see Hana pulling out a sports magazine.
"What are you doing?" Rin asked.
"Wait a second..." Hana flipped through three pages until she came across it. Her eyes and mouth widened.
"Ah! Look you guys!" The girls huddled and stared at the magazine. They saw pictures of female volleyball players, and a few of them had Mizuki in it.
"Says that she's one of the top female players in the U.S.!"
"No way," Rin gaped, "she's that good?" They looked back at the orange hair girl in bewilderment.
"Let's keep it up guys," Mizuki shouted. She threw the ball up, spiking it with such force. Matsukawa's arms made contact, but only a brief moment as the ball bounced out.
"Don't mind!" Iwaizumi wiped his sweat and stared at Mizuki.
"Amazing," he smirked, "I didn't think she could use a powerful serve."
"Don't worry, Iwa-chan," Oikawa said, "we'll win the next point."
"Wuah~! That ball had a lot of speed," Hana exclaimed.
"Oikawa-san and Mizuki are really strong," Matsuko thought.
"I don't know who I should cheer for," said Rin.
The juniors were only one point away from winning. They readied themselves as Iwaizumi was next to serve. When he swung the ball to the left, Watari quickly dove to get it.
"Nice receive!" Mizuki shouted. She watched as Yahaba set the ball for one of the juniors. However, right when he spoke it, the third years blocked the shot.
It was about to hit in the back when Mizuki dove to receive it.
What surprised them was how Mizuki used both hands, making a handstand and then spun herself to turn. She put her feet down and then ran back.
"Toss it! Yahaba!!"
Startled at first, the second year did what she said.
"No you don't!" Iwaizumi, Oikawa and Hanamaki tried to block her, but it was too late.
"I predicted that," Mizuki smirked. She jumped. On her right, she lightly bent her hand to make the ball drop in front of them. The ball bounced, and slowly rolled away from them.
"A feint...?" Watari questioned.
Mizoguchi smirked and then blew the whistle. The match was over, and the juniors won with 25-22 points. The first and second years couldn't believe it.
"We won!" Kindaichi and Watari high fived each other.
"Good job everyone!" Mizuki faced the juniors with a smile.
"I didn't think we could win," Yahaba smiled, "thank you for playing with us, senpai."
"Its my pleasure," she said, "I can see why Karasuno is keeping an eye on you. You guys have a lot to improve on, but all the more reason to make this team even stronger. Even though I'll be with Karasuno, I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for the Inter-high." They smiled at her and then bowed with respect.
"Thank you very much!!" They shouted. From the bench, the coaches chuckled. Mizuki turned to see the third years. She put her hand out.
"Thank you for letting me play a match with your team. Let's do this again sometime," she smiled. Iwaizumi was the first to shake her hand.
"Sure. Next time we won't lose," he declared.
"That was exciting," Matsuko thought.
"She really is a pro," Rin stated.
"Yeah. Oh, let's not forget why we're here. We have to give these to Oikawa," Hana dashed ahead.
"H-hey, wait for us!" Rin and Matsuko followed her.
As the team was conversing with Mizuki, coach Shotarou stood up with his hands on his hips.
"Well...we should be going now," he said.
"Alright," Irihata put his hand out. Shotarou shook it.
"It was nice meeting you again."
"You too."
"Mizuki~! We have to go!"
"Eh? Already," she shouted back.
"It's almost 3!"
"Aah! I'm going to be late!" Mizuki ran towards the bench to get her stuff. She swung the strap over her shoulder and started running, but then stopped to see the boys.
"It was nice meeting you guys! I'll see you at the Inter-high!" She then looked at Iwaizumi and Oikawa, who gave a confused look.
"Make sure you keep him out of trouble, Iwaizumi! And you," she pointed at Oikawa, "I'll consider you as my friend, as long as you don't flirt with me! Got it, Trashykawa~!" She stuck her tongue out and then gave a toothy grin. Iwaizumi and the others laughed. Oikawa was left stunned.
"Shotarou-sensei! Let's get going!" She ran out of the courts as Shotarou walked, waving to his friend while leaving. Iwaizumi tried to calm himself down, but still giving out a chuckle or two.
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