《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 4
Hey there! So here's chapter 4; please tell me what you think. Enjoy
The match resumed as usual. With countless fails, Hinata and Kageyama finally found an opening. Even so, they had a long way to go. Kageyama had trouble trying to adjust his tosses, but that didn't stop the others from receiving their misses.
"Nice cover!"
"Toss it!"
Up in the stands, Shimada and Yusuke were watching them.
"Both teams are doing a good job." They watched as Yamamoto spiked the ball passed Tanaka and Hinata.
"Damn." Tanaka frowned.
"Looks like Taketora is fired up," Shibiyama stated.
"Karasuno has a similar player," Nekomata implied, "maybe that's why."
"That's a no brainer," Mizuki giggled. She looked at the score board; 13 to 17 on the second set. Karasuno needs to turn it around.
She wrote down everything she saw. Throughout the set she saw Nekoma show their skills; a back row attack and a few solid quick. However, she took notice of Kuroo's serve. He did a fake quick, and messed the blocker's timing before he spiked the ball.
'Not bad...' she smirked.
Mizuki was intrigued by their efforts, and there was no doubt that these two teams were true rivals. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted when Ukai shouted.
"Pound them with your power and speed!"
"That sounds villainous," Hinata sweat dropped at his coach as Ukai laughed.
"Ravens are villainous, aren't they?" Ukai gave a scary expression, with villainous look in his eyes.
"Pfftt!!" Mizuki covered her mouth and started stifling her laughter. She crouched over a bit as she clutched her waist with the other arm. Nekomata grinned slightly.
Everyone was fired up now. They kept on attacking one receive, one block, one spike after another. It felt endless. However, there had to be a conclusion. Mizuki watched as Hinata spiked the ball, which Yaku bounced it to the net.
"We got it!" Takeda shouted. Kai made a messy receive when it came towards him, but right at that moment, Kenma dove in. The ball hit his palm, sending it over the net and over Nishinoya and Hinata. They both ran to get it, but even Mizuki knew it was too late. The ball bounced passed them, and Naoi whistled the last call, ending the game; 23 to 25.
"Alright~!!" The Nekoma players gathered around Kenma. Yamamoto ruffled his hair as the others smiled. They all did their best, both teams did everything they could. Even so, Mizuki was impressed.
'As expected of them,' she thought, 'it seems that we were tested on all sorts of levels.' She glanced at Ukai. Mizuki sighed as she saw his look of defeat.
"One more!"
"...?" Mizuki turned to see her brother. Everyone else did.
"One more," he repeated, "let's do it!"
"Why not," Nekomata smiled, "that's what a practice match is for." The old man turned to Mizuki. She blinked a few times, but then smiled and nodded.
After three more games, everyone was exhausted. Some were literally lying on the ground while some were about to collapse. Although Ukai had to literally lift Hinata by his shirt, preventing him from asking another game. When it was time to huddle up, Mizuki stood next to Kiyoko as Ukai and Takeda stood in front of Nekoma.
"You all did well," he stated, "I couldn't ask for anything less from this team." He then glanced towards Mizuki, who gave a confused look.
"Mizuki," he spoke, "why don't you give them a few words?"
"Eh... Me?" She consciously walked in front, Ukai stepping aside.
"Ah...well..." For a moment she paused. Mizuki closed her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled. She looked right in front of her.
"Well, for starters.... Yama-kun." She looked at him as he flinched a little.
"Your spikes are intense," she stated, "not to mention your rowdy personality. I like that." The second year blushed a little.
"Yaku-san," she turned her head, "the way you received Asahi's spikes were amazing. You didn't flinch one bit. Good job. Inuoka... I have to say I'm impressed how you were able to block my brother's spikes. Your speed and agility is in top-notch, so don't lose sight of that. Kuroo-san..." Mizuki turned to the right.
"I was surprised when you faked that quick serve. With your quick thinking, you caught them off guard. I expected nothing less from the captain of this team." Kuroo smirked a little.
"And Kenma... you were the highlight of this match. I can tell that you have a lot to work on, but you're very observant when it comes to working with your teammates. I hope to see more of that. All of you defeated us fair and square. I hope Karasuno meets you in the future. If that happens, I don't want to miss anything. Thank you for letting me watch you play." Mizuki gave her brightest smile.
"Thank you very much!" The team bowed to her.
After a while, everyone began to clean up. Hinata was helping Kageyama with the net, while Sawamura was with Kai thinking how Asahi was frightening Shibayama. Mizuki gathered the balls, right where a cart was. She decided to do underhand serves for the fun of it. She stood in the same spot as she kept hitting the balls into the cart, one by one until she served the second to last. She hummed to herself, feeling satisfied.
"Hey, little mandarin~" Kuroo walked up to her from behind, "your underhand serves are pretty good."
"Kuroo-san...why do you keep calling me that?" She asked curiously, while having a ball in her hands.
"Because of your hair," he thought, "its bright orange...not to mention...." He leaned half of his body to her height.
"Mandarin's are colorful and sweet...like you." He gave a smirk. Mizuki just blinked a few times, just before walking passed him. She stood on the far end of the court. On the other side, Kuroo looked at her curiously. The girl then took a stance. She did a short run before throwing the ball up high. Right then, she jumped as high as she could.
She smacked the ball, causing it to go over Kuroo's head and into the cart, making it rattle on the wall. Those who witnessed stood frozen. Karasuno's members smiled while Nekoma's team members had shocked expressions. Kuroo didn't move an inch as he stared at her.
"Just now," he stuttered, "she jumped...just like #10's..."
Mizuki regained her composure with a smile.
"Mandarin's are also strong in flavor," she waved her finger, "so fruity words like that won't sell it. Well, I have to see the coach...I'll leave the rest to you." She waved as she jogged towards the doors. As she walked out and into the hallway, she saw both coaches and Takeda talking to each other. However, that changed when she saw Ukai and Nekomata sending daggers at each other.
"Sensei, you're too confrontational," Naoi was trying to calm Nekomata down.
"Its his fault," he retorted, "he looks too much like that geezer."
"That's an immature remark!" Naoi whispered harshly. Ukai flinched in annoyance, his eyebrow twitching as he gaped at him.
"Aahh! I knew you two were going to do this!" she shouted as she powerwalked their way. They both flinched when they saw her.
"Hey! Don't run away from me!" She yelled as Ukai retreated, stomping away from Nekoosa's coaches as Takeda was running after him.
"What the hell were you two doing?" She glared at Nekomata as he sweat dropped.
"S-sorry, Mizuki," Naoi awkwardly smiled, "they were just having a spat..."
"Geez, I don't have time for this," she mumbled, "anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for letting me watch your match. It was nice meeting you again." She bowed to them.
"Yeah. Let's see each other in the next match," Naoi declared.
"Sure. Well, I gotta go. I'll tell coach you said hi." Mizuki gave a short hug to both of them and then left. Nekomata sighed as he watched her go.
"I hope Keishin doesn't give her a hard time," he thought.
Outside, everyone was saying their goodbyes. Mizuki couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. She noticed both aces from each team balling their eyes out, both captains and coaches were strangling their handshakes while Sugawara and Yaku were watching them worriedly.
'These guys are really something,' she thought. She sighed before going to separate the two captains. She pushed Sawamura away from Kuroo.
"Enough you two," she said, "you guys made your point."
"A-ah... sorry, Mizuki." Sawamura apologized.
"Hmm~ aren't you responsible, little mandarin~" Kuroo pats her head, but came short when Sawamura shielded her.
"Please reframe from bothering our friend," he said calmly.
"Ah, my bad," Kuroo put his hand up. They gave each other the same creepy smiles. Unaware to them, Mizuki was whispering into Yaku's ear.
"If we meet again, try to keep him from flirting with me. I hate to see what our captain would do if it happens again."
"I'll try," Yaku awkwardly smile.
>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
Karasuno was on the bullet train heading home. It wasn't that crowded, so they had all the room they needed. Hinata was talking with Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were sitting from across them, and Nishinoya and Tanaka were keeping an eye on Kiyoko. Nearby, Sugawara glanced to his left. He chuckled at what he saw.
"Daichi," he looked at Sawamura, who was next to him.
"It looks like Asahi is about to break," he smiled as he pointed at their friend. Some looked in the same direction. Nishinoya and Tanaka gawked.
In front of Sugawara and Sawamura was Asahi. The tall boy couldn't move, because he was too scared to. He glanced down at Mizuki, who fell asleep and was lying on his arm, with her head below his left shoulder. She breathed slowly, sounding peaceful. Asahi was flustered on the inside as he tried to stay calm.
"Asahi, you lucky bastard," Tanaka whispered as he clenched his fist.
".... Mmm..." Just then, Mizuki snuggled closer to Asahi, making him jolt slightly. He was now stone cold with a blush on his face. Both the captain and vice-captain chuckled. Sugawara pulled out his phone and faced it towards the two.
"H-hey," Asahi whispered, "w-what are you d-doing?"
"Shush Asahi...I have to make this a good one."
"H-hold on..." Asahi started to panic.
"That's not fair," Nishinoya whined, and Tanaka agreed.
"Mm...?" Just then, the orange hair girl stirred. She fluttered her eyelashes as she opened them slowly. She noticed she was looking at someone's feet. Mizuki looked up to see Asahi, who smiled awkwardly.
"...Asahi...?" she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "...did I fall asleep?"
"Ah, yes," he nodded. He watched as she yawned in her hand, still half asleep. She lazily smiled at him.
"I'm sorry...did I bother you...?"
"N-no. I didn't mind," he scratched his chin, "if you're still tired, then go back to sleep. We're not at the train station yet, so..."
"Really...? Then, I'll...yawn~" She didn't finish as she leaned on Asahi again, the side of her face turning towards him. Asahi sweat dropped while keeping the blush painted on himself.
"Hehehe...she must be really tired," Sugawara chuckled, "just let her sleep, Asahi. I'll just take another picture."
"You can do it, Asahi," Sawmaura gave him a thumbs up.
"Why are you cheering?" Asahi asked, feeling flustered again. He consciously looked down at her face. Mizuki was smiling in her sleep. He blinked a few times, but then his lips turned into a smile as he adjusted himself to make her comfortable.
>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>
After the ride home, Mizuki and Hinata walked back to their house.
"Eeh~? D-did I really do that?" Mizuki felt embarrassed.
"Yup," Hinata grinned, "Asahi-san was nervous and couldn't say anything because he thought he would wake you."
"Oh, man... I don't remember a thing. I have to apologize to him. I feel bad..."
Hinata put his bike away while Mizuki opened the door.
"I'm back~" she bellowed. Coming down the hallway was Natsu, Shoyo and Mizuki's little sister.
"Onee-chan~!" Natsu jumped as Mizuki caught her and hugged her tight.
"Hello Natsu!"
"Welcome back," Natsu smiled.
"Natsu, where's mom?" Hinata asked.
"Oni-chan...mom is in the kitchen." They followed the little girl into the kitchen, where mom was chopping some ingredients. The woman turned to see her children.
"Welcome back you two," she warmly smiled.
"Hi mom," Mizuki greeted her, "are you making dinner?"
"Yes, I just started."
"Let me help. We can do it together, just like we used to..." Mizuki grabbed an apron and tied it around her waist.
"Why not," Mrs. Hinata giggled. Both Mizuki and her mom made their meals while Natsu and Shoyo waited. After a few minutes, the food was all out on the table.
"... Delicious~!"
"Its so good!" Mizuki and her mom smiled at Hinata and Natsu, who were happily eating their meals.
"Its been so long since I've made a meal for you," Mrs. Hinata smiled at her eldest daughter.
"One-chan," Natsu looked up at her, "are you going to stay?"
"Of course," Mizuki giggled, "I won't be going back to America for a long time. So that means we can spend more time together."
"Yay~! I have so much to tell you!"
"Really?" she looked at her curiously with a smile.
"Mhm...today at school, I got to play jump rope and race around the school..." As Mizuki listened to Natsu, their mother smiled at them. She then turned to see her son.
"How was practice?" she asked.
"It was fun," he smiled, "Nekoma's volleyball team was really strong. I want to play against them as soon as possible."
"I see."
"Ah, earlier nee-san did an amazing spike," Hinata's eyes glistened in excitement, "she shot it in the volleyball cart form the other side of the court. The ball went, WHOOSH! And it crashed like, BOOM!" He was gesturing his arms while talking.
"Shoyo, they can't understand anything when you talk like that," Mizuki sweat dropped.
"I have to agree," their mom awkwardly laughed, "you're not the best at explaining things." Hinata flinched as they laughed.
They kept eating as they had light conversations, mostly about Mizuki's experience in America. When things quiet down, Mizuki got settled in her room. It was still the same way she left it. She wore her pajamas and had just finished brushing her hair. Looking at her bag, she pulled out a volleyball and spun it in her hands. She looked at it, and read the writing.
Fly to the Sky
She remembered when her brother gave her the ball. It was right before she left for America. She was walking out of the house early in the morning, when her brother came rushing out. He still had his pajamas on, his bed hair all messed up as he looked right at her. He showed a volleyball to her, and that's when she first saw those words, written in black.
It's a good luck charm!
That's what he said. Mizuki smiled when looking back at that memory. Just then, she heard Hinata from the door.
"You still have it?" He looked at it curiously. Mizuki smiled.
"Of course. Its my good luck charm, remember? I always kept it with me. I brought it to every game I had...." She went up and rubbed his head.
"Whenever I look at this, I think of you," she implied, "because you always supported me, no matter what happens." Hinata gave a toothy grin.
"We should get some rest," Mizuki thought, "I'll make you some lunch tomorrow, okay?"
"Alright. Goodnight nee-san." Hinata left and went to his room. Mizuki stretched her arms as she strolled to her bed. Just before turning in, she pulled out her phone. She found a message from her coach and carefully read it. She smiled, and then texted back. She yawned as she reached to turn off the lamp. Soon enough, she closed her eyes, drifting into a deep slumber. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.
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