《ARROGANCE | m.yg》f i f t e e n - r i n
The photo shoot concludes in the evening — around ten-thirty at night — and butterflies have been in my stomach all the while. Although I had fun playing around with all the boys and trying on all of the expensive clothes I could never hope to afford, I am still not the person Sangmi thinks I am. I'd tried on multiple occasions throughout the day to get her alone for a moment to tell her I'm not her model, but every attempt ended in failure. Now there's nothing to do but tell the short-tempered supervisor that I'm not who she thinks I am and see what follows.
I take a tentative step up to her as she barks a quick command at a nearby staff member.
"Excuse me, Sangmi-ssi?"
"I don't know if you're aware, but I'm not one of your models; I just tagged along today because I'm friends with Bangtan. I've been trying to get you alone all day to tell you, but every time I tried you ended up having to go do something. So, sorry for not telling you before."
Sangmi does something surprising then: she smiles. "I know you aren't one of my models, Rin. Yoongi told me earlier. You were doing a great job, so I decided to keep you in for the shoot even once the actual model showed up. I never did catch your surname, though. What is it? I need to credit you in the magazine." She pulls out her phone and looks at me expectantly, but my mind is reeling. The actual model showed up and Sangmi let me keep going?
"Well?" Sangmi asks again, her impatience clearly showing.
"It's Ah Rin. Sorry," I reply quickly. "If possible, could I get an 'also known as Silver?' It's my stage name."
"Stage name? What do you do for a living?" asks Sangmi, but she types out the name as she speaks.
"I'm an underground rapper," I explain. "And I don't think my real name suits me so well, so I have a stage name."
"I see," is Sangmi's reply. "Okay, Ah Rin AKA Silver it is, then."
"Thank you, Sangmi-ssi, that's very kind of you."
"Of course! Now, since you aren't in my system, I'm going to need to pay you upfront. Is cash okay?"
Again, I'm left bewildered, but I manage a small nod in response. Sangmi then pulls out her wallet and begins removing bills I can't quite believe someone would have on their person at any given time. She mumbles to herself as she counts off more cash than I think I've ever seen in the flesh and then hands it to me.
"That's 2.05 mil," she muses. "Our beginner models usually make less, but because you did such good work and were there in my hour of need, I gave you what I give our more experienced models. Oh, and here," she pulls something else out of her pocket and I gulp, worried what it might be. On top of the wad of cash, she places a business card. "Call me if you're interested in modeling for me more often. You're pretty damn close to a natural, Rin, and I'd be glad to have you in my agency if you're feeling up to it."
"Thank you, Sangmi-ssi, that's incredibly kind of you. I'll keep that in mind," I stammer, completely flabbergasted as to the amount of money Sangmi just gave to me. Almost forgetting my manners, I tightly grip the money in my hand and give a full ninety-degree bow. As I stand up straight again, Sangmi's smiling.
"I'd hope so. Now, I've got to finish cleanup around here, and you should be getting back with the boys. Thank you so much for helping me out today, Rin. I really hope you'll consider my offer."
I nod and smile gratefully again before darting off toward the entrance to the building. Bangtan is likely waiting for me in the van, and I've already kept them waiting long enough. As I'm leaving, though, I'm met with a sight that nearly brings me to tears.
It's the model that showed up late; the model I had to replace. And, just my luck, she's bawling her eyes out.
I stop dead in my tracks and look at the beautiful girl that I unintentionally helped to screw over. She's sporting black jeans and a green blouse as she's hunched over on a small interior step, head against her knees. My teal shoes clack almost unknowingly against the concrete floor as I step closer to her, feeling my hands move idly over the money Sangmi had given me. I look at the model silently as sobs rack her body and carefully count out 100,000 won before setting it beside her. Then I rest my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me, eyes red and nose puffy.
"I'm sorry about all this," I say honestly. "This job wasn't supposed to go to me. Bad things happen, but that's okay. I'm sure Sangmi will forgive you."
"I didn't want to be late," she says. "But my son couldn't get home from daycare, so I had to go pick him up and take him home, and then I got stuck in traffic."
My eyes widen as I take the woman in. She looks not just upset, but exhausted, and I really feel for her. I can't help it; I reach over and give the stranger a hug, one she returns quickly and tightly.
"Sangmi will forgive you, I know she will. Take care of yourself, and your family. You'll be alright." I nod at the money I placed on the ground and stand fully before walking away and out to the van. I regret not giving her more, but I really need all the cash I can get my hands on. I just hope it'll be enough for her for the immediate time.
My walk to the van is brisk. Summer's still in full swing, but something about tonight is oddly chilly. I jump in the passenger's seat and immediately bow to everyone in the van, apologizing for my lateness. The manager just nods and smiles, telling me it's okay, and the others are in agreement. He takes off before I can even buckle my seatbelt.
"You did great out there today, Rin," Seokjin says brightly. "You're a natural."
"Think so?" I reply. "I didn't really feel comfortable for a lot of it, but if you say so."
"If you weren't comfortable, it didn't show," Jimin seconds. "Well, you and Jungkook were a little shaky, but that was your first time out there. After you shot with Yoongi you loosened up and it was fine."
"Thanks, Jimin," I reply.
"Did Sangmi pay you?" Yoongi asks.
"Oh, yeah," I say quickly. "Yeah, she did."
"How much did you get?" Taehyung queries.
"Two million won, about," I say. "Which is far more than I was expecting."
"Wow, Sangmi's models make bank," Hoseok observes. "You got all that for one day?"
"She said because I was doing her a favor she paid me like an experienced model," I explain. "I didn't know experienced models made that much money in a day."
"Guess so," Jungkook chirps.
Discussion falls to other topics until the van stops again in my driveway, and Yoongi and I get out. It's nearing eleven o'clock now, and everyone seems tired, but Yoongi remains animated as he jumps out of the van.
I unlock the door to my house and he enters, kicking his shoes off.
"My house is a total mess, and for that I am sorry," I say pointedly. "I was going to try and spruce it up a bit, but I was kind of on a time crunch."
"Understandable," Yoongi chuckles. "So, where's the demo?"
"Right!" I say, almost having forgotten what my friend is here for. "Yeah, it's over here." I lead the gray-haired boy to the living room couch, where I'd moved my laptop on the way out the door so Yoongi wouldn't have to see the disaster that is my bedroom. As I'm loading the file, Yoongi speaks.
"You've made a nice living for yourself, huh?" He says.
I actually laugh out loud at his inquiry. "I can barely pay bills, but yeah, sure."
"The important thing is that you can pay the bills," Yoongi says. "You're doing what you love and making a living from it, so what if it's not the best one yet? You're on your way, Rin; I know it. You've improved so much since the last time we talked, and you're only going to keep getting better. Talent doesn't go unnoticed anymore, Rin. You'll be great."
I hand him the headphones with a small sigh, wanting to shut his speech down. "Here," I say quietly. He takes them and places them on his head before reaching forward and hitting play on the demo. Then I watch with nervous anticipation as he listens to the track, nodding along and reacting in what I hope is an honest way. If this isn't any good, I want him to tell me so.
Once the words kick in Yoongi stops moving and leans forward a bit, listening intently. I guess the lyrics are of paramount importance this time around. His eyes widen and a small smile forms across his face as he listens. Towards the end, where the lyrics become their strongest, his hands grip his knees as his smiles, nodding along again. A small smile crosses my face, too, watching him react to my work. I guess he likes it.
When the song ends, Yoongi takes the headphones off and beams at me. I'm about to ask him what he thinks when he envelops me in a bear hug that I hastily return.
"Thank you, Rin," he says quietly. "Really, thank you."
"Did you like it?" I stammer, unsure of what Yoongi's getting at.
"I loved every second of it. It's a demo, so it can use a little work, but that still doesn't make it anything less than incredible. It's really meaningful, and I'm proud of you for speaking your mind. I especially like how you laid the lyrics out like dialogue, I think that's really cool."
"I don't think I captured your lines well, though," I say. "No one does your voice like you do. It'd be really cool if we could do this song together, yeah?" It comes out far more like a request than I'd wanted it to. The probability of Yoongi and I being able to do a track together is astronomically small, and yet I accidentally just asked him to take part and do the impossible. I'm about to retract my statement when:
"You want to? I can see about it."
"Oh, I mean, yeah, it'd be cool, but I don't know if it's really feasible. You've got promotions and stuff soon, right? There's no way."
"I'm inclined to agree with you, actually," Yoongi says sadly, trailing off. Quickly though his mood changes, and he perks up again. "But, it can't hurt to try! I'll ask about it, because I would absolutely love to perform this track with you. I mean, it's our story, right? One of us would be great, but both of us? We'd be unstoppable."
I laugh at Yoongi's enthusiasm and grab his hand nonchalantly, shaking it lightly. "Chill out, dude, it's just a demo."
"I know, I know," Yoongi smiles, squeezing my hand before I release it. "Hey, did you have fun today?"
"Absolutely. It was hectic, sure, but I had a really good time."
"That's great. Maybe you should consider working with Sangmi more. I know that's three jobs, but you really are a natural."
"People keep saying that, but I just can't find it in myself to believe them," I manage. "I just don't think I'm a good, typical model."
"Ah, that's just human nature. Nobody ever seems to understand how gorgeous they truly are in this day and age. It's a shame, really. Like, you? You're absolutely stunning and just don't seem to see it. You're not a typical model, and that's what makes you so great at it. There's nothing wrong with swimming upstream, Rin; you of all people know that. Just, do what makes you happy, okay? And I'll see about the track. I've got to go— my manager's here. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
I manage a nod, completely in awe of his half-soliloquy. I stand to walk Yoongi to the door and once he puts on his shoes he envelops me in yet another embrace. I respond more readily this time, wrapping my arms around him tightly and hiding my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. I've really missed him these past few years, I realize.
Yoongi, it seems, can read my thoughts, because as he pulls away he murmurs, "I really am so happy we reconnected after all this time, Rin."
"I'm glad, too, Yoongi," I respond softly. "I've missed you."
"Goodnight, Ah Rin; it's been nice spending the day with you," he says as he opens my front door.
As he closes it I begin my response, and the words "Goodnight, Min Yoongi," find themselves embedded in the wood before me.
hello! it's been awhile, hasn't it? sorry about not updating last week, i had some stuff going on. i'm here now, though, and that's all that matters.
feel free to leave feedback if you're so inclined, i really do appreciate it. and thanks for keeping up with the not-so-regular update schedule recently, too; i know stuff's been crazy, but i'm doing what i can. things might only get more sporadic from here, but i'll give these stories all the time i can when it's reasonable.
thank you guys, and i hope you're all okay,
- In Serial15 Chapters
A guy who played a sci-fi VRMMORPG was thrown in another world. And no, the other world doesn't have game mechanics. Nothing serious. Occasional updates, when I feel like it. Mature content.
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Player Glitch *paused*
Quod Venetus or QV for short, the greatest virtual reality game ever created and funnily enough also the name of the company. With a realism of 99% you can really start a new life in a land of swords and magic, and with its unique point shop system that can buy you anything if you have gathered enough points it's won many game mechanic awards.Just imagine if one player had advantage over this system. What a disaster that would be!??(Will write chapters of varying lengths)
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Chosen of Silver
In the lands of Neden, children with gates--birthmarks able to accept and hold the power of soulstones--are collected every five years, when they reach age fifteen to nineteen. It is nearly time for the newest cohort to be celebrated and then conscripted, and with that day looming, those whose lives are about to change wait impatiently for their destiny to arrive...or try to find a way to avoid it: Cal, a refugee from the nation of Caas, doesn’t want to go to Kellingherth to gain the powers of man, beast, or element, and he certainly doesn’t want to join the war efforts after that. The only things he’s dying for are a good drink, dance, and girl, in no particular order. His best friend Raff prefers his sweat to come from a hard day's training than an evening carousing and wishes Cal did, too. He wants to accomplish more with his life than becoming a simple palace sentry like his estranged father and will do whatever it takes to get there. And they are just two of many. When the tenuous peace of the realm is threatened by the arrival of an old enemy, these young chosen will likely be swept up in events rather than prevent them, but the future cannot be rushed or escaped, only experienced.
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Reincarnated as a Warlock with zero skill
My previous life was just as boring as yours. I was a marketing manager for a flooring company. The biggest challenge? Would the latest colour be called "Grey Oak" or "Oak Grey". Then, tragedy. I was struck down in the prime of my life by a negligent delivery driver and a pallet of laminate flooring - which is significantly heavier than you think. So there I was, smeared on the floor, absorbed in my own self pity. Where would I go? Heaven? Hell. Did I care? Apparently that was not what fate had in store for me. Reborn in a world of dragons and fantasy, I became a Warlock. A pretty darn important one too. The problem, I had little to no affinity to magic and I spent most of my time doing my best to avoid danger. Danger however, would not avoid me. So, with my new life as an amazing Warlock you'd think it would be easy street right? Wrong. Forces gather to move against the Kingdom I am sworn to protect and, whilst my inward allegiance is to whomever is the victor, outwardly I must lead the resistance against the invaders. With my skilled companions Asha - a mage that can actually do magic and Torg - a swordsman sworn to protect me, I can only hope that they distract the enemy long enough for me to run away.
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Melancholy of the 31st Demon King
The Journal of Ignatius, 31st Demon King, uncovered in the ruins of the Kingdom of Damonica. (Mature tag added for violence and violent acts in later sections)
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Advent Noion
Advent Noion:an original adventure/slice of life/comedy set in an underground fantasy world.the sections are short with quick and chaotic progression, so don't expect too much! hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading.
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