《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》2. Holly Jolly


Mike's POV

It was now recess, we headed outside. Lucas had said we needed rocks for his wrist rocket, we all were in the ground looking for rocks. "How many of these do we need?" Y/N asked. "We need as much as we can find, and they have to be good ones." We all grunted. "Seriously?" "Ya." I looked back down and I picked up one. "How about this one?" I asked Dustin. "Too big for the for the sling." He sighed. "So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?" Dustin asked. "She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo." Lucas said. Why did he have to be this way? "She's not a weirdo." I said. "Then what is she?" "She's one of us just different." Y/N said. "Ya. And why does the matter? The X-men are weirdos." I said. "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" "Lucas stop." Y/N said. "Oh ya? Well then why don't you marry Y/N? If you like her always looking at her trying to impress her." I had made a terrible mistake. Lucas looked at me angrily. "What are you talking about?" She asked. Dustin was laughing. "Dustin you shut up, you like her too!" Lucas yelled. "Nothing." We all responded. "Wait, Lucas, Dustin, you have a crush on me?" She said. They all blushed. "Why didn't you-" Before she could finish her words, Troy and James came over. "What are you losers doing here?" Troy asked. I looked around and I saw Y/N open her mouth. "I remember you... you pushed me into my locker." "Yeah no duh, and I'll do it again if you open your mouth up again." He said. "What did I do?" She asked. "Nothing, just being friends with these dweebs." Lucas stepped in between of Troy and her. "Back off." He said. "Oh yeah? How about no. Sinclair you know I could beat your a**. Stop acting all tough."


Lucas's POV

I didn't care at the moment that Mike told her, but I had to stop her from possibly getting beat up by Troy. "Lucas get out the way, let me fight him, I can defend myself." Was she crazy?! "No." It was to late she had already stepped in front of me and Troy. "Fine let's see it Y/L/N." Before I could stop her she had already swung for a punch. She had punched him in his face. He was shocked. We all gasped and grinned. Before I could see what happened next Y/N was in the ground. That was it. I took a swing for Troy when James blocked me. "Aren't you guys looking for your friend?" He asked. I helped Y/N up. "That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger." Dustin said. "I hate her o break it to you, toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer." They both laughed. "Well just because your son of a b**** dad said that doesn't mean it's true." "Stop!" Y/N screamed and I could see why, Troy had kicked him to the ground. "Oww." Mike helped him up. "Cmon guys just ignore them." Mike said. We listened to him and started to walk away. We were walking passed them when Mike feel, Troy had tripped him. He groaned. Then out of no where Y/N let go of me and kicked Troy where the sun don't shine.


"Don't talk to me or my friends again." I said to Troy. He got up and launched his body at me. He tackled me. I held his fist away from my face, but my hand slipped and he hit me in my face. "Why don't you join your gay friend in Hell!" He punched me again. That was it. Will was missing this wasn't funny. I pushed myself up and punched him. Lucas and Mike pulled me back. "Y/N stop!" I had stopped. Troy looked at me once again, and he spat on me. "Go to Hell, you b****." He said.

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