《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》3. Holly Jolly


Mike's POV

We had found the perfect rock, the one that scraped my face. I rubbed my face, I look d back towards Y/N then I realized she's nose was bleeding and her face was bruised. "Oh my god, Y/N are you ok?" Dustin asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Sh rubbed her nose. "Here, uh, are you hungry I have, uh some chips left." "I'm ok, thanks though." She was limping. Before Dustin could help her walk Lucas grabbed her and helped her. They were walking back into the school. Me and Dustin stayed behind. "Where the h*** do you think there going?" I hear Dustin ask. I shrugged. "I don't know."

Lucas's POV

Y/N I walked back into the school, she want into the girls bathroom to wash off, moments later she came back out. "Hey, that was a pretty brave thing to do, to step up to Troy." I said. "I, uh didn't know you knew how to fight." "I really don't I just did what I felt was right, the way how he talked to Will and you guys, it wasn't right." I heard her say. She was humble, that was one other thing I liked about her. I don't know what I was doing next but it went a little like this. I was right in front of her, when I leaned into kiss her. I didn't mean to but, it just happened. She was in shock, but she didn't pull away, at first. It lasted a good 7 seconds. Then we both pulled back, both as red as could be. "We don't tell anyone about this, alright?" She said. "I nodded. "I'm sorry." I said. "I should have done that." "Don't be, let's just uh, not tell anyone, promise? Or your dead, just like Troy. If my parents found out, I uh kissed someone, they'd have my head." I nodded. "I promise."



Lucas Sinclair had just kissed me. What? Did I like it? Did I not? I've never been kissed by someone before. Nobody must know. The bell rang for us to go back to class. We all where in class. "Where'd you in Lucas go?" Mike asked. "Oh, just, to the nurses." I said.

~Time skip~

Eleven's POV

It was three-one-five, I was but the polls like Mike said I should be, but he wasn't there. I paced back and forth when I saw a cat, it hissed at me. Suddenly I was back in the lab. Papa was watching me, there was a cat in a cage, he wanted me to hurt it, really badly. I started to, but I couldn't. I was punished. The men took me to the closet, but I said no, I had flung them against the walls, they were out, that's when I saw Papa come, he carried me back to safety while I cried, I hated this life, where I had to hurt thing to live, I hated it. Then I was back to reality. My name was being called it was Mike, I felt safe again.

Dustin's POV

We went to meet eleven. There was something odd going on with Lucas. I just didn't know what. I talked to Y/N. "Have you noticed Lucas is acting strange?" I said to her. She turned towards Lucas, he grinned at her, what a flirt. I pulled Y/N to me. "Hey, how are you doing? You alright from earlier?" She nodded. "Ya, I'm good." "Don't worry, we'll be able to get revenge on him sooner or later." I smiled, she smiled too.

We hopped on our bike, Mike said it was time to go. Eleven was on the back of Mike's bike. We road to the train tracks not knocking where it wold take us. Mike and Eleven were up in front. We had to walk our bikes for now.

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