《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》4. The Weirdo on Mable Street


Mike's POV

I was showing El all my figures, I showed her my Yoda one "Ready are you? What knows you of ready?" I said mimicking Yoda. His name is Yoda. He can use the force to move things with his mind, like this." I pushed the figures over. "Whoosh." "Oh, this is my dinosaur, Rory. Look he has a speaker in his mouth, so he can roar." I pressed the button to make him roar. I looked over to see she had gotten up. I went over next to her. She was looking at the trophy. "Oh, these are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third. Mr. Clarke said it was totally political." I had just noticed she had been staring at a picture of me,Dustin,Lucas, and Will. But she wasn't staring at us, she was staring at Will. How would she know who Will is? Then she pointed to him. "You know Will?" This was weird. "Did you see him? Last night? On the road?" She had a scared face, could she have seen where he had gone? I knew she was some how connected with all this. A car had just pulled into the driveway, I ran to the window, it was my mom. "We gotta go." I grabbed El's arm and ran out of my bedroom. My mom had just walked in through the front door, we ran back upstairs.

El's POV

I recognize that boy they called Will, I had seen him. Mike didn't want me being seen, we ran back upstairs. We were back up in his bedroom he closed the door, he opened his closet door "In here. I'll be right back, okay?" I didn't want to go in there, it reminded me of the lab, when they said I disobeyed or was a disappointment, that was my punishment. I stared into it, I couldn't. "Please, you have to get in, or my mom, she'll find you. Do you understand?" I knew this was desperate, I had to, but I was scared. Mike looked upset, not because he could get in trouble, but since he didn't want me to be found. "I won't tell her about you. I promise." He looked at me. What did promise mean? "Promise?" "It means something that you can't break. Ever." I had to do it, like Mike said, promise, he won't break it. "Please." I looked into his eyes, I could see the worry, and something else, he cared for me. I trusted him. So I walked into the closet, he closed the door, and left. It was dark, and tight, I cried no please let me go, I felt every breath I took. I started to breath heavily, the room was closing in, I cried for Papa and he would come he just let them take me away, the room was closing in, the men were trying to find me, yelling at me, telling me what to do, and if I didn't I was sent here and left in the cold walls. Let me out. For what seemed like forever the door finally opened, I was crying "Mike?" He got down "Is everything okay?" He came back, it was a promise. I nodded. "Are you sure?" "Promise." I nodded. I got back up and he hugged me. "I'm sorry. You won't ever have to do that again. Promise." "Promise."



We were finally out of hell, I mean school. We headed to Mike's house. Lucas had knocked on the door. Mrs. Wheeler let us in, she said Mike was upstairs in his room. We made are way up to his room and he let us in. Dustin closed the door. The girl sat on Mike's bed with a blanket over her lap, she stared at us, it was some what unsettling. I waved to her to break the unsettling vibe, it didn't work. Lucas looked over at her and back at Mike. "Are you out of your mind?" "Just listen to me." "You are out of your mind!" Dustin and I stared at the her again, we didn't even know her name. "She know about Will." I turned to Mike. "What do you mean?" I questioned him. "What do mean she knows about Will?" Dustin said after me.

Mike picked up a picture of the four of them. "She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell." "Are you sure?" I guested him yet again. "Yes." "You could tell? Lucas asked. "Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood. The same place where Will disappeared." "No." I shrugged. "But, how can we know for sure, that that's the reason she pointed Will out, I know bowl cuts aren't popular but it could be some other kid with a bowl cut that she recognized and could moisten for Will." Dustin laughed. "Y/N." "I know, I'm sorry, all I'm saying is she could have pointed at him for a different reason. "We need to take this seriously, she said that bad people are after her. I think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took Will."


"That's a stretch." I responded, it didn't make sense why'd they be after Will. "I think she knows what happened to him." How would we know this for sure. "The why doesn't she tell us?" Lucas did have a point. The room went silent. Lucas walked over to her. "Do you know where he is?" He grabbed on to her. "Do you know where Will is?!" I grabbed Lucas's arm to tell him to stop, I could tell he was scaring her. "Stop it, you're scaring her!" Mike yelled. "She should be scared!" "I tugged at Lucas to stop. "If you know where he is, tell us." He turnes toward Mike. "This is nuts. We have to take her to your mom." I didn't think that was a good idea at this point if she knows something about Will that we don't. "No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger." "Eleven? That's her name?" "Yes." Mike responded. She nodded. "What kind of danger?" Dustin asked. "Her names Eleven?" Lucas questioned. "El for short." "Mike what kind of danger?!" "Danger danger!" "Well that's clarifies everything." I said. He made a gun with his hand and pointed it at all of us. Lucas slapped his arm. "No, no, no! We are going back to plan A. We're telling your mom." He went over to the door and opens it but it slammed shut. "What the heck?" He opened the door again, it slammed shut, but this time it locked. We turned around to El, she stood up, her nose was bleeding. "No."

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