《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》3. The weirdo on Mable Street


Dustin's POV

We walked to class. Then I noticed Mike wasn't here, I turned to Lucas "Oh, this is weird." Mike's never been this late to school before and the one day that he does he let a stranger, a girl sleep in his house. "He's never been this late." Lucas looked at me "I'm telling you, his stupid plan failed." "I thought you liked his plan." I had responded. "Ya, but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here." There was one thought that came to me "If his mom found out a girl spent the night--" "He's in deep sh** right about now." Another thought hit me "Hey, what if she slept naked?" He rolled his eyes "Oh, my god, she didn't. Remember she went to go change." "Oh, if Mrs.Wheeler tells my parents..." "No way. Mike would never rat us out." "I don't know." "All that matters is, after school and the freak will be back in the loony bin and we can focus on what really matters, finding Will."

Mike's POV

I had left to make it look like I was in my way to school but then circled around back. I need to help El, I walked back in the door and went downstairs to get her. "You want anything to drink?" I asked her. "We have OJ, skim milk... What else?" We walked around upstairs. "Um, we have." She had wondered into the living room. "Oh, this is my living room. It's mostly just for watching tv." She set her hand in the tv. "Nice, right? It's a 22-inch. That's, like ten times bigger than Dustin's." I smiled. She turned around towards the family pictures. She pointed towards the picture of Nancy, "Pretty". She said. "I guess." "That's my sister Nancy. And that's baby Holly. And those are my parents." She looked around at all the pictures. "What are your parents like? Do they live close?" She didn't answer, she looked over at our La-Z-Boy. "That's our La-Z-Boy." She looked at the chair. "That's where my dad sleeps. "You can try it if you want. Yeah." She looked at the chair and sat down. "It's fun. Just trust me, okay?" She looked at me, I pulled the bar down for the footrest to come up. She smiled. "See? Fun, right?" I set the chair back up. "Now you try." She looked at me nervously. She grabbed the lever and it came up, we both laughed. I knew there was something odd about her, maybe not odd, just special.



It was finally lunch. We sat together and talked. "Guys about last night. What do think is wrong with that girl. We don't even know her name?" I asked them. "There's something mental about her." Dustin responded. "Ya, well there's something mental about you to." I laughed. He smiled. I turned to Lucas. "Lucas, what's wrong?" "Oh, what?" "You look upset, what wrong?" Dustin turned to him "Oh Lucas is just upset because-" Lucas cut him off. "Oh, ok." "Thanks for asking, uh I need to talk to Dustin real quick if you don't mind." He grabbed Dustin and they ran into the hallway."Uh ok." What was going on? Was it something I said?

Lucas's POV

I had dragged Dustin out into the hallway. "What's your problem Dustin?" I was upset at him for almost telling her, if anyone was going to tell her it was going to be me. "Nothing, your obviously upset the she was talking to me and not you." "That's not it, can't we just focus on Will?" I was lying, I wanted to talk to her but I guess I was just jealous, I didn't want them to know that. "Ok, now then, can we head back to lunch?" "Fine." We headed back to Lunch. "So, what are we gonna do about finding Will." Y/N had questioned. "Are we gonna go back out tonight?" "Probably, but I don't want weirdo joking along, all she is is trouble." I said. "Maybe she isn't though. She might be help. The more people the more chances of finding Will."

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