《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》2. The Weirdo on Mable Street


Mike's POV

They had just left and I went back over to the girl. I knelt beside her while she sat under the fort. "Hey, um, I never asked your name?" She stared back at me and began to pull her sleeve up, it read 011 on it. What? This kid had a tattoo?! I was starting to agree with the other that this was all weird. Should I have invited her into my house? What am I talking about? Yes. "Is that real?" I pointed to the number, she pulled back. "Sorry, I've just... never seen a kid with a tattoo before." Why would she have 011 tattooed onto her arm? "What's it mean? Eleven?" She pointed towards herself. Was that her name? "That's your name?" All this is very strange. She nodded. "Eleven. Okay. Um, well, my names Mike. Short for Michael." She looked back at me. "Maybe we can call you 'El'. Short for Eleven." She nodded. "Um, well, okay. 'Night, El." I got up. " 'Night Mike." I heard her say. I pulled the blanket over the for so nobody would see her. I walked over towards the stairs and turned off the light, I looked back at El's fort, I hope she's ok.

Lucas's POV

I heard my alarm go off. Time for school. At was an half an hour till School started when I headed off to school. Last night was very weird could Dustin have been right? About going out, we didn't find Will we found that girl. The fact that we found her where Will's was last seen was very suspicious. Could she have something to do with Will's disappearance? I had just arrived at the school and put my bike away, then walked in. I saw Y/N by her locker so I walked over to her. "Hey. About last night. I'm sorry for the way I acted, with everything ghats going on." She looked back at me. "Your good I understand. I don't think she's a psycho. She might be abused or something if you say the way she was scared and didn't talk. That's always a possibility, right?" I nodded, she did have a point."



I saw Dustin walk up, he waved. He glared at Lucas. What was that about? "Hey what's you guys talking about?" He said looking at Lucas. "Oh just talking about what happened last night." I respond. "Ya, metal." He looked back at me. Mike still wasn't at school, I wonder was was going on. Was he ok?

Eleven's POV

There was a long black box looking thing that had buttons, then I had suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs, it was him. He knelt next to me. "Hey, you found my supercom. Pretty cool, huh? He smiled. "I talk to my friends with it. Mostly Lucas, 'cause he loves so close. Signals pretty weak." He said. What did he mean by 'friends'? He took something out of his coat, it was a yellow flat circle. "Got you breakfast." He handed it to me. I took it, it was delicious, he called it an 'Eggo Waffle'. "So listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I need you to go out there." He pointed towards the door. "Then go to the front door and ring the door bell. My mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help." I didn't want to do it last time an adult called they got shot. "But whatever you do, you can't tell her about last night or that you know me. Understand?" I continued to eat my eggo. "Really, it's no big deal." There would be a problem if I did that, I could be taken back. "We'll just pretend to meet each other again. And my mom, she'll know who to call." After a moment of silence I spoke "No." He gave me a confused look "No?" "No." I shook my head. "No. . . you don't want my mom to get help?" There was no help in that plan. I shook my head again. "You're in trouble, aren't you?" Yes, yes I was. I don't want to go back to that place, not back to the bad men, not back to the gate. I looked back up to Mike. "Who... who are you in trouble with?" "Bad." The bad men. "Bad? Bad people?" I nodded. "They want to hurt you?" Yes they already have and will again if they find me. "The bad people?" He questioned again. I made a gun with my hand and pointed it to my head then his, he went silent, the room was silent as he stared back at me, I could tell he was scared. "Understand?" I said to him. There was a voice from upstairs that called for him. "All right, I'll be back." He got up. "Just stay here, okay? Stay here." I had to stay here it was the only place they wouldn't find me. He covered up the opening again, and went upstairs.

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