《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty
The game night went okay, Alex tried to ask Patton and Virgil about their family but everyone else shut him down before he could. Virgil and Roman got to play as a team for some of them and others Virgil watched as Roman lost. The group he had was nice, and they really like Patton and Logan as well as Virgil. They even invited the three back to the next game night next week.
The weeks went by, Roman and Virgil ran lines, Virgil planned the makeup he would do and then who would do who. Alicia had jumped on the train of shipping Virgil and Roman. She would go through the scenes with Roman and make sure to respect his space if he needed it, but she would also talk with Virgil about who knows what. It only stopped when Virgil asked her and he would walk away. After, Virgil would sit behind his uncle and watch Roman and her with a look that Roman couldn't place.
Currently, it was time for everyone to leave for Thanksgiving. The school gave six days, they would leave on a Wednesday and they would come back on Sunday or Monday. Roman was packing a few things, Micheal had left on Tuesday night. So he was alone in his dorm, it felt weird.
He had shared a room with Remus until they hit middle school, then they got separate rooms. Remus was upset but then he got used to it, he wasn't sure how they could adjust each time. But I guess he was going to get used to it before college happened.
He sighed and softly sang to himself as he asked things up. He was taking the duffel bag home mostly empty so he could bring some other things and then leave them here for Christmas break. He was halfway through the song when he turned around to see Virgil standing in the doorway smiling.
Roman screamed, which caused Virgil to almost make a sound. Instead he looked even more amused. "You scared me." Roman said. Virgil shrugged. And moved over to Roman's bed. He jumped up on it and looked at what Roman was packing.
Sorry. Virgil signed. Roman had learned a few so Virgil didn't have to keep writing. But didn't know enough to make out everything that Virgil said. Virgil looked at him and Roman got the hint. Roman now figured he knew what Remus did to scare him.
"I am packing for home." Roman said. "My brother is coming to get me, we are going to drive to my aunt's house for tomorrow and then I pray I don't get asked how many fights I got in. I am a bit of a black sheep of my family." Roman said.
"Considering you were sent here based on behavior, I am not surprised." Virgil's phone said. Roman laughed and nodded. "But based on the stories you told me, I can't see it."
Roman looked up at Virgil who was smiling. "What do you mean?" Roman asked while leaning.
"Well you obviously are super sweet to your little cousins and if that picture is any indicator, you brother as well." Virgil shrugged.
"I hate it when you are right." Roman said. "So what are plans for Thanksgiving? Do you go see your family?"
Virgil shook his head. "No, mostly they come here. It's mostly my uncles, my grandparents, and a load of Thomas' friends."
"Oh, that's still awesome." Roman said with a smile. He checked the time, Remus would be here soon and Roman really didn't want to introduce them now.
"I guess it's better than if I went home so I am not complaining."
"Oh?" Roman said but the look on Virgil's face said not to push it, just yet. "Want to talk about it?" Virgil shook his head.
"Do you need help with anything?"
"No, I am okay but if you want to hang out a little longer, we can." Roman said zipping his duffel bag up and putting it on the ground. Virgil nodded and laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Roman laid down next to him and fought the urge to cuddle Virgil.
"We can still talk over the break right?"
"Of course we can, you really think I was going to let you not speak with me while I was away?" Virgil shrugged. Roman looked over at Virgil who was staring at the ceiling intently and had his phone on his abdomen.
Roman got up and Virgil looked up at him. Roman took his hands and pulled him up so he was looking at Roman. "We have this conversation at least once a week since the thing that shall not be named, but if I need to let it go then you need to understand that I am not going to leave you alone. I am your friend, and that is something that I am going to take very seriously because that seems to be a good idea with you. Is this coming up more often because of the breaks that we have?" Roman asked.
Virgil nodded and looked at the window. Roman did have a nice view of the campus but he liked Virgil's room better. "Virgil, how would you like to visit me over the winter break?" Virgil looked up at Roman. He was sure that Roman was kidding, but he saw Roman's expression and noticed he wasn't.
"I don't know, I know how we act here but I don't know how your friends are at home. From what little you've said about your life before coming here, I can't help but think they aren't the best." Virgil responded.
"Then we don't have to hang out with my friends, it's just you and me. We can go see the Christmas lights on a street that I know, or do something else. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Roman said. Virgil shook his head. "You don't have to say yes now, just think about it?"
"Fine, but no promises." Roman smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, thank you." Roman said and almost hugged Virgil. As the two were fighting their emotions, Roman's phone rang. "One sec," Roman answered the phone.
"Bro, calm down. Just a tad, you see the building that is across the courtyard from where you are?" Roman asked.
"That's my dorm, I'll meet you in the lobby."
"I'LL SEE YOU IN TWENTY SECCONDS." Remus said and hung up.
"Sorry about that, he's a bit excited." Roman and Virgil smiled.
"It's okay, it's cute."
"Cute?" Roman asked, Virgil nodded.
"You care about him and he cares about you, but you should get going. I have a feeling when your brother says twenty seconds he means it. Which means you are out of time. I'll talk to you later, text me when you get home alright?"
"I will." Roman said and Virgil went to leave. "Wait, do you want to meet him?" Virgil shook his head.
"When you tell me the story behind that picture on your wall and his name, then maybe. But I think you should get going, he's waiting." Virgil gave a two inter salute and slipped out of the room. Roman sighed.
He picked up his duffel bag and then heard a door slam open in the hall. Remus had found his floor. "ROMAN, WHERE YOU AT?"
Roman rolled his eyes and sighed, he made sure he had his room key and walked over to his door. "Stop intruding on other people's peace." Roman said as he closed the door.
Remus practically screamed and ran full speed towards his brother. Roman being used to it, planted his feet and braced for impact. Remus hit Roman with enough force as a linebacker could. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH."
Roman chuckled and held his ground as Remus smacked into him. "I missed you too, but stop yelling. I don't need to have a headache before we drive home."
Remus just shrugged and noticed Roman looking off at Virgil.
"Ohhh, who was that?" Remus asked while hanging on his brother. Roman shrugged him off.
"A friend of mine, come on. Let's get going, I am driving so keys." Roman said while picking up his duffel. Remus threw the keys at him and Roman caught them. He led his brother through the school and out to their car.
He opened his car's backseat and threw his duffel bag in the back, he caught the whiff of pot. "Really?" He asked Remus.
"What? I know a few people and they are chill." Remus said, while getting in. Roman rolled his eyes and got in as well.
"Whatever, as long as you are careful." Roman started the car. The two sat in silence for a bit while they hit the highway. Roman merged and looked at Remus who smiled at him.
Roman hit the gas and they sped down the street. Remus smiled and laughed wildly. Roman smiled as well but slowed down when they got to a more dense area.
"So, are we going to pretend that my heartless brother didn't have a cute boy smile at him or can we talk about it?" Remus asked.
"Remus, he's a friend." Roman responded as they cruised.
"Sure, he smiles at you, a person who I know has a rep back at home for punching someone who looks at a person they love the wrong way." Remus scoffed.
"Are you saying that you didn't want me to do that?" Roman asked.
"No, I am just wondering how he got past it all when you had another guy you were trying to win over- wait, he's the guy! Right?" Remus asked.
"What? No?" Roman responded and kept his eyes on the road.
"He is! He's the one you wanted advice on! It seemed to work. Oh my god, did you fuck? Or are you looking for a relationship which could be first." Remus asked.
"No! He's just a friend." Roman sighed. "Besides, long distance never works."
"Who said it was going to be long distance?" Remus mumbled.
"Watch it." Roman warned.
"Whatever, we can have this conversation later. Just tell me about him. You seem to be very fond of him, you never are this protective over your exploits." Remus said and crossed his arms. Roman knew what he was going to do. He was getting a reaction out of Roman.
Roman really didn't want to give him the satisfaction of it, but he did it anyway. "For the last fucking time, we are not fucking, we are not a thing, and we will only be friends! In the future maybe we could be something, but right now we can't. So, just let it fucking go." Roman said, the rest of the ride was silent.
Virgil walked down the hallway and heard the sibling reunion. He wasn't really ready to meet Roman's brother, a person he only knew by his picture when he was eight. But looking at him now, the little boy had grown up. And looked scary.
Roman's brother had his green eyes, but wore eyeliner around them instead. He also had two piercings in his ear and spacers. He wore a leather jacket with green tentacles spray painted on it. Virgil decided he had done enough eavesdropping and then he caught Roman's gaze.
Virgil smiled at him and turned around. "Ohhh who was that?" Virgil heard Roman's brother say. His voice was high pitched and not like Roman's at all. Virgil was sure he liked Roman's voice better.
Virgil stopped himself, was he really going down this path? They had just healed their friendship from his overreaction. Virgil was walking by a big window when he saw Janus looking over the parking lot. Virgil wasn't sure he wanted to intrude.
So he kept walking by him until Janus grabbed him by his sleeve. "Virgil, you are friends with Roman right?" He asked and looked over at Virgil.
Vrigil nodded and Janus nodded back. "Alright, just wanted to double check." Virgil was confused, Janus knew very well Roman and Virgil was friends. Janus was very opposed to it so Vrigil wasn't sure why he was so confused by it now. Virgil was about to ask when Janus said goodbye and that he would see him after the break.
With most of the students gone from the school, Patton was getting the entire dining room ready for the Thanksgiving party. Virgil was going to help him after he said goodbye to Roman. Thankfully, it was just Patton and Virgil decorating for now and most of the staff was gone.
"Patton, I am back." Virgil said.
"Good, because you are taller than me and I need help putting this banner up." Patton said and pushed his glasses up.
"I ask every year, but why do you insist on over the top decorations for each event we host?" Virgil asked while he took the other side of the banner Patton was holding to hang it up.
"Decorations make the celebration special and memorable, you can't tell me you don't remember your first birthday here." Patton said with his hands on his hips.
"How could I forget that the entire room was covered in black and purple because you wanted to keep my style, when it came to music you chose the songs without swears, and made Uncle Thomas cancel school for the day." Virgil said, turning around.
"See! You remember!" Patton said and pushed past virgil to get his list of what needed to be done.
"Because it was ridiculous and over the top!"
"But memorable."
"I hate you sometimes."
"Shut up, you love me" Virgil shrugged. "How did saying goodbye to Roman go?" Patton asked.
"As good as it could be, tried to help him pack but he wouldn't let me, you know the usual cheesy shit." Virgil sat on a table and crossed his arms.
"Language." Patton warned.
"Really? No staff is here."
Patton shrugged. "You are still a kid. Not even seventeen yet." Patton said and readjusted the table cloth.
"Next month, Pat, next month. Will you stop fretting, everything looks perfect." Virgil groaned.
"You are only saying that because you are bored." Patton rolled his eyes.
"Can you blame me? I have spent most of the first half of the year trying to convince myself not to befriend Roman but then when I did, we barely spent time apart. I am not complaining, I love Logan and he knows things Roman may never but it's nice to have someone talk while we work. Granted Logan does too but Roman has a different approach." Virgil said and sighed. "This is stupid, it's not been an hour and I miss him."
Patton giggled. "Sounds like someone has a crush."
"Ridiculous, if I do, it'll go away." Virgil said.
"Virgil..." Patton tutted.
"Pat, even if it was a crush or I accepted it, it will never go anywhere. He's too out there for me. He doesn't care how he looks to people, I care a little too much." Virgil shrugged. "It doesn't work."
Patton full on laughed. "Virgil, he cares how he looks to someone."
"His brother doesn't count."
"I am not talking about that." Patton pulled a chair out at the table that Virgil was sitting on. "Virgil, if that one day at dinner said anything he cares how you see him. He cares about what you think about when he comes to your mind. He took your suggestion to do theater, and you went to support him. Virgil, he cares about you."
"But could that be just in a friend way?" Virgil asked.
"It might be, but I can't tell you what Roman is thinking or his feelings. However, I know you. You are going through all these hoops to avoid your feelings, but these hoops are just going to make it so your realization is more intense. So please I implore you to just admit to yourself you like Roman."
Virgil sighed and threw his hands up. "Fine! I like Roman..." Virgiled smirked to himself. "As a friend."
"You know that wasn't what I meant!" Patton yelled and Virgil got up off the table and headed to his dorm room. He would play music and maybe study a bit until Roman texted him he was at home.
Virgil got to his room and he selected an album and played it through, as he did he opened a divination book and read a few passages from there while holding his cards. These cards were one he worked with often, he hadn't used the cards Roman had bought for him yet. Something was telling him to wait but he did cleanse them and look through the pictures. He liked them but they seemed to not want to be used at the moment.
He hummed as he shuffled the cards and read his book. After a few hours his phone went off.
Virgil laughed at that and rolled his eyes.
Virgil put his phone down and then heard the dinner bell. Virgil picked up his phone and then slipped it into his pocket. He made his way to his uncle's apartment so they could have dinner. Thomas wasn't the best cook, but he had made an effort after Patton was born. Patton on the other hand had learned to cook for fun and wanted to do more. During breaks, Patton would be in charge of dinner and Thomas would do lunch and breakfast.
Virgil entered the apartment and Thomas just smiled as he sat down.
"Virge, mind helping with the dishes after dinner?" Thomas asked.
Virgil signed yes, and Thomas nodded. Patton had taught him simple gestures so if Thomas asked simple yes or no questions Virgil could answer without having Patton translate.
"So, how is this year going? I haven't really gotten to talk with you both since school started." Thomas asked. "Last time you talked to me was around the festival."
"Well, you know that me and Logan started dating and he's been great. Did you know he wants to be a physicist? I didn't know what that meant until he explained it to me and I can wholeheartedly say Logan is cooler than I will be." Patton said. Virgil bit his hand to keep from laughing and Patton noticed. "What?"
Logan? Cool? The dude is a nerd. Virgil signed.
"Well at least we admit we like each other." Patton said and Virgil looked at him.
"I don't know what's happening. Patton, care to fill me in?" Thomas asked.
Virgil held eye contact. Don't you dare. Patton smiled sweetly.
"Well, Virgil has a crush but won't admit that he does. The guy he likes obviously has a crush on him but he doesn't believe me." Patton said.
"Oh, well Virge, you should talk to Picani about that. He could help with that." Thomas said. Virgil rolled his eyes.
I don't have a crush on him! We are just friends. Virgil said.
"Friends who hold hands?" Patton asked.
He's afraid of the dark! Patton looked at Virgil over his glasses.
"That's not what I am talking about." Virgil huffed and leaned back in his chair.
He needed to be grounded, I was preventing him and me from having a panic attack. Virgil said.
"And?" Patton asked.
"Patton?" Thomas said.
"Basically he's defending himself by saying the hand holding was to prevent him and.." Patton pondered for a minute to reveal the name of who they were talking about. "His crush from having a panic attack."
"Well, it makes sense." Thomas said. Patton looked at him confused and Virgil perked up. "What? I am saying that it can be comforting and grounding to have someone connect you to reality while you are getting in your own head. From what it sounds like, Virgil was being supportive. Also you don't know this guy personally right?"
"Well no, but-" Patton started but Thomas stopped him.
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