《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty-One
Thanksgiving was eventful as always. Remus doing stupid shit, Roman shielding the kids, and then the adults getting upset. Though they really didn't complain too much because the kids were entertained.
When the twins got to their aunt's house, Remus asked if Roman was upset. Roman said no, just frustrated with people assuming things they didn't need to know about. Remus apologized and that night they spent catching up and talking about Virgil. Remus noticed how much Roman would talk about little things but didn't bring it up to not upset Roman. Remus learned Virgil was the turning point in a lot of things that happened. Without him, Roman wouldn't be on the stage again.
Remus and Roman heard their aunt call for dinner. Their least favorite time. Ever since they were freshmen, they were sitting at the table with the adults who barraged them with questions. Roman had learned to deflect them with simple one worded answers, Remus just responded with ridiculous answers.
This year was going to be different, the two of them knew that. They would be asked how their year was going, their father would mention Roman's suspension and the fact he was at Westward, and the questions would roll in there.
The kids got their meal and all sat together annoying each other, while the older ones kept an eye on them. They weren't doing a good job so Roman walked by and said "Guys, you need to behave or you won't get pie. And I know how much you all love my mother's pie." The kids calmed down and his cousin said thank you.
Roman nodded and sat next to Remus at the table. "Roman, you are so good with kids, what happened at school? You are so sweet, why can't you just behave when you are at school?" One of his aunts asked.
"Carrie, please let the boy be. He just came home from school yesterday." His father said. Carrie stopped handing a side to her left to process what he said.
"Excuse me, what?" She responded. Remus, Roman, and their cousin all held their breath. Roman's dad was smooth though.
"He just came home from school yesterday. Roman's up at Westward now." Roman's dad shrugged. "Pass the carrots?"
Everyone knew what they wanted to ask but they really didn't have the confidence to do so. What had Roman done that caused him to be sent away? After ten minutes of uncomfortable silence at the adult table and the chatter of kids behind him, Roman couldn't take it. Sure silence he was used to around Virgil but it was always filled with something else. It was never silence.
Roman caught himself thinking about that and pushed it away. "Okay! I know what you are all going to ask! So why don't we get the yearly baderging out of the way shall we? First off, yes I am over at Westward because I took the fall for a friend. That just led to a suspension but they had some video of me there so I couldn't get off it. Secondly, any fights? Yes. Have I started any of them? No. Surprise, but I never start the fights when I fight. They have it coming. Thirdly, Westward is fucking stellar and I like it there but I have the full intention to come back to public school after this year. Anything else?" Roman asked. Carrie scoffed.
"Clearly that boarding school isn't doing well if he's so disrespectful." Remus looked up and went to say something but Roman shook his head.
"Well you would be one to talk. Your son was who I had to tell to behave." Roman said and shrugged. "Just saying."
Remus started to eat to prevent himself from laughing. Everyone in the family really didn't like Carrie, she was a little much. She married into the family and her husband really didn't have the energy to keep her quiet. The room was all thinking it.
"Joseph, you really need to control your children or tell that school they aren't doing their job." Carrie said.
"I think you should get out of his business, but he's not wrong. You do need to take your own advice. Control your child, and stay out of my children's lives. As for the school, they are doing very well. I assume the fight was just verbal, Roman?" His father asked.
"Yup, just verbal." Roman lied.
"Good, see they are doing their job. His grades have never been better and I think I heard he is in an extracurricular activity?"
"Ya, I am helping the theater department. Really I am just helping a friend with what he's doing but it's better than nothing."
"Yup, he is. He's doing a good job too. Costumes right?" Remus said adding to the lie. Remus had promised not to tell their parents until they went to the play itself.
"No, that's his cousin. He's head of the makeup department." Roman responded.
"Oh, that's right. Forgot that it was that." Remus nodded. The family watched the two with interest. Remus was behaving differently than they expected. Was Remus toning down or was it a reaction to them being together again? The family didn't want to find out the wrong way.
"It's okay, not many guys do make up but he's very talented." Roman said.
"Right! Didn't he do the fake gash thing for you during the Halloween thing they had?" Remus asked, and Roman nodded. "He's good."
Then the two carried on eating. No one asked again. Until their mother's brother asked, "So, who is this new friend you are talking about?"
Roman hesitated and hoped that Remus didn't say anything that he did one the way over. "Simple. He's Roman's new best friend. After me of course." Remus said.
"Friend, Remus. I told you that." Roman said.
"That's what I said." Roman rolled his eyes and the rest of the meal went well. And Carrie wasn't happy and kept saying they would go to her family's house instead for Christmas. They all ignored her for the most part. They all said goodbye and they went into the car. Remus was driving back to their house which wasn't too far away, so Roman got to talk to Virgil a little.
Roman and Virgil continued to talk while Roman drove home. Virgil told Roman about making dinner and how Patton left him alone with the food which was a bad idea because he almost burned the kitchen down. Apparently, Patton held the cooking gene in the family but his dad didn't.
Roman was wondering about their family but would he be out of line to ask? Maybe if he told Virgil some of the stories of him and Remus, Virgil would tell him. They pulled into the house that Roman grew up in and went inside. Roman was tired and Remus wanted to go Black Friday shopping. Roman had a thought, and so he asked Patton who gave him his number when Roman got again part.
Roman put his phone down and got into his pajamas. He was going back on Sunday and he was going to buy some things to decorate his room at school. He made a list. He wanted to buy Micheal and himself a decoration for the door, he also was going to hopefully get something for Virgil. But he wasn't sure what.
Roman nodded, so he had to figure something out in less than a month. They left for Christmas break the day before Virgil's birthday, maybe he could go home a little later? He would think of it later, right now he needed to sleep before going to stores with Remus.
A few hours later, Remus woke him up looking like he was going to fight someone. "Come on, we are going to be late." He said. Roman rolled his eyes and got up, quickly got changed and then drove to the nearest mall. There Remus and Roman got ready for it, and met up with a few friends.
While they were waiting, Roman saw Micheal who nodded towards him. Roman waved back. "Who's that?" One of their friends asked.
"Just my roommate at Westward, he's pretty nice." Roman responded.
"Oh?" He said. Roman glared at him.
"Back off, he's a good person. We aren't going to do anything, clear?" Roman said, while changing the energy around them to keep him in line.
"Okay, okay." The guy said, suddenly feeling scared of Roman. The guy was fairly new when Roman left so the rest of them really knew not to question Roman when he said not to do something. They all knew the fear that Roman could inflict, the only person who didn't ever feel that was Remus who was always getting away with more in the group. But that was just how they operated.
Remus always listened to Roman and Roman never had a reason to use it on Remus. The group was close and the new kid still hasn't been accepted by Roman. Roman pulled an older member aside.
"Keep an eye on him, he goes after that kid." He nodded towards Micheal. "He's gone. Tell the others but make sure he's unaware of it. He's on very thin ice." Roman said.
The friend group wasn't a gang, they were a family. In some ways people said they were but that led many people who wanted to be a part of the group for the wrong reasons, and Roman didn't take kindly to that. He was still the person they went to. Roman had slipped back into his old persona,but this time it felt very foreign.
Virgil heard water running, he opened his eyes scared that his bathroom was overflowing. When he did, he was sitting in a field.
Okay, so he was dreaming.
The field was beautiful, but he recognized it. He groaned and laid in the grass. This was the day that Roman was supposed to come back and he was having a vivid dream, he hoped that if he laid here and admired the place he was in he would wake up.
Maybe it would work and this is just a place for him to hangout for a little.
"Listen kid, both of us know that isn't going to happen." A voice said. Virgil sat up and he was met with a guy dressed in a suit.
He had piercing green eyes and brown hair that fell in a sweep across his forehead. Virgil thought he looked familiar. "That's right, you don't speak, you are mute correct?" He said. Virgil nodded as he sat down in the field.
"Normally I would prefer a much more subtle location but this seemed the best way to catch your attention." He shrugged. "I need you to get closer to Roman. He really likes you and he deserves this, if you got him to get back on the stage after years of me influencing his brother to try after only a few months you can do anything."
Virgil was still confused about who this person was, he wanted him to get closer to Roman yet he was cautious. He was taught to be wary of random people popping into dreams.
"There is no need to worry, I am a family member of Roman's." He said.
"As much as he would love to not worry, it's in his nature to worry. Also he has been taught to be careful of spirits who pay him a visit randomly." Virgil looked up and saw his own grandfather. "It's okay though, Tymek. He's telling the truth." Virgil was surprised, this was the first time his grandfather used his craft name. Virgil didn't think he really was all that accepting of it.
But if his grandfather visiting him repeatedly might be an olive branch. Virgil nodded.
"Well, maybe once and for all the family of Cyrus can be at rest don't you think? You know, if these two will finally get together." Roman's ancestor said.
"Well we all must be patient. There were some...unseen issues that arose when Tymek was younger." That's when Virgil realized what his grandfather was doing. He wasn't using his given name he was using the name that Virgil chose because the name that Virgil chose held as much power as he allowed. His grandfather was giving him the power in the situation in any way he could.
"Oh? And what would that be?" The guy said while crossing his arms. Virgil's grandfather glanced at him and Virgil nodded. Virgil would have to tell Roman at some point so why not start with his ancestor. Besides, it wasn't like Roman followed the religion part of it. He was just strong.
"My son wasn't the most accepting of the fact that his wife was a descendant of a powerful Wiccan family despite being from a fully Wiccan family himself. He always figured he would be the stronger one in the relationship, he was brought up on an extremely traditional idea that the men of the household should be powerful. Whereas his wife was more brought up to understand the balance in the world. The family had lost ties with the ancient god system but a lot of the lifestyle survived. So when she flipped over to worshiping the way they used to, the family was cool with it. However, my lovely son didn't start really pressing until after I had passed on. I had always told him that he had to marry her because he made a mistake, and that mistake was the best thing he could've done. It was a blessing in disguise, I mean look at my lovely grandson. Sure he wasn't planned but he has done things that have made us all so proud of him."
Virgil snapped his head up at the last part. He knew he wasn't planned and his parents married to bring the families together, he just didn't know it was his grandfather who pushed them to get married. His grandfather looked down at him, Virgil was still on the ground.
"Yes, we are all proud of you. We all don't subscribe to his way of thinking. We did bring him up to be strong, I just didn't know that he would take it so hardcore. We didn't want him to oppress like he did, we do hope he learns. I also bring you news, your mother has left him. The details will be revealed soon, your therapist will call you down on Monday and he will tell you with your uncle in the room." His grandfather hugged him. "You will talk again, and I know that for a fact." He turned to Roman's ancestor.
"He needs to talk first, then old wounds will heal. Cyrus and Sanders were never meant to be together. But the magical world has healed that with Tymek and his cousin. Cyrus and Kingsley will heal once more."
Virgil was confused. He knew about the Cyrus-Sanders rivalry but the Cyrus-Kingsley was one that was new.
"He doesn't know?"
"No, it's better for the feelings to develop for personality not duty." Virgil's grandfather looked to him. "We are all proud of you and stand behind you and your mother. We don't stand in allegiance with your father at all. But right now it's time to wake up."
Virgil shot up in bed. He looked around and found his notebook to write down the dream before it went away. But the details were fuzzy. The dream was always after he woke up. He just hoped they held on a little bit until he woke up fully. He looked at the time. 9:30 in the morning. He was up early for a Sunday.
Virgil got up and changed. He hummed a little as he showered, he looked in the mirror and saw his hair faded. He should re-dye it, he could ask Roman to help Logan with it. Or just Roman could do it. He would ask Roman.
The thought passed through his mind so fast he didn't register it fully. He got dressed into comfortable clothes and a hoodie. He left the bathroom, and saw the man from his dream standing in his room. He shimmered and then disappeared.
"PATTON!" Virgil yelled.
After explaining that he saw something, Patton did a sweep and found nothing but then told him to ask Janus. Virgil and Janus worked in the veil a lot more than Patton did. Virgil sighed and then went to get his phone and keys to go see Janus. He closed his door and was walking down the hallway when he heard his name.
"VIRGIL!" He turned in the direction of the voice. He saw Roman looking really happy and then he ran down the hallway. Virgil watched him without being able to say anything. Roman grabbed his hands.
"I need to talk to you about something, can we go to your room?" Roman asked. Virgil was unsure, he had just seen the man from his dream in there. He seemed very pushy about him and Roman. But he nodded and led him into the room.
"Okay. Okay. I want to know a few things but I think I can tell by looking around your room. But I want to hear your responses." Virgil nodded and walked over to the couch where he kept a notepad and pen so he could write it down.
Roman closed the door behind him and sat down next to him. "Oh! Write them down and I can take the paper with me!" Roman said. Virgil nodded. He still wasn't sure what this was about.
"Okay first question, What is your favorite band? Or like a top three." Roman paused to let Virgil write down his answers. "Second, if you had to choose one thing to be on a symbol what would it be?" Roman paused again. "Third, favorite color?" Roman paused again. "Lastly, favorite flower?" Virgil wrote something down without thinking.
Roman was handed the paper and looked over it. "Huh, wouldn't have pegged you for a rose guy. Good to know." Virgil snapped his head up and looked at Roman. "Breathe, it's a joke."
Virgil nodded, and took a deep breath. He was getting his bearings again. He could tell that there were no unwanted guests in the room that could be pushy or influential to him.
"Are you okay, you seem off." Roman asked.
Yeah, still coming down off of the social interaction. Virgil lied.
"Alright, well I have to go unpack so I'll see you at dinner?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and then Roman got up. "By the way, I have said this before but I am going to again. Cute freckles." Roman leaned down and bopped Virgil's nose. Virgil felt his face heat up and he hid his face in his sleeves.
Roman laughed and went to close the door. Virgil then remembered what he wanted to say, he wrote it down quickly and ripped it off the pad. He jumped over his couch and ran to the door to close it before Roman could leave.
"Yes?" He asked. Virgil handed him the note. "You want me to help?" Virgil nodded. "Well I don't know how well
I'll do but sure if you are going to do it tonight then why not? Text me when you want to do it." Virgil nodded and then let Roman out of his room.
He went to go tell Logan that he was going to dye his hair but Roman was going to do it. Logan wasn't happy with it but willing to work with it.
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