《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Nineteen
Roman was surprised when he saw Virgil round the corner, and he was even more surprised when Virgil walked right up to Janus. He was surprised when Virgil shook his head and the two seemed to have a conversation without words. Roman was being held by his collar, and he was trying not to be impatient.
"Virgil, I thought I told you to stay put?" Janus said quietly. Virgil held up his phone and pointed to the time. Roman was confused. Virgil went to Janus?
Janus sighed and shook his head. "I knew that would come back to bite me. Virgil, I need you to take my keys and go back to my dorm. Please." Janus said, Roman was still hanging in the air. Virgil shook his head. "Yes." Virgil shook his head again. "Virgil, please. I am asking nicely." Virgil seemed to think about something and Roman was hoping he wasn't actually planning on leaving.
Roman wouldn't blame him if he did. Roman was glancing between the two of them. Virgil moved away from Janus and then tapped his hand a number of times. Janus glanced over to Roman, Roman was staying quiet not really sure what to do. "You can't be serious." He said.
Virgil shrugged and then stood next to Roman. Roman wasn't sure what was going on. Virgil wasn't using notes or anything. So how was Janus understanding him?
"You really are implying that I let him go? After what he's done?" Janus said. Virgil rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out and wrote something down. He showed Janus who scoffed. "I already said I don't blame you."
Virgil wrote another thing down. Janus read it and then looked back up at Virgil. Roman looked at Virgil and Janus.
"Hate to interrupt but can someone please tell me what is happening?" Roman asked. Both Virgil and Janus looked at him. Roman was looking at Virgil who lightly shook his head.
Roman got the message and shut up. "Shut up." Janus said. "Virgil, I ask you to rethink this." Virgil typed something down and showed it Janus who looked up at him. Roman was sure that Janus was a dick and really didn't care about anyone. But Roman recognized the look in his eyes, Janus looked at Virgil like Remus looked at Roman when he left for school.
Janus closed his eyes and then let Roman go. Roman fell and landed with a slight groan. "Fine, but one more thing and I will not be as kind. I am trusting you Virgil." Virgil nodded and the two watched as Janus walked away.
"I should thank you right?" Roman asked and Virgil nodded. He held his hand out and helped Roman up. Roman picked up his script that fell out of his hands. "Well, thank you." Virgil nodded. What did you tell him?"
Virgil smiled. "I just told him the truth." Roman smiled and his heart fluttered. He lov- really liked Virgil's smile.
Virgil helped Roman up and Roman picked up his script that was knocked out of his hand. Virgil then motioned for Roman to follow and walked around the corner. He picked up his bag and started walking again.
"Where are we going?" Roman asked quietly. Virgil didn't answer, and kept walking. He ran his hand against the wall. Roman was confused, what was he doing.
Suddenly, Virgil stopped. Virgil held a finger to his lips and checked the hallway, he pushed the wall to the side and it revealed a tunnel. It was dark, Roman did not like it.
Virgil ducked inside and motioned for Roman to follow him, but Roman just stared at him. "Everything okay?" Virgil's phone said.
"It's dark in there." Roamn said.
"Yeah, you've been in the tunnels before." Roman still stood by his fear.
"But I could barely see anyway, now I am fully aware of things. It's dark in there and I don't like it." Roman said.
Virgil thought for a minute. "Want me to hold your hand?"
Roman looked at him. "What?"
"You heard me." Roman and Virgil held eye contact for a minute. Virgil sighed and grabbed Roman's hand. Roman stared at it, last time they did this he was too stressed to register it.
Now he was being walked through endless tunnels holding his crush's hand after he had talked to him. Roman still had to apologize, he didn't mean to upset Virgil and then Virgil had gone to Janus. What did that mean? Finally Virgil found where he was going.
Virgil opened the door, and the two were on a balcony. The air was chilly due to it being November. Virgil closed the tunnel door and then locked a door on the balcony. "Where are we?" Roman asked.
Virgil handed him a note and then pulled some chairs out. It's my uncle's apartment. He said I can come here every once and awhile so we aren't breaking any rules.
"Oh." Roman said, he watched as Virgil set up the chairs. "But why are we here?" Roman asked.
Virgil pointed to Roman's script and then wrote a note. Privacy for you to run your lines, that's what we were doing before right? You are talking to me again so I assume you told Alicia. Virgil wrote and pulled the table between the chairs. Virgil sat down and pulled a sketch book out again. Roman watched as he got set up.
"Oh right. I forgot. I did tell her, and she took it well." Roman responded and Virgil nodded and went back to his drawing. "I am sorry." Roman figured he needed to come out and say it.
What? Virgil responded. Roman sat down across from Virgil and then continued.
"I am sorry. I upset you and I am sorry." The energy buzzed but it was different. It was slower. "Can I ask what I did?"
You didn't do anything, I just got my hopes up for a stupid reason. I just took it out on you. Roman felt that Virgil was lying. They had been friends for a few months, but he really didn't know Virgil's ticks and tone for certain things and it was hard to tell when Virgil wrote things down.
"Well if it set you off shouldn't I know what it is to avoid it?" Roamn asked.
Roman, leave it alone. Virgil wrote. Please? One day I may tell you but right now I don't think I can.
"Alright, alright. I am sorry and if I do it again I apologize now and I will if I do again." Roman said and Virgil shook his head.
You are so dramatic. Roman nodded.
"I did get the lead for a reason." Virgil smiled but it was a little strained. Roman sighed internally. "Virgil, if you are still upset we can just not do this. I'll ask Micheal to help me."
Roman, I said it was fine and left it alone. Now are we going to run them or not? Virgil wrote.
"No, we aren't. You wanna know why?" Roman asked and Virgil looked up at Roman. "Because we are friends and it makes me upset when my friends are upset with me or because of something I did and they hold it in." Roman got up and moved over to Virgil. "So please, if you are upset and if you are only helping me right now because you don't want to be seen as rude to cancel, just tell me you need space and I'll give it."
Virgil shook his head. If you leave me alone, it will only make it worse so please just let me have your company while I still can. Virgil wrote and then looked away.
Roman sighed. "Virgil, I think you may have misunderstood me when I said I wouldn't be back to the school. I meant the school would be in the past but not you. I made a promise to stay your friend, and I will." Roamn moved Virgil's head so Virgil was looking at him."Next year, if I don't return, I am going to come back every Saturday and visit you. It doesn't matter if i spend the entire day with you while you do your homework or we go somewhere. Hell maybe I'll even bring you to my hometown, I am not going anywhere. When I look at my future you are there with me. No matter what."
Virgil stared at Roman and Roman tried to see what he was feeling. The air was heavy again. And IF you are lying? Virgil wrote.
"I am not. And why did you amplify the word 'if'?" Roman asked.
Virgil wrote a note and Roman looked at it. Because you said if. Last time we talked about it you were convinced you weren't returning. Roman thought about it, and then responded.
"Maybe I found something that might make me want to stay." Roamn said while looking at Virgil. Virgil looked over at Roman. "But, we will have to see. Now are we good to go over lines?" Roman said changing the subject. Virgil nodded, and Roman smiled and then opened his script when he got over to his seat.
Before he moved away from Virgil, he caught a whiff of roses. It confused him but he didn't focus on it. He had made Virgil feel better and Virgil seemed better.
Roman told him he was going to be back if he didn't come back. If? Virgil held on to that and it made him feel much better. Roman basically said there was a chance he would come back. So until the dinner bell, Roman ran lines and Virgil gave notes while drawing Roman without actually drawing him.
There was a knock on the glass of the balcony. Virgil looked over and saw his Uncle. Virgil grabbed a notepad and unlocked the door. "Hey Virge, Roman. What's going on?" Thomas asked.
Roman wanted to run lines and I am helping him. You said I could use the balcony sometimes so I brought him here. Virgil wrote. Roman was behind him looking a little uncomfortable. Virgil realized that Roman was scared of Thomas.
"Oh, alright well you two should start getting ready to head to dinner. It's almost time." Thomas said and then leaned down to Virgil and spoke quietly. "Did you use the tunnels?" Virgil nodded. "Does he know how to get here through them?" Of course Thomas would be nervous about that. Virgil shook his head. Thomas nodded. "Alright you two have some fun and get to dinner."
Then Thomas was gone and the two were alone on the balcony. "He is really nice but really scary." Roman said. Virgil turned and raised an eyebrow at Roman. "What? He's the Headmaster, and you are biased because he is your uncle." Virgil smiled and held his hands up.
He is right though, dinner is soon and we have to leave through the tunnel which means you need to muster your courage. Virgil wrote and then started to pack up his things.
Roman read the note and then sighed. "You're mean sometimes." Roman said. Virgil shrugged and slung his backpack over his shoulder. Roman closed his script and stood.
"Are we putting away the chairs and the table?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded, and folded his chair up. Roman followed suit and then he opened the tunnels.
Virgil waited for Roman to come over and he rolled his eyes when he just stared at the door inward. Virgil grabbed Roman's hand and dragged him into the tunnel. Virgil closed the door and they weaved through the tunnels.
"What are these tunnels from?" Roman asked. Virgil took his phone out and typed.
"The school used to be a hospital and these are tunnels they used to transport supplies and patients if needed." Virgil's phone read.
"You know you are a creepy cookie." Roman said uneasily and Virgil smiled.
"Tell me something I don't know." Roman chuckled. Th two continued walking until Roman broke the silence again.
"If this is too deep or anything, you don't have to answer but why did you go to Janus and not Patton or Logan?" Roman asked. Virgil seemed to think and contemplate. He then typed something out.
"Out of all of them, he's the one who would have the least dramatic reaction and just let me be without asking me questions I don't know the answer to. He's also someone who would give me the best reality check." Virgil's phone said.
"Yes, because leaving you alone and anxious is a good idea and finding me to beat me up isn't dramatic." Roman responded.
"Well clearly I have more than one drama queen in my life. But you have a point, but if it wasn't for my anxiety you would have some new bruises and I would be watching Ghost Adventures." Roman knew Virgil had a point.
"Okay, okay. You win this one. I was just wondering." Roman said, Virgil looked over at Roman. He looked upset.
"Jealous Ro?" Virgil's phone broke the silence again.
"What! No! I was just concerned, I know he's your friend but he's kinda got a rep for being mean and kinda sort of beat me up for small reasons." Roman said.
"He's protective, we both went through some shit and came out on the other side together. Now he just doesn't want a repeat, he's harmless as long as you are on his good side."
"I don't think I'll ever get on his good side." Roman said, Virgil shrugged. He believed that Roman and Janus could be friends, he thought they had it figured out a bit ago but clearly that wasn't the case.
"Give it some time, he'll come around. You just need to be patient."
"That's not something I am good at." Virgil nodded in agreement. "Hey! You didn't need to agree."
"Oh, yes I did."
"If we weren't in the dark, you'd be very sad." Roman said, Virgil looked over at him. Roman was pouting.
"Stop pouting or I'll let go."
"You wouldn't dare." Roman said. Virgil smirked and started to wiggle his hand out from Roman's. Roman grabbed on tighter to keep Virgil from removing it. "No! No! I am sorry. Please don't let go."
"Backstage is dark and you are fine with that but the tunnels freak you out?"
"Backstage has some lights to it, this is too dimly lit for me. It freaks me out so much because my brother likes to jump out randomly in the middle of the night to hear me scream."
"I am going to ask him for pointers."
"I beg you not to." Virgil smiled and shrugged. "That's not a straight answer."
"Well, I am not straight so I don't know why you expected that."
"Now is not the time for gay jokes!"
"It's always the time for gay jokes."
"I hate you."
"No you don't." Roman sighed and Virgil smiled and ran his hand on the wall.
Virgil found an exit and opened the door and let Roman out following himself. Roman didn't want to let go but Virgil needed both hands. Roman stood by while Virgil got settled. "Shall we?" Roman asked.
Virgil nodded and the dinner bell sounded. People started to flood into the hallways. Roman made sure to stay by Virgil which Virgil found interesting. Sure crowds made him uneasy but he knew these kids. Or at least familiar with them enough to not be worried about them.
"Can we eat dinner together today? It's okay if you don't want to." Virgil nodded. Roman perked up. "Really?" Virgil nodded again.
Roman smiled wide and then was giddy until they got to the cafeteria. Roman let Micheal know he was going to eat with Virgil for this meal and Micheal made a comment that Roman shut down.
Roman also made Virgil stay at the table and asked what he wanted to eat. Virgil sighed and saved Roman a seat. Patton and Logan sat down from getting their food. "Oh, Virgil. I didn't expect you to be here. I can go up with you to get dinner if you would like." Patton said.
Virgil shook his head. Roman is getting my dinner. Virgil signed.
"Isn't that nice." Patton said. "Is he eating with us?"
Virgil nodded once more, the three waited until Roman returned. I think he's trying to make up for a fight we had. Virgil signed while watching Roman.
"What fight?" Logan asked. The two were going into protective mode.
It was an overreaction on my part, I overthought and then took it out on him. I made it worse when I told Janus. He got the idea to go have a talk with Roman, I stopped it before it could get too much. Virgil explained. He looked to Logan and Patton. Don't bring it up.
"We won't!" Patton said defensively. Virgil went back to watching Roman, Roman looked over, smiled and waved.
"So, have you come to accept your feelings for Roman?" Logan asked. Virgil glared over at him. "What? You. Obviously like him, why not just accept it?"
Because accepting is just the first step. Next is then attachment, attachment leads to confessions. Confessions are the last step before dating, and I am not going to subject anyone to an abnormal relationship. Virgil signed.
"You really think that someone is gonna care if you can't talk? Relationships can change minds, and if someone likes you then maybe you should give it a shot." Patton said, unsure.
Virgil shook his head. No. I am not changing my mind, so let's just leave it alone. Patton went to say something but Roman came back over with his and Virgil's dinner. Little did they know that Virgil was possibly considering it.
"Here you are!" Roman said and placed the food down in front of Virgil and sat down next to him. "They questioned me a little bit but I got them to surrender." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Hey! Don't give me that look, I got you dinner!"
Patton laughed. "He does that to me all the time, it's a sign that he thinks you're being over dramatic." Roman nodded.
"Well, get used to it because you convinced me to do theater." Roman responded.
Whatever. Virgil signed. Logan smiled but Roman didn't pick up on it. Instead he jumped into a conversation with Patton about the musical and the script. Logan and Virgil stayed quiet to listen.
After dinner, Patton and Logan asked if the two of them were going to hang out or if they had any plans for the night. Virgil said he was going to just relax before the next day, Roman asked if he wanted to go to a gathering with his roommate and his friends.
I don't know. Virgil was nervous, he knew Micheal. He was in Virgil's classes last year. Micheal was nice enough it was the others he wasn't sure about, plus they were playing board games that kinda required being able to speak.
"Please?" Roman asked. "I want you to meet my friends, please?" Roman begged. "You don't need to participate, we can be a team. They don't care, there is one girl who just watches. I don't think you will be an issue."
Roman and Virgil had a standoff. Is this because we had a fight? Roman I told you it's okay.
"That's not the reason." Roman said, Virgil crossed his arms. "Okay maybe a little bit but can you blame me? I know you don't trust easy and it seems that we were on a roll until I fucked it up. I just want to do something nice, and I like hanging out with you."
You want me to go with you to your game night because you feel bad and you want to hang out with me? Roman nodded. Why though? I already forgave you. Virgil didn't understand it. Roman apologized, he accepted it, and now they could move on. Janus blamed Roman, Virgil blamed himself.
Then Virgil realized that Roman blamed himself. Virgil sighed and Roman looked confused. If I say I'll come, but bring Pat and Logan, will you let the fight go?
"The more the merrier!" Roman said happily. "Micheal told me to bring new friends, I have to tell him. I'll come by and get you three before we start." Roman said and ran off. Virgil knew he was avoiding the question.
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