《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Eighteen
Roman ended up getting Adam or the Beast. When they heard, Virgil made the joke that he could actually be called Princey. He met his female lead. Her name was Alicia Brown and she was a fellow junior. He was impressed with her audition from what he remembered. Rehearsals would start the following week, but ever since Alicia had found out about the pairing she wouldn't leave Roman alone.
Whenever he tried to get away from her, he couldn't, the only time she backed off ironically was when Virgil was around. He gave an eyebrow raise and she would back off. Roman was flooded with relief and the calmness that Roman always felt with Virgil.
Ever since they held hands, Roman was fighting blushes each time Virgil would do something unknowingly cute. When Virgil told him to work with an eyeroll, Roman flushed. When Virgil would draw when he was waiting for Roman, he had a cute pout which made Roman's heartbeat faster.
Roman wasn't stupid, it was a crush. That was all it was, a crush. It would go away, and he could return to just being friends with Virgil. Then he didn't have to worry about it.
But whenever he saw the future, he saw Virgil with him. He knew the things he was daydreaming about what was unattainable but he couldn't help it.
Right now, Roman was running through the school going to meet Virgil. They were going to a big window the Virgil liked other than the one near the meadow. Virgil told Roman to take his script so Roman could say his lines in different ways to Virgil who sat and listened, then gave tips. Virgil knew what his uncle was looking for so Roman asked him to help.
He was late, and he was meeting Virgil at his dorm. Alicia had found him and he had said he needed to talk to the Headmaster and she tried to come with him, but Roman shut her down. Roman knew he was being followed. So he was running.
When he made it to the door, he knocked fast and loud. Virgil opened the door and Roman was breathless. "Let me in and then lock the door. She's coming." Roman said. Virgil rolled his eyes and let him in.
Why don't you just tell her you are not interested? Alicia is nice, she's only intimidated by me because I don't talk. Virgil wrote.
"Easier said than done." Roman said.
Have you told her you are gay? Virgil asked. Roman shook his head. You should, she'll leave you alone that way.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway." Virgil gave him a look. "I am not exactly planning on coming back after this school year is done." Roman said. Virgil was across the room and getting things ready, he stopped.
Roman could tell he kind of fucked up. Virgil slowly turned to Roman, Roman now understood why people were scared of Virgil sometimes. His grey eyes turned darker, and Roman could practically feel the jumping to conclusions. "No, no, no. Please don't be upset, I told you I wouldn't let you go and we were friends and I made a promise and I will keep it." Roman said.
Virgil shook his head and turned back around.
"Are you angry?" Roman asked. Virgil shrugged. "Tell me what you are feeling?" Virgil looked up at the wall. He seemed lost in thought.
Tell Alicia you are gay. Then we will talk about this. Virgil wrote. He picked up his bag and left the room. On the bottom of the note that Roman was given, it read: Until you do that, don't talk to me.
Roman sighed, and then folded the note. He looked at the wall, there was a calendar on the wall. The days were marked, it was November. Roman realized it was Virgil's calendar with plans. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday was marked with Roman's rehearsals.
Then there was the marking for Thanksgiving. Roman sighed, Virgil lives here year round. Did he go to a grandparents house? He hadn't heard Patton talk about it, so he assumed they held it at the school. Roman figured he was standing in the empty dorm for too long, so he left and went to find Alicia.
He felt panicky. He didn't know why, but Virgil was affecting him more than he realized. As he walked through the halls, he felt his emotions get more and more out of control. He knew that he would be found by Alicia, he wasn't sure why she just popped up everywhere but she did. He didn't really care, he cared about fixing things. He had to.
He felt a wave of energy and then a light in a hall burst. He sighed, he hadn't had that happen in years. He needed to get back to things being neutral. He wasn't sure how to handle the extra energy and didn't know why he was suddenly in less control of his abilities. He was doing so well without really feeling anything for anyone except his Remus.
"Ro~man~" He heard. Alicia had found him. He turned and looked at her.
"Hello, Alicia." Roman said. Alicia latched herself to his arm.
"I was looking for you, why did you run so fast?" She pouted. Alicia was beautiful, with baby blue eyes and lovely auburn hair. If Roman had any interest in girls, he would go for Alicia.
"I was busy and I had things to do, I am happy that we are co-stars but I do have other things to do." Roman had thrown his regular exterior back on.
"Oh! Well do you want company?" Alicia asked. She was hanging on his arm, Roman felt uncomfortable.
"I'd rather not."
"What? Of course you do! You are always hanging out with the mute kid." She said dismissively.
"Virgil." Roman said, he was starting to get angry. Why would she refer to him like that? "I suggest you use his name and don't say his name with anything less than respect." He was being watched. Alicia shook her head.
"Whatever. But you are really nice, not many people have the audacity to befriend someone with Janus watching you all the time. I admire that." She said. He didn't feel like he was being watched anymore.
"Look, Alicia, I know you are very nice and you do live up to your reputation. I don't know if I am mistaking your affections but I do not like you in that way. We can be civil and professional but I ask you to stop with the compliments and the following me around. Please?" Roman said and got his arm out of her grasp.
"Well, we don't know where things can go. Maybe you can return them and you don't know it yet." She said happily. She reminded him a lot of Patton, if Patton didn't have any shame and was kinda bitchy.
"Trust me when I say, it won't." Roman said. He started walking away.
"But you don't-" She started, obviously trying to convince Roman. Roman got frustrated. So he turned and he put his hands on her shoulders.
"Alicia. I am gay. I will not return your romantic feelings for me because I like guys." Roman said. She looked at him and made a realization. Roman really hoped nothing negative would come out of her mouth.
"Oh...that makes much more sense." She said quietly.
"What?" Roman said, confused.
"Well, people say that you look like you would hop into bed with anyone and no one has heard you actually doing it. Sure some girls in the underclassmen are spreading rumors that you have but mostly people don't believe them. I was wondering if it was because you just didn't meet the right girl, or as I know now, guy. So I decided that I would give it shot because no one else would. They are a little scared of what Janus would do, even though everyone knows Janus doesn't have a history of hitting girls. It's just guys, but no one wanted to push it. When we got cast together, I figured it would be a good way to try it out. I am sorry if I was a little much, and I apologize for anything I did to make you uncomfortable." Roman sighed.
"That wasn't the response that I was expecting." He admitted and let go of her. She just laughed lightly.
"No need to worry about homophobia, the gays outnumber the straights at this school. It's too be expected, the Headmaster is gay himself. Are you out to your family?" She asked.
"Yeah, they kind of caught me and a guy in the act once. They didn't care but they weren't happy I had skipped school." Roman said.
"Ooh, you're a behavioral problem. Some people are sent here becasue they are gay or part of the LGTBQ community which is redundant in my opinion but they are still here and safe so better than nothing." Alicia said.
"Interesting." Roman said.
"Again, I am sorry. Can we restart?" Alicia asked.
"Definitely." Roman said and smiled.
"And I promise I'll leave you and your boyfriend alone." Alicia said.
"Yeah..aren't you dating Virgil?" She asked.
"No, we are just friends. Wait, both of us..what did you do to him?" Roman asked, angry.
"I didn't do anything bad! I meant leave you alone when you are together hanging out. I promise I didn't do anything to make him upset, he's an absolute sweetheart. I don't know why anyone would want to be mean to him. Even if he does freak me out a little bit, you know intense eyes and the not talking thing." Alicia said and shrugged. Roman relaxed. "And by the way, you could've fooled me. The way you are so protective over him is so cute!"
"Thanks, I guess." Roman said, Alicia had gone back to her bubbly self.
"Well, I'll root for ya. You two would be a cute couple." She started walking away.
"Thanks but a long distance relationship doesn't really work." Roman said.
"What?" Alicia asked.
"I don't plan on coming back after the end of the school year." Roman said. Alicia laughed.
"Roman, you are very funny. You are going to come back, everyone does. The school has a way of bringing you back in. It doesn't matter if it's friends, the teachers, or the grounds, even the strongest doesn't get to leave. I wouldn't rule out being here next year until you get to the end of the year. Give it a few more months." She smiled at him and walked away.
He sighed and then walked down the hallway to try and find Virgil. He had to, he needed to fix things. Alicia's words bounced in his head. Mainly about next year, he could care less about people finding out he was gay. The important people already knew.
He was slammed into the wall by someone familiar. He groaned. "I really thought you learned." Janus hissed.
He had left his dorm with Roman inside. He trusted that Roman would leave soon if not right after him and chase him down, that's what he did each time. When Roamn didn't, Virgil hid around the corner and waited for Roman. He wasn't sure why he was watching and waiting. But he was.
Virgil had been upset with himself, he had gotten attached to someone who he thought he could. But it proved to be negative. He wasn't going to tell Roman but he was jealous of Alicia. She had the confidence to go after someone who she had no chance with. She didn't know that. He saw Roman leave the dorm and then go in the opposite direction from Virgil. Then Virgil heard Alicia, and Virgil's mind went places he didn't want it do go.
Virgil did the only thing he could think of. He ran to Janus. Janus and him may have had a rough history but they were friends. Janus would comfort him no questions asked. Logan was good for objective stuff, Patton would fret too much and possibly tell his uncle which would result in bad things, so his choice seemed justified.
He hated himself and he hated it stupid feelings. His feelings betrayed him, he didn't want to feel the upset of being crushed. He didn't want Roman to leave even for the summer, but he wasn't even going to come back next year.
The more Virgil thought about it, the more upset he became. So he ran, he hoped Janus would be in his dorm. He got to the door and knocked repeatedly until Janus opened the door.
"Okay, what the fuck do you- oh Virgil?" Janus said and Virgil looked at him and tried to hold it together. "Virgil are you okay?" Janus asked.
Virgil shook his head and then Janus let him into the room. Janus gave him a hug and Virgil broke down. He cried.
And hard. After a minute his knees gave out and he slipped down to the ground. Janus went with him to not break the hug. Janus shushed him and held him tight to keep him aware of the here and now.
Janus rocked him slightly and just shushed him. Virgil and Janus were on their knees in the middle of the room. After Virgil calmed down enough to break away, Janus got up and told him to sit on the bed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Janus asked. Virgil nodded and took out a notebook.
I am an idiot. Virgil wrote and gave to Janus.
"That's hardly fair, your friends with Roman and related to Patton. Love Patton but he can be a little delusional, no offense." Janus said, giving the notebook back and sitting up with Virgil. He had gotten a water bottle so Virgil could replace the tears and stay healthy.
None taken. Virgil wrote. Janus looked over and nodded.
"But that aside, why are you upset?" Janus asked.
It's a little stupid. Virgil got a little embarrassed.
"If you are having this reaction to it, then it's not stupid. Now stop stalling and let's get this issue underway so you can take a quick nap and watch an episode of Ghost Adventures."
Fine. Virgil played with the pen trying to find the right words. So, I know that you don't like Roman, but just hear me out. For my sake. So I am hanging out with him more because both of us are doing things for the theater and he got the lead. Alicia is the lead, she's nice but a little much. She didn't do anything so shush. So we were going to practice lines, he was going to figure out how to say things. But when we were getting ready he mentioned that he hadn't told Alicia he was gay, I told him he should. He said it didn't matter and he said he wasn't coming back next year. Even though he said he wouldn't leave.
Janus read it and went quiet. Virgil knew he was angry. "Virgil..I don't know how to console you without making it worse. Do you want my honest opinion?" Virgil nodded. Janus sighed. "Maybe you are better off without him."
Virgil looked over at Janus. "Want me to explain?" Virgil nodded. "Well, you are sweet and have a great heart, and you show that to people who take an effort. And I think you truly thought that he was trying. I don't like him, no, you are correct. But maybe he could be what you see, but he's too closed off." Janus sighed. "I can't explain it but you need to let him go."
Maybe you are right. I just hate it.
"Hate what?" Janus asked.
Feeling like I was just rejected. Janus, I think I have a crush on him. And he basically crushed all reality of that.
"I thought you were not going to date until you could talk." Janus said.
I was going to rethink that for him. I guess that was a stupid thing to do. Virgil blew air and his bangs moved. Janus shook his head, there was something in his eyes that Virgil recognized and he didn't like it.
"No, I refuse to blame you for this. You can't help it. I am blaming him, and I'll take care of it for you Virgil." Janus said and hugged Virgil again. Virgil went to shake his head, he didn't want anything to happen to Roman again. Roman couldn't dress a wound properly and he was too proud to go to the med wing.
Roman was nice and kind, Virgil had gotten attached. It was nobody's fault, but Janus liked to see the world that way. Virgil wished he knew why, but he couldn't figure it out. "You stay here, and I'll bring you dinner. You aren't spending the night alone, I am going to be back. I'll put on whatever you want to watch for you." Janus let go and went to get his laptop.
Virgil's eyes widened, Janus couldn't leave him. Not now, he would do something stupid and he could get caught and then his uncle wouldn't be as nice as he was last time. Janus could leave him too. He refused to let that happen. Virgil started tearing up again and shook his head. Janus noticed.
"No, no, no, Virge. No tears, okay?" Janus wiped his tears. "I have something I need to take care of, and I'll be back in fifteen minutes, maybe less. If I am not, you can come find me." Janus said and Virgil nodded.
So Virgil made note of the time, and stayed where he was. For about five minutes.
After that, he couldn't take it anymore. So he grabbed his bag and left Janus' room. He quietly walked down the hall, if Janus came back and he wasn't there he needed an excuse. He was going to avoid the places Janus used for travel. He ran his hand on the wall, the school had passages. It used to be an old hospital, so the passages were once used for the nurses and doctors to transport.
He felt a bump in the wall and he pushed it. When he first came here he explored and memorized the tunnels. He pushed it open and slipped inside. He closed the door and he tried to figure out where Janus would be and where Roman would be.
He went in the direction of where he saw Roman head. If anything he could find Alicia and ask her. She would tell him, he had to push away the jealousy. He then opened another passageway. He shut it and it made a noise, thankfully Janus didn't notice. Virgil trailed him and found who he was following. Janus and Virgil both heard Roman say goodbye to Alicia. Then Janus waited for her to leave and then he went after Roman.
"I really thought you learned." Janus hissed.
"Janus, good to see you again. I thought we moved away from these little interactions." Roman said back. Virgil was listening while he moved to Janus' old hiding spot.
"I thought so too, then you hurt something near me. And I am here to ask you where the fuck you think you can." Janus said. Virgil didn't want to look, Virgil then walked backwards a little. It was still a few minutes until Janus would be gone for twenty minutes.
Virgil had to wait. "If you are talking about who I think you are, I didn't intend to. And you are actually interpreting me finding him. So can I go?" Roman asked. Janus chucked.
"No, I don't think you understand. He's emotional and you clearly are not. You are a emotionally stunted jerk who can't see what he has in front of him." Janus said. He heard shuffling, Virgil then moved down the hall more. He regulated his breathing so he wouldn't give himself away.
Virgil started to walk away, until he saw Janus was gone for a half hour. He sighed and then went to the end of the hallway. He opened the door and closed it. He walked down the hallway until he heard the sound of someone getting punched. He ran down the hallway, he hoped he wasn't right. He dropped his bag and it landed with a soft thump. He rounded the corner and saw Roman and Janus.
Virgil ran up and grabbed Janus' arm before he could hit Roman again. Janus yelled and turned to see Virgil's face.
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