《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Fourteen
Logan was dressed as a mad scientist for the dance, he was going with Patton who convinced him to go despite them having to go to the open circle and the closed circle the next day. Patton said he wasn't sure if Virgil was going to bring Roman or if they were even going to go but Logan was sure he would let them know.
Logan was currently sitting on a chair while Patton went off and made sure everything was okay and running smoothly, he could see Virgil and Roman talking. Well Roman was, and Virgil was listening. Roman had actually accomplished what Patton could never. Roman got Virgil to dance, but they both stayed in character very well. Logan assumed Virgil had explained the storyline further. Apparently, Ze had told Roman which costume to get.
"They are cute you know, how'd Janus take it?" Speak of the devil.
"Ze, why are you here? I assumed your parents wouldn't let you leave the house considering your beliefs." Logan said. Ze was the same age as Virgil, they were born on the same day just a month apart, Virgil in December and Ze in January. She always kept her hair a pink color or blue depending on the way she felt that month. She actually was the one who gave Logan the violet dye for Virgil's hair.
"They said I could come as long as I go to the closed circle tomorrow." Ze shrugged. She was dressed as a witch, Logan didn't find it amusing. "I heard they are going to try and let Virgil channel. I don't think it's a good idea." Ze said. She sat down. Logan looked at her.
"Why wouldn't it be a good idea?" Logan asked. "It will only be Patton, his father, Virgil, Janus and your parents."
"I have a bad feeling about it. I can't explain it, I feel like something is going to go wrong." Ze sighed. "I don't know what."
"Could it be something else?" Logan asked. Ze seemed to know what he was asking.
"Roman isn't a threat, Logan. Let's get rid of that right now. Roman is going to help Virgil, they already seem close." She pointed to where Virgil and Roman were standing. Virgil tugged on the chain and Roman faltered but kept his balance and went over to assist Virgil.
"So?" Logan asked.
"It's like a bond that can't be broken. Something like a..what's the word?" Ze sat and wondered. A word flew through Logan's brain, it flew out without him realizing.
"A soulmate?" Ze looked at him with an amused expression.
"Mr. Atheist believes in soulmates?" Ze laughed and then snapped her fingers like she remembered something. "No, past life connection. They had a strong bond in a past life, quite possibly something romantic that wasn't resolved. But that's not the danger, it's the other side. They aren't happy that he is trying it so soon."
"Again, I ask you what is your point?" Logan asked.
"Listen, we have worked together before have we not?" Ze said. She was the one who called Logan and told him to check on Virgil because something didn't feel right to her.
"That was different. It was his life." Logan said.
"And this is his confidence. He gets torn down and channels, he gets overwhelmed, he could pass out. If he can't speak they will get frustrated."
"He's talking to Patton, that means something." Logan said.
"I don't think the other side is happy about a whisper to Patton. They love him I am sure but these are family spirits for them, they are going to give both the Sanders and Cyrus family predictions for the new year."
"Virgil is the only Cyrus of the group."
"Which means he needs to be able to talk, listen his spirit guides are having trouble getting him to admit something he has known about since the beginning of the year, what makes you think that they will be any more successful towards channeling? Something is going to radically shift for Virgil. Soon something is going to happen, and it will be scary at first. But I would rather not see Virgil pass out during a circle. " Logan didn't want to admit that Ze had a point.
"What do I need to tell him?"
"In your opinion, trying to contact the other side with such shaken conditions of the ability to speak is not a good idea." Ze smiled. "You know, logically."
With that she got up and disappeared into the crowd. He couldn't help but think she was like an Oracle of some kind in myths hes' read so many times before. Logan sat and thought about what she said, but he had to find Patton. He would know what to do.
Logan weaved through people and tried not to get things on his lab coat. He reached the DJ station and asked if he could just stand up there for a quick second. He looked over the crowd to find the ghost he had come with. He thought he saw him and ran towards him.
Patton turned and saw him coming. The bubbly teenager flew over abandoning the people he was with.
"I was just going to find you!" Pattonsaid happily.
"Great. Shall we go sit?" Logan asked. Patton shook his head.
"A slow dance is coming soon."
"Yes?" Logan asked.
"You are my date, right?" Patton countered.
"Then wouldn't ideally you dance with me?" Patton asked. Logan couldn't argue with that. He sighed and nodded. He was aware that there was a social construct to dances and dates but he didn't know Patton took it so seriously. In hindsight, he should've expected it.
In the past weeks, Patton and Logan had gotten closer. Since they started living together after Virgil was moved to a single, they had seen they were very compatible. At least in Logan's opinion. He was a believer of if you could live together comfortably then you have a good basis for a relationship.
Patton was excited by planning their costumes, despite Virgil's suggestion of a couples costume they didn't go with that. Instead, Virgil and Roman wore a couples costume but Ze had a hand planning that. Logan was amused with watching the pair interact the entire night. The fact they stayed in character despite the communication barrier was very admirable.
Patton was a ghost, but still went with the idea of Logan's. Logan was a mad scientist and Patton was a patient of said scientist. Logan said there were multiple inconsistencies but Patton was determined on being a ghost, and Logan wouldn't allow Virgil anywhere near him with the SFX he did.
The fact that Logan's feelings had grown didn't help the fact he was here with someone so peppy. Logan was nervous. Anyone would be, and he was sure Patton could feel it. Logan kept a composure but Patton had seen that composure fall and didn't judge him. It felt nice, maybe that was why he was so attached to Patton, even after Virgil came home.
The song started and couples flew out the door or on to the floor. Patton pulled Logan on to the floor and Logan saw Virgil trying to convince Roman to give up on trying to get him to dance. Patton followed his line of vision and saw his cousin. Roman had used the chain attached to his wrist and attached it to Virgil's instead. Roman smirked and pulled Virgil into his arms to dance. Virgil rolled his eyes and gave in.
"Aw.." Patton said and put his arm on Logan's shoulder. Logan was a few inches taller than Patton, but Patton was also a bit short for his age.
"They are good together." Logan said. Patton nodded and looked up at Logan.
"I am glad that he found someone who doesn't care. The two of them don't even know it but they like each other." Logan was surprised. Sure Roman was affectionate but so was Patton. Patton was towards Virgil but they were family so that was justified, but with Logan it was different. Patton always got him up with a smile and then asked to hold his hand under the table during meal times. Also Patton gave Logan hugs almost everyday.
"And how do you know that?" Logan asked. Patton shrugged and looked back over at his cousin and Roman.
"Look at the way Roman looks at Virgil when Virgil looks away. It's like he's trying to memorize everything about him. Like Virgil is going to disappear on him." Patton then looked back at Logan.
"Oh." Logan said and looked off to the distance for a moment. Patton giggled and Logan was brought back to the boy in front of him.
"Don't analyze it, a crush is one thing but love is another. There are the seeds of love there." Patton said. "Can I ask you something personal?"
Logan was surprised by the bluntness of his question. "Alright. What would you like to know?" Logan was sure Patton knew as much as Logan would let someone know. He has a younger brother who he's never met because his mother left when he was five, but his father remarried and his stepmother was actually quite nice. When suddenly his mother came back, Logan got the scholarship and avoided that conflict. It didn't mean his mother went away, but preparing was easier when you aren't right down the street. His brother wasn't with her but there was a birth record. And his father refused to let his mother see Logan. Logan really didn't have a problem with that. His stepmother was the woman who raised him, so by default his mother in his eyes.
"If Virgil wasn't what brought us together, you know as roommates, do you think we would still be friends?" Patton asked. Honestly, Logan didn't see how they would be. None of the same classes and vastly different interests, the only way that they would've met was at the library or if Patton needed tutoring.
"I would like to think that we would be." Logan said. Now that Patton was in his life, Logan didn't want him to leave. Patton nodded.
"Good." Patton smiled but there was something else that he wanted to ask.
"Patton, what is the matter? You know very well that I will not judge you for whatever you need to ask. I can tell there is something else." Logan said. Patton then looked down embarrassed. He did this when he found something difficult to talk about or when he really wanted to say something. Patton and Virgil avoided and repressed. Logan had learned to see the signs in both.
"I just don't want to mess anything up. We have such a good friendship going and we see each other everyday. You are a little hard to read but for me it's usually easy but with this I can't seem to figure it out. Logan, I am just nervous about it." Patton said.
Logan got the hint, or he thinks he did. "Patton, are you trying to figure out if I like you? Romantically?" Patton snapped his head up and met Logan's eyes. He looked like he was about to cry.
He then went and looked at anything else but Logan and tried to get away. Logan chuckled and the song ended. Logan took Patton's hand and led him to the hallway. People were still leaving, Logan had his school ID and could get back into the building.
"Patton, sit down." Logan pointed to a bench. They were in the courtyard that was outside of the gym. The vendors were set up in the courtyard but there was no one around and the tables were bare.
Patton listened. He was scared, he basically told Logan that he liked him and Logan took him out of the gym. Patton could think of the worst case scenario. And he really didn't want to know what Logan would do if he rejected him. Logan crouched down in front of him, he placed his hands on Patton's knees.
Patton loved any contact he got with Logan. Logan held his hand during meal times if Patton asked nicely, he didn't mind Patton's ramblings, and he would watch cartoons with Patton. Sure he would read most of the time but he still somehow paid attention so he could talk about it with PattonLogan didn't care but what if he was only doing that to be nice?
What if he was only doing that to take care of Patton because Virgil ended up not being able to help calm him down when he left?
Logan was such a stoic figure that Patton wasn't sure what he was going to get. Logan didn't know it but Patton listened to him while he practiced his speeches when he took public speaking last year, Patton loved hearing his science facts even though he really didn't understand it fully. But a few questions with Virgil and he understood. He loved it.
The reason he was able to see how Roman feels about Virgil was because that's how Patton felt about Logan. He was hoping that Logan had caught on but it seemed like he didn't and that kinda got to Patton. He worked hard to hide his feelings but he knows that it's not a good practice.
Patton didn't realize he was crying until Logan wiped a tear. "No, no, don't cry. You know what happens then."
Patton laughed a little. "Don't make me laugh, I am trying to wallow." He said.
"No can do, I like seeing you laugh. Also, good word." Logan said. Patton smiled at the ground, he wasn't going to tell Logan but he had been reading other things aside from botany books. "However, I do have to ask you something."
"What?" Patton asked quietly. Logan tilted his head up so Logan could look at him.
"Why would I ask you to go with me as a date to this event if I didn't have some kind of attraction to you?" Logan asked.
"But there could be other reasons why you did-" Patton started and Logan cut him off.
"Patton, you are spiraling. Listen to my voice, and hear me. I asked you because I had a romantic attraction to you. I am under the impression that one doesn't accept unless they have an attraction towards the person asking. So, Patton do you like me?" Logan asked.
"I-uh, yeah." Patton said. Logan smiled, and stood up.
"Good. Now come on, Virgil is probably looking for us. And for the record, I like you too." Logan took Patton's hands to have him stand. "Also, we have to make sure your makeup doesn't run, Virgil would have my head in multiple ways." Logan said.
Patton was suddenly really happy, the guy who he thought just asked him to the festival because Virgil was planning on asking Roman to go with him actually liked him back. Patton nodded, then he looked up at Logan. He was silently asking for a hug, something that would keep him grounded. Logan turned back to see Patton walking back a little more.
Logan sighed and then pulled Patton into a hug. Patton hugged back and felt comfortable. "How about we ditch the dance fully? You have an open circle to get ready for and I am sure you want to take off the makeup. We can text Virgil where we are and they can make their choice to come back or not."
Patton nodded. "We should at least go see him and tell him in person." Patton said.
"Are you up for that?" Logan asked.
"I can get by Virgil's questions with ease. He's my cousin after all. But for yourself? I would stay quiet." Logan smiled at Patton and then took his hand. "Does this mean we are dating?" Patton asked before they went into the building.
Logan was taken off guard. "I mean, if you want to. I wouldn't mind it." Logan said.
Patton giggled. "That was the best response you could have given, it was the most you thing you have ever said."
"I am not sure that sentence makes sense but I will enjoy calling you pet names. You are cute when blush." Patton flushed. "See? I am correct."
Patton stuck his tongue out at Logan. "Meanie."
"And you are a child, let's go darlin'." Logan said, Patton froze and Logan stopped walking. "Damn it." He whispered.
"Was that a southern accent I detected?" Patton asked.
"No, you didn't hear anything. Nope." Logan denied.
"No, I think I heard a small southern accent come through." Patton pushed. Logan sighed.
"Alright, fine. My family was from Georgia. But we moved here to New York when my mother left. I still have a bit of my accent with certain words but it doesn't happen often. I try to avoid it. It wouldn't look professional to schools around here. Plus Jess doesn't have one and she has been in my life since I was eight, so I have kind of grown out of it." Logan shrugged.
"Well don't change the way you say darling, I like it." Patton said and Logan smiled.
"You are too kind, Patton." Logan said and they went to the gym back to find Virgil and Roman. Logan scanned a pretty empty gym. Virgil was sitting over with Roman. Virgil looked like he was upset and Roman seemed to be apologizing for something.
Logan and Patton gave each other a look, they knew Virgil was faking it but Roman didn't seem to notice. The pair walked over to them. "What is going on over here?" Patton asked sweetly. He seemed to have slipped back into his normal peppy self. Logan didn't believe it. Virgil signed to them, and Roman didn't understand what he was saying so he was in the dark.
I am feigning anger because he made me blush when I told him no more. Logan chuckled and Patton nodded. Logan signed back.
Want us to play along? Virgil nodded.
"Hey, hey this isn't fair. I don't know sign, that's my brother who does. This isn't fair." Roman whined.
Virgil rolled his eyes. "Considering the subject matter, I figured using sign was easier to keep Virgil's privacy." Logan shrugged. Patton marveled at how easily Logan just lied. He could make anything sound important. "However, I do believe that there is an apology to be given." Logan said.
Thank you! Virgil signed, Roman must have understood that one.
"Hey! Why do I gotta do it?" Roman whined again. Logan shook his head.
"No, I was talking about Virgil. He's being a brat Like usual, Patton and I are going back to our dorm. He's going to get ready for the open circle." Logan explained. Virgil had his mouth open. Roman chuckled and then spun Virgil around.
"But seriously Roman, he's asking you to tone it down. He's flustered easily, take it easy." Patton said and Virgil crossed his arms and pouted slightly. Roman nodded and apologized. Virgil nodded and then signed he was sorry too. Patton winked at Roman who went back to tormenting Virgil slightly but not as much as he did before. Virgil looked more comfortable but the pair ended up walking with Logan and Patton back to their dorm.
Virgil handed Roman a note and then walked into their dorm room after them. "So you two a thing?" He asked quietly.
Logan nodded and Virgil gave a thumbs up. Then stopped before he went into his dorm. "This goes without saying, but you hurt him, I'll sick Janus on you." Logan rolled his eyes.
"Go back to your boyfriend." Virgil then got angry and mumbled how they weren't dating. Logan then smiled at Patton. "Let's get you ready shall we?" Logan said.
"You don't have to come, Lo." Patton said as Logan finished tying his tie. Patton had asked Logan to go with him to the circle because he really wanted his boyfriend there.
"I am going because I want to, Patton." Logan said. He had gotten Patton to wipe his face off. Patton was capable enough to take care of himself but was suddenly shy around Logan. Kind of like he was when they first met. Logan sighed.
"All I am saying is you don't gotta-" Patton started, but Logan walked over to him and placed his hands on Patton's knees again.
"Darlin' I want to go." Logan said, throwing his southern drawl into the first word only. Patton looked at him and then smiled. He blushed and then hid his face in Logan's chest.
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