《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Fifteen
Virgil grumbled as he walked with Patton. It was late Saturday night and Virgil had lost an argument with Patton AND Logan. He did make a deal, he wouldn't channel as long as Logan stayed home. Patton wasn't too happy and neither was Logan, but Virgil said that he would channel and they gave in. So small victories. When he tried to get them together, he knew the adjustment in arguments would be different but he didn't expect it to be so soon that he lost one. But Virgil knew that he would have Thomas on his side, and Patton wouldn't want to make a scene.
Janus was standing there in a black hoodie. He didn't really feel like covering up the scarring, it still freaked Virgil a little but he had gotten used to it. The two of them really hadn't hung out since the last dinner they had. Both Virgil and Janus felt the friendship was on shaky grounds, but Janus looked a little uncomfortable.
"Janus! You came!" Patton exclaimed, Virgil put a hand on his shoulder to make Patton tone it down. Patton shrugged and they went to the car. The three friends and Thomas were driving into town to Ze's parent's shop for the closed Circle. There were only three students signed up, mostly because a lot of underclassmen were a bit intimidated by Janus and Virgil.
They pulled up and parked. Virgil was wearing his cloak from last night, he liked what he had made. Janus had pointed out Virgil would be good at cosplay, Virgil insisted on one thing at a time.
"Ze, it's good to see you." Janus said and Ze nodded.
"It's always a pleasure, Anwir." Ze used Janus' ritual name. Each person had one they used when in a circle. Thomas and his friend's husband Dan, were off making sure they had good offerings and making tea for when they waited for the group to be done.
Valerie was Ze's mother and the one who conducted the Circle. She was practicing and her husband would run the finances. Ze would be assisting the Circle as a masculine energy, she was a good representation of one who could do both energies which made her valuable.
The two had the circle space set up in the back of the store, they walked through. The three students got lined up. First up was Patton, he spoke his name and was granted entry. Virgil was next, he walked up to Valerie who spoke his name for him, he nodded in thanks and entered. Lastly, Janus spoke his and entered. The space was small because they only had a few people.
The circle was cast and they got ready for the entering of the new year. Ze was leading mostly because she wanted to try it out.
"Spirits of our Ancestors and Guides alike, we welcome you here tonight and ask you to communicate through me, my mother, Bellona." Ze took a deep breath. "Tonight we are between the physical world and the Otherside. The veil has never been thinner than it is during this time of year, we ask you to come and visit us. We ask you for guidance in our families here tonight. We have another sensitive in the Circle tonight, we ask that you leave him be." Virgil almost huffed but quickly regained his ritual composure.
"Tymek, please." Valerie said. Virgil nodded, he slipped and knew it. Now he kinda felt thankful for Logan convincing him not to channel.
The rest of the ritual went as usual. Ze had gotten a few things for Janus, saying not to worry too much. The problem will be fixed, just accept the help that was offered. No one but Janus seemed to know what that meant, Virgil couldn't help but wonder. Ze and Valerie had gotten a keep it up with the store basically, also a good year of victories for Ze probably meaning competitions she was to take part in. Patton was wished good luck on his endeavors with what he wanted to pursue, and Virgil was told nothing. Ze said there were some murmurs but nothing that she could decipher.
They then conducted the dumb supper, a meal where no one spoke and ate with the ansecotrs and each other. Virgil and Patton sat together and Janus on the other side. Virgil was enjoying the small meal they were sharing. Until he heard whispers. The ancestors and guides were still among them from what Virgil could tell, so he ignored it. Until they kept saying his name.
It was a mix between his ritual and his given name. They kept getting louder and louder. Ze hadn't picked up on it and neither had Valerie, so he figured they were targeting him. But tradition was tradition, he couldn't respond even if he projected his voice. It had to be silent, of course it wasn't. Though the spirits knew the tradition, many guides knew they had authority to speak if they wanted to. Virgil being a sensitive and a talent with divination, he got to hear them from time to time.
What unsettled him was they were actively trying to get his attention. He wasn't going to reach out and try to contact them until the supper was over. They started to give him a headache. Dinner was suddenly longer than it should've felt. He was dizzy, he had a headache, he was hearing the whispers almost fighting with him. They kept chanting as well.
Ze was the one who closed the dinner and they went about cleaning up. The students and headmaster stayed to help. Virgil still felt almost sick, but tried to help anyway. The whispers had stopped and he was able to recover. Until they got back to the school. He allowed himself to relax.
Not a good idea if you are being targeted by Guides and ancestors. He closed his eyes and leaned back. Almost immediately he was bombarded with whispers again. This time they weren't backing down. When they got to the school, Virgil basically jumped out of the car and felt dizzy again.
"Virgil? You okay?" Patton asked, Thomas was climbing out of the driver's seat also looking concerned. Virgil nodded and then kept walking. He almost stumbled. He had felt this before, this is what happened when he would have a visitation. Mostly by a grandparent, but this was worse.
He really hated how much he felt, he was usually really good at doing what his guides needed or asked of him in exchange for something he could ask. He started to ask questions to himself.
Did he refill the water? Did he not leave a viable offering? If he did, which one was it? Which guide was upset? Was it a god or goddess he pissed of? Was this Hades? Maybe Athena? If that was the case, he was certainly screwed.
Virgil almost started to panic, he was still trying to calm the racing thoughts that made the headache worse, and the whispers kept repeating "Acceptance." That confused Virgil. Acceptance? What did that mean?
"Virgil, seriously. What is happening with you? You are paler than normal." Virgil held his hands up to sign something then everything went black and a scream was heard through the parking lot.
Saturday was great. Roman had spent the day with Virgil and it was lovely. Virgil had gotten to the vendors early and before Roman did, but had picked something out for him. Roman looked down at the bracelet. It was a lovely bluish color and Virgil had said it was called Angelite. The beads were made from the stone but it was smooth.
Roman had asked what it meant and Virgil told him comfort. But Roman felt that it meant more than that. He didn't know Vrigil was so into stones. His room was a good indicator of who he was. On his walls there were posters and pictures that he had drawn. On one side he had his altar, Roman recognized a few stones on the altar when he saw it. But most of Virgil's supplies were not in sight or that was what Roman guessed.
In truth, he didn't know what Wiccans needed. He did see Virgil had a few tarot card decks. But most of the room showed Virgil's music taste and favorite colors. Roman was sitting on his desk while Micheal was staying at another friend's dorm. Roman figured it was a girl he had met when they went to the vendors festival, but he didn't jump to conclusions.
Tomorrow was the last day, and there was going to be a closing ceremony but Virgil said he wouldn't be attending because he had some homework he needed to finish. Roman figured he should do the same, luckily he just had reading. So he had a book open on his lap and a notebook open on his desk next to him.
He realized that he was staring at the bracelet for the last five minutes. Did Virgil give him the bracelet because he was his first year here? Or because he missed Remus?
Roman hadn't talked to Remus since their fight. Remus had texted but Roman hadn't responded. Roman checked the time. It was almost one in the morning. Remus would be awake still, so he figured he would call him. He was going to hit call until he heard a scream right outside his window. He dropped the book and ran over to the window. Below he saw Janus picking up Virgil, Patton on the verge of tears holding on to his dad. He panicked and debated going to see Virgil.
He slipped on his shoes and ran down the hallway. He made sure to have his room key. He met the group at the door. Janus rolled his eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked.
"I heard a scream and came to make sure everything was alright, judging by the unconscious person in your arms I'd say that the answer would be a no." Roman answered.
"Boys!" The Headmaster said. "Can we please focus here? Argue later." Roman flushed, but still was upset. He always felt random energy and he figured it was from other people. He had never tried to use it before, but he was not going to try with practiced Wiccans present.
"Is there anything I can do?" Roman asked. Thomas basically handed Roman Patton who was still hysterical.
"Yes, whatever you do, keep him calm and entertained. Don't let him into the med wing where we are going. He can stay by the door but not by the bed." Thomas said. Roman nodded and walked while keeping Patton upright.
When Thomas went in with Janus and Virgil, Patton tried but Roman caught him in a hug. Patton basically screamed again. Roman didn't question why Patton needed to be kept out of the room but he did his job. He whispered words of comfort to Patton as he cried on to his shirt.
Janus came back out and leaned on the wall. He seemed upset as well. Roman and Janus never saw eye to eye but they both didn't fight. Despite the glares Roman caught him giving, his job was to make sure Patton was okay. Thomas popped out a few minutes later and waved Janus in.
Patton started to calm down slightly. "Okay, buddy. Breathe for me, alright?" Patton nodded. He was still basically gasping for air but after a few more breaths and Roman making him match his breathing. He was able to talk. "Alright, do you want to tell me what happened?"
"I-I t-think-k I sh-should." Patton responded.
"Alright, take your time. You are good." Patton took another deep breath.
"We were coming back from a dinner at a friends-s place, and Virgil didn't look good in the car. I figured it was just him be-being tired because it takes al-lot out of him. B-b-but when we came ba-back from it, he basically jumped out of the car and didn't say anything. He-e started t-t-to sway and I got nervous. Then he just collapsed! For no r-r-reason.." Patton said and then started crying again.
"Shush, you are okay. He's going to be fine." Roman said while hugging Patton again. Patton cried harder.
"I-I have to go i-i-in. I gotta-" Patton started.
"You need to not do that, Patton. You know better." A voice said. Roman and Patton looked up. A tired looking Logan in blue pajamas and messy hair was standing there. Roman let go of Patton who flew into Logan's arms. Logan shushed him and then moved to slide down a wall with his boyfriend.
Logan was whispering what sounded like "Relax, it's okay. He's survived before and he'll do it again." To that Roman was confused but stayed quiet.
Janus came back out and saw Logan. "Good, you are here. Did you bring what I needed?" Logan reached into his pocket and threw him a bottle of some kind, Janus caught it and nodded. He disappeared back into the room again.
Patton had fallen asleep at this point and Logan positioned him so he was laying down and more comfortable. Logan also took off his glasses and placed them on the floor on the other side of his own body. He ran his fingers through Patton's blonde curls. And sighed.
"Not that I am not grateful for you comforting him, but mind telling me why my boyfriend was clinging to you like you would go?" Logan asked. Roman had been leaning on a wall standing up. He had his eyes trained outside through a window. Roman looked over surprised, and then realized that Logan might be a little jealous.
"Headmaster Sanders asked me to keep in out of the room while they figured out Virgil." Roman said. "Nothing is going on between us, calm down. I was just doing what I was asked." Logan nodded.
"I apologize, we haven't been dating that long and I tend to get jealous."
"I get it dude, you really like him don't you?" Logan smiled.
"I have since last year. But we had other pressing matters at hand, so I couldn't really act on them." Logan said and looked down at Patton. The tear tracks were drying on his face. Roman nodded, he kind of related. Except he wasn't sure how strong his feelings for Virgil were.
Roman walked over and sat next to Logan, careful not to sit or crush Patton's glasses. Roman leaned his head on the wall and looked at Logan. "What did you bring him if you don't mind me asking."
Logan glanced back over to Roman and smirked. "An essential oil. Patton uses them a lot so does Janus. I gave him a citrus one, it's said to help increase serotonin levels and reduce stress levels so one can wake up energized." Roman nodded. "That's the science side of it. Patton says it makes the room more homey, I used to get a headache at the beginning of the year but now I am used to it. Possibly I will purchase a diffuser." Logan sighed. "Just don't tell Patton, I don't do what they do but I do have to say it is nice."
Roman chuckled. "Your secret is safe with me."
Thomas walked out and saw Logan and Patton and he smiled. "Hi Logan."
"Headmaster Sanders."
"I assume you know what happened?" Thomas asked.
"Janus informed me with the text asking for the essential oil." Logan responded.
"He is breathing and okay. But he won't wake up, they say that it may be dehydration but Janus is convinced it's a visitation." Thomas said.
"Dehydration will only cause unconsciousness if it's severe. From what I can tell, Virgil was hydrated well before he left for the circle tonight." Thomas shrugged.
"I am only reporting, I think Janus is correct." Right after Thomas finished that sentence, Janus busted through the door.
"He's awake." Janus said and he moved his eyes over to Roman. "And he wants to talk to Logan."
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