《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Thirteen
Virgil was having more fun than he would like to admit. Roman had been really nice the entire day and watched out for him when he needed to respond to what he was saying. Roman had used mostly yes or no questions so he didn't have to use his phone too often.
Ze hadn't found them yet and Virgil was grateful, after Patton let it slip that Roman was possibly going with Virgil she was all over it. Virgil and Patton knew the mistake they had made. Ze was very close to Patton. She was a bit younger than the two of them and worked at the ice rink as a coach.
But Ze had the tendency to over share and react, though she was sneaky about it. Virgil saw her walk into the costume shop before they left town, and figured she had something to do with Roman saying yes.
The issue was, Virgil was too nervous to ask. He would later but now he was enjoying the fact Roman had gotten away from the weird limbo he was in. Virgil was standing with Roman as he looked at the ribbon crowns that a vendor was giving out and he wasn't really paying attention.
Until one was placed on his head. Virgil jumped slightly and his hand went up to the crown. Instead of the normal ribbon crown he found a stick crown that was dyed black and had deep purple flowers. Virgil looked over at Roman.
"What do you think? You like it?" Roman asked, Virgil glanced back at the mirror. He realized there were ribbons on it, but they were tied in the back. Virgil kinda felt it was a bit dark but he remembered who he was and what his atheistic was. So he just nodded and Roman smiled.
Virgil went back to admiring his own in the mirror until he heard his name. Roman had one in his hair with a red dogwood crown with some yellow flowers. There were also ribbons where the crown rested on his head. Virgil smiled and almost laughed.
"What?" Roman asked confusedly. "Does it look bad?" He asked and put his hand to the crown. Virgil shook his head and grabbed Roman's arm.
He held a finger up with one hand and then got his phone. Your last name is Kingsley, King is in there and now I see why Janus calls you Princey.
Roman read it and nodded. "Well, I guess that means you are out with a prince. So will you be my princess?" Roman asked. Virgil rolled his eyes and shoved Roman lightly. Roman laughed and thanked the vendor.
Virgil just hoped that his blush wasn't showing under the foundation. Roman was left freaking out a little about why he just said that, as he walked with Virgil. He was just trying to be Virgil's friend right? Virgil walked around with Roman and was looking around at the vendors, until something caught his attention.
Roman was keeping tabs on Virgil as he walked through the vendors handing out free candy and other crafts, until he wasn't anymore. Suddenly, Virgil was not by his side and he saw him weaving between people. "Virgil!" Roman yelled and followed him. Roman was surprised how fast he was moving.
When Roman caught up to him, he was looking at different..tarot cards? Roman knew that Virgil was in the Wicca school but he didn't know that he did tarot. Roman wondered if Wicca was like what he could do.
Roman put his hand on Virgil's shoulder who jumped. Virgil looked up and saw him and then became hyper aware of what he was looking at. Roman would start asking questions, did he know? He had to, Virgil could tell he held abilities so that meant that Roman could tell. Right?
"What are we looking at here?" Roman asked, he could tell that Virgil was a bit nervous. He could feel the energy bouncing off of him. Roman always felt like that, he just found ways to ignore it.
Vigil pointed to the sign on the table. "Yes, I can see they are tarot cards but which ones are you looking at specifically?" Roman said with a chuckle. Virgil relaxed a little. He didn't question it. Roman smiled, he knew that he needed to make Virgil feel comfortable.
Roman watched as Virgil went to each deck and looked at them, he watched the way his grey eyes lit up as he scanned the decks. His gaze fell on one that made him stop. The deck was called The Steampunk Tarot, Virgil smiled. He repeatedly hit Roman on his arm.
"Yes? Yes? Virgil? Dude stop, you have my attention." Roman said after Virgil didn't stop. Roman grabbed his hand and held it so Virgil realized he had his attention. Virgil pulled him over to look at what he was looking at. "You like that one?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded. "Would you like it?" Virgil nodded again. Roman nodded.
"Sir? How much for that tarot deck?" Roman asked the vendor. The deck was on sale for the festival. Virgil nodded, the vendor smiled. Roman slipped him some cash he had gotten and the vendor handed him a bag with the deck in it.
Roman handed it to Virgil and walked away with him. Virgil tried to stop him to go pay for the deck. He didn't see Roamn pay for the deck. "Nope, we are going to look for a bag for the cards. You need that right? I am not good at this stuff." Roman said looking around. Virgil grabbed his arm and pulled.
Virgil had gotten frustrated. He took his phone out. We need to pay for it? Roman took the phone and read it.
"Oh, I already did." Virgil looked confused. "Consider it a gift, I figure you need more than just the cards from the festival?" Roman asked and Virgil nodded. "Alright, so let me pay for that. I don't really need anything. Unless you insist I do." Roman said.
Virgil was confused. Did Roman know that he held a natural talent for magic? Did he know that Virgil knew? Virgil walked with him to the next vendor and looked at some artwork.
Roman currently sat with his costume on. Victoria was in his dorm and was dressed as a superhero of some kind. She complained how the foundation that he picked out wasn't good for his skin tone but Roman told her to keep going. Much to Micheal and Victoria's surprise, Roman sat still and let Victoria go. The only issue he had was the eyeliner on the bottom of his eyes. That he complained about, and a lot.
But his face was done and Victoria said she would help give him teeth but Roman said no. He didn't buy any and figured he would just use an illusion to show them. People couldn't see through it. He excused himself and said he was going to put contacts in. He hid the contacts instead knowing that to keep the illusion he would have red eyes.
It went with the costume, he justified it as that. The costume was balck and red. He also had a crown that had red jewels in it. He looked at himself. He really couldn't get away from that huh? The nickname?
He figured he would embrace it but it still freaked him out. He wasn't a dick as Janus had seen, it was a defense mechanism he had. But that had seemed to melt away when it came to Virgil. No matter how much he tried he couldn't bring himself to be mean to him. Last time he tried, he felt guilty for days after!
Roman rolled his eyes at himself and then did the spell, he swiped his tongue through the tooth. It fizzled then came back together, he focused a bit harder and then it was solid again. If he slipped he could just say they fell out. He opened the door from the bathroom.
"And here he comes, his royal highness." Micheal said loudly and bowed. Roman put his hand on his chest and nodded.
"My lovely advisor, fetch my crown please." Roman said with an accent.
"Of course, my lord." Micheal said and bowed deeper. Victoria rolled her eyes.
"You both are dorks. But that was great, Roman you should go for the theater. Micheal does tech there and has some connections." Victoria said. "It takes an actor to know an actor."
Roman froze a little bit. He had heard that before. From Virgil. He played it off as Micheal threw him the plastic crown. "I have been told. I used to do theater when I was younger."
"Why'd you stop?" Micheal asked.
"Didn't have time, I suppose." Roman answered and put the crown on his head. He fluffed his hair slightly and swiped some of it to the side.
"Maybe you should start again, I know someone who would be glad to see that again." Micheal and Roman both knew he was talking about Remus. The two didn't use Remus' name because he didn't need that information to get back to Janus even though Roman doubted he didn't already know.
"Don't." Roman checked his phone. "I have to get going, I'll see you at the dance?" Roman asked. Micheal nodded and so did Victoria. Roman really didn't see the point of a three day festival with vendors and then a dance during the first night but he figured it was to do with some myth that was told to kids. He was going to ask Virgil about it later.
Roman waved and left his room. He texted Virgil he was on his way and slipped his phone in his pocket. The shirt he had bought was very well made. With golden details and a red sash, he felt like a prince. Again he saw a lot of people he knew, a lot going to parties. He again dodged people trying to drag him in, he had a different one to get to. Surprisingly, Virgil's hallway was one of the most active with parties.
Roman didn't question why he went to the party the school threw, he assumed it was something to do with his uncle. But a lot of people were going before their own so he figured it was tradition as well. He knocked on Virgil's door, and Patton opened the door.
"Oh, good! Virgil said you were on your way. He's just touching some stuff up, come in." He said and smiled. Patton was dressed as a ghost from what Roman could see.
Virgil's bathroom door was open and he saw Virgil standing there in a black dress shirt. He wore balck skinny jeans, and a short sleeve shirt that had rips on it. There were a few near his stomach and one arm was ripped up. Virgil had a brown leather vest on as well that looked slightly battered. He also had a belt on that held what Roman hoped was fake knives, a wooden stake, and a few crosses hanging. Roman found the humor in it. Virgil had signs all over his room that he was Wiccan so seeing a cross on him was quite funny.
Roman looked at his face, there was black makeup around his eyes and he had red eyeshadow on his eyelids. Roman was impressed by his makeup abilities, but he wasn't surprised because he wore very dark and well done eyeshadow each day.
"Don't worry about the knives, it's just the hilt. They wouldn't let him in otherwise, but he wanted the look." Patton said. Virgil glared over at Patton briefly before looking over at Roman. He smiled and then signed something to Patton.
"What?" Roman whispered.
"He said that you are a match, Virgil is a vampire hunter and it looks like you are a vampire." Roman nodded. Virgil sighed and put his makeup down. He put it away and then looked at Patton and signed. "He wants to know if you would be willing to wear a fake chain on your wrist."
"Oh, uh sure?" Roman answered.
"It's an interesting story." Patton said. "You know, a vampire hunter finds a normal looking prince until he figures out that he is a vampire but by then the vampire is smitten by said hunter and willingly goes with the hunter glad to go with the person he loves. But the hunter just keeps him to help hunt down his kind, not able to bring himself to kill the prince." Virgil just stared at Patton. "What? You're the one who wrote it."
"You wrote something like that?" Roman asked. Virgil smiled and nodded. He signed more.
"He said the drawing you saw was the main character of the story. You showed him but not me?" Patton asked after conveying the message sounding hurt.
"I kinda snuck up on him so he really didn't show me. I saw it." Roman said. Virgil seemed to think and then picked up a notepad. How mad would your friend be if I added a few touches to the makeup she did?
"I don't think she would be that upset, why?" Roman asked and Virgil smiled and pushed him to the couch. Roman compiled and watched as he ran to the bathroom again.
"He's going to make you the prince from the story. The scene at the end, the two fight and the prince gets cut. He might be adding a few small cuts on your face and amplifying your features slightly more than your friend did." Patton explained. "He's really good at a lot of art, but doesn't stick to one. I always say that he should be a writer but he is set on psychology. He uses art as a coping mechanism I guess but I still love it." Patton smiled at his cousin. "As long as he is happy, I am willing to do anything for him."
Roman nodded. "I understand. I am the same way with my brother." Patton lit up.
"You have a little brother?" Patton asked excitedly. So Janus didn't tell them everything he thought he did.
"He's my twin but he is younger than me." Roman explained as Virgil came back into the room. Virgil looked upset. "What is that face for?" Roman asked with a smile. He knew what it was. Virgil liked it when he talked about his family, he didn't do it often but Virgil liked hearing about it. Mostly Roman talked about his younger cousins and the adventures they had. He did that mostly when the two worked on homework for their classes together. He wasn't ready to talk about Remus with Virgil, not yet.
You were going to talk about your brother without me! He wrote and Roman chuckled.
"I would never, I was just talking to Patton about my family. Nothing you don't already know." Roman gently said. Patton awed quietly and Virgil glanced over at him. Patton chuckled and threw his hands up.
"I'll leave you to it. Open or closed Virgil?" Vrigil signed something that Roman found out meant closed.
"So how long will this take? The dance starts in half an hour."
Not too long, I still don't understand why you wanted to come over an hour earlier than we needed to go. Virgil wrote and then got to work.
"I wanted to hang out with you." Roman said and Virgil rolled his eyes. He physically turned Roman's head, and like with Victoria he compiled. He just wasn't sure what Virgil was doing. He saw Virgil holding what looked like red paint and put that on his face.
Suddenly, Virgil stopped. Roman looked over and saw him writing. I thought I asked you when we are alone or working together to talk while I focus? I hate silence.
"Sorry I forgot. Want another story with my little cousins?" Roman asked and Virgil lit up. He nodded. Roman nodded. "Okay, let's see..."
About twenty minutes later, Roman had finished his story about baking muffins with his cousins where they ended up getting batter everywhere. Virgil was smiling and silently chuckled while he finished up the few cuts on Roman's face. Roman had been able to see Virigl's face as he did the makeup. There was one cut on his cheek and another on his forehead. Virgil's eyes looked more bluish against the red and balck makeup. Roman just admired them as he told the story now with it over and Virgil finishing up, he really took the moment to look at him. Virgil noticed and raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry, I got distracted." Virgil kept his eyebrow raised and nodded like he didn't fully believe it.
You are all done, let's look in the mirror. Virgil wrote and then packed his makeup up. He threw it into a drawer.
"Looks really good, where did you learn? Victoria knows how to glam because she's a skater but this is really good SFX makeup." Roman said. He was really impressed. They looked real, Virgil was really good. Roman was handed another note.
I do the make up for plays and such. After that I just kinda played around with it. School gets boring during the summer and I don't have many friends so I just kinda learned the trade. I like it, it's fun. Roman nodded.
"Is that why you wanted me to do theater?" Roman asked and Virgil shook his head and walked back into his dorm.
No, I saw your posters and figured you could be good. Guessing I was correct? Roman sighed.
"I used to do theater, I don't anymore." Virgil gave him a 'you should start again' look. "Don't give me that look." Virgil just patted his back. Roman felt a shot of energy through his body and the smell of roses. Sure, he had touched Virgil before but this was the first time that this happened. As if Virgil had also felt or smelled it, he stopped. But he shook it off and grabbed a cape. It was black and brown like the shirt and vest he wore. The cape also had a hood, Virgil picked up a chain and waved Roman over.
He smiled at Virgil and walked over and held his arm out. He had a thought and smirked. "You know this is the only time I'll willingly be tied down." Roman remarked, he cringed slightly hearing his brother in the back of his mind. Virgil looked up and then down embarrassed as he finished closing the chain, he didn't let go of the other end. "Sorry, I had to make a joke." Virgil took his phone out then handed it to Roman.
I didn't expect it that was all. Roman handed it back.
"So, you weren't embarrassed by that?" Roman asked, he pulled the chain so Virgil was closer to him. Virgil felt like he couldn't breathe. Roman smiled playfully and then stepped back. "Sorry, princess. Let's get going, shall we? The party awaits a prince and his hunter." Roman said.
Virgil slowly caught his breath. Why the hell would Roman do that? They were trying to be friends right? From what he saw with Patton and Logan, friendship could have underlying feelings but that meant there was a crush involved. Did Roman like him? And worse, did he get the whiff of roses while they were in the dorm. The room was small but a decent size.
Before they left, Virgil insisted that he tell the Roman the story. Roman ended up actually reading a few things from the notes Virgil wrote and asked to see the rest of the drawings. Roman was impressed and wouldn't stop complimenting Virgil on his writing saying that he could see why he was in a high level English class. Virgil only showed him the drawing of Virgil's costume. He didn't want to tell Roman he drew the vampire exactly like he was dressed.
Virgil had been getting whiffs of roses and other flowers while he was around Roman since they decided to be friends. Does this mean there were other feelings there? Was the Otherworld trying to tell him something?
He figured they were, because why else would they send a flirty guy to be his friend? He had to ask something else to himself. Did he like Roman? And would he be willing to break the fact he said he didn't want to date until he could talk again? The thought made him nervous, and affected the entire night. Even the entire weekend. Virgil just didn't know it until later.
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