《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Seven
It was Sunday and Micheal had found a note that was addressed to him that was slipped under the door. Micheal said he didn't recognize the writing but it didn't take Roman long to figure out who it was. With the amount of notes he'd seen Virgil write, it didn't take a genius to figure it out.
Roman didn't really want to open it, he was currently ignoring it. But he did carry it with him when he went to the library on Sunday. He wasn't sure what to think of it, but he had decided something and Roman was stubborn.
He was doing his math homework and the note was burning a hole in his pocket. He knew Virgil wrote it and he had kind of grown fond of the emo. But Roman couldn't help but think that Virgil was helping him because he was guilty that his friend was beating him up. Roman had his doubts about Virgil and Janus being friends. He had never seen the two of them together hanging out, granted Roman really didn't go anywhere but classes and his dorm. He had people he talked to and some people invited him places but he declined saying he had some things to attend to.
Roman wasn't wrong, he had a person to run away from and work to do to pass classes. He also had a brother to keep tabs on and feelings to run away from.
Roman currently sat adjacent to the door and was hidden behind a few bookcases. Patton was working and wasn't glaring at Roman each time he passed by the place where Roman was working. He was staying quiet and working.
"Virgil, you can't be telling me you want me to stop." Roman heard Janus whisper. He didn't see Virgil or Janus come into the library but they were at a table on the other side of the bookcase. Roman didn't expect to hear Virgil talk.
"But-but he could be bad.." Janus sounded concerned. Roman heard scribbling and then paper passing around. "You have a point, but unless he stops acting like such an entitled prick I am not going to stop. This school is supposed to fix attitudes and he needs to learn that, and don't you dare bring up what you are going to. I already apologized for that."
Roman heard the chair move and footsteps from the other side of the bookcase and he saw Janus walk through the doors. He saw Patton wave and Janus nod towards him. Roman knew that he wasn't wrong, he did act that way but it was the best way to keep people at bay so he didn't have to face his feelings. Roman finally got the courage to open the note from Virgil.
Roman- I wonder what that child is like. You know the one in your picture? But I think that you know what he is like, I would like to know as well.
-I am not going to sign it.
Roman almost chuckled at the end. He thought about it a little, does he know what the child is like grown up? Then Roman shook his head. He changed for a reason, he cared for his brother but that was a different kind of relationship. That was brotherhood. Virgil was just a pretty distraction that was here at the school and that was it.
He didn't need to be interrogated by Virgil. Virgil was a distraction to why he was really here. He was really here to protect Remus. Remus wanted to do something stupid and he allowed him to so. Roman took the fall like he usually did and it cost him everything. He couldn't believe he lost his sight of what he was really doing here.
All he needed was himself and the people he ate meals with. After this year he would have the option to return to the local school for his senior year. This was a detour. Something that he just needed to do. He didn't need friends and he sure as hell didn't need Virgil on his ass. He just needed to prove that he could be okay, and he was. He hadn't gotten in trouble from the start of the year. Also most of the fights he got into were because of Remus but Roman knew better than to blame his brother. It wasn't the Twins fault, it was the rest of the students.
Roman packed his stuff up and then went back to his dorm. He did catch a view of Virgil. He was working over a few books and a calendar. The afternoon sun was hitting his purple hair and appeared to have a glow to it. Virgil was wearing a lavender shirt and some black jeans. Roman took one last look at Virgil and knew this would be the last time that he might see the boy semi happy.
Roman meant what he said about staying away, but now it was for Roman to not get attached. He didn't plan on coming back after the end of the year so why get comfortable? Roman had hesitated and he then just turned and walked away, not knowing that Virgil had looked up to see him walking away. And he didn't hear the sigh Virgil gave.
Monday came around, Roman and Micheal did their daily routine. Get up, eat breakfast with the friends with Roman and Kayleigh having a good laugh, then they went off to classes. Micheal didn't walk Roman to classes anymore and Roman just held himself like he didn't care. He sat in classes and just went through the motions. No one who he hung out with noticed his change in demeanor but he had a feeling that Virgil did. He didn't pay attention to the boy but he knew he was being paid attention to.
Roman ignored it. Janus was so keen on keeping him away from Virgil and now as he kept his distance he was giving Virgil's friends what they wanted. Patton had always seemed conflicted, but Roman noticed that Logan's mood was better. It was only one day but it was enough to convince Roman that he was doing the right thing.
Not only for Virgil but for himself as well. At lunch that day, he saw Virgil in line for lunch. It was only a month that Roman was at the school but he had never seen Virgil get lunch or any other meal. And he didn't know why but he just figured it had to do with Virgil being mute. The change threw Roman off a little but then he regained his composure and just got in line behind a few people so he was separated from Virgil.
Kayleigh had come up behind him and surprised him.
"Really?" He asked and she laughed.
"I had to, you were off in your own world. Why is that Roman? Anyone you have an eye on? Perhaps Virgil?" She said and Roman rolled his eyes.
"No, just a bit focused on school. Something you wouldn't know about." Roman tried to joke to get the attention off of him, it worked enough.
"Yeah, because working on my homework while at practice is not being focused on school." Kayleigh said.
"Whatever, I am just waiting for your first game so I can go yell and embarrass you." Roman said. Kayleigh rolled her eyes.
"Really? How would you do that?" She asked as the line moved.
"I could ask that guy from our study hall. Ya know, the one who you insist you don't stare at but do?" Kayleigh flushed a little and then told Roman to shut up.
After they finished lunch, they went to their respective classes and Roman sat on the side of the classroom that he usually did, he was dreading this class. Mainly because he knew that they would be working in groups and there is a chance that Logan would be in the same group or worse Virgil. He didn't think that he could face him with the choices that he had just made. The students filtered into the room and sat down. He watched as Logan sat with Virgil and seemed to be asking Virgil something. He stopped watching and decided that he would just ignore both of them.
"Everyone, quiet down please! We are starting right off the bat with our group work that I told you we would be starting but this is just the starting part of the essay that you will write separately before the end of the semester this year. As you know, I was going to ask you to work in small groups but I figured we would work in pairs for the first day. However, we have an odd number so we will have a group of three..." The teacher entered and then droned on. Roman stopped paying attention until he heard his name. "And we have Roman Kingsley and Virgil Cyrus-" But before she could continue Logan raised his hand. The teacher called on him.
"I would like to request that I be moved to Virgil's group. I am sure it's well known that he prefers to work with someone who he knows, and I am willing to be part of the three person group with Roman." Logan said. But Roman felt there was a different reason. He had looked up and saw Virgil tug on Logan's sleeve.
"Mr. Conroy, I know that you and Virgil are very close but I think that you would benefit if you two were working separately on this." The teacher said, and Logan answered and surprised everyone.
"I would assume that you are incorrect. Virgil has a meeting during this class every Monday, what you are suggesting is that he be part of a two person group which he will leave early and not have contact with until we get back into groups by next week. Everyone knows that Virgil would not even give his phone number out to someone just for a project." Logan said. "But you can ask him." Logan looked smug because he knew that Virgil would agree.
"Virgil?" The teacher said and Virgil started signing. "What did he say?" She asked Logan. Was it well known that Virgil used sign?
"He said that he would feel more confident to participate if he had a friend in the group and would feel better if someone else was there so he didn't have to waste paper." Logan said while watching Virgil finish and nodded his head.
"Alright, I guess Logan is moving groups and that means that Alyssa and Marissa will be working together. Now get together with your partners and get to work." Roman wasn't surprised Logan would fight for Virgil and not let him be in a group alone.
He saw Virgil smile at him and motioned for Roman to join them. Roman kept his stoic expression and then picked his stuff up and moved over to them. He did see Vrigil's expression falter for a second before returning his attention to Logan. Roman didn't like the feeling of guilt that he had. He had to remember that he was only here for a year and then he would leave.
The three discussed things quietly, with Virgil being a scribe until he had to leave and leaving that job to Logan.
"You know, I am sure I could've handled Virgil myself..he doesn't seem that complex." Roman said as he finished a question.
"It's not Virgil that I was worried about. He had informed me that you two had worked together before, I was more worried that he wouldn't get the same experience and get anxious about actually finishing the project and I would rather deal with him later than have him hide it from you when he had to get the work. I was more worried about your response because despite you working well with him in class, I don't believe it." Logan said, while watching Roman write.
"May I know why?" Roman was wondering.
"Simple, your record." Logan responded.
"My record?" Roman said.
"Multiple fights per day and detention for it, not to mention a history of vandalism. Also that big one that got you set here? I do my research, you are well known on social media and didn't have many friends. You have a twin brother who also has a record. You have gotten arrested twice, once with your brother and once so he wouldn't. You have a big record of fighting, and winning. So what I can't figure out is why you let Janus go all out." Logan said, Roman had to admit that he was right. Both times he was arrested was because of vandalism.
"I don't let him go all out. I let him take his feelings out on me because it's easier than getting him to admit them." Roman said. Logan was surprised by this.
"What do you mean?" Logan said, Roman leaned in to keep his voice down.
"I wouldn't do this for just anyone but I am sure the fact that I am even in a group with Virgil has spread like wildfire. It's very clear that people are more interested in Virgil and his happenings. So I will make you a deal, I tell you what I mean and you tell me why people are so obsessed with Virgil and what he does around me." Roman said. Logan thought about it for a second.
"Deal." He stuck out his hand and Roman shook it.
"It's very obvious that Janus likes Virgil, how is not clear to me. But he seems protective over him, like a little brother and I would know. But I have a theory, Janus has some kind of feelings for Virgil but he is deciding not to act on it and again that is only a theory. Which means he is protective over who Virgil talks to, I assume he is fine with you and Patton because Patton is his cousin and you have been around longer than he has. So being jealous of you two really isn't an option, but with me it's easy. I am the new 'troubled' kid around here. And I assume that was him once upon a time, and now that there's me. That might mean his reputation is at question, which he doesn't need to be worried about. I don't plan on coming back next year, I want to do my senior year with my brother." Roman said.
"Like that is going to happen." Logan said.
"What do you mean?" Roman asked.
"Well Janus had the same thought granted he just didn't want to be here. He was forced here but had a bad background. You come from a wealthy family and just act as if you don't care, which is highly unsettling. But Virgil seems to think that you are nice but I don't agree. I barely know you so I am just going off what I have observed from others and Virgil. However the reason people seem to be so obsessed with you and Virgil is because he is the nephew of the Headmaster and lives here year round. He knows almost everyone and everyone knows to keep him happy. People think he just watches for his uncle when really he's still healing. He had conflicting views of care when he was younger which led him to have anxiety over speaking. It carried until now but he is doing better, part of the reason I was so combative is because I just don't want him to lose progress. I love Virgil like a brother and him losing progress would really throw a wrench in things. People are mostly carrying information to Janus so he can make sure that Virgil doesn't lose progress or feel unsafe." Logan said.
"I would never want him to feel unsafe." Roman whispered mostly to himself.
"What was that?" Logan asked. Roman shook his head.
"Nothing, I can give Virgil the notes in our next period if you want." Roman said. Logan smiled slightly.
"No, it's alright. I live right next to him, his cousin is my roommate. I will deliver it after classes." Roman nodded. He then knew why Virgil always locked the bathroom door when Roman was over. "One more thing, if you are a 'fuckboy' as Janus puts it, I would step off Virgil."
"No need to worry about that, I already said I would only talk to him if he talks to me or if there is unavoidable group work like this one. Also, you don't need to worry about me staying away from Virgil. I am going to, so call off your guard dog." Roman said as he got up after the bell rang.
What Roman didn't know was Logan heard what he said. Logan then filed it in his head to reflect on later. Why would Roman say that if Janus was so sure he was trouble? Was Janus trying to defend his title which was a pointless venture due to Roman not really caring about being all scary? And was Virgil right about Roman? He would ask Patton later to do what he does, unless it was the full moon.
Then there was the issue of the fact Roman thought he was going back to his old school. He didn't have that choice, the school didn't allow that. Also the plan to keep a positive idea around Roman was going down the drain fast with that last statement.
Virgil was sitting in Picani's office at the same time that Logan and Roman were talking. However Vrigil was frustrated. He was so caught up on worrying over Roman that he forgot to do his exercises. So he wasn't really used to trying to talk. Picani watched as Virgil was trying to make the sounds that he had asked. A lot of the time, sounds came out as squeaks and whispers. Virgil sat upside down and sighed dejectedly.
"Virgil, maybe we should not go as hard today. I think the ritual writing caused you some stress that we didn't account for. But it will pass tomorrow and we can resume on Thursday." Virgil shook his head vigorously. He flipped over and almost fell off the couch but made it to the text to speech machine.
"No, I am so close to talking to Logan and maybe even some other people." It said. Picani shook his head.
"Virgil, you will tire yourself out if you keep this up. Is there something else bothering you? Let's focus on your anxiety today." Virgil stuck his tongue out. "Virgil." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Is something bothering you?" Picani pushed.
Virgil hesitated. He didn't want to get his friend in trouble but he still couldn't ignore the fact that he had reached out to Roman and he hadn't reacted well. Virgil thought he read the situation wrong. "I tried making another friend, but I think he shot me down." He typed out.
"Okay..How so?" Picani asked.
"Well, I kinda asked if we could be friends or just hang out but he hasn't responded. He's in a few of my classes and we see each other from time to time outside of classes but never for long. Maybe I am overreacting but I think that he was just passing through my life. Not to mention my friends are convinced he's bad for me, but I can't see it. Maybe I am just too nice, it's happened before."
"You think this because he hasn't answered you? Well, have you tried talking to him other than classes?" Picani asked and Virgil just shrugged.
"He kind of disappears after classes."
"What do you mean disappears?" Picani asked and Virgil didn't want him to be suspicious.
"Just leaves quickly and I don't see him in the halls often. I did see him in the library yesterday. But he was leaving."
"Well, I think your next step should be reaching out in class again. Maybe pair up with him. Would this friend be Roman by any chance?" Picani asked. Virgil then panicked. "Virge, you don't need to worry. I'll leave my ideas behind. But if you want him to be your friend, try one more time. If he doesn't respond well then at least you tried. As for the being too nice, you can't help it. Don't try and change for friends. They are supposed to like you as a person." Virgil nodded. The bell rang and that signaled the end of the session. "I will see you on Thursday and tell Roman I said hi. A good conversation starter."
Virgil grabbed his bag and then left the office. He had his note in his hand and walked over to his history class. With Roman. Janus was walking to the office Virgil just came out of and nodded. Janus wasn't too happy with Virgil after their argument. But Virgil was right, Janus was just trying to protect his image and keep the fear but it was clear Roman had no desire to take Janus' title.
Virgil grabbed his arm and got his phone. Are we still fighting?
Janus read it and shook his head. "No, you and I both know I just lashed out. I left before it could get worse. But I meant what I said. I know you don't want me to go after him. How you found out is beyond me but after the many interactions with him I can tell you he is bad news. I am trying to look out for you, I don't know what he hasn't done yet but who says he won't?" Janus said.
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49 and one hero.
Hi I'm Spint, 27, and I'm from Sweden.This is my first attempt of writing something readable.(A first attempt on making a proper description.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heroes, a word normally associated with people who do extraordinary deeds that others would shy away from. Deeds like jumping in front of a car to save a child. Like walking in to a burning building to save those inside. Like taking a bullet to save another. Save, this is the word that defines a hero, to save others at the cost of oneself. But what would happen if a hero was not made by his own actions but was instead forced in to situation that would eventually make him into a hero. What if everyone around you saw you as a hero, named you as a hero and looked upon you to save them from what was to come. Would you become a hero for them, or would you lash out against them for forcing you? This is a story about those that walks the road of a hero, and the one who makes his own path. Written in the classic """"Summoned heroes"""" style set in a fantasy world.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope you will enjoy it!Ps. I would love to know what you guys think, good or bad. Feel free to wright a comment in the individual chapters or wright a review down below telling the readers what you think about it. But please keep in mind that good or bad scores don't tell anyone anything. If you are hesitant about reading this fiction then try out the first chapter. It is short ^^. Ds.
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