《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Six
Logan looked to Patton. Patton knew that Logan asked Janus to keep an eye on Roman for Virgil, but he didn't know the extent that Logan allowed him to.
"Virgil, what do you mean?" Patton asked kindly.
Well, either you two or one of you asked him to keep an eye on me and Roman, or he did it on his own. But I have reason to suspect that one of you asked him to do so. Virgil stopped signing and shrugged. Or maybe it's a team effort. But I am waiting.
"Virge, we did ask Janus to just keep an eye on the situation. Just to be sure, you know? We didn't think he would take it this far but if he did then he must have had a good reason. Right, Logan?" Patton said.
"Right, we only wondered what he was like back from where he is from. That's all, whatever choices that Janus made to fight Roman must have been justified." They were. In fact, Logan believed they were. Logan had been in contact with Janus since English.
Logan didn't want Virgil to get hurt and lose the progress he made. He had been monitoring it from the friend perspective. Logan was always looking for new things to learn and this with Virgil proved to be a very unique experience. Virgil had come further in the last two years than Logan expected. Sure, it took a little longer than most but a lot of the research he found was on little kids with selective mutism.
According to Patton, Virgil had whispered a few words here and there. But they were always simple sentences. Virgil had yet to start speaking to Logan and to anyone else. Virgil hadn't spoken louder than a whisper for years however. Logan had a projection of what would progress next and it was ideally around the end of December that Virgil was to start talking in whispers around Logan and by the end of the school year actually talking to Patton and his uncle.
Logan was afraid that Roman would prove to be an issue and set back those dates. Logan didn't want that to happen for Virgil's sake. And for his own, he had spent time doing that during the summer and he had a lot on his plate at school.
Virgil didn't say anything else after that, Logan watched and observed him but couldn't figure it out. "Virgil, I have a question." Logan said once Patton got done explaining his library schedule.
Virgil looked up and gave Logan his attention. "How did you know that Roman was beat up?" Logan asked.
I could ask you the same thing, you don't seem to surprised that he was. Virgil was avoiding the question but he wasn't wrong.
Janus had told him about what had transpired in Virgil's history class. For people who kept a low profile, they all were relatively well known in the school. Logan hadn't known that Virgil was the Headmaster's nephew until Patton had told him, but he figured his two friends' relation to the Headmaster gave them their popularity. So it wasn't surprising that someone talking to Virgil like Roman had was so popular in talk.
But usually the person who got beat up by Janus didn't get away as well as Roman had. He had a few scratches on his face but he seemed to be walking fine. Logan didn't know why Roman had gotten off so well. He wondered if Roman was hiding any injuries.
"Fair point but I asked you first." Logan said and Patton sat quietly. He knew better than getting between Logan and Virgil when they had a conversation. This is because they tended to get into heated debates and didn't like to be distracted.
Patton sat and wondered if Virgil was okay, sure physically he was fine but he seemed to be very short with Logan. Patton did get an annoyed vibe off of Virgil, who it was directed toward, was jumbled. Maybe it was multiple people. Patton gave Logan's arm a squeeze to alert him to be nice to Virgil.
I saw some kids take him into their dorm room and he said that he got into a fight. I recognized Janus' handiwork. Virgil signed and finished his dinner. I am going to do homework and turn in for the night, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Virgil got up and walked out of the dining hall. Patton was watching Virgil walk out worriedly, but Logan had caught something else. Roman was watching Virgil with the same expression.
Was Roman worried about Virgil? It wasn't uncommon for Virgil to leave before Logan and Patton. "Patton, what was the arm squeeze about?" Logan asked. "What did you get?" Logan was used to Patton picking things up. Sure he didn't believe that it was due to any divine power as Patton and Virgil did but he did believe Patton had a better sense of people.
"Virgil was annoyed at multiple people... I can't help but feel like we might be doing the wrong thing." Patton said.
"Let's go to the room, okay? This isn't something we should talk about in public." Logan said, Patton nodded. They threw away their trash and then put their dishes away.
They made their way to their dorm room. They got settled on each of their beds. Logan had locked the door to the dorm and the bathroom. "Now, I think we are doing what we can to make sure Virgil doesn't get worse again." Logan said.
"Yeah, but what if we are jumping conclusions like we did with Janus before we actually talked to him. We still don't trust him fully but somehow he agreed to keep Roman at bay? What does that say about Janus? What does that say about us?" Patton said, Logan sighed.
"Patton, we both agreed to make sure Virgil had the best experience he could while supporting him to start to talk again. The trajectory doesn't have any room for a relationship with anyone that we don't know. What are we supposed to do pull back completely? I refuse to do that Patton." Logan said.
"Then let's adjust. Let's give him more room to come to us and talk. He had promised to do so. Most of what has happened was because we overreacted to rumors. We didn't find out anything else first. Plus I saw how he was with his brother. Maybe Roman isn't as bad as we think." Patton said.
"Patton, what I am about to say, I mean with the most respect I can, but that is completely ridiculous. You spent most of last Friday with him and you said we have to make sure he didn't hurt Virgil." Logan said.
"We jumped to a conclusion, Logan. I know you don't like to be wrong but I think we may have been. Can we try to maybe nurture this thing Virgil has with Roman? His mood might get better, he might be happier, he might even.." Patton trailed off and started at the floor in front of him. This was a fight but it was one that Patton believed he had to do.
"What might he do?" Logan asked, while walking over to Patton. He stood in front of his bed. Patton lifted his head and looked right at Logan.
"If he trusts Roman enough, maybe he will start talking again. Isn't positive relationships a big part of healing?" Patton jumped off his bed and passed Logan. "We are his best friends, Logan. I know you don't see it that way but I think that's what we are. If he feels that we are not approving of a friendship or a relationship without reason...could it have an adverse effect?" Patton asked. He knew all the right words to say to Logan.
"Patton, I see what you mean. I do but we change our tune now, we risk making his anxiety worse. We start flipping and what's to stop us from doing that again, would be his thought process. We have to stick to this, maybe you are right about taking it down a notch but I can make no promises about Janus." Patton nodded.
"So no more glaring at Roman randomly?" Patton said.
"No more of that, I know it was a lot to ask. Thank you." Logan said and went to text Janus. Instead of a response in text, he got a call.
"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Janus asked fuming. "You ask me to watch Roman, I do that. Then I do whatever it takes which you said I could do, and suddenly we are changing our tune? I need to know why." Logan took a deep breath and responded.
"Patton brought up the idea that if we, meaning me and him disapprove so harshly to enlist the help of someone beating up Roman, it could cause distrust and throw off the trajectory." Logan said and he could hear Janus groan.
"The fucking trajectory is what started this whole thing! You wanted to make sure he stayed on track, and then one thing from Patton and you change your perspective? No, you can change your view but I have had more interactions with Roman than you have and he's a certified dick. No doubt, I would be the same way if I was in his position. But Virgil seems to be upset with him."
"He is?" Logan asked.
"Yeah, Virgil isn't a fan of flirting for funnies. Apparently, he feels that Roman is a fuckboy. From where he came from and how he holds himself, I am surprised he's not in someone's bed already, or maybe he is and we haven't heard from it. But his fight skills were very lacking. He does have a good punch though."
"Interesting. But anyway, I do agree with you. I don't like him much. I have a weird feeling about him." Logan made sure Patton was in the bathroom. "Personally, I would ask you to keep up what you are doing but not to the extent that you have in the past. No broken bones, but a few bruises here or there to maybe deter him from messing with Virgil. But not too much so Virgil notices." Logan said.
"You got it. No broken bones, but I can still batter him if needed." Janus seemed pleased.
"Thank you, Janus."
"Your welcome. And I assume we aren't telling Patton this part?"
"What do you think?"
"Good, I'll keep it in mind. I'll fuck up Roman once a week. Different days though." Janus started planning and Logan would rather not hear it.
"Good night, Janus." Logan said and hung up. Logan turned and saw Patton.
"What did he say?" Patton asked.
"He wasn't happy but wasn't going to stop watching Roman because he doesn't care for him. But he did agree to tone it down." Logan said and Patton smiled happily.
"Good, we should still tell Virgil why we were so protective." Patton said.
"If you can come up with a believable falsehood other than we were just looking out for him then sure."
"What if we told him it was because we heard that he was in a lot of fights and a history of bullying?" Patton asked.
"Would that trigger fear of Roman due to what he went through with Janus?" Logan countered.
"Maybe but what if that is for the best?" Patton said. Logan nodded and went to get ready for bed as he had a schedule to maintain. The idea of Virgil not talking when he came this far was almost improbable. Logan was frustrated.
He was hoping Patton would provide the emotional part. He was supposed to make sure that Virgil was still happy, he was so done with emotions. With Virgil pushing him about his romantic feelings and Patton not knowing what to do with Virgil and Roman, he was already tired. It was only the first day of school.
Why did Patton suddenly change? Did Virgil have a change of heart that Logan didn't know about. Logan changed and put his clothes in the proper place.
"Patton?" Logan said as he walked out of the bathroom. Patton looked up.
"What exactly was Virgil feeling at dinner? And towards who?"
"It seemed he was developing a crush but he's suppressing it and it puts him on edge. He had an experience with his crush that really changed his view on them but he feels torn between his feelings and us." Patton said.
"And how do we help that?" Logan asked.
Patton then said something that Logan didn't want to hear. "We can't."
The next few weeks were uneventful. Expect Virgil and Roman had fallen into a routine that was unknown to Logan and Patton. Both Logan and Patton were happy that Roman seemed to back off of Virgil. Janus still was going after Roman but not as much. There were some weeks where Roman would be pulled aside after classes close to two times or more a week.
Virgil knew that this couldn't continue. He was supposed to hate Roman, and not because his friends did. He was supposed to hate Roman because he was a dick and a fuckboy. Roman was overconfident and so self centered to the outside world that it pissed off Virgil.
But despite his outward appearance and his quiet and demanding act, when they did group work he was good. And if they had to present, Roman would give Virgil credit where credit was due.
Just a month into school, Virgil found himself worrying each time Roman came with a new injury. After the first few times Roman showed up at his door, Virgil got used to getting the kit ready. In the beginning of October, Roman's bruises started to get worse again. Virgil had started to push Roman to fight back.
Roman wouldn't and Virgil knew why. Roman and Virgil knew who was beating Roman up, but the other didn't know that he knew. No matter how many times Virgil had the chance to tell Roman he just didn't. Janus was Virgil's friend and it seemed like Roman was trying to get on Virgil's good side now.
It was the night of the full moon and Virgil was getting ready for it, when he got that twinge in his back that told him that Roman was on his way over. Virgil sighed and then put his kit back under his bed before grabbing his first aid kit. He hoped the Roman was smart and fought back this time. He heard and felt Roman run by, but he didn't stop. He kept running.
That was new..until he opened the door and saw a flash of yellow. Janus chased him this time. Virgil grabbed his bag and then threw his supplies into his bag. Damn Roman for being so convincing.
They had decided that Roman would come find Virgil each time he got beat up because Virgil didn't want Roman in trouble and Roman didn't know how to wrap an ace bandage around a cut. Roman also knew that Virgil wouldn't talk about their visits and Virgil knew Roman was too proud to admit he needed help.
Virgil found a passageway he used to take when Janus would be the one chasing him. He smiled and then took it. He ran through the semi dark hallway to the exit. He found himself over by a few classrooms. He hoped that Roman would run by or hadn't passed already. Roman rounded the corner and Virgil put his hood up. He waited until Roman passed by, he then reached out and pulled him with all his strength over into the passageway. Roman yelped but Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth and held a finger to his mouth.
Virgil didn't wait for Janus to pass by and then started to drag Roman through the passageway. "Dude, no offense but where are we and who are you?" Roman asked. Virgil realized that he didn't know who he was because he couldn't see. Virgil found a lighted area and put his hood down.
He looked for the exit near his door room. Roman recognized him by then and thanked him. The pair were able to get to Virgil's dorm without much issue. The exit was close to his room anyway. Virgil unlocked his door and then heard Patton and Logan. Virgil shoved Roman into the room and closed his door. He locked it and hoped that they didn't hear him. When he heard their dorm room open and close, and then continue their conversation he took a deep breath. He locked the bathroom door and then sat Roman down.
"Why did you bring your bag with the supplies if we were coming back here?" Roman asked as Virgil got a washcloth and a water bottle. He grabbed a pen with his left hand and wrote a quick note down.
I didn't know how bad it was going to be this time. I brought it if I needed to act fast.
Roman nodded and stayed quiet. He let Virgil work and Virgil apperactied that. He would tend to Roman and then Roman would leave. Roman had been careful about not getting blood on his dress shirts anymore. Today was a Saturday so both wore clothes they were comfortable in. Roman wore blue jeans and a lavender top. He wore black sneakers and a leather jacket. It was like Roman knew Virgil's favorite color.
Virgil wore black ripped jeans and a red and black band shirt. He didn't have his patchwork hoodie on but instead his all black one. Virgil knew that Roman was watching his every move. This month they had just established a relation. Virgil and Roman were supposed to fight in public but in Virgil's room or Roman's, they were civil. Virgil still wasn't comfortable with Roman.
Virgil put his focus on Roman's face. He would have a black eye and that would have to be explained by something. Janus hadn't left his rings off this time so Roman got cuts on his face and then some on his arm from where he hit the brick. Virgil figured Janus caught him outside. Virgil then did the normal care for the scratches and cuts. Roman hissed and Virgil would roll his eyes.
"You know, you are good at this. Where did you learn first aid?" Roman asked as Virgil finished his arms. Virgil held a finger up asking for one second and then picked up the ice. Handed it to Roman and then pointed to his eye. Virgil grabbed a notepad and wrote his answer down.
It was kinda a needed thing, but mostly Logan and biology. Logan was on a first aid kick when I started coming back with cuts on my cheek.
Virgil then picked up the first aid stuff and then cleaned up. He put the first aid kit back under his couch.
"How were you getting cuts?" Roma asked. Virgil decided he would tell Roman and hopefully Roman wouldn't feel as bad about fighting back as he was now.
Same place as you. Virgil wrote. And Roman looked up at him.
"You-you know?" Roman said and Virgil nodded.
After the first time, I recognized the pattern of his ring on your cheek. Looks like he wasn't too kind after. So why don't you fight back? I know you can. Virgil knew that was true. He had done his research even if it wasn't as extensive as Logan's and found many people online that were willing to talk about the infamous Roman Kingsley.
"Want the truth?" Virgil nodded. Who didn't want the truth when they asked a question? Roman sighed and then got settled on the couch. Virgil was sitting on a beanbag across from Roman. "Well, honestly I didn't want you to be upset that I hit him back. I thought you might stop helping me if I fought back. But he had given me warnings and I didn't listen. Mainly because I figured he wouldn't do too much."
Virgil shook his head and then wrote a note. What Janus does is his business. I knew that when I became his friend after we talked it out. Janus is his own person but like Logan and Patton he is protective, I know he's trying to make up for how many times he lashed out and used me as the punching bag but I would rather they kept out of this. You are just a new person, sure I had my reaction but I think they are more scared than I am.
"Why?" Roman asked after reading it. Virgil hesitated before writing it. But he knew what was the whole issue. Virgil had been told that the selective mutism wasn't his fault but he knew that this was due to it.
They are scared that one more thing happens like the issue with Janus and I might not talk again. Virgil then hoped Roman would just leave it be, but he knew that wasn't the case.
"I am sorry then." Roman said and Virgil shook his head.
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