《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Two
It was the day he was supposed to move in, granted he knew this would be a fast change but he didn't expect it to be so quick. When Remus came into the house covered in fumes and red paint with both bags. One was red striped like his old bag with a golden emblem of the two of them with the black accents for Remus. He wasn't allowed to see the suitcase until morning because it was still drying when he came in.
Roman was woken up Remus slamming his door open and looked really excited about his work.
"Roman, get up! I want to help you pack!" Remus said. Roman nodded tiredly and stretched. He was never good at getting up. He was allowed three bags not including his school bag.
So he had two duffel bags with some bedding and books for reading in one bag. In the other he had a few posters from his wall and some toiletries. He also had a few other things like his picture of him and his brother, a journal that he wrote in from time to time, another notebook that looked close to the journal for writing. He may have lost his outward expression of his creativity, he didn't abandon it.
Maybe this would be a place to get his stories back on track. He was already planning things at the school?
No, he shook it off. He was going to get his hopes up, he was there for the rest of his high school career and that was it. Nothing more and nothing less.
But he was also a social butterfly. He had remus who was also an extrovert of some kind so they could play off each other for most of their life. What would he do without him?
Again he shook it off as he brushed his teeth and got dressed. He decided that he would wear blue jeans, a red shirt and his leather jacket which Remus had spray painted a few years ago. He kept his jacket in his room while he did get dressed.
When he emerged in his room again there were bags of dress shirts, pants, socks, and a pair of dress shoes. He rolled his eyes. The uniform was stupid. He would get his ties when he got there he was told. His dad had looked far into this school and went as far as securing a move in date on the phone with the Headmaster.
He placed the many shirts, pants, and socks he got into the suitcase. Just as he finished that, Remus came in.
"You are not packing without me, are you?" He asked, slightly offended. Roman rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"No, just packing the boring stuff first. I have to bring weekend clothes too. You can pick those out..within reason and throw them in too." Remus nodded. He was staying home from school that day to see Roman off because they were twins. And their parents wanted them to have this, it was going to be rough but that is oaky.
The twins had gotten up at the time they usually would for school to pack. Their parents slept in an extra hour or so, they took the day off to drive to the school with Roman. And bring his car back from the school.
Roman felt refreshed as he spent the next hour or two joking and packing with his brother. It was like old times, they both were smiling and happy even if it was for a bad reason. Roman figured he wanted nostalgia or one good memory to hold on to. Remus just didn't want to waste any time he had left with Roman. Just before he finished packing, Remus shot up and told him to wait before closing the suitcase. Roman had extra room but he didn't want to use all of it. Plus his backpack still hadn't been condensed because Remus had forgotten to wrap it in plastic.
Remus came back with plastic wrap and a few other things he wouldn't let Roman see. He wrapped the bag and placed it into the suitcase. Roman still hadn't seen the suitcase yet and Remus said it was a big deal. The front was wrapped in plastic because he still had to let the protective coat dry before he could use it. The backpack already was coated in the protective coat but Remus didn't want to take any chance on ruining clothes Roman had at his disposal until he came home.
"Now I know what you are going to say and please just hear me out?" Remus said. They still had a half hour before they left and drove the three hour drive to the school. It was closer than Roman thought it was.
"You have my interest." Roman said while slipping the jacket on. First thing was Remus' blanket from his bed. He had it since he was little and Roman saw him throw it in the laundry last night.. for him to give to Roman.
"Re..are you sure? You can't sleep without that blanket." Roman said, astounded.
"For the longest time, I slept on your floor because I didn't want to be separated in a different room that was five feet away..I think I can manage. Plus you said I could sleep in here soo I think I will be okay." Remus justified.
"That invitation does not extend to anyone else, just you..clear?" He said Remus nodded, Roman knew he would respect it. It was better and for his sake to hear it out loud.
"Also I still have the rabbit you gave me." Remus said and Roman nodded. He didn't tell Remus that he still had the stuffed octopus that was gifted to him by Remus or that it was in a duffel bag. He couldn't sleep without that.
"Okay, but why give me a blanket? They provide bed sheets, I brought extra just in case they were boring." Roman asked.
"You gave me something to keep close while you were away and to take care of me, now it's my turn. Also, I am not stopping at that blanket. You are also taking my sweatshirt." Roman opened his mouth to argue. But Remus stopped him. "It's the old black one from the amusement park. You lost the one that we bought you that was red but I didn't get rid of mine so you borrow it for when you are at school."
Roman was speechless. His brother had just handed over some of his prized possessions in an effort to take care of Roman. He was expecting Remus to cry, be upset, and unpack everything he packed. But he was holding it together. Which made Roman wonder what was coming next. "Remus." He was trying to find the words.
"Don't sweat it, you have done all you can to make me feel better all my life. Let me do this one for you." Remus said and Roman nodded. "Oh! The protective coat should be set by now if you want to see the front. Roman nodded and closed the suitcase.
"Do you want to unwrap it? It is your art." Roman said. Remus shook his head.
"It's your present, plus I signed it at the bottom." Remus said and pushed Roman to unwrap it.
What was underneath was amazing. It was a big red R with vines of gold wrapping around it. There were hints of yellow and orange as it flared behind. Between the bottom of the R and the small space at the top a sword in gold sliced through it. On the bottom of the hilt there was a crown with pearls as the gems. That was their birthstone. And on the corner of the suit case there was a small and directed Duke for Remus.
"Remus, this is amazing. You did this all last night?" Remus drew any drafts and rarely put on draft into a thing he was creating.
"I went with my gut and it felt right, I guess. First time that I have done something like that so I am glad you like it." Remus explained. Roman hugged his brother who hesitated before hugging back.
"That is amazing, you should start selling art. No, I'm making that a bet and putting it on your to-do list. You are gonna start selling art." Roman said after he let go. Remus was about to answer when they got called for breakfast.
After a good breakfast and help loading Roman's car, they all filed into it. Roman didn't have a lot of stuff and one duffel bag was mainly just shoes, so his parents sat in the back and Roman drove and Remus did the directions. Roman told them to sleep and they did. Roman didn't want to tell them about his magic and he wouldn't if all his parents knew was that they were tired and deserved a nap.
Roman's mind drifted to the third notebook he had in his duffel bag, notes of his abilities. He would keep it secret until he was dead unless he found someone like him but it was very unlikely. Who on earth would have magic like him?
Remember when he said he expected Remus to be more upset and he was surprised he was keeping it together?
Yeah, that was a lie. Remus was freaking out the entire time and just kept it under control the entire time they were home but the panic and realization set in as they got closer to the school. Their parents were still sleeping as Roman knew how much they needed it. The fact his brother would be gone in a mere two hours was nerve racking.
Two hours became an hour and half.
An hour and a half became an hour.
An hour became thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes became fifteen.
Fifteen became five.
And then they were at the school.
The minute Remus saw that gate and the name he started to breathe a bit heavier. When Roman asked for directions to the parking lot and their parents woke up, he was still not holding himself together well. When Roman and his parents unpacked the car, Remus watched and paced.
Then it came time to say goodbye. There were some kids showing up and one kid with a bowler hat who was talking to a kid with a sweatshirt on. It was still August. What was that about? But sweatshirt didn't seem to be talking just listening.
Huh, odd.
But Remus couldn't distract himself from the reality, his brother took the blame for something he asked him if he could do.
Remus heard their parents say goodbye and saw their mom hug and kiss Roman's cheeks. Their dad shook Roman's hand and told him to behave. That's at least what Remus thought it was. He hoped by putting off saying goodbye it would make it not come true but Roman knew he wasn't going to and seemed to accept that.
Until he went to pick up his bags. That's when Remus threw himself at his brother and held on to his waist asking him to not go. Roman kept the stoic expression, the one that Remus hated so much. That wasn't Roman he was holding. Not his brother Roman, that was everyone else's Roman. Roman knelt down and started to coax him off his waist.
"Remus, I have to go. They are expecting me at orientation I assume plus I have to unpack and meet my roommate. You need to let go." Roman said, softly. It was his Roman. That made him cry even more. He would rather say goodbye to stoic Roman than his brother Roman.
"No! If I let go then it's real. It's happening. If i stay right here nothing will happen and we will be at home. Home with me and you." Remus cried. Roman shook his head and hugged his brother to his chest. He knew people were watching but he didn't care. He would make a name for himself later and tell them all to buzz off if they insult Remus.
"Remus, let go. Please, this is hard enough as is. Go home and sleep, tomorrow is a new day where you will kick ass." Roman whispered, Remus shook his head. "Remus." He held his brother at arms length and looked into his eyes. "Go home and make me proud." Remus nodded numbly.
Make Roman proud. Be strong. Change isn't that scary sometimes it's a good thing that looks like a bad one. He tried to chant that to himself as Roman led him to the car and buckled him in. Remus didn't understand why. But when the car started to move, he knew why.
Remus tried to jump out of the car but Roman was smart and knew his brother. He put the child safety lock on the car so he couldn't get out. Roman knew his mother could handle it.
"Wow, he's quite dramatic." A smooth voice said. Roman turned around and saw a kid in a bowler hat and some discoloration on one side of his face with a yellow eye. It seemed like he had makeup on.
"Back off, he's my brother." Roman said with a level voice. He saw something behind him flinch. The kid threw his hands up in defense.
"Listen, I wasn't saying it's a bad thing. In fact, you may find that I am the meanest person here and after two years at this place..I can tell you, it makes you happier. Also it's a shame, right Anx? Princey's brother was cute." With that he led the person behind him who happened to stay hidden for most of the interaction away and to the dorms.
Princey? Was that really a nickname that was going to be his. He hoped it didn't stick.
"Are you Roman Kingsley?" He was asked by a blonde boy with circular glasses.
"Yes?" Roman said. The boy smiled.
"I am Patton Sanders. I'll be your guide today!"
Oh this was going to be interesting.
But most importantly, who was the other kid with the one who had hit on Remus?
"-shame, right Anx? Princey's brother was cute." Janus said. Virgil snapped back into the conversation but it was too late. Janus had started to walk away and Vrigil was leading the way. The faster he got way the better. He had pointed out the boy having issues leaving his brother and assumed it was the one crying who was staying.
However, before they could make it over to help and ease any nervousness the boy who was being held dropped to his knees. Vrigil watched him go from almost emotionless to caring in a split second and when he closed the door and watched the car pull away he had an emotionless expression again.
He had no doubt this was the new kid and he faintly heard Patton talking but he was already halfway across the parking lot hoping not to be seen by the next kid.
"Virge, slow down. It's like you are running a marathon..Vrige. VIRGIL." He heard Janus say behind him. Virgil stopped and looked over at his friend's confused gaze.
Virgil nodded to let him know he was listening. Janus opened the door to his double, he was sharing with a different person from last year..no not the new kid. Virgil made sure of that. But a fellow witch. They were very nice but hadn't shown up yet, and that made Virgil nervous for them but then was reminded he was going to be bombarded with questions when he got in the room.
"Okay, I know it's a fight or flight that makes you skittish but breathe. We didn't have to talk to him. We could've just waited until a better time. Are you okay though?" Janus asked and Virgil nodded. Janus didn't believe that. Vrigil had been carrying his last box up to his room when the emo had booked across the parking lot.
Janus handed him a paper and pen so Vrigil could write his answer down. Virgil couldn't stop thinking about what Janus said about the new kid's brother or Princey as Janus had decided to call him. Vrigil didn't find the brother appealing but Princey on the other hand...Princey was his kind of guy.
It would've been rude to ignore him, besides you seemed to like the brother. Virgil wrote in hopes of taking the attention off of his feelings. It didn't matter what Vrigil thought of the boy. It wasn't like he could talk to him.
"Yes, you are correct but lets take into account how you are currently feeling..he's your type." Janus said. Janus knew Virgil was gay the minute he saw him, if it wasn't for the fact Janus himself was emtionally unavailable and not able to give Vrigil the right environment he needed for a relationship then he would go for it. But both parties had baggage they couldn't get rid of yet.
Virgil sighed, and took the notebook back and wrote something else. Doesn't matter, I can't talk to him so what's the point? Just leave it, it will pass like the others have. Janus read it but didn't believe it. He didn't push it, he wasn't the person to have this conversation with Virgil. Patton would be better. Janus decided that he would go find Patton and maybe this Princey kid.
"Hey, has Logan moved in yet?" Janus asked not wanting to leave Virgil without someone to keep him company. He was sure that Virgil was fine but he would rather not face Logan's wrath. Vrigil nodded. "Come on, lets get him to make a plan to redye your hair. It's fading and needs to be revamped." And with that Janus dragged Virgil down the hallway to Virgil's single.
Virgil was confused by Janus' sudden change in pace. Maybe it was the level of social interaction? Janus sometimes needed to reset but he hadn't been around Janus for more than a few hours. Janus could tell that Virgil was spiraling by the look on his face.
"Virgil, I just have some things I need to attend to. You know when you leave for bits at a time to go see some people?" Virgil nodded. "Welol, I need to make sure mine are all settled for this year. You are my friend, I am not trying to get rid of you because I am tired of you. I have some errands I need to run oka-" Janus was about to finish when Logan opened the door and saw the pair.
Janus noticed how he hasn't really changed. He still had his dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was still taller than both Janus and Virgil but that wasn't hard. He wore his usual attire of a colorful tie, courtesy of Patton no doubt, and black dress pants.
"Oh, Virgil. Just the person I needed to see. I can take it from here Janus." Logan said. Janus nodded and went off. Janus was always secretive, Virgil knew he went to therapy. Why didn't he just say that? To keep his reputation?
Virgil followed Logan into his dorm he shared with Patton. The room was like night and day. Literally. Patton's side was colorful and bright and Logan's was simple and monochromatic. Patton literally had his side covered in posters and Logan had bare walls except for maybe three photos of stars and one of them was from Patton.
Virgil waited for Logan to give him his attention again and then he signed, So are you going to ask him out this year?
"Virgil!" Logan exclaimed while having a dust of pink coating hsi cheeks. Virgil smiled, and then sat on the couch. "That is not what I asked you in here for." Logan said.
Virgil gave him a look and Logan looked back at him. After a few minutes, Logan blinked.
"I forgot to never challenge you to a staring contest." Logan said and Virgil smirked to himself. "Fine, you caught me. But what do I even say or do? He's so emotional and bubbly. I am not." Logan said.
Logan came from a big family. He was one of the middle children and by far the smartest. But that came at a cost. While his brother and sisters were more involved in sports and friends, he found peace in books. When he came to high school, he had never had a best friend. But when he got assigned Virgil who made very little noise and barely spoke Logan was delighted.
For a few weeks, he figured he would talk when he was ready. When it was a month into school and Virgil still hadn't spoken, Logan got worried. He read up on some things and did his research, even met Patton. When he was taking books out of the library on ASL to teach Virgil when he finally got tested and a diagnosis, he was faced with the bubbly student.
That's when he learned that Patton was Vrigil's cousin. Not only that, but that meant that the Headmaster had a nephew in the school. Logan then realized that he let himself get emotionally invested in Virgil. After teaching him simple phrases, which he picked up quickly, he tried to pull back but couldn't. He realized he had come to love Virgil like a brother.
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