《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter One
Roman was sitting in his car before school, he drove Remus and himself to school and opted to sit in the car until he did. He told Remus that if he was called in to be questioned that he was to deny everything and have them call Roman. He would take care of it. Like he always did. He sighed and put his forehead on the steering wheel, he hoped they didn't find the two of them. He hoped the magic he had was enough to keep Remus safe. Roman knew he was the only one with magic in his family but he didn't use it often. To be honest, he was afraid of himself. He checked the time and got out of the car. His bag was in the back of the car and he grabbed it. He santured towards the school, people moved for him. He had a reputation and he was damned if that was going to change, many past loves he had had basically blackballed him in the terms of love so he had never stayed down with one person for too long.
He sat down in the back of the class, he was going to attempt to not get a detention for being late. He slipped his phone out of his back pocket and set his backpack beside his chair as he opened his phone and scrolled through instagram, he had almost all the girls and a fair amount of guys. If Roman was honest he really didn't care all that much about the girls, sure they were pretty and nice to look at but he felt that guys was where it was at. He listened and said here when he was called and he relaxed a little, how did the administration not see the huge emblem sprayed?
The longer they didn't see it, the better off the brothers would be. Remus would lie and Roman would convince them it wasn't them and then get off with maybe a detention. Hopefully after today though, the anxiety was setting in however and he was on edge. The principal then called an assembly. Roman went through the motions of the day, around the third period, some teacher got him from the classroom.
"Roman, please come with me." The classes started to murmur. This wasn't going to end well. He got up and kept a stoic expression while he made his way to the door.
"What do you need me for?" He asked the teacher as they made their way to the office. He was getting more anxious, he knew this wasn't going to end well.
"We pulled Remus in to ask about some emblem that was spray painted on the wall of the school and he refuses to speak or even answer questions unless you are there." They said. Roman nodded, good Remus was sticking to the plan.
"When we get there, please can we have some time alone? If anything I can get him to talk if he knows anything." Roman said.
"What do you mean if?" The teacher asked.
Roman smiled at her, that award winning smile he had. "He was at home all night last night, I picked him up after I was done meeting with a few friends." Roman said.
"Don't you have the same friends?" The teacher asked.
"Who said I couldn't have others?" Roman countered and the teacher didn't ask anything else. Roman was surprised, his reputation for protecting Remus had made it to teachers. They walked into the office and the teacher pointed Roman towards his brother. Remus was sitting in a room by himself and Roman nodded to the teacher.
"Five minutes." She said and Roman nodded. He sat across from his brother and leaned back in his chair.
"Remus, what are they talking about?" Roman said seriously. Remus looked up at his brother, his eyes held fear but when he looked at Roman he felt better.
"I don't know, they asked me about spray painting something maybe because I am known for that but I don't know what they are talking about."
"Yes, you were home last night while I went out with some friends." Remus nodded.
"I don't know if they know about it. Roman I am scared." Remus whispered, almost inaudible. The two weren't idiots, they knew that they were being listened to.
Two delinquents locked in a room? Of course they had to be scheming.
"What do you mean?" Roman whispered back.
"If they catch us in a lie.." Remus trialed off.
"Then I'll tell them I made you do it. You need to not say a fucking word though. Promise me that."
"Roman, I heard what Dad said last night. One wrong step and you will be gone...I can't let that happen." Remus said. The two were talking quietly and hushed, but Remus said that a bit louder to throw them off.
They just had to make it seem like Roman was comforting Remus. It wasn't hard to do, especially with that last statement. "Remus. You aren't taking the fall for someone else's mistakes." Roman said. But it was more of a "Shut up and let me do this."
"Ro, are you sure? One wrong foot out of line." Remus said. Roman figured he needed to show compassion. He got up and then moved next to his twin brother.
"Remus, I have never been more sure in my life. We will be talking in the car about this despite what happens. I love you, Remus." Roman said the last part quietly.
Remus nodded and started to tear up. Suddenly, the prospect of not having Roman around hit him. Would he lose his standing? What would happen when Roman wasn't around? Would his friends stay by him? If Roman told them they would, but to what extent? Remus launched himself into his brother's arms. Roman knew it would be harder later.
"Remus, they are waiting. I have to go talk to them." Roman said softly.
"Just one more minute please.." Remus said. Roman knew he was crying, it would be hard but he didn't expect this reaction. Roman hugged his brother tightly, the teacher opened the door.
The principal and Roman's guidance counselor was behind her. Roman put on his stoic expression that Remus hated and shook off his brother. "Remus, get back to class and stay there." Roman said and Remus nodded and grabbed his bag. With a glance at his brother and an eye roll from Roman for show, he left.
"Now, shall we discuss what your brother knows?" The principal said. Roman nodded.
Roman sat in his car waiting for Remus, he saw him walk out slowly and Roman knew he would have to tell him first. Remus sat in the passenger seat and was quiet, that was different.
"Remus.." Roman started, while starting the car.
"Why?" Remus asked and Roman started to drive to a diner. This might be the last time the two would be able to hang out before Roman had to pack up and leave. Roman got suspended and took the fall and they no doubt called their parents so Roman was going to make the best of it while he could.
"Because, this is what we do. I take the most detentions and you go home and make sure shit doesn't go down too bad. It's a partnership we have, Remus." Remus was bullshited.
"No! It's not a partnership! You take the fall off everything and won't let me help you! Why?" Remus said as Roman parked the car.
"Because I am your brother and that is that. It's my job to protect you, and don't pull the we are twins thing I know." Roman said and got out. Remus followed after, they were just outside of town and could argue emotionally in public. Remus never cared about reputation but Roman did and Remus was willing to listen to him.
"If you are trying to protect me then why are you leaving me? You took the fall, we could've cleaned up our act or even changed a little bit before the end of the year but instead you didn't. You are taking the fall for something that I wanted to do and you warned me against but I didn't listen. This protecting thing is getting out of hand, let me take responsibility for my actions." Remus said.
Roman heard that but didn't hear Remus. He heard his father.
"No. I am protecting you from a bigger fucking chnage Remus. You and I both know that a change that big of what you are talking about isn't going to work. I know you Remus, just like you know me. You hate change and what would that do? Make it seem that I have abandoned you? Fuck no." Roman blew up and then calmed down. "I am sorry, but it was the only way out that we had, I am willing to go somewhere else just so you can stay with our family."
"But the separation would be just as bad! Stay with me, let me go and tell them now. I will take the fall, please Roman." Remus was close to tears again. Roman turned to his brother.
"I am sorry Remus, but I made a promise. I can't go back on it. I know this separation will be heard but we will text and call almost everyday. I promise, I don't care if they don't allow phones. I believe in my stealth, but I am going to do this. But promise me this, no matter what you will not try and follow me." Roman said seriously.
"But Ro-" Roman cut Remus off.
"I will just tell the guys to make sure of it then. It doesn't matter if you promise me you will do it. I am asking you this, think of it as a protecting of sorts. You are letting people believe that I was dangerous enough to be sent away, and that will roll off to you. You won't even need to pretend, people will talk. Hell, I'll start the rumor myself before I leave." Roman said and Remus just numbly nodded.
Protecting his brother... that's what he was doing, that's it. He would be back for holidays and it won't be forever. That's what Remus struggled with and Roman knew it, feeling abandoned. So Roman would set things up, he already had just in case. When their dad had started the threat of Westward, he started putting things in place to keep Remus' life as normal as possible while he left.
Roman bought Remus a milkshake and something to eat to cheer him up but it didn't work. Roman knew this isn't how he wanted to leave with his brother sad. So when they got in the car, Roman brought up packing again but in a different way. "Remus, the bag with your spray paint is in my room in my closet. There is also my suitcase, you know the white one? Could you do me a favor and paint that with our emblem when we get home?" Roman asked. Remus looked over at his brother.
"You never let me go to your room." He whispered, Roman smiled.
"I know, but just this once you are allowed to and when I leave you can even sleep in there while I am at school." Roman said. Remus was a little better with that and started to mumble about what colors he was going to use. Roman was turning the car and not looking in his brother's direction when his eyes flashed a red signifying that he cast a spell that brought the bag to sit in his closet and the picture of him and Remus and the emblem to move to his desk drawer and be out of sight. Remus didn't need to know what he was planning to bring.
In reality, Remus would be sent to his room when they got home anyway because both his parents were home. Roman knew they would yell and be disappointed, so giving Remus a task that took him out of the house and kept him busy was what was important. Roman despite not being there was going to protect his brother.
The two walked in the house and Roman gave Remus his bag and Remus ran up to his room. He placed Roman's bag down and went to grab his spray paints and the suitcase. He made sure the suitcase was empty and he grabbed his scarf and a plastic wrap. He also got a pencil so he could sketch the emblem. He hadn't been in his brother's room for this long in years so he looked around it a little. The room setup was the same, but the posters were different. Instead of the old Disney ones he used to have, they were all art that Remus had given him over the years and some music artists he listened to. A few Broadway shows and Remus smiled, he hadn't lost his interest in his love of musical theater. Remus saw an old drawing he did and then the emblem flashed in his mind and he got an idea. He smiled and ran down the stairs, he was going to give Roman a new emblem.
And maybe he would even do his backpack too. He put his other things on the floor and went to find Roman and he prayed that he wasn't with their parents yet, Roman wasn't and getting something to drink in the kitchen and talking with a cook when Remus came running in. Roman looked at him confused.
"I thought you went out to the backyard with my suitcase." Roman stated.
"I did, but I got an idea and wanted to know if I could do your backpack too. It's white like the suitcase but I was going to make even more personalized than having pins on it." Remus said. Roman rolled his eyes.
"If you remember, you were the one who got me those pins and didn't you already paint it? It's striped red." Roman said and Remus nodded.
"I was going to redo the stripes and make another emblem just for you, but if you don't want me to I can just do the suitcase but it may take a bit to dry and I don't.." Remus trailed off and Roman nodded to the cook, grabbed remus' arm and led him to the dining room.
"I would love you to do my backpack as well. Just make sure you stay out there until I tell you to come back in for dinner, okay?" Remus nodded excitedly and started planning. Roman smiled, his parents were just going to yell and Remus disliked being yelled at.
While he painted at home, he had headphones and played music and Roman doubted he heard anything despite the music over his spray paints. His parents weren't happy but Roman said it was a way for him to express himself like theater was for him and telling him no would only make it worse. Remus would do it anyway and they all knew it, it was better accept it and move on.
Usually Remus would lose interest in a few weeks or a month but he found what made him happy and his parents were actually impressed by his work. This wouldn't be something they would be impressed by. They could find out what Roman was suspended for but he knew that he would get a lecture on packing and Westward.
Roman went over to a window that showed Remus setting up his stuff. Roman smiled, something good might come out of this.
From behind him he could hear the door opening.
"Roman.." His mother started. Roman put back a stoic expression.
"I know, Mom. Is he mad?" He asked her.
"He doesn't know yet, however they didn't tell me why you got suspended. Would you like to enlighten me?" His mother asked and Roman turned around to look at her.
"I took the fall for Remus. One last time, and I don't care if it cost me staying here for the year or even next. I am willing to go to Westward by choice for this decision. But I do have to ask one thing, Remus and I drive to Westward together in my car and one of you brings it back here. He won't be in any condition to drive." Roman said.
"I am going to save you the lecture and tell your father I already did. And act like it please, I don't want Remus to be in the crossfire between the two of you again." His mother knew how much Remus hated yelling, it made him tear up. It was a stress reaction no doubt but the family would rather not have to calm down three of the Kingslys at once.
"Or we could make it seem like you just got finished giving me the third degree. He just pulled in now." Roman said and his mother nodded. He loved theater and she did as well, so they would make it seem true.
"Alright, I am going to wait for the door to open before I start."
"Or finish." Roman smirked.
"Yes, or finish." They heard the car door slam and then a few seconds later the footsteps. "Here goes nothing." And then his mom's face changed and she was upset, and he knew she was tapping into years of frustration with him. "And suspended? Really Roman! It's one thing a few months into school for maybe soemthing stupid like fighting but this? This is utterly insane and I am not even going to tell your father what you did, just that you are going to pack your things for Westward!" She said as the door opened.
"What is going on?" His dad asked. Roman just looked upset and shook his head and his mom rolled her eyes.
"Your son got suspended. The school told me why but Roman knows what he did and I think it would be beneficial if you called Westward and got Roman enrolled." His mom said while making it look like she was glaring at Roman. His dad tried to get her to tell him what it was but she wouldn't budge.
His dad might be stubborn but his mom was scary when she was angry. His dad left to do as his mom asked. "Thank you." Roman said.
"I know you hate being yelled at too. So I kept it short but effective. One thing I do ask when you go to Westward is that you find your emotions again." Roman was confused again.
"I still have my emotions, it's just better for Remus and me if I keep a reputation." Roman said. And his mother shook her head sadly.
"I know we aren't around as much as we used to be and maybe I feel guilty for it but you know that's not what I mean. Find yourself someone nice, you know we don't care if it's a girl or guy, just find someone to make you feel again. I love you. Make sure your brother doesn't breathe in too many fumes." Roman nodded and watched his mom walk away.
He couldn't help but think about what his mom said and brushed it off. He could feel just fine, Remus made him feel. Sure it was brotherly love but it was better than nothing. She was just dramatic and so was he but he had shut down. Maybe this was a way for him to be who he really was.
The issue was...what if no one liked who the real Roman was?
Virgil had seen people flow in quickly and he was helping his therapist with his section of the orientation for the trade freshmen and new upperclassmen. Dr. Emilie Piciani was a good guy and a bit eccentric. But Virgil didn't care, he did try his best while following a friend of his. Virgil had a session with him earlier that day and they had talked about Virgil holding conversations.
Well Picani talked, Virgil wrote notes to him as a response.
He wasn't well versed in speech therapy for teenagers, just how to help a stutter which Virgil probably had too. Dr. Picani was willing to try if Virgil was and Virgil would be damned if he didn't talk. He just couldn't, he didn't know why. The best way he could describe it is if he hadn't unlocked it yet in a video game and he could only do a few actions. It leads to times of frustration that he couldn't explain and his friends took it in stride.
Currently, Virgil was walking with Patton down the hallway to their connected dorm rooms. There were many people who said hi to Patton and nodded politely at Virgil. They were waiting for Logan to arrive and decided to go talk to the Headmaster. The pair made it to the apartment and Patton found the key and unlocked the door. He called out to his dad, who appeared on the phone.
"Yes, sir we can accommodate that. We have a few students his age that do not have roommates yet..Well of course. We can write an absence note for his brother if he really doesn't want to stay behind....Alright... Yes, we start in a few days. Right now a few more days of moving in and we start on Monday." The Headmaster sat in a chair by his desk. He was using his teacher voice as Patton liked to put it.
Virgil checked the date, it was Thursday which meant his assumption of the school being open a week early yesterday was wrong. Of course who would want to come to school a week early?
And Logan didn't count. Virgil chuckled at the thought and Patton gave him a look.
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