《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Introductions
Remus was painting the side of the school. He had a green scarf covering his mouth and nose as he did. He laughed as he did, he loved this. Roman and himself were very close in appearance. Both twins had the same brown hair, the same build which was muscular, Roman had hazel eyes and Remus had green eyes. Remus also had a hint of a mustache on his face and Roman kept clean shaven. Roman kept his hair neat and Remus had his hair unkempt and he dyed a streak in it. They looked like their parents. Their parents were pretty wealthy but worked a lot and he only had Roman to keep him company, he noticed quickly that his brother was losing a smile he once had.
No longer showed interest in fairytales and was focused on keepin Remus entertained while their parents were at work. Sure they kept the house full of workers and cooks so they didn't have to worry but it still felt neglectful in a way. Roman had explained it to him multiple times, but he always knew that his parents were trying better now. He was a bit easier swayed than Roman who was stubborn as hell.
"Come on and hurry up! Any longer and we will be seen when the camera swivels back over here." Roman said with a bored tone. He was leaning on a wall in a dark red shirt and leather jacket with blue ripped jeans. Remus always played up the punk look to give off the same vibe his brother just did. They were twins sure, but Roman was the older one and Remus saw him as one to look up to. Roman was his hero since they were little.
"Okay, okay. Done." Remus said and slipped the paint back into a bag. He sprayed a sword in black,red, and green paint with two crowns intertwining on the blade. Roman looked over and smiled, it was an illustration that the two drew when they were younger and still did. It seemed Remus had kept drawing it and it was amazingly more detailed. Roman heard the camera start to click and grabbed Remus.
"Go in front of me and sprint with your head down." Roman said and they made a break for the house next door. They sprinted until they were out of sight of the camera and slowed down. Remus laughed while grinning as they caught their breath.
"Okay, you have to admit that.. was fun." He said.
"And incredibly stupid. We can get into so much trouble if we are caught." Roman said and Remus rolled his eyes.
"Sure, but no one is using the school, it's summer." Remus pointed out while strolling down the sidewalk. They did have a car but they just chose not to use it today because they were technically breaking the law.
"For one more day. Tomorrow we go back to school and we have to act like we did nothing, do you understand me? That or you let me handle the talking like we have discussed. Do I make myself clear?" Roman said while grabbing his brother and looking him in the eye.
"Of course, Ro." Remus said and Roman nodded.
"Good, now let's go home. Mom is expecting us for dinner." They made their way to their house and they got a surprise when they got there.
They walked into the house and they were called to dinner. Roman asked Remus to go to the table while he took care of the bag. He never told Remus what he did with it and Remus didn't care enough to ask but accepted that Roman made it disappear until he needed it again. Remus didn't know exactly what Roman did but the hiding place was good, so good in fact that Roman kept it a secret.
You see Roman had the ability to do some kind of magic, what exactly it was he didn't know. All he knew is that he could manipulate things and sing really well. When he was younger, he used to believe he was a demigod but he quickly left that behind when Remus started to get bullied. He then didn't care about anything else, so he used his influences to keep Remus safe.
That was the entire purpose of him pulling away, self preservation. At this point he didn't care about the fact that he had unnatural abilities, he really had a handle on it and he was sure. He ran up to his room which was next to Remus', he made sure no one was around and then took a deep breath. He opened his door and then threw the bag into it and as it flew through the air his eyes flashed red and the bag disappeared. Roman recomposed himself and went to dinner.
He walked into the dining room to a quiet family waiting for him. "Sorry, I had to put something away." He said and sat down. His father nodded and his mother stayed quiet. Remus looked uncomfortable. He really didn't hold conversations with them, Roman understood. Their parents were hardly interesting people. It was hard for Roman to believe that they had creative children. He vaguely remembered there was a conversation between him and his parents when he was younger but all he remembered their parents telling him to protect Remus at all costs.
That's when he started to pull back from people, and hide his gift from his family. A lot of late nights in middle school later, he had experimented with it enough to know the big things made his eyes flashed but a small influence didn't or it was dull enough that it wasn't noticed. He only used it to get out of big trouble but there were some things even he couldn't convince were true. To be honest he would've been sent off to boarding school at this point if it wasn't for it. He always got into fights and a lot of detentions, if it weren't for his appearance and his reputation he would have had more. But people didn't step to him.
Dinner was as quiet as it always was. And then came the back to school speech that his father gave each year to his sons.
"By now I would hope that you already know this but I will give you a reminder. But I am also upping the stakes. You two will not get anything below a C this year for academics, no dentition on the first day and hopefully after. If there is any type of fight on the first day or at all this year then you will be sent off to Westward Boarding School, you both know they start after you guys do and if there is any issues then you will be sent. Remus, absolutely not fights or anything and you better keep your grades up and handle your own battles. I don't want to hear Roman is stepping in for you at all. And do make some friends. You are excused." The twins got up. "Roman stay please." Roman sighed and Remus shot him a look to which Roman waved him off.
"Yes, Dad?" Roman asked dryly.
"Please do not get any more detentions, your record is already messy and college won't be easy to get into. Money isn't an issue and we made sure of that but please no fights or detentions. The first one I hear about, you will be attending Westward. Do I make myself clear?" Roman was upset but that meant he had to let Remus get picked on.
"Dad, you know-" Roman started.
"I don't care Roman, one foot out of line and you will have your bags packed." Roman and his dad kept eye contact for a little while and Roman went to leave. "Roman, I know you want to protect him but he won't always have you. It's time he grew up." Roman nodded and left the room. He made a mental note to make sure Remus didn't do anything stupid or kept his confidence when Roman wasn't around. Roman was feeling the pressure and Remus was unaware and as long as Roman could keep it that way he was sure they would be fine and happy. At least Remus would be and that was the point. He got to his door, and looked over at his brother's door. He questioned actually knocking on the door but he just silently wished his brother good night and went to his room.
Roman changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt and laid down. It was almost 8:30 and he wasn't going to sleep yet but he wanted to be comfortable. He hoped that no one would find the culprits of the painting despite it being very obvious who it was. But he didn't want to leave Remus and sure they didn't get along too much but he was what he had. He looked at his desk and the billboard above it.
The desk was wooden with a red chair. The desk itself was covered in papers from last year he hadn't bothered to clean yet. And the billboard had a lot of pictures of him and Remus when he was younger. And the drawing the two drew when they were little, and each draft of it got more detailed until the one that Remus had finished and colored in. He decided to make a list of the things he would bring to Westward, he didn't know if he could decorate the room he would be in but the picture of him and Remus when they were eight of them wearing paper crowns that matched and the completed drawing of the emblem of the two of them. He smiled at the thought of bringing his brother in spirit if he left. Roman knew one thing, Remus wasn't going to go to Westward if he was.
If one of the brothers were going to Westward, it was going to be Roman and Remus would be staying here.
Roman didn't want to leave his brother but he was going to be damned if Remus was going to have a major change in his life.
Virgil walked through the school as he listened to music. He lived there year round with his cousin and uncle. He was sent here by his mother who gave custody to his uncle so he could get a good education but Virgil didn't believe that. He knew it was because he didn't talk. No one understood why he stopped talking, he just did. So at fourteen, he was moved to the Westward Boarding School. There he was moved to a dorm room with a roommate who he didn't talk to but got along with. In fact, they were still friends and he didn't care that he didn't talk. Virgil wished he could but he just couldn't. The therapist that was employed by the school (because the school had a reputation of turning out well behaved kids) evaluated him upon his roommate's request. Well it was more of a demand because he was worried but it still gave him the diagnosis of Selective Mutism and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After he was diagnosed, Logan, his roommate, learned sign to teach Virgil. He also taught his cousin who was able to be a communicator between his uncle and Virgil.
He sat on a big window sill that was near a balcony that didn't really have a purpose but Virgil used it to relax as he looked out over the school grounds. It was a good place to live and loved his uncle and cousin but he missed his mom sometimes. There are some visits she tries to make but it wasn't often. He had climbed on the windowsill because it was a good place to think. And it kept him away from people, which is the opposite of what the therapist said he needed. But he was an introvert at heart and he did the best he could. Arguably, living in a school year round wasn't another good idea but it was better than an unsupportive dad and a supportive mother fighting. He didn't really mind the silence but music was comforting and was able to make sure nothing got too loud. He just wished he brought his notebook to draw.
He sighed quietly and mentally took a photo of the meadow so he could draw it later. He knew he wouldn't finish it by mental images alone. While the music was changing he heard a faint voice come from the hallway. He took off his headphones and listened.
"Virgil? Where did he go?" His cousin, Patton, was looking for him. He almost forgot that they were picking their dorms before some people started flooding in. Virigl knew why they opened the doors a week before the actual school started and tomorrow people would be streaming in nonstop. The school was big enough he could find a quiet spot if needed. Despite a lot of assumptions, Virgil wasn't bullied.
Before everyone knew that he couldn't talk, there were a few kids who didn't take kindly to that. Janus was one of them but now he was more of a protector. Virgil wasn't stupid, he knew that Janus was throwing them off his trail a lot. In fact, he had bruises that he tried to hide from the rest of them. Patton didn't like Janus too much but he wasn't ungrateful for what he did to protect his cousin so Patton could see past his demeanor. Virgil was just a little frustrated with it. He couldn't talk and maybe he was the youngest but that didn't mean he was not capable, he would bring it up to his doctor next time he had an appointment. He saw Patton round the corner and then stop almost underneath him and sigh.
"How does he disappear like this?" Patton was talking to himself. Virgil rolled his eyes and smiled. He found a rock near him and dropped it down so it would make a sound and he wouldn't scare Patton who did scare easily. The rock dropped and Patton jumped, turning his baby blue eyes up and then looked up towards Virgil. "Oh, I should've guessed." Virgil smiled at him and shrugged. "Can you come down? I don't want you getting hurt." Virgil sighed and jumped down. His fair haired cousin was protective.
I am fine, I have done this multiple times before. Virgil signed and Patton nodded. Virgil picked up the rock, then looked at Patton through his bangs.
"Did you have to drop the rock though?" Virgil nodded. Patton shrugged knowing he wasn't going to get an answer and turned around. "Come on, Dad asked if you would help me move into my dorm considering you refused to move out of yours last year." Vrigil rolled his eyes. What was the point of moving out if he was only going to move back in a few months. When he knew that Patton wouldn't notice he threw the rock upwards and his eyes flashed a lavender as it floated back to the ledge. He smiled to himself. Another thing to connect him to his mother and the reason he stopped talking. Patton stopped and Virgil hoped he didn't feel the change in energy, the magic came from his mother's side or the side where Patton was from.
"Virgil, are you spacing off again?" He asked. Virgil took a breath of relief. Patton knew how self conscious he was of his magic. Patton in reality felt the change and knew Virgil was doing magic, they studied together. The school itself held "religion" classes, which held many different religions and even had a study hall for atheists who didn't want to participate but Patton, Virgil, and Janus all took Wiccan classes. Logan just opted for study hall or an extra class each semester. Patton knew Virgil's energy and Virgil knew Patton's. Patton just chose to ignore it.
Virgil caught up to Patton and then walked to the room to help him move his things. He was glad that the school allowed him to wear accessories with the uniform which was just nice dress pants, and a blue and black striped tie. The school was relatively new but that didn't stop the reputation. The school was strict enough that it did change people but they enjoyed being there.
"Oh, I also wanted to ask if you were going to keep track of the full moon this year or should I?" Patton asked as they hung things like cartoon posters and placed his many plants around the room. Virgil pointed to Patton and he got the message, Virgil loved his cousin very much but he was a little much. How Logan lived with him, he never knew. Virgil smiled as he saw the plant that corresponded to him and Virgil put in the corner of the window where he would feel most comfortable.
"Really?" Patton asked and Virgil shrugged with a smile. They heard the sound of the bell through the school. "Dinner is ready." Patton said and Virgil smiled.
He must be testing the bell to make sure it worked. Virgil signed and Patton agreed. They made it to the Headmaster's Apartment and went inside for dinner. The last dinner before they had people here and the cooks were making a meal for them. Virgil knew that Patton was excited about his roommate and suspected his cousin had a crush. Virgil sat as he watched and sometimes contributed a nod and a few off hand signs that Patton repeated. When dinner was finished, he helped wash the dishes that his uncle used. Patton then said goodbye to his dad and they two turned in for the night.
Virgil laid down on his bed fully clothed, he wasn't going to sleep until later but he wanted to lay down. His single was basically a glorified apartment. He had a couch there with a TV that he only used to play music or watch some YouTube. He had a desk in one corner and the best was in another, his closet was next to his desk and he had a few extra places to put things. His backpack was hanging on the back of the door, he also had his shoes organized. When he got anxious he cleaned, which led him to be organized half the time. It was junior year and this is when he was supposed to start talking to others, but he was still uncomfortable. He knew Patton knew what he sounded like, maybe it was Logan he would talk to next. He nodded and tested his voice, knowing this would be the last time he could do so behind closed doors.
He opened his mouth and mouthed the words but there was no sound and that was Virgil's night. Trying to say his friend's name while getting his uniforms ready for the next few weeks. Freshmen arrived first and some other upperclassmen as well. When he finally got ready and changed then brushed his teeth in the bathroom that was connected to Patton's dorm because yes, Patton needed to make sure Virgil was okay and would rather have him share a bathroom with people he knew.
As he brushed his teeth, he noticed that his bangs were losing the purple he had in it. He made a mental note to ask Patton to help him dye it when Logan got back. Both him and Patton could do it but they get messy and distracted, with Logan they kept on track and Logan tended to do a better job at coverage than Virgil or Patton could.
Patton popped his head in and said good night and Virgil waved and laid in his bed. He threw a commentary YouTuber while he went to sleep. This year was going to be difficult as far as he could tell, and he wasn't looking forward to it.
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Tales of Demons and Dragons - An Original Xianxia GameLit
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What Had Happened That Day : Before & After
[NEW UPDATE! : CHAPTER 4]📢ANNOUNCEMENT🎉The Letters, ARE NOW up for sale !!~💌Link in bio, it's on a Ko-Fi. ☕Happy reading, my Princesses :D🌹***'A wish that becomes true,To satisfy the curious heart of you.' Where art thou, I wonder?As a princess of a powerful kingdom, you've been dutifully fulfilling your roles as a part of royal family. You're;• Well behaved• Educated ( formal & informal )• Skilled in fighting, because your father, the King believes that, "When the time comes, there will be the need to protect. Everyone is capable of fighting, in any way they can." What a wise king, that man.Thus, those points are some of what makes you a respectable princess across the land, you're lovable, and admired by most. You're living a life expectedly, just a little bumps here and there, Then;A fate rolls out that day..You saved a man from falling off the rail. He thanked you, you both have a little chit chat and off he goes on his merry way. In a short time, you can't forget about him. Sleepless, you went to the kitchen and almost knocks out a night guard that sneak upon you." I know that man that you saved." Holding out a picture, he continues, his lip ring glimmers as he smirk; "There's some things that he wrote and left, but for you to have it, you'll have to pay the price." Now, what it is?
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