《Am I really though? (Sanderssides HumanAU)》Nine: Patton/Remus
"Hng..." Patton opened his eyes and looked up at the sleeping Roman. He let his eyes widen when he realized what had happened. "Roman?" Patton sat up. Roman immediately opened his eyes.
"Patt!" He hugged him tightly. "I was so god damn scared! Please never listen to him again..."
"I wanted to come back...I...it was the only way." Patton started to cry. "He would have kept me in that closet forever if I didn't." Patton looked down at the watch he was wearing. "Dad would be so disappointed...he would say I should have sucked up the punishment and stayed in there for however long Remus wanted me to be in there for-."
"Listen Patton, your dad wouldn't understand shit if it hit him in the face. I know you made a promise and you broke it...but sometimes promises can't be kept if your in a life or death situation." Patton smiled.
"Thanks Ro." Patton leaned into him. "Hey where's everyone?" Roman tensed. Patton pulled away. "Ro?"
"Logan...he took Logan again." Roman looked away and Patton looked towards the door.
"How long have they been gone?" Patton asked. Roman sighed.
"A long time..." Patton stood up. "Patt?" Patton walked towards the door and knocked. Remus opened the door, when he saw Patton he smiled.
"Aww does little Patton finally want to have a chat with me? Come on then!" Patton glanced back at Roman who stood up as soon as the door had opened. Patton held his hand out and shook his head.
"I'll be back." He walked through the door and Remus slammed it shut. "Where's Lo?" Patton asked as they walked to the kitchen. Remus smirked.
"My room, where else would he be?" Remus asked.
"Is he at least okay?" Patton asked. Remus rolled his eyes.
"Yes, he's perfectly okay." Remus started making bacon. "Want to help me cook Patton? I know it calms you down." Patton walked over and started grabbing the stuff to make pancakes.
"I have one question, why?" Patton asked. Remus looked up at him.
"You need to be more specific." Remus said. Patton sighed.
"Why did you take Virgil and force him to throw up? And to force him to not eat? Did he do something to you to anger you that much that you had to kidnap him? He's just a kid Remus! And then to threaten and kidnap Janus...what happened to you? Why did you become like this!" Patton started crying. "When you left because of my dad I was a wreck! I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU REMUS!" Patton covered his mouth. Oh fuck he did not just admit that. Remus dropped the pan in shock. He looked at Patton with wide eyes.
"What the fuck?" He stood there frozen.
"The reason Ro..the reason Roman was there for me after you left was because I knew it was all my fault you got sent away." Patton looked at his hands. "He helped me calm down and keep my depression at bay. He wasn't able to give me any updates on you because your mom and dad wouldn't tell him anything either, you were just...gone." Remus scoffed.
"Is that what he told you? That my parents were the ones blocking you from talking to me? Patton, I wrote to you everyday. I was constantly apologizing hoping for anything from you...anything at all. Why do you think I-shit you wouldn't remember you were drunk." Remus laughed. Patton froze.
"What the hell did you..." Patton froze mid sentence. "Remus you didn't...you didn't hurt me did you?" Remus walked over to Patton and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"And if I did would it have been so bad?" He kissed Patton's cheek. Patton shoved him away.
"REMUS WHAT THE HELL!" Patton started to shake. "THATS CALLED RAPE YOU ASSHOLE!" Patton tried to run away from Remus but Remus pulled him back.
"You really think I would ever hurt you Patt?" He asked. Patton looked away and struggled from his grip.
"Get away from me!" Patton tried to get away but Remus laughed and grabbed him by both his wrist pinning him to the wall with his arms above his head. He took his free hand and moved Patton's face so he was looking at him.
"Don't be mean Patton." Remus leaned forward to kiss Patton on the lips but he was suddenly thrown backwards and Patton was wrapped in a tight hug.
"REMUS!" Logan cried as he held Patton. Patton started to cry harder. He was safe. "Oh my god Patton are you okay? What did he do?"
"I'm fine Lo." Patton leaned into Logan. "I'm fine."
"Patton, are you sure?" Logan asked. Remus pulled them apart and grabbed Patton. Patton shook his head and started shaking again. "Remus stop!" Logan shouted. He turned Patton to face Logan.
"Logan knows what happens when he disobeys any of my orders, Virgil knows what happens, even Janus knows. You now know...but Roman? He doesn't." Remus dragged Patton down a long hallway. Patton started to shake harder when he heard the door behind them click shut so Logan couldn't follow them.
"Remus what are you doing!" Patton was shaking with fear.
"Roman, will never get to see you again. That's his punishment for all those years of never sending you any of my letters! Never bothering to tell you how I was!" Remus suddenly had Patton up against the wall.
"Remus stop! I don't have those feelings for you anymore! Not after all of this...I am in love with Roman you can't just take that away by locking me away like rapunzel!" Patton cried. Remus smashed his lips against Patton's and Patton squirmed trying to leave his grip. He pulled away and laughed.
"You'll love me eventually." He threw Patton into a room and locked the door leaving him alone. Patton screamed.
"I HATE YOU! YOU SICK FUCK!" he covered his mouth and started to cry again. God...he was stupid.
I was in love with you. He scoffed. How could he ever believe that were true? He stood by the door he locked Patton in and bit his lip when he heard Patton crying his eyes out. He had written so many letters to Patton only for Roman to destroy them? Why would he do that? Remus walked into the house and Logan looked up.
"Where is he! What have you done!" Logan cried. Remus just laughed.
"Help me take the food to the others." He grabbed two of the trays with the name tags he had made for the kids. Logan looked at the one for himself but then at the completely empty plate with romans name tag on it.
"Remus you can't just expect Roman not to eat." Logan glared at Remus as they walked into the room they were all trapped in. The other three looked up.
"I can." He grumbled as he placed the trays down. Logan shook his head.
"No. And if I find out any of you gave him your food, I will punish all of you accordingly. Goodbye." He walked out of the room. He grabbed Patton's tray, and then grabbed a bottle of some random alcohol and laughed as he unlocked the door that leads to Patton's "tower" as he called it. He opened the door to find Patton leaning against the wall holding his knees to his chest with tears flowing down his face. "Do you ever stop crying?"
"I would stop if you just let us all go Remus." Patton glared. Remus placed the tray down and walked over to Patton who tensed up.
"Come eat." Remus forced him to his feet. Patton glared at the tray.
"I'm not drinking that." He gestured at the alcohol.
"I knew you would say that, so...you better drink it or I will just have to get Janus or Virgil to drink it." Remus laughed as Pattons eyes widened.
"THEY ARE SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD REMUS! THEY ARE CHILDREN!" Patton was screaming. Remus just laughed.
"Yes, but if you don't drink it then I'll make them drink it. So what's it going to be Patton?" He asked. Patton glared at him.
"We have work tomorrow, I'm not going to drink it-." Remus grabbed the bottle and without another word he left the room. He locked all the doors and walked to where everyone else was. He opened the door to them eating, and Roman nowhere to be seen.
"Lo, go to your room." Logan looked up quickly.
"No way in hell am I leaving you alone with these two Remus!" Logan cried.
"Cute, you think you have a choice? Room. Now." Logan looked at Janus and Virgil. Virgil nodded and Logan left the room. Remus pulled the bottle from behind his back.
"What the fuck!" Janus cried. Virgil glared at it.
"What the hell do you plan on doing with that?" Virgil asked.
"One of you, is going to drink it. Patton refuses because of work tomorrow...so I know those two won't either. But you two? Oh please, I can just keep you home from school." Remus laughed when Virgil made a disgusted look when he said home.
"You have got to be joking...we're seventeen!" Janus cried.
"Okay, so goody two shoes is out. Virgil?" Remus asked. Virgil glared at him.
"Don't hurt anyone else." Virgil grabbed the bottle.
"Virgil don't!" Janus cried.
"Alright, you are coming with me." Remus grabbed Virgil and dragged him towards Patton's tower.
"Where are we going?" Virgil asked. Remus threw him into the room with Patton. Patton immediately pulled Virgil into a hug and glared at Remus.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Patton shouted.
"Language Patton." Remus laughed. "And I thought you'd be happy to have some company in your little tower." Remus walked out and locked the door. He laughed even harder when he heard Patton scold Virgil for agreeing to drink the alcohol. He walked into the kitchen and cleaned up. He definitely had to have a conversation with Roman about why he was lying to Patton all these years. He stormed into the room and janus looked up at him.
"R-Roman!" Janus shouted. Roman walked into the room along with Logan.
"Roman, we need to have a little chat." Remus glared at his brother. He looked at Janus and Logan.
"Alright, I'll come and chat with you then." Roman walked towards him. Remus grabbed his arm harshly and dragged him towards the door. He threw him to the couch.
"Why?" Remus asked as he sat down across from Roman.
"Remus..." Roman looked around. "Where's Virgil?"
"None of your business! Now answer my question god damnit!" Remus shouted. "You were supposed to be my loving brother but you didn't stop them from sending me away! You laughed at me! You have always called me names and you were always so mean to me! Why didn't you care about me enough to send Patton my letters knowing that I cared about him! Why did you have to ruin the one good thing in my life!?" Remus wiped his face of tears.
"Oh don't you dare start with the fucking crying! You kidnapped us! You forced Virgil to throw up, caused Logan to be so torn up about everything...Janus is an absolute mess he's terrified of any type of bugs after being locked away for so long, and Patton fucking hates you! You are a fucking monster and you deserve what happened to you all those years ago! I absolutely hated you back then! I'm glad they sent you away!" Roman glared at Remus. Remus laughed.
"You absolute asshole." Remus suddenly got closer to Roman. "You want to know why Patton is away from you? Because I want to ruin you...I want you to know that you will never get your happy ending."
"Remus, don't punish them, If it's me your mad at then go ahead and let them go...you can kill me for all I care just don't you dare hurt Patt or Lo, Virgil and Janus are just kids Remus they don't deserve this." Roman wiped his face and Remus stepped back. He broke Roman. He managed to make his brother finally cry over something!
"So you really aren't emotionless." Remus laughed. "Come on, I'll take you to Patton's tower." He grabbed romans arm and dragged him to Patton and Virgil. When they entered the room, Virgil was passed out in Patton's arms. Patton looked up.
"You asshole! I couldn't get him to stop he...he..." Patton held Virgil tighter. "He couldn't drink the bottle but he tried please just...just let him go." Roman stepped into the room and ran to Patton's side. Remus picked up the bottle.
"He almost downed the entire thing holy shit that kid can hold his liquor." Remus laughed. Roman looked up and saw the bottle. His eyes widened.
"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" Roman shook Virgil who opened his eyes.
"Hmm." He laughed. "Oh hey Roman..." he chuckled. "Why do I feel so hot..."
"Are you alright Virgil?" Roman asked. Virgil shook his head.
"I feel dizzy..." he mumbled. Patton looked up at Remus.
"He needs a hospital...please remus please he's sick..." Patton was bawling. Remus looked at Roman and rolled his eyes.
"Grab him, come on." Roman lifted Virgil gently from Patton's arms. "You stay." He pointed at Patton who nodded as they left. Remus left the door unlocked and walked out. Roman followed carrying Virgil who was trying to stay awake.
"R-Ro..." Virgil closed his eyes for a second them opened them again. "Ugh..." they climbed into the car, Roman held tightly to Virgil as he sat in the backseat.
"Remus what do we do..." Remus sped to the hospital. As soon as they got there they got out and Remus ran and told the nurses that they found Virgil on the street and he didn't look too good at all. They believed him and he signed his name on all the paperwork. He got back in the car with Roman who sat up front this time.
"The nurses say he will be fine..." Remus looked down. "And so will you guys. You can go." Remus started the car and they drove in silence. When they reached the house Roman looked at Remus.
"What made you change your mind?" He asked. Remus looked down at his hands on the wheel.
"I really am a horrible fucking person...." he looked at Roman. "You never liked me and you are my family. Mom and dad hated me as well. Patton was the only person I ever actually felt like I could be myself around and then he never speaks to me again when we finally do he's changed and he's now in love with you...h-he hates me again because I did this. I deserve to be hated I deserve to be fucking killed!" Remus banged his head on the steering wheel. "Just...just go." Roman suddenly pulled Remus towards him in a hug. Remus pulled away after a few moments.
"Thank you Remus, I am really glad you see that. But I...we can try and fix our relationship later but right now I think what's best for you would be getting some help?" Roman questioned. Remus nodded.
"Okay, I'll be back after awhile." He smiled at Roman. "Go." Roman got out and ran into the house. Remus chuckled. He falls for anything.
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