《Dr Luthor - Supergirl AU》Mundane


Lena's POV

"Kara, love, you don't have to. Really!" I glared at her, she had a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm going to do it."

"Please, don't!" I begged, putting my hands together in praying position to emphasise my point.

"Done!" She said as she slammed her last cards on the table. I groaned and showed her my 3 and ace. "You wouldn't have won anyway!"

"But you could have given me a little time. You have won the past seven rounds. Eight, if you include the round you just won!" She laughed and grabbed all the cards, ready to deal again, flashing that devil smile that even though mischevious, it made her even sexier.

"Another round? I'll go easy." I have her yet another glare.

"You won't. You will win again." I whined, grabbing the deck from her hands.

"Why don't I call Sam? She is bad at poker too so you two can battle it out and see who is worse."

"As much as I'd love that, we need to get back to work soon. You know what? I'll take the deck and if we get a small break, I will go over to Sam's office and ask her for a game, deal?"

"Deal. Let's go!" I stood and opened my apartment door as she did a victory dance through the doorway.

Mundane. That's the best way to describe the past four months at work, mundane.

There weren't any emergencies or anything. Not even any crimes in our area that Kara and I could go and solve as the vigilantes. All we were able to do at work was finish off our paperwork and go home. When I got there, Kara wasn't home. I figured she was still at work so I called her. No answer. 'Where in the hell are you?' I thought as I went back out of my apartment and drove to work. I quickly found Kara's office through the maze of hallways.


"Oh my God, Kara!" I yelled when I saw a blonde asleep at her desk. "Kara!" I yelled again, trying to shake her awake. Alex ran into the room, obviously having heard my cries and came to help me.

"What? Stop doing that!" She groggily opened her eyes, still not relaxing me in the slightest.

"Thank God! You scared us so much, Kara!" Alex hugged her and looked at me, I saw in her eyes that she too wasn't relaxed.

"I was just asleep, calm down."

"You are supposed to be monitored every time you sleep. Something could happen during your sleep and no-one would know about it." Alex started scolding the confused blonde. I decided to stand up for my girlfriend.

"Alex, give her a break. You are the one who gave us mounds of work to do." I felt Alex glare at me with a look that would probably have killed me if she had laser vision. "I'm not saying it's your fault but she was tired. Nothing has happened at all in the past few months anyway. Why are you so worried?"

"I just don't want to risk anything happening." She wiped her eye, probably trying to hide a tear.

"It's been four months since the crash. I think everything is fine by now." Kara stood and walked out. I ran to catch up with her, getting to her just as she was about to turn a corner.

"You should give Alex a break. She is just looking out for you."

"I know. I just hate that she still worries about me. It's been so long but she still treats me like I can't handle myself." She kissed me on the forehead and walked briskly to the doors. I stood there bewildered for a while before going back to my work.

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