《Edge of Glory | Supergirl 1》Chapter 10
Katie ducked underneath Vasquez's fist, rolling on the floor away from the female. She quickly got up from the floor, using her momentum to trip the agent to the floor. She backed up slightly, making sure she had room between them. She wiped her bottom jaw, her breathing steadying after the rapid movement. Vasquez turned to Katie but instead of attacking, stopped and began to clap at her instead.
Katie's arms were still up, but Vasquez came over and put them down, "No need to still be on the defense, Miss Schott."
Katie slowly let her arms fall to her sides, "Why did you stop?"
"Because you pass."
Katie gave her an odd look, "I pass?"
"You catch on really fast." Vasquez motioned for her to follow, "I think you're ready to be a full-time DEO agent."
Katie looked at her funny, "Are you serious?"
"Yes." Vasquez nods, "I'll have a talk with Henshaw, get you a badge, you'll be officially on the team. Once that happens we'll work with your control of your powers."
Katie tugged at the bracelets on her wrists, "That man, Harrison Wells, can uh...am I allowed to read up on him?"
Vasquez turned to her, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, please." Katie mumbles, her fingers fumbling with the cloth of the skin tight suit that every female agent has, pulling at it.
Vasquez released a loud sigh, "Search him up on the internet, there's enough about him on there."
Leah walked into the room, "Oh... Was I interrupting one of your sessions?"
"No, we just finished." Vasquez walked out.
Katie smiled and waved, "Hey, Leah, what are you doing at the DEO?"
"Taking a break from being a superhero, Kara's doing the rounds on the city." Leah answers, walking alongside Katie, "What are you doing? Well, what are you doing now?"
"I'm going to use one of the DEO computers to look up Harrison Wells, the man that they claim made me a metahuman."
Leah scrunched her eyebrows together, "That's unlikely, though, Harrison Wells doesn't study..." She paused, "Never mind, I better call Winn."
Katie ignores the first half of what Leah says and immediately cringed, "Ugh, yeah, how's dating my brother?"
"He is a sweet little troll." Leah giggles, becoming mushy in a split second, "He's so nerdy and awkward it's absolutely adorable."
Katie gives Leah a disgusted look, "I can never think of my brother that way."
"Most siblings wouldn't think of each other romantically, I mean, my cousin Clark, I don't understand why Lois Lane is so attracted to him."
"I'm attracted to him." Katie interjects, "Have you not... Oh okay, I understand how that works now."
Leah gave a little snort of amusement, "I told you so. I'll talk with you later."
Katie dropped down in one of the various seats in the DEO, using the computer that was in front of her to search up Harrison Wells, but instead of seeing what she thought she'd see. She saw that Harrison Wells did not study dark matter or anything that would make her into a metahuman, but he did research on mutants and people who were born into having odd abilities. Her eyes scanned the different articles until she saw Kara come flying in, "Hey, Kara!"
"Supergirl scares young children at a local school. Road rage and superpowers..."
Katie's mouth drops open when her eyes meet the screen, "You didn't."
"ROAD RAGE!" Henshaw snaps, making Katie flinch at the loud noise, "What were you thinking?"
"They were about to run over an entire soccer team. It's always men who go crazy behind the wheel!"
Katie sighs, "Kara... you can't lose control like that."
"Those two idiots nearly killed people, and you're getting mad at me?" Kara's attention falls on Katie.
"I am not mad at you." Katie says calmly, but her voice becomes stern, "I am controlling my anger, and Henshaw seems to be doing that as well. You need to learn to control your own."
Henshaw crossed his arms, "You know, I once told you, there are people out there who fear your cousin. It's not because he has god-like powers. It's because of what he might do to them if he ever lost his temper."
Vasquez jogs over to them once Henshaw walks off, "Ma'am, you might want to look at this."
"I'm just glad these two men were only in the hospital, and not the morgue. We're all so worried about police brutality, maybe we ought to put a body camera on Supergirl."
Leah sat in her mother's office, listening to her bicker with her grandmother, her back pressed against the leather of the couch, her hand against her forehead. All she wanted to do was talk with Winn, but once her mom spotted her, she was dragged in to deal with the fact her grandma was there as well.
"All these televisions. How can you possibly get any work done with so much visual noise assaulting you?"
Kat frowned, "That visual noise is my work, mother."
"That's right, my daughter, what do they call you? The Proletariat Princess."
Leah lifted her head up, "Queen of all Media, grandma." She stood up, finally giving her grandma a side hug and a kiss on the cheek, "What brings you to National City?"
"Book tour. I edited Paget Willoughby's newest novel."
"Well, la-dee-dah," Kat grumbles in her seat.
"Perhaps you'll listen to it when it comes out in audiobook form."
Kat squinted at her mother, "I'm sure Carter would love to see you while you're here."
"I don't think I'll have the time, dear. Did he get the savings bond I sent him for his birthday?"
"Mmhmm." Leah mumbled, rolling her eyes, something her mother had spotted and smiled about, "Yes, he was so excited he showed it to all of his friends."
"'Supergirl'? Shouldn't she be called "Superwoman"?"
"Didn't you read the article I wrote?"
"I didn't get a chance. But the young man sitting on the plane next to me had a copy. It looked like he read some of it. So interesting, isn't it? A woman hero. I can't help but feel safer in Metropolis. Call me old-fashioned but I still prefer male doctors. Hmm." She paused at the other poster in the office, "And 'Captain Marvel'? What's to marvel on? She's obviously just another copy of that Supergirl, more masculine if you ask me."
Leah slammed her palms against the table, "Would you shut the hell up for one goddamn second!"
"My word!"
Kat's eyes widen at her daughter's outburst, but she couldn't particularly blame her. Leah's phone pinged, "I've got to go. It was nice seeing you, grandma."
Leah flew down next to Kara, her eyes scanning the perimeter, "Kara, what's going on?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Directer Henshaw."
"General Lane. What can I do for Army Intelligence?" Kara and Leah glance at each other when they hear his last name, knowing who he was.
"I need you to approve an immediate transfer. A couple members of your field unit to my command."
"And who would they be?"
"The ladies in red."
Alex squints at General Lane, "Technically, Supergirl and Captain Marvel do not work for this organization."
"If I had my way, no one would. Your covert operations could be handled effectively with my special forces and without foreign assistance."
"Why do you need us?" Leah demands, her arms crossing over her chest.
"We've been developing something. An anti-insurgent combat device. Project code named, RT. I need their help testing it for me."
"Then ask us to our face, not Director Henshaw." Leah spat.
Lucy Lane suddenly came walking over in uniform, "They have no choice. We have an executive order forcing you to comply."
"My legal attache and my daughter, Major Lane. It's been signed by the President. You can take it up with her if you like."
"Unless you don't think you're up to it."
Leah glares down at Lucy, not liking the girl's attitude and a hatred in her gut forming for the female. Both heroes answer at the same time, "I'll do it."
Alex turned to the two, "You don't have to."
"I agree with Agent Danvers."
"What do you need us to do?"
"Fight my robot."
A man suddenly spoke up, his accent coming from Britain, or an area of Europe, "It's not a robot. It's an anthropomorphic pseudo entity with combat capabilities."
"I stand corrected Doctor."
The man turns to the crate beside him, tapping a couple of codes into the tablet he was holding, "I call it Red Tornado."
Katie sat in the chair beside her brother in their 'secret office', "Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing?"
Winn quickly tapped out of the tab, facing his sister, "It's nothing."
Katie moved her hand quickly, reopening the browser, "You're hacking into the DEO's mainframe?! Winn, I work there now!"
"Kara asked me and she used the whole 'dad' card on me."
Katie's mouth dropped open, "That is not fair, she knows we have daddy issues."
"That's what I said!"
James came walking in with Kara and Leah, "So, apparently we're fighting a robot tomorrow."
Katie pursed her lips, "Robot?"
Winn turned in his chair, "Wait, what kind of robot are we talking, like a C3PO? Terminator? Roomba?" Leah giggled at him, bending over and giving him a small peck on the lips, but shook her head to answer him.
"DEO testing a new toy?"
"Military, actually." Leah answers.
"Uh, General Lane asked for my help. Even Lucy was there."
Winn's eyes widen, "Whoa! She didn't recognize you, did she?"
James looked down slightly, in thought, "So that is what her father is really doing here. Kara, you can say no to this."
"I can't. I have to show her... Him, that I can be a team player. That my cousin and I can be trusted."
Winn spoke up next, almost sounding hopeful, "Wait, does the robot fight mean that game night is canceled?"
"No! No! Game night is the last shred of normalcy that remains in our crime stopping, alien hunting, DEO hacking lives. Game night survives. It has to."
Leah laughs at that, "Okay."
"Okay, Lucy and I will see you there." James patted Kara's back before leaving the room.
Katie swiveled in her chair, "So, you invited Lucy?"
"He asked."
"Hnn." Leah puts her hands on her hips.
Kara noticed the look all three of them were giving her, she gave them a bright smile, "It will be fun."
The three watch her leave, shaking their heads, "It will not be fun."
Katie sighs, "Not at all." She checks her phone before turning to the couple, "I've got to go. I will see you guys later for game night okay."
Leah waved goodbye, before facing Winn again, she bent down and gave him a large hug. Which he gladly returned, "How was the work at the DEO today?"
"I literally hate Lucy right now." Leah sat down on his lap, leaning her head back on his shoulder, "I mean, I understand it's her job and all, but her attitude towards Kara and I was completely and utterly rude."
Winn's arms snaked around her waist, "Guess you'll just have to show her tomorrow huh?"
"I will destroy that stupid robot." Leah turned her head, "They made two robots, two Red Tornadoes or whatever." Leah's phone went off, "Great, grandma is in Mom's office before mom got there. Duty calls." She stood up, giving Winn another kiss, "We can talk all about your day when I get back okay."
Leah walked into her mom's office, her eyes dropping on the woman who she called grandmother, "Grandma."
"Leah, you're not going to have one of your tantrums again are you?"
Leah frowned, "No grandma, I'm not."
"Kitty, darling."
Leah turned around, grateful to see her mother and Kara walk into the room. "Mother." Kat went to give her mother a kiss but was stopped.
"Let's not get carried away. We've already seen each other once today."
Kat sighs, "You're early, Mother. Dinner isn't until 8:00."
"Listen, sweetheart, there's been a change of plan. As it turns out, Toni Morrison is in town. Can you believe it?"
Kat sat down at her desk, "Oh! I'm practically shaking."
"Anyway, Toni's having an impromptu little dinner party at the house she's rented in Montecito. Just a few old friends."
"Mother, that is at least two hours away, we're going to have to leave right now."
"Oh, dear. Toni wanted to keep this an intimate gathering of close friends."
"Oh..." Leah's heart broke seeing the sad expression fall on her mother, "I cleared my evening for you."
"Kitty, what could you possibly have to talk about with two Nobel laureates and Margaret Atwood?"
"Enjoy your dinner, mother."
Leah tilted her head slightly, "Mom..."
"Oh, where are the proofs for the revised fashion spread?" Kat quickly said before her daughter could say anything.
"Oh!" Kara scrambled forward, "I have them right here."
"Well, thank you." Kat sighs when she takes a look at them, "And no! No! And no! The filter is off. This waif model looks like a wet rat. Take it back to editing. The entire thing needs to be retouched. And stay there until it's finished. I'm sorry. Do you have plans?"
"It's just this, um, office game night thing we do."
"Office game night? Ker-rah, really? Don't you think you've made enough of a fool of yourself over James Olsen for one day? Everyone's noticed how you throw yourself at him. You should try to be a little bit more professional."
Kara's jaw tightens, "I'll get these straight to editing."
"Mom, don't you think that was a little harsh?"
"You know I am not wrong, sweetie. How's your dating life going? Happy, I hope. Content?"
"It's going great, mother."
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As Gods began their new project, making a new Entertaiment just as they let their last project free of control because it's getting boring as they became more powerful. And they go back to a planet in a universe called earth, most idea of their entertaiment come from here and the player too.So the gods began searching the most interesting one from popular show , movie, anime , comic, manga ,etc. While in earth live a young man called Michael Lu in a country named indonesia full of coruption and poverty.He griefed always beacuse he can't get what he tought he want. But unfortunately even tough he probably could get what he want he will be soon became entertaiment to gods, lest unknow to him. The gods finaly find something interesting idea based on popular anime show called pokemon. The idea is to integrate powers of pokemon in the show into someone they chose using system simliar to their previous few project and they wonder how long will this project will keep them entertained. DISCLAIMER: I don't own pokemon neither the system I am just a beginer writer with non-english as native langauge and school to worry about. So i probably will update once a week or once a month. Thank you for reading
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