《the secret of Stiles》go on expose my life...bit-


After a while of talking the bell rang and we separate to go to our different classes . I was walking down the corridor to my my class . I couldn't help but think about what my dad said earlier , he never really talk about my mother since she was killed by the hunters . I don't have lots of memories of her but...I do remember some of her teaching , every Sunday evening I wouldn't go to sleep unless she told me about werefoxes


Mommy , mommy !

Cl:Yes my little foxy ?

St:Can I watch a TV ?

Cl:No , I'm sorry Mieczyslaw but you know that you have school tomorrow and you need to go to sleep early or you would be really tired on the morning .

St:Don't call me that ! You know I don't like this name mom !

Cl:You should be really proud of this name , it was...

St:My grand-father's that died during the war...I know mom but everyone make fun of me at school when the teacher calls me by this name !

Cl:You shouldn't be ashamed of it , the other kids don't understand what this name stands for .

St:But it doesn't mean that they have to be rude about it I said with a pout , crossing my arms around my chest .

Cl:They don't get it , just don't mind them alright little foxy ?


No:Darling , have you put Mieczy in bed yet ?

St:NO ! I don't want to go to bed !!!

No:Sorry little one , but you have to...

St:No , no , no , no , no ! I don't want to , school is annoying and I don't even listen anyway ! Why do I have to go if I don't learn anything ? Why can't I just stay here with you two...

Cl:No Foxy , you can't just skip school like that . But you know what I can do ?

St:No what is it ?

Cl:I can read you a book if you want .

No:A book ? Are you sure you don't want to tell him about your origins ?

St:Origins ? Mommy , what is dad talking about ?

Cl:N-nothing my little Foxy...it's just a silly little joke between us two .

No:Darling...I think it's about time you tell him .

Cl:N-no , it's too soon ! Maybe he's not even one , maybe he has your genes and I didn't pass it through him ! He's probably just human , like you and it'll be-

No:And what if he is one ? You need to pass your knowledge Claudia . It's important , it's his culture . He has every right to know where he's from...

Cl:But what if he's not...

No:And if he is ? Are you really just going to let him in the dark ? What if something happens an you're not here to help him ? I wouldn't be able to raise him alone , Claudia he...I need you .

St:Mommy...what is dad talking about ? Are you going to leave us ? I don't want you to leave !

I won't leave you my little foxy...and...I won't leave your dad either . Hey , I have an idea ! What if I told you a story about our family most secret secret ?

Wow ! We have a super secret in the family ? Why didn't you tell me earlier it's so cool , you need to tell me mommy !


Alright my little foxy , go upstair , change into your pyjama and hide under the blanket until I arrive or...?

The Monster will come after me ! I laughed out before running upstairs .

Some minutes later I heard my mom entering my room , I took a peak out of the blanket to see my mom standing in the middle of the doorway with a soft smile on her face . She looked at me with loving eyes with a hint of sadness in them before entering my room and sitting next to me on the bed .

Cl:Toc-toc-toc little fox are you here ? It's mommy !

How do I know you are not a shapeshfer ?

It's called a shapeshifter foxy , remember ?

You mommy ! Only her knows how the monster is called !

That's right . Now do you want to hear about the super secret of our family ?

Yes , tell me ! I want to know please .

Oh look , it's your dad . He's here to kiss you good night before I tell you the story .

Hey there Mieczy , good night . He said kissing me on the cheek

St:Dad , dad ! I'll have a super secret to tell you tomorrow !

A super secret ?

Yes , mommy was just about to tell me everything about our extra cool family secret .

But if it's a super family secret then you shouldn't tell anyone don't you think that it's what a secret stand for ?

But you are family dad ! I can tell him right mommy ?

Yes of course you can tell your dad , him and only him understand ? No one else is allow to know about it .

Not a word , promise !

Alright well have a good night sleep little one , and don't forget , tomorrow you have a story to tell me about !

Good night dad !

Good night honey .

My dad kissed my mom and walked away smiling . I turn back to my mom with a huge smile planted on my face and sparkly eyes !

St:Can you tell me now ?

Alright , it all started...

_________end of the flashback__________

Yep , I remember the first time she told me about what our family was like it was yesterday ! I still remember this look on her eyes as she took a deep breath and started to go on about our whole genealogy tree and how the first werefox had appeared on our family after one of my ancestors died from a kitsune sword and got bitten by a werewolf after his death , apparently , he miraculously revived but didn't changed into a werewolf but into a more like fox shifter . Old werewolfs could all change into full wolf form , but eventually it got lost generations after generations and only a few werewolf still remains capable of shifting completely . But for us , werefoxes , it still passes from parents to child so we still hot the ability of half shifting and full shifting .

I also remember when she told me about how we end up being one of the first and last pure bloodline of werefoxes with power . It involved some kind of witch and werefox having kids and those kids being werefoxes with powers...ok maybe I was half listening half falling asleep on this part .

I can't help but feel sorry for my dad , I remember how in all our magic training sessions with my mother he wasn't allowed in for safety reasons . Now that I look back into it I I remember just how much I loved spending time learning new things about supernatural with my mother and learning about humans things with my dad . We were like the perfect family but of course...those hunters needed to come to Beacon Hills and search for supernatural that they could kill and expose as trophies...and sadly they found my mother...



Cl:Are you ready for your afternoon training Foxy ?

10yo/St:Yes ! And stop calling me your little foxy , I'm ten , I'm a big guy not a baby anymore !

Cl:Aw , but you'll always be my little fox Mieczyslaw . You know the way to the basement , I'll see you there in a minute . I just need to find something really quickly .

St:But mom...you told me that we could go train in the woods this time .

Cl:That's really dangerous out there in the woods Mieczy...you know that we are hunt down everywhere .

St:But moooom ! You promise and there isn't any hunters in here .

Cl:Maybe there isn't anyway werefoxes hunters here but there are werewolfs ones for sure . We can't be sure that we'll be safe training anywhere else but in the house .

St:Ok...I understand mom...

Cl:Look , maybe when you're stronger and older we'll train in the woods ok ?

St:But I'm strong ! I can protect dad and you from the evil hunters ! And if werewolfs try to attack you or dad I'll just use my power to protect you .

Cl:That's really kind...but if one day there is a hunter or a werewolf I don't want you to protect me . I want you to run as fast as you can and not turn back , because if something happens to me you need to be there for your dad . He will need you . You promise me to do this right ?

St:No , I can protect you ! I'm sure I-

Cl:Mieczyslaw...I want you to promise that you will run and not turn around if there's danger .

St:...fine I promise...

Cl:Great now go-

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door .

Cl:Stay here foxy , I'll see who's at the door .

St:Ok mom . I'll wait for you downstairs be quick I can't wait to finally learn how to make a magic shield !

Cl:Will do , will do .

As I was making my way downstairs my mom turned around , looked at me with loving eyes and a sad expression on her face

Cl:I love you my little foxy... She whispered before turning around .

I thought that I've seen a tear falling down her cheek as she looked back at the close door in front of her . I just staid there watching her open the door . She reached for the doorknob and opened it with a soft smile .

Cl:Hello ?

You ran out of time little werefox , I think you know what it means . You're a lucky one , not much live as long as you do .

Please...you know I never did anything wrong , I can't even hurt a fly . I would never kill anyone , I have a husband and he's human !

And I see that you also have a son...hello kiddo , what's your name the mysterious guy asked me


Cl:What are you doing here ! I told you to go , you can't stay here !

But mom-

Go to your room !

Are you sure that you want to send him away ? Because we may have to test him and if he don't pass then...we will need to do the same thing to him .

Please don't ! He is human , just like his father...he didn't do anything wrong !?

We'll see that later...for now , you will need to come with me or else the day of your dear son will be ended sooner then it should .

You will lay your hands on my child !

Wow ! Careful there we don't want to get angry now do we ?

I-if I come with you will you let my son live ?

I will not touch him if he means no harm , I promise .

_________end of the flashback__________

And that was the lat time I saw her , after all...I wasn't able to protect her like I promised myself I would...

Three months later the police found her dead body in the woods...she was found with multiple bullet wounds turned out she was killed by the hunter that was at our door and others . They never got arrested for their crimes because there was no proof of their implication in the murder...it broke my dad's heart , he knew who did that to my mother but couldn't do anything about it because of the lack of evidence .

He had to take care of me all alone , he always told me how hard it was to handle me when I was mad because I would uncontrollably shift and my fox instincts would kick in . I would run in the woods and wake up in a hole or on top of a tree without any memory of what happened , that was the worst part for my dad . Because he would search the whole woods to find me and all this for me to run away again because of a panick attack or because of any strong emotion I could feel...I'm glad my dad didn't stop trying and educated me well , without him I wouldn't have any control and hunters would've probably already found me by now .

Suddenly the bell rang and that's only now that I acknowledge that I was in class and that it was already lunch break . I zoned out the whole time ? Wow...thank you ADHD , I'll have to work extra at home to understand what this was about , great just...great !


Hey guys !!!! This chapter isn't the best one I've wrote honestly 😅 , it's more of an explanation chapter then a real whapter about the story but I felt like it was important to explain things so you guys don't get too confuse . Thanks for all the views , almost at 50K !!!! That's just WOW ❤️ I never thought I would go this far , I'm just happy you like the story ❤️❤️❤️❤️ now all is left to say is...bye and see you next week for another chapter 😉

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