《the secret of Stiles》oh...well that's new


I walk out of the class I was in to go get lunch and maybe talk with the others for a bit . I soon saw Allison and Isaac casually talking at a table so I just joined them with a smile on my face , it was good to see them after those depressing memories of my mother earlier .

St:Hey guys , so what were you taking about ?

Is:Oh , nothing important we were just wondering what Derek could want to tell us tonight .

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! I forgot about that ?! How could I forgot about that ?! That's awful he smelled me , that's 100% sure ! Why did I even came there anyway ? I'm so dumb , out of all werewolfs I had to snuggle into the perfect muscled chest of the werewolf , the only one that could possibly be able to smell my scent under the foxe's one !? What is wrong with my stupid instincs , it really wants my death doesn't it !

St:I have no idea what he could possibly tell us that we don't already know about the werefox I said in a calm way even though my brain cells were freaking out and I was freaking out and-well you get the idea...

Al:I don't know , he just proceed to tell me that he had new informations about the fox and nothing more she shrugged

____________time skip to the pack meeting because I'm too lazy and it's unintresting to read about teenagers who just attend to their classes 🙃_____

The pack is going to arrive soon , I prepared some chips because if I don't I know that they're just going to complain about how hungry they are and they won't listen to what I have to say . For some reason I also made curly fries that I had no idea were in my fridge...Yeah...you know damn well that you brought that for our ma-Didn't I told you that I didn't want to refer to him as...the thing you were going to say ! What ? You mean mate ? Yes this , now stop calling him this it makes me uncomfortable . That's not true it only makes it more real and force you to face the truth , he's your mate and you can't do anything about it . Plus why would you want to do anything about it ? He's so perfect with his whiskey brown eyes , his beautiful face with his freekles and-yeah I get it whatever I don't want to hear you grumbling about how perfect you find Stiles in my head , thank you very much but I'll pass . Why not ? I'm sure you love thinking about him in all the way possible 😏 . W-what even does that mean ! Oh...oh hell no ! Not !? Are you serious , why did you have to bring it up like that ? I was perfectly fine until you started talking about how perfect he would look in different positions...A-and now this stupid heat thing is back ! Hey don't accuse me ! I just told you that Stiles would look good in many ways , plus we're literally the same person . I'm just telling you the things that you don't want to accept but that are true and Stiles being your mate is the truth , Just accept it already !? Tell him , he accepts us , and then we can mate my inner wolf almost purred . NO THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !? I'm going to go take a cold shower before the other arrive and you're not allowed to talk to me until the heat has ended ! Aw...you're no fun Derek , I know you want this ! No absolutely not !? I'm literally here to tell you what your body and brain wants how can you even deny it ? I can and I will , now leave me alone . Whatever , for now you can get away with it but the more you wait the more ichy it's get and at some point , you'll be force to admit it and tell him . I think you should do it while you're still sane and not when you'll start to go crazy mode...just saying tho-stop talking !? Ok ok ! Fine , no need to get all excited here...


I quickly ran upstairs knowing that I didn't have much time left until the pack arrives and that I needed to hurry up and take a shower , a really cold shower that's for sure seeing that you're already as ha-why are you still here , I told you to shut up ! I didn't even bother taking my clothes off , it was way to hot for me to think straight anymore , I just wanted my body to cool down and that's the only thing that was in my mind at the moment . I hop in the bathtub and turn on the cold water , almost immediately the freezing water hit my skin and the feeling of having my skin on fire slowly faded away .

Just to make sure that the feeling wouldn't come again anytime soon I stayed in the bathtub for at least 5 minutes and when it's only when I stopped feeling my fingers because of the freezing water , that I decided that I was good to get out without any more...problems . That's only now that I looked down at myself and realized that I was still fully clothed and soking wet...fantastic .

I dried my hair with a towel really fast and walked in my room , that still smelled like the werefox by the way...not only the bed but the whole room is smelling just like him...whatever I don't really have the time to think about that yet , I need to change because if I get down with my clothes completely wet the other would ask questions and let's just say that I don't really want to tell them that " A stupid wolf that talks in my head turned me on by talking about Stiles which is my MaTe by the way or it wouldn't be funny you know ! " Yeah , no that's not something that I want to talk about and particularly not with those teenagers . I can already see some of their reactions...let's just say it in one word , chaos .

By the time I got changed , I heard a knock on the front door . I walk downstairs and I took the bowls full of chips in my hands to place them on the table and quickly went to open the door .

De:Took you long enough , come in , we've already lost time because of you . I growl slightly , faking an annoyed tone in my voice even thought I was relieved they didn't come sooner

St:Yeah sorry sourwolf , but we just kinda all lost track of time ! Stiles said giggling a little before entering the house .

I had to keep myself from smiling at him , I couldn't just go around smiling at people that's weird , especially if it's smiling at Stiles . The others might get suspicious if I do...

Er:Yeah , I'm sorry Derek...I tried to tell them that we don't make an alpha wait but they just wouldn't listen to me . She pouted and grabbed my arm holding it like an octopus !

De:Ok...? I responded managing to get her off of me . She didn't say anything else she just entered and gave me an angry look

Is:You know that Derek isn't an alpha anymore right Erica ?

Er:Urgh ! Don't start with this again Isaac !

I was going to tell them not to argue and that we had important things to do when suddenly I saw the two last person that were standing outside the loft .

De:Allison , what is doing here ? I said with a serious voice

Sc:I think I'm going to go , this wasn't a good idea after all...


Al:No stay ! It's fine , look . Derek Scott's here because he apologized and explain to us everything that happened and his jut overwhelmed by all the stress being a true alpha has caused him . He really feel bad for what he did to Lydia , Stiles me and all the others . He just needed help and I don't think that shutting him off of the pack will help anyone , so me and the rest of the pack decided that we could invite him to the pack meeting...

De:No .

Al:What ?

De:I said no ( you want to hear it in Spanish ? Na ! , I'm sorry I had to do it 🙃😂 )

Al:But Derek !-

St:Hey what's going on ? I heard Stiles tell form his sitting position on the couch

I looked back and forth at Scott and Allison and at Stiles before sighing . If Stiles doesn't mind him being here , then it means I'll accept him but if he tries anything I'm literally ending his little insignificant life ! Awwww ! Look at you Derek , already submiting to the Luna decision because you know that Stiles make the best choices ! How sweet of you-

De:DIDN'T I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE !? I yelled at my inner wolf , before realising that I screamed that out loud

I just looked at Allison disgust and disappointment clearly showing on her face . I just groan before letting moving out of the way and showing them that they could both enter the loft .

De:I didn't meant to yell but don't you dare try anything Scott , I'm watching you .

Sc:I won't do anything to hurt the pack Derek , I promise .

De:Better keep this promise , trust me it's for your own sake . I growled at his face flashing my electric blue eyes at him before turning away to seat on the couch .

I carefully sat down not too close to Stiles in fear that what happened earlier with my inner wolf happened again but this time in front of the pack members who are for the most werewolfs and that would be able to smell the hormones leaving my body .

Ok I want everyone to sit down and listen because I'm not planning on repeating myself .

Just spill it already sourwolf ! We've all been waiting all day wondering what those " new informations " were .

Alright , so all of you know how we've been tracking down a really powerful werefox in the woods to know his intentions .


Well we assumed that he lived in the woods and mostly acted on instinct .

Soooooooo ?

Well I had a little discussion with him and-

You had a what with who ! Allison said loudly

I had a-

Did you catch him ?

Shouldn't we see him then...

Wow Derek your so strong , you succeed in what the whole pack couldn't ! And you did it all by yourself !


If he's powerful does that mean he's the alpha of the pack ? Omg do you imagine if I was the Luna of a strong werefox pack !? Malia said smiling almost evily

Where did you put her...euh...I mean , him ?

I didn-

He probably kill him , Derek is so strong he could easily do that .

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to kill him , I mean...if he really is the alpha of a pack the members would be really angry and I don't think we can deal with angry werefoxes with magic...

Exactly Scott you're so smart !

I didn't capture hi-

Back of stupid coyote !

What did you just say to me-

EVERYONE ! SHUT UP DEREK IS TRYING TO SPEAK !? Stiles screamed at the top of his lungs to be sure that he was heard by everyone .

I didn't think that the others would listen because they wouldn't listen to me . But to my surprise they actually shit up and they all looked down like they were ashamed for not listen . I was dumbstruck...how come they listened to Stiles and not to me !

St:Thank you guys , you can talk now Derek he said with a soft voice and a slight grin on his face while I just looked at him like he had a second head . But I regained my composure fast and started to talk again .

De:So euh...I don't know where he is now , but when I woke up he... I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell them that the werefox was in my bed cuddling with me when I woke up this morning , the others wouldn't let it go considering the fact that I also peted him . He was in my house .

I heard Stiles giggled as I finished my sentence , I turned around to look at him and so did everyone else . He just looked at us confuse .

De:What's so funny Stiles ?

St:Ah...euh...nothing ! Just wondering , he brought his hand in front of his mouth to stop himself form laughing , what is he doing in your house ? Taking a nap ?

De:Yeah actually he was sleeping when I found him...

At my comment he just burst out laughing and so did Allison , like it was the funniest thing in the world while I was just sitting there confuse . After he calmed down a little and looked at all of his the stupid smile on his face dropped .

St:What ? That's funny , a really powerful werefox that can literally kill all of us in a second go in your house after we chased him multiple time and he just take a nap ! Like that's funny come'on guys !...you know what whatever let's just keep going . He finished and rolled his eyes

De:Alright ? So I found him sleeping and when he woke up I asked him questions and he answered some of them...

Sc:He actually answered your questions ?

Is:I didn't know he could talk...

St:I-I thought he was just like Malia... incapable of talking since he lives in the woods , far from the civilisation...

De:Well that's also what I thought until he said that he didn't live in the woods but lived in a house in beacon hills

Bo:So he's around our age , live in beacon hills and not in the woods , he can talk...that means that he also go to high school with us . He can even be in one of our class

Er:You think so ? I mean yeah , it would be logical...

Ma:Don't act like thought of it-

Al:Did he say anything else ?

De:Nothing important...but I know that he want to be part of a pack of supernatural . They all went silent at my statement .

Al:But I thought he was the alpha of a werefox pack...

Er:That's because you're stupid-

St:Oh . my . god ! Can't you shut up for at least a minute your giving me a headache . If you don't have anything interesting to say then don't open your mouth . Gosh , how annoying !

De:Thank you Stiles .

Er:But Derek...

St:Don't you understand , we don't care ! We know you absolutely want to have power and be " the LuNa of the pack " but that's just useless . Honestly I don't see why you would want to be the Luna of a pack...that's a shitty job , you do everything for the pack and nobody thanks you for it .

W-what...I knew Stiles would never want to be my mate or even be on a relationship with me but...I didn't thought he hated the role of Luna ! I can stop myself from having a romantic relationship with him if it's not what he truly want...but I can't do anything about him being my mate and being the Luna of the pack in the process...what did you expect ? I told you Stiles didn't want me and even if he did loved me , he clearly doesn't want to be involved in the pack life as my Luna...M-maybe it's just that he doesn't understand the role that he has ! If you explain it to him then...then he'll accept it ! He hate it , and if I tell him anything he'll just leave me without looking back...N-no that's not true ! It's his destiny , h-he just doesn't understand what it means yet ! I'm sure he'll love being our Luna . Derek tell him everything and then-He doesn't want me . Just...let it go it doesn't matter anymore , I knew he would never love me anyway .

:Who would want to be Luna ?

Pa:Malia and Erica...

St:Ah ! see

Ma:Urgh ! Shut up your just a human and your jealous because you could never have a real role in a werewolf pack .

Pe:Actually a human can be the Luna of a pack , it's rare but it happens .

I turned around just to see Peter sitting on the stairs .

De:What are you doing here Peter ? When did you even arrived ?

Pe:Oh i'm sorry dear nephew , I heard from a little fairy that you had...a little problem . He said smirking

Oh shit...I knew I should've never called Peter ! I know I was desperated and didn't know what was happening but why would I ever choose to call Peter ? And now he's here...looking down at me smirking like a psycho !

But I see you already " solved " the problem . He said giving me a mischievous look

No actually . I responded not breaking the eye contact , his confident expression turned into a confuse one

Then...how are you...?

I have my way , I have full control over everything that happens in this town .

Yeah of course you do . He laughed before walking down the stair and sit down in the empty chair in front of me

Ummmh...I'm not sure if they talk about the werefox or something else I heard Stiles whispering to Allison , I just rolled my eyes and kept watching Peter and he just laughed silently .

Honestly I have no idea...

Soooooooo...Derek you were saying ?

Wait he actually told you about th- I knew he was going to think that I told the pack about the mate thing since that's when he arrived so I quickly interupted him before he said something that I can't fix

YES ! I glared at him , my eyes falshing in warning for him to shut up , of course I told them about the werefox . He could've been a threat so I informed the pack of his presence .

Wait but , I don't get it...you said that he was alone and in search of a supernatural pack , did he ask you to join the pack ?

Not exactly , what happened is that i asked him how he found us in the woods the first time we met him . And he told me that he was alone because it wa too dangerous for werefox to be more then one for town . So even though he have friends , he can't share his secret and he's alone so when he found out there was a werewolf pack in beacon hills he started to watch us to see if we were danger or not . He also said that it was dangerous to save us that night , because it meant that he would have to show himself in front of hunters .

But he did it...

Yes and when I asked him why , he just said that watching us being a able to share our secret abilities together gave him hope and that even if we didn't know there was another supernatural with us , he felt like he was also sharing his secret with us .

So you're saying that he already consider that he's part of the pack ?

De:I mean-

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