《the secret of Stiles》He knows !




Al:DEREK , DE-Derek...

De:Yes what's wrong ?

Al:Umhh...well Lydia , Stiles and I had a sleepover since yesterday was...kinda...unusual . But when we woke up Stiles wasn't in the couch and we checked the room he wasn't here either !

De:Aren't we Tuesday ? I said calmly even tho I was freaking out on the inside , Stiles is missing !

No , no , no I need to calm down I'm just...and I hate to admit it...overprotective . He's probably just at school or went for a ride in his jeep there's nothing to worry about . But for some reasons which are your love for him and your want to fu-I don't need details thank you very much ! I still have a feeling that something bad might have happened to him...

Al:Yeah , we are but...what in being Tuesday and Stiles going missing the same thing ?

De:School , Allison...he's probably at school .

O-Oh...I should have thought of that ! Oh my gosh ! Why didn't I think about this !?

Hey it's fine , like you said yesterday was...something...you're probably still a little bit shaken about all that happened .

Yeah...you're right , well I guess I should go to class too or my dad is going to kill me . Bye Derek thanks for calming me down , that's usually Stiles' job but since he isn't here I got a little bit panicked .

Bye...Oh ! And Allison can you tell the pack something for me please .

Sure !


I was driving off Derek's to go see if Stiles was at school , I feel so dumb thinking he was kidnapped or something . It's just that if he was heading to school he would probably wake me and Lydia up , but then again yesterday was arch and he probably didn't want to wake us up . All that matter anyway is that he's ok .

Hey Lydia , do you want me to come pick you up from Stiles' ?

Ly:Sure but where are we going ? Did you find Stiles ?

Al:No but I talked to Derek and we're Tuesday .

Ly:You didn't have to go all the way to Derek loft , I could've told you we were Tuesday you know...

Al:I mean that we have school and that Stiles is probably already there

Ly:oh I get it , ok well come pick me up I'm waiting !

Al:Jeez I'm coming calm down...

Ly:What did you say ?

Al:I'm coming in five minute , ehehe !

After a while I finally arrived and Lydia got in the car I drove to school and I saw Stiles waiting in front of the entrance . He seems alright , that's great ! Maybe things will just come back as they were before all...this . I stop the car and me and Lydia get out and run towards Stiles .

Al:Stiles !

St:Hey Alli !

Ly:Hey Stiles , thanks for letting us sleep...that's really caring from you I-we appreciate it , really ! She said blushing a bit

I look at Stiles and he looks at me with confusion in his eyes , I feel bad for him and for Lydia too . He loved her for so long and when he finally gets over her she start to like him back , that hurts...and Lydia took her time finally accepting that Stiles wasn't just a nerd but a really kind and caring person and only now see that he deserves her attention , but she still thinks that he likes her . If she ask him out , he'll probably have to reject her and she'll end up hurt broken . I mean she could've noticed that Stiles is a good person way sooner tho...


euhmmm...yeah , I didn't want to break the peace since last night was kinda...harsh to take...

Yeah...thank you sooooooooo much you're quite caring and sweet when you want you know . she said blushing once more


Oh ! Guys we need to find the rest of the pack I have something to tell you , it's from Derek .

What is it ?

I'll tell everyone at the same time , it's more simple .

Alright I just texted the others and asked them to come meet us here they'll be here in a minute .

Great , thanks Lydia .

______once everyone is here 🙃_______

What do you want Allison ?

Well Derek asked me-

Why did he ask you !

Because I was at the loft this morning so he asked me to tell you guys something...

Why didn't he just texted it ?

Because he told me that he wasn't comfortable with Scott knowi-Scott ! What are you doing here , Lydia didn't text you ! Was you spying on us , again !

..Lydia texted me actually...listen , Allison about last night i'm-

Sorry ? Pfff...what a joke I said under my breath

Did Scott seriously though I would forgive him from threatening me and Stiles , he also made Lydia cry . It's not because of his stupid apology that I would forgive him in a heartbeat . I'm not easy and particularly if someone tried to hurt my friends !

Ok ! Don't listen if you don't want to...but I need to say it ! I messed up ! I fucking messed up !? It's just that since I became a werewolf my life as been a lot more agitated and it was just too much stress , when we beat a supernatural another one was here the next week ! It was just unbearable , always being paranoid thinking that the people I love can get killed any moment . Just thinking about loosing my mother or you or...or Stiles , I know I wouldn't be able to live without all of you ! When Derek was the alpha I felt like all of us were protected but then turns out I'm a true alpha and Derek looses his title and become a beta again . It meant that the all town was on me and...I'm only 17 fucking hell ! I'm just a teenager who's scared that he'll loose the persons he loves the most ! I was always on edge 24/7 because anything could happen at any time ! I pulled you and Allison aside hoping that the supernatural would not get to you and that you would be protect ! All I wanted is the people that I love being protected and 'ot always in front line...I don't know how to be a good alpha and everyone except so much of me , but the truth is that I didn't choose to be a werewolf nor a true alpha ! Everyone is counting on me , I can't let them down...so yes ! I'm a bad alpha I already know that ! And I'm sorry , so , so , so , so , so sorry for what I did but it's just too much for me to handle all alone...


I was shocked , does he really feels like that...I had no idea...I didn't thought he had been put under so much pressure , he's right , he's only 17 and in charge of the life of a whole town...

Scott...Stiles spoke up , it's ok to feel like that...you know some times when you guys are fighting enemies I feel useless for just staying back and waiting while you all risk your lives . I should have been a better best friend than that...I've only seen what you did to me and not why you would even do it . You asked for help and I didn't saw the signals , I'm sorry Scott . For everything , this little battle between us is stupid , we are a pack...we're a family we should stay together not fall apart for the dumbest things .


Is:Next time just try and ask for help , it's ok to ask for help sometime . It's not showing weakness

Al:It's actually the contrary , you need to be strong to accept that you need help and agree for someone to help you out when you're stuck !

Bo:We're family , we won't judge you . Because you're part of us and when you feel alone you need to always remember that your family will be here for you .

Ly:They're right you know ? Instead of doing all of this alone ask us to help you , I'm sure all of us would be more than happy to help out a friend , a brother .


Ma:What , no I'm first !

Ly:Eummmh...whatever those two are doing , why don't you tell us what Derek asked ?

Al:Yeah , you're right . I took a glance look at Scott and sight , he wanted to tell you that he-



Al:OI !


I turned to look at Stiles as he took a step forward, I could feel him boiling with anger on the inside . But I don't need him to defense myself , I know he guessed that the second our eyes met because he step back at his first spot and looked back at me smirking . I smiled back .



Al:Thank you , anyway I was saying ?

Is:You was at " he wanted to tell you that he..."

Al:Ah yes right ! he wanted to tell you that he planned a pack meeting for tonight , it's on the fox , he apparently have new informations but he wouldn't tell me more .

St:N-new informations ?


Sc:So...euhmmm will I be able to go , I really want to help keeping the town everyone I love out of danger...

St:I think that would be a good idea , but don't forget next time you feel too pressure , don't hesitate to ask us for help-

Ma:You can ask me if you want !-

Everyone:SHUT UP !


One second I was in Derek arm getting pet from him the second after I was running as fast as possible in the woods . I heard that it was Allison , I figured she's looking for me since I disappeared .

I was in front of my house and saw Lydia inside looking around my room then I saw something super creepy , she took a piece a clothing that was laying on my chair and started sniffing it and cuddle it...what the actual fuck !? I was frozen on place for a second but I suddenly heard a car approaching and I jumped up in surprise , it stopped right in front of me . I looked at the driver and saw my dad with widen eyes , I just gave him a weak smile and the moment he saw it he understood that it was me and his look of surprise was quickly exchange with a furious look , he frowned his brows and looked at me with a black look before parking the car in the alley and getting out . He walked in my detection immediately and I just stood there like a scared puppy , my dad always told me to go out in my fox form during dark nights and here I was , under the sun light at 7 am in the middle of the road .

No:Care to explain Stiles ?

As I was about to talk back I heard the front door knobs turning , my dad turns around before quickly taking me in his arm and hiding me being his back .

Ly:Oh , hello Mr.Stilinski ! It's good to see you , I was wondering if you had seen Stiles anywhere ?

No:Hi Lydia , no I haven't seen him anywhere but sometimes he goes to the store to get a little snack before going to school maybe you can go check that out , you could find him there .

Ly:That's a great idea , I'll go check that out thank you . It was a pleasure seeing you and with that Lydia was gone

My dad walked inside the house closing the door behind him , he puts me down and looks at me with a disappointed look before picking up random clothing and throwing them at me

Turn back and meet me in the kitchen .

I shift back in human form and put on the clothes my dad gave me and walk to the kitchen just to see him siting down on a chair .

Look dad I can explain everything !

Go on then .

No dad I swear I can explai-Oh...alright , so we were having a sleepover if you can call it that with Allison and Lydia and...I just felt really , like really cold so I ran off . My body shifted into a fox , I swear I didn't control it and the when I woke up I was in another house , I decided not to talk about Derek because my dad thought that since he was a born wolf he would be able to smell that I wasn't completely human and he didn't want me to go near him , so I ran back home and boom , you were in your car looking awfully pissed off at me...with your brows frown like you do when you're angry at me...just like that , that facial expression you have right now .

No:You felt...cold ? So you ran to a stranger house !

St:No...well...yes but ! I can't control it it's part of my natural instinct you know I can't help it dad !

No:Wait , now that I think about it o do remember something that your mother told me about when a werefox start being really cold out of no where...

St:Really ! What is it ! What is it ! What is it !

No:Shhhh ! I'm trying to remember...

St:...do you remember now ?

No:Unfortunately I can't remember it , she talked about it when you was still young so you probably don't remember it either . I'll do some research later , now go to school ! And I better not see you running in your fox form under the daylight !

St:Never again promise i said with a small smile and a little laugh at the end

I was walking upstairs in my room when I remembered what made me froze on the middle of the road , did Lydia seriously just sniffe and stole one of my shirt ? What in hell had gotten into her ? I brush it off and take my backpack before I could head downstairs to leave I heard footsteps . I look at the road by the window and see Lydia coming that way . Shit , I can't get out by the door she'll see me and ask a tone of questions...well there's only one way out then .

I open my window and quickly jump out , I land perfectly on the floor and start to head towards the school . I hear my phone buzz in my backpack . So I grab it to check who texted me , and saw multiple messages from Allison and from Lydia too

Al:Hey Stiles where are you ?

Al:Ok stop hiding

Al:Stiles I'm not joking anymore I'm getting worried , where are you I searched the whole house !

Al:Stiles are you ok ?

Al:Stiles do you have your phone on you ?

Ly:Hey Stiles me and Allison are getting worried you're no where to be found .

Al:Ok I'm heading to Derek's !

Ly:Allison left me all alone to go see Derek , you can come out of your hiding spot now , it's fine .

Ly:Stiles ?

Ly:Omg , are you really missing !?

Ly:Don't worry me and Allison will find you , I'm sure some of the others will help !

Al:I'm sorry for blowing your phone with messages , Derek reminded me that we had school today . I totally forgot , your phone is probably out , I'll see you at school soon , see ya !

Ouch...I feel bad for leaving them without an explanation , but let's just say that last night I was kinda in a hurry . I start to walk again and I soon arrive in front of the school , and not even a minute later I see Allison's car parking in front of me and see her and Lydia get out of it .

St:Gosh that was a close one I whispered

Stiles !

Hey Alli !

Ly:Hey Stiles , thanks for letting us sleep...that's really caring from you I-we appreciate it , really !

I was just going to tell her that it was nothing when I saw a slight blush on her cheeks...was Lydia really blushing at me ! Of course Lydia Martin blush at now that I've lost any romantic feelings for her ! Or it wouldn't be funny right ?

St:euhmmm...yeah , I didn't want to break the peace since last night was kinda...harsh to take...

LyYeah...thank you sooooooooo much you're quite caring and sweet when you want you know . she said blushing once more

St:Thanks...? I said akwardly , I didn't know how to took it , she was obviously flirting with me . And I have no idea how I will tell her that I don't love her anymore...

I guess Allison saw how I wasn't comfortable because she immediately spoke up

Al:Oh ! Guys we need to find the rest of the pack I have something to tell you , it's from Derek .

I wasn't able to see if it was just an exit for the akwardness or if Derek actually asked her to tell us something , I mean she did go to the loft , he could have .

St:What is it ?

Al:I'll tell everyone at the same time , it's more simple .

LyAlright I just texted the others and asked them to come meet us here they'll be here in a minute .

Al:Great , thanks Lydia .

I wonder what Derek want to tell us , and why he didn't just text it instead of sending Allison to tell everyone...

_______once everyone is here 🙃______

Ma:What do you want Allison ? Malia said in a venomous tone that I didn't like at all

Al:Well Derek asked me-

Ma:Why did he ask you ! Urgh ! This girl I swear...

Al:Because I was at the loft this morning so he asked me to tell you guys something...

Sc:Why didn't he just texted it ?

Al:Because he told me that he wasn't comfortable with Scott knowi-Scott ! What are you doing here , Lydia didn't text you ! Was you spying on us , again !

Sc:..Lydia texted me actually...listen , Allison about last night i'm-

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