《the secret of Stiles》you're...HERE !


At this point I was dragging Allison inside my room , and I placed her on my bed .

Ok so here's what's happening , there's something wrong with me !

Something wrong ?

Yes , very wrong actually !

Well...what is it ?

It's Lydia...

Lydia...you...oh my god ! Are you two finally together ? I was sure there was something off when she actually agreed to spend more time with you , I don't understand why you say that's something is wrong tho...that's all you've ever dreamt of !

St:I know that's when I realized that something was wrong !

Al:What does that mean ?

St:I was actually grossed out ! Grossed out Allison ! Grossed out by the thought of me and Lydia together !? Allison you don't understand , me being disgust by the image of my forever crush and I dating ! You can't tell me that I'm sane because I'm totally crazy right now !

Al:Ooooooh...I see , you're over her then .

St:I don't know what you're talking about , I'm definitely not over her that's impossible !

Al:What do you mean ? From what you're telling me you are totally over Lydia Stiles .

St:I already told you I can't be !

Al:But you don't feel the same then before do you ?

St:No , I don't , it's true but it doesn't mean anything !

Hey...Stiles , it's not that big of a deal . You're not in love with Lydia anymore and that's totally normal , feelings come and leave just like that . She ignore you for years and now that you learnt to know her you realize that you felt in love with the image that Lydia gave and not the actual person she was , you idealised her and now that you see that she's not as perfect as you've seen her all those years you lost feelings for her . Of course you still feel something for her but I doubt it's love anymore , I think that you only like her as a friend .

Maybe you're right...maybe it's not as bad as it seems , it's just that my biggest dream came true and i was just...not happy about it , I seriously though something was wrong with me . But like always , you're here and you bring me back to earth when I'm losing sense . You're the best !

Allison was truly my best friend , since the day she helped me and listened to me like no one ever did . I know she will never judge me and I hope she knows that I would never judge her either . That's why I don't even have to think about wether or not tell her about something that happened , I just immediately go to her . Every sunday nights I go to her's or she go to mine and we have a sleepover where we talk about what happened to us during the week since we have to act like we aren't friends at school so the pack doesn't suspect anything . And on the Monday we go early together so we can talk a little on the way and we separate once we arrive there .

Thank you Stiles , oh ! I forgot to tell you !? I was planning on telling you on sunday night , but I think now will do .

Ooooouuuuuuh ! What is it ? Did Issac asked you out ? Or did you finally manage to do the perfect score at the parcour you built in the woods ?


Nooooo...I didn't manage to hit all the target I the center but I'm progressing , I just need a little bit of time and I'll be able to master it completely . But ! That's not the point . You're right someone did asks me out...

Who ? I need a name , like right now !

It was...Scott...

....uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ! Scott did what !?

He asked me if there was still a chance between us...

And what did you say ? Last time I checked you hated him and you hated yourself for still being I love with him , I thought I managed to resolve the problem...you don't hate yourself anymore right Allison...please tell me I need to know if you're not ok !

No no no no no no no ! Stiles , of course I'm fine , you really helped me back then . I'm glad you were there for me really...but...I think I may be ready to get back with him...

St:Are you kidding me !


St:Oh...I mean , you know I will never judge you Allison . If it makes you happy then go for it ! I'm just telling you...Allison...You're truly my best friend and I care so much for you , I don't know what I'll be today without you by my side ! And I'm so grateful to have you as my best friend...and that's why I'm the one who should say it , Scott can be kind and loving but he can also be stubborn and petty , if you actually accept to go out with him again I want you to be really careful because I don't want you trap in a toxic relationship...if something , anything , goes wrong between you and Scott I want you to tell me immediately ! Alright ?

Don't act like you didn't already knew I would go to you if anything happened Stiles !

Hey !? I'm serious , take me SeRiOuSlY !?

I am , I am !

You're lying ! I know this because you just touched your eyebrow like you always do when you lie !

Ok , I'll admit it maybe I don-

We were suddenly cut off by a loud bang ! We turned around at the same time and saw an infuriated Scott at the door , I could see his red eyes from where I was sitting .

St:Scott ! How long have you been here ? Wait...were you listening our conversation ! Was he listening the whole time !? Why would he do that , sometimes I don't understand him ! One time he won't tell me anything , stop talking to me for months and now he's listening at doors !

Sc:Of course I was , Stiles you're suppose to be my best friend ! I get it Allison is your " girl best friend " or whatever ! But your friends for like three weeks , and we are since forever !? How could you trust her more then me , when I do everything for you !

Was he actually serious right now ! , doing everything for me ? What a joke ! He let me alone , thinking that I was the horrible one in the story , ignore me and treated me like I was just a piece of garbage in his way !

St:Scott ! If I'm not telling you things it's because you left me , and when I was all alone the only person who was there for me was Allison ! I refuse to tell you things because you hide things from me too , I didn't know if I could trust you anymore...and this prove once more that I , in fact can't...


Al:What the fuck Scott ! Why even were you listening !?

Sc:Because it's not normal that he tells you something that he doesn't tell me ! I know much more about him then you'll will and I'll never accept to be replaced like that ! I'm not going to stay still when I see my best friend being stolen away from me under my nose !

At this point I was just done with him , I saw that Allison was about to open her mouth to try and protect me , I quickly whispered in her her .

St:*whisper*Don't worry I got it

She turned around to face me , I wore a confident look on my face just so she knew that I know what I'm doing . She slowly nod and turn back to face Scott with an angry expression

St:But I don't belong to you Scott...

Sc:What ? Of course you do !

I was about to talk back but Allison cut me off , at the sound of her voice I could hear that she was pissed off like crazy . I didn't need to see her face to know that she was going to beat the crap out of Scott soon if he kept being line that .

Al:You wanted to know if we still had a chance together Scott ! Allison said Standing up from the bed

Sc:Yes but what does it have to do with all this ?

Oh no...i know what she's going to do...i don't want her to turn off Scott because of me ! She seemed so happy about the thought of finally getting in a relationship back with him , she could tell me 100 times that she's over him I know her way too much to know that she isn't...and now , because his being a jerk with me she's going to turn his offer down and maybe turn down the last opportunity that she'll have to finally go back with him . And i know damn well that if she could have the chance of dating Scott like they used to she'll be so happy...

I need to stop her before she messed up because of the anger !

Al:Well the answer is no Scott !

Crap ! I wasn't quick enough to stop her...I don't want to be the cause of why she can't be happy with the boy she likes

Sc:W-what ? But y-you were willing to think about it !

Al:And I did !

But that was only 5 minutes ago...

Well I made my decision the moment you decided that coming in this room and spying on us was the best idea ! Stiles is a person , he makes his own choices and if he don't want to talk to you there must be a reason and you need to respect it . How can you even think of calling yourself his best friend when you can't even respect his privacy ! How can I trust you if even your best friend can't ? I don't want to be just " Scott's girlfriend " I want to be " Allison Argent " , not just a puppet you own and play with until you get bored of me and throw me away . So no Scott , the answer is no !


Allison just turned around and scoffed , she was now facing me even if I think it was more of not face Scott then of looking at me . She was looking down at then bed but she slowly lifted her head and we made eyes contact , and that's when I saw the most horrifying thing I've ever seen and that I never want to see again...I saw tears rolling down her face...and I t was because of me ! How could I be so dumb !?

Scott...I think it's best for you to leave . I said sternly

S-Stiles...this...this is all your fault ! Just because you're an awful best friend and don't want to tell me anything you ruined my chances with Allison !

What the fuck Scott ! Stop rejecting the fault on every person other then you !? You need to start growing up , can't you simply accept that you made mistakes and simply apologize instead of searching fo someone to take the weight of your mistakes !

Stop talking back Stiles ! I could kill you right here and now if I wanted to , you're just a pathetic little human ! You can keep talking but you'll never be at the pack's or my level ! In fact I think that you're the one trying to make me look like I'm the evil one ! B-

I could feel Allison tense at every steps Scott was taking towards us so I too her in my arms into a warm hug , at this point I was convinced that he was going to hurt us...this time it's the time he finally do it...I need to transform and protect Allison , I don't care if I get hurt , I will not let him touch Allison nor any other member of the pack . I'm more powerful then him and now is the time I reveal myself...I thought that I had more time with this secret but...knowing that Allison could get hurt and that I'll just be standing there doing nothing when I could help her is not an option ! So if that means that I have to expose myself then...be it !

I kept my head down looking at the bed , ready to jump at Scott when he'll get near us...1...2...3...and-

Looks like I'm interupting something , Scott , I would really appreciate if you could back off from them , can't you see they're terrified ?

Uh ? How's this , oh well it seems like he's here to help , I was going to look up when I heard Scott's pulse accelerate was Scott...sacred of this unknow man ?

D-Derek ?

Uh ? I said looking up from the hug I was giving Allison , Derek ! I said jumping up from my bed

At the moment it's like I forgot what had happened this morning , I was just strangely very happy to see him here ! At least now I know he isn't in danger , that's a relief .

Hello Stiles...


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