《the secret of Stiles》that's weird , you're weird !


After I knocked out the two hunters and tied them up before locking them inside the house I start to run in the woods . My inner wolf was screaming at me to find Stiles , at least now he wasn't screaming at me to fuck Stiles like earlier in the day...wait-Oh my god ! I don't remember anything but me going inside the school and...and literally kidnaping him at some point ! I also remember me running inside the forest with him in my arms and then...I...then I don't remember . What happened ? Please tell me that me and Stiles didn't do anything , he'll never forgive me and I'll never forgive myself...

I continue running on the woods making stops sometimes to check everywhere I could , when suddenly I heard someone sigh loudly . Maybe it's another one of those hunters...or maybe it's Stiles , I want Stileeeeeeeeeees ! I want to know if he's safe ! Urgh , shut up ! I'll find Stiles , now stop bothering me I'm doing my best already ! Stiles deserve better... Yes I know he does-wait ! No , doesn't deserve me ! You know it's not true , you just don't want to open your eyes and it's just pathetic at this point...Hey !

I heard a sigh again , I really need to go check this out ! I start to walk towards the noise and what I saw there was something I never thought I'd ever see in my entire life...


Lydia Martins was crying...

Lydia Martins , Lydia Martins was on her knees , in the middle of the woods and was crying her eyes out...

I slowly get on her side and pat her back , she jumped off with surprise but when she saw it was me , I saw her face calm down before she wiped her tears off her face .

Oh...eummmh...h-hey...hey Derek , l-long time no see , where were you ?...

Lydia...what happened ?

W-what are you talking about ? I have n-no idea what you're talking about...

Not with me Lydia , you may only be a banshee but you're still part of the pack and I can feel that you are everything but ok .

Was it really the pack bound...or...

Yeah ok . I'll admit it , the tears did kinda give away your mood...but it doesn't matter what gave it away , right now I want you to tell me who did this to you .

Don't worry about this...this is just silly , nothing to w-worry about...really...

I can see that...Ok Lydia , just tell me what's wrong .

It...It's Stiles...

Stiles ? Oh no , Stiles I need to find Stiles !

What ! What's up with Stiles ? Is he ok ! Oh no...no no no no no no ! I-I killed Stiles , d-did I killed Stiles !

...What do you mean " I killed Stiles " , Stiles' fine , he's at he's house with Allison and...euhmm...with euhmm...S-Scott , with Scott and Allison...he seemed ok and he didn't told us and we didn't saw any bruises .

Or you sure he is ok ? You checked everywhere right ? Did he fall ? Was he shivering ? It must have been really cold in the woods ! You gave him a jacket right ? And did you-

I think that I should be the one asking you these questions...you seems awfully worry for him where I'm pretty sure that at least a month ago you wouldn't even noticed if he was gone...so my question is...why do you care now ?

Why do I care now...? W-well..because I was the one putting him in danger this time , before...it-it wasn't me !

I don't know if I'm buying that honestly , I honestly feel like you're not telling the truth Derek . And trust me I have the eye for this , but at the same time I can't think of anything else that would make you care so fast for someone you didn't often aknowleged in the past . So...tell me...and I want you to be honest this time , why ? Why do you care now ?


I already told you , I feel bad for putting him in danger so...I want to make sure he's ok now...

Mmmmh...alright , I believe you I guess...

So...now that we're done with it , are you ready to tell me what happened ?

Ly:I-I guess...yeah , well...what happened is that...Scott...

De:What did Scott do ?

Ly:He...he's really pissed off , and-and...and i think that he's...he's going to hurt Allison...or...maybe even Stiles...


Ly:D-Derek please do-don't yell...


I saw the look of fear on her face , but at the time , I couldn't care less . All that went through my ears was that Stiles was potentially in danger ! She looked at me and saw how serious I was , I guess she might have seen that I was not joking around because I could see the now determined look she gave me and almost jumped on my back .

I start to run , I was faster then I ever were...I wonder if it's because my body fully healed form the wolfbane or if it's because I know that Stiles is in danger . Before I knew it we were in front of Stiles house .

Get off my back Lydia , I need to go check on Stiles...and Allison...of course and Allison .


Lydia ?

I look behind my back and see that Lydia is casually sleeping , well seems like I did run faster then usual...

Fuck ! Stiles is my priority but...Stiles' priority is Lydia...It's not suppose to hurt so much , but it does...it really does...That's because we love him but...he doesn't love us back...I-I don't love him !? Derek , did I already told you how pathetic you are when you deny the obvious ?...Ok...I'll admit it , I'm kinda attracted to him finally- but ! It's only my wolf part that is attracted to him because he smells like my mate and it is all ! don't love him , do and you're only a weird wolf things that talks in my head . And right now I'm saying that Stiles is in danger and that you need to go save him ! I guess , for once you said something that actually mattered .

I entered the house and put carefully Lydia on the couch and ran upstairs . I was in front of Stiles room , it's weird seeing his door from this angle since I always enter his house by his window . Then I heard a muffle scream on the other side of the door .

Sc:You...ep talking but yo...be at the pack's or my level !...ink that you're the one t...me look...

I couldn't quite hear everything but from what I could make out , it seems like Scott is going to do something that he's going to regret later and also regret now because I won't let him get away if he touches even one of Stiles' hair !

I kick the door open and I see Scott turning around , at first his face looked angry as ever but then a he saw that it was me he's angry expression turned into fear .

De:Looks like I'm interupting something , Scott , I would really appreciate if you could back off from them , can't you see they're terrified ? is terrified...

Sc:D-Derek ?

I was going to ask him to back away once again when I heard a little

St:Uh ?

I looked towards the bed and saw Stiles curled into a ball on top of Allison just like he was trying to protect her . I don't really see what he would have done to protect her from Scott but I find it...really cute ! No , really...ummmh...cute , NO ! Br-brave , really brave !


St:Derek !

He said jumping from his curled position and running towards me a huge smile on his lips , his smile is so bright !

De:Hello Stiles...I stopped here because I really didn't trust my voice , I honestly think that if I said anything else I would have just burst out something stupid , it's really weird...I feel like a high schooler again . And I really don't like it , this remind me too much of Paige . I don't her anymore but...I still think about her sometime

Al:Derek ? B-but where were you ? And how...how did you know...?


St:Lydia ? What's up with Lydia !?

I know that he's in love with her but it still hurts , more then it should . It's just that he seems so worried for her when he saw her 10 minutes ago and I disappeared for at least half a day and he just greeted me with a " Derek ! " , I know I just sound like a jealous girlfriend ! And I hate it !

She's ok . I said with a bit of venom in my voice

Sc:D-Derek...that-that wasn't what it seemed like !

I turned around at the sound of Scott's voice , I clearly wanted to murder him ! I heard what he was telling them and Lydia told me , and he as the audacity of telling me that it's not what it seems !

De:Then what was that ? If it's not what it seems then it means you can explain to me why you were flashing your teeth and eyes at two members of the pack ! And that you can also explain why I found Lydia crying in the middle of the forest after you yelled at her ! And maybe , just maybe you can tell me what you were planning to do to Allison and Stiles if I didn't come and stop you right then and there !

Sc:...I...I was...eummmmh...

De:That's what I thought . Now get out of here and never come back !

Sc:You can't tell me what to do , the alpha ! Not you-

St:Scott , I honestly think that it's best for you to leave...so you can calm yourself down and then I'm sure that once we are all a little bit calmer we'll be able to stop this war that's been going...alright ?

Sc:I'm calm Stiles !

Al:No you're not Scott ! And that's why you're going to leave this house immediately before I call the cops to get your alpha ass out of here !


St:Thank you Scott...

After Scott left I turned around to get a better look at Stiles , he looked kinda sad but there was mostly relief on his face . I was about to talk when I felt a little electric chock running down my spin...oh hell no , not again ! I thought that it stopped ! Why did it have to come back now !

I was getting hot and it felt like the room was burning . I guess I still had some wolfbane in my system and now that my body evacuated it and that I know that Stiles isn't in danger anymore this sensation come back !

De:I n-need to go .

I said before slowly turning around and walking towards the door , as soon as I get out of sight I ran out of the house as fast as possible . Why did it have to come back ! And all of that because of this stupid Stiles and he's delicious stupid scent ! And how did I never smelled his scent before !?


I was so happy to see that Derek is ok ! I was also confused on how he came here and how he knew that me and Allison needed help even tho I could've handle Scott without help even if it meant revealing my secret .

Al:Derek ? B-but where were you ? And how...how did you know...?


Lydia ? Wait what happened to Lydia !? Maybe she's hurt , and all of it because I let her all alone with Scott even tho I knew that she was scared of her !

St:Lydia ? What's up with Lydia !?

She's ok . He said with a sterne voice

I was going to ask him if everything was alright but I was soon cut off by a really scared Scott which I don't get , he keeps bragging about him being the big and perfect true alpha of Beacon Hills but he's afraid of Derek who's just a beta . That doesn't make any sense ! I mean...I'll admit it , Derek is really scary sometimes and he has all these muscles...and he's hot and...euhmmm!...and he's...scary ! Mostly scary...yeah kinda hot but mostly !

D-Derek...that-that wasn't what it seems like !

Like he'll believe that...

De:Then what was that ? If it's not what it seems then it means you can explain to me why you were flashing your teeth and eyes at two members of the pack ! And that you can also explain why I found Lydia crying in the middle of the forest after you yelled at her !...

wait was Lydia crying in the woods...before Scott yelled at her ! I knew she was scared of Scott but I didn't thought she would have ran out...I knew I shouldn't have left her alone , I finally understand that I don't love her anymore but that doesn't mean I don't like her and I really don't want to see her cry just like I hate seeing any of the pack member cry...well maybe not any of them , I don't really care about some of them since they apparently decided that they didn't want to talk to me since I was just " a useless human " . I guess Scott kinda put that idea on their heads but that didn't stop Isaac , Allison and Lydia to still be friends with me...so why would they not try themselves ?

And maybe , just maybe you can tell me what you were planning to do to Allison and Stiles if I didn't come and stop you right then and there !

...I...I was...eummmmh...

Omg...is that a speechless Scott that I see here ? I've never seen that in my entire life ! I'm kinda jealous tho...wanted to be the one accomplishing this !

That's what I thought . Now get out of here and never come back !

You can't tell me what to do , the alpha ! Not you-

God...and he's at it AGAIN ! I don't think I can stand another of his " I'm the true alpha , I'm the best you can't tell me what to do " speech . If I let that happen I'm going to go insane !?

Scott , I honestly think that it's best for you to leave...so you can calm yourself down and then I'm sure that once we are all a little bit calmer we'll be able to stop this war that's been going...alright ?

I'm calm Stiles !

Sure , we can all see this...

No you're not Scott ! And that's why you're going to leave this house immediately before I call the cops to get your alpha ass out of here !


Thank you Scott...

Is he actually going to leave ? Will he really listen to us ?...or should I say to Allison , I don't know if it's just me or if Allison is changing Scott for the better . Of course Allison is capable of changing the worst person on earth into an angel , but changing Scott ? He never listen to anyone...but he seems to listen to Allison...he must really be in love with her if he's ready to change his way like that . I just need to be very careful , Allison need to change Scott and not the other way .

I was looking at Allison with pain in my eyes , she was still in love with him and I know she can change him but...I don't know if the risk of loosing her personality and get hurt in the process is worthy...but it's not my choice , I'll support her in whatever she decide to do .

I turned back to thanks Derek for what he did , but the moment I lift my head up and make eye contact with him his eye widen with what seemed to be fear . I wonder what can make him scared after he just throw Scott out of my house...

I n-need to go .

And then he slowly walked out of my room and when he got by the door , he just started to sprint off...ok what is wrong with him ?


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