《the secret of Stiles》get out Scott !!!


Ok...it's not only friendship , you're right Scott .

I knew it...i-it's great , really...I support you guys I-I'm happy to see that you're ready to be happy again , even if it's with someone else...

That's super kind of you to say all that Scott , but ! It's true that I feel bad for not telling you earlier that...me and Stiles are best friend...Scott looked shocked , his eyes were wide open and his face was white , just like he'd seen a ghost

Best friend...? But Stiles is my best friend !

Uuuuh...I'm his...girl best friend...

His girl best friend ? Does this really exist ?


But why didn't you tell me ? If you had explained it I would've understood . Wait , when did you guys even became close ? HOW did you guys became close !?

O-Oh it was eummmh...not so long ago just a few mo-weeks , just a few weeks !

Oh , ok then ! Does...does that mean I still have a chance with you...?

U-uh...a , a chance with me ? I mean...yes-no...I don't know ! I have no idea i-you , you kinda caught me off guard...

O-Oh...yes I get it , don't think too much about what I said...or...if you imagine that there's still something between us then...then think about it and give me an answer...o-of course you have all the time you need !

Thank you Scott , I'll think about it...thanks for letting me the time I need but I don't want to give you false hope or anything...

It's ok take you're time .

Thanks , I really need to go tho ! Stiles probably need me , I saw him run in the house and I'm sure something is bugging him .

He didn't tell me , he is not going to tell you either , I'm sorry Allison but him and I have been best friend since forever and if he don't talk to me about it he for sure won't tell you .

Part of this was true , they've been best friend forever but what he don't know is that me and Stiles tell each other everything . Absolutely everything , he knows I would never judge him and I know he'll never judge me either . And I also know that right now he is waiting for me to join him in his room and is dying to tell me everything that happened . And what I'm also sure is that I'm going to get a text from him , asking me to meet him in three , two , one...and there it goes !

Oops...I said looking down at my phone seeing that it was in fact Stiles

What's up ?

Stiles just texted me to join him upstairs so we could talk , gotta go !

Wait what !

I didn't let him the chance of finishing his sentence that I had already ran upstairs . I knocked on Stiles door with our secret code , we invented the code in case we were in danger and to be able to know that it's really us . Three fast knock a pause , one knock a pause and finally two last knock . As soon as I finished the door open violently and I see Stiles with a panicked face .


Al:Wow...what's up ?

St:We need to talk ! I have a huge problem and going to help me !

Al:Yes , that was already the plan Stiles . Stop panicking...wait is it...classe A or more like classe C ?

St:Classe M ! Allison that's super important , you don't get it ! That's my life that is in question !?

Al:You're dying ?

St:Ye-what ! No , of course I'm not !

Al:Then...you want me to go get the soda and curly fries ? Or is it not in the level ?

St:Allison there's no time , just come in !

Al:Ok ok I'm coming !


I couldn't believe it ! Was Stiles really trusting Allison more then me when they're only friends for a couple of weeks , that's impossible ! We've known each other since kindergarden and he tell me everything , always , everything...

My , my ! Scott , why are you doing this face ?

What do you mean ?

Well why do you do this face ?

What's the matter with my face ?

Scott...you're doing the same face as when Allison and you broken up .

Well...something's up with Stiles and he won't tell me , but he's telling Allison without any hesitation...

...Oh ! That's it ? I thought you'll say something that actually mattered .

What ? Of course it matters , my best friend is willing to tell a girl who he is friend with for only like what , three weeks instead of his best friend since forever !

Why are you acting surprise ?

Because he always tells me everything !

Eummmh...Scott , I'm really saying that to help you , don't get me wrong please ! It's just that...you totally ignored him for such a long time , you rejected him and kicked him out of most of the pack meetings like he was garbage and never tell him about the supernatural things that happens in town lately . If you don't tell him anything , he won't tell you anything either...

I couldn't believe my ears , did Lydia just tried to tell me that I wasn't a good best friend ? I only hide things from Stiles to protect him and she dare to accuse me of being rude at him ?! I tell Stiles everything , minus the new supernatural threat in town , the problem of the pack , when we go on patrols , where we go during the full moon , when we organise pack meetings and that's all ! He wouldn't close himself just for that , does she think she's funny when she talks about stuff that she doesn't know ? She doesn't know Stiles like me and I know that my best friend would not stop talking to me because I try to protect him . I'm starting to think that Lydia is trying to make fun of me by saying stupid things that she don't even know . She really need to be put at her place !

What . Did . You . Say to me ? I ask with my alpha voice

N-no-nothing ! I have no idea what I'm talking about , you're right ! H-he probably just...I look at her with my alpha eyes , she doesn't knows what she's talking about , and know she's making conclusion . Does she never understand ? I-I mean...I don't know what's going on with Stiles , I can ask him if that's what you want...


No , I don't need your help with my best friend , you don't know him I any ways so stop jumping on conclusion . Especially if they are dumb one.

Ly:Y-yes...I'm sorry...

Sc:You better be ! Now get out of here !

It's decided ! I'll go and spy on Stiles and Allison since no one is able to help me , I'll handle things into my own hands . I start to go up the stairs

And held my ear against Stiles door , with my werewolfs senses I could hear better then a human would but I still struggled which is weird...maybe the door is in special wood that Deaton made so it would protect Stiles . Oh well , it doesn't change the fact that I need to hear what's those two are talking about in there !

Despite my trouble hearing what they were saying , I could hear some parts of their conversation

I don't know wh...I'm definitely not over her that's im...

Wh...ou mean ? From what you're telli...are totally over L...

I alr...ou I can't be !

B...on't feel...ame then bef...do you ?

No , I don...ut it doesn't mea...ything !

Are they talking about...love problems ? But the only girl Stiles ever loved is Lydia and today he seemed happy to see that she considered spending more time with him . Wait...if Stiles stopped "talking to me" like Lydia said , is it possible that Stiles has a secret lover ! But who would it be ? It can't be Allison since they are talking about it together , but who else could it be ?

Is even in the pack ? Could it by any chances be Malia ? I mean she seems to hate him but maybe it's just an act so no one would suspect anything...but what's the point in hiding their relationship ? It's not like Malia is dating someone else and Stiles either , so there's not point in hiding it . Plus they're either really good at hiding it or they aren't dating at all , I've never caught any subtly eye contact or any body touch between them...

In the pack if it's not Allison or Malia then it leave us with...ERICA ! That actually make sense , I remember her saying that she had a crush on Stiles before she was bitten by Derek . She must have never lost her feelings for him and they ended up together because now she's prettier I guess he finally noticed her too .

I still can't believe it , Stiles has been dating Erica and never told me about it ! But wait...they...Stiles and Allison just talked about him loosing his feeling for the girl he liked...so Stiles and Erica has been dating but now he lost feelings for her ? Maybe he likes Lydia more...but...that doesn't explain why he's telling Allison about it and not !

I was so angry ! I felt betrayed , Stiles was trusting someone else more then his own best friend , his own brother ! At the thought , I burst into the room and saw them siting on the bed . Their head shot up and turned their head to face me with shocked expressions on them .

Scott ! How long have you been here ? Wait...were you listening our conversation !

Of course I was , Stiles you're suppose to be my best friend ! I get it Allison is your " girl best friend " or whatever ! But your friends for like three weeks , and we are since forever !? How could you trust her more then me , when I do everything for you !

Scott ! If I'm not telling you things it's because you left me , and when I was all alone the only person who was there for me was Allison ! I refuse to tell you things because you hide things from me too , I didn't know if I could trust you anymore...and this prove once more that I , in fact can't...

What the fuck Scott ! Why even were you listening !?

Because it's not normal that he tells you something that he doesn't tell me ! I know much more about him then you'll will and I'll never accept to be replaced like that ! I'm not going to stay still when I see my best friend being stolen away from me under my nose !

But I don't belong to you Scott...

What ? Of course you do !

Al:You wanted to know if we still had a chance together Scott ! Allison said Standing up from the bed

Sc:Yes but what does it have to do with all this ?

Al:Well the answer is no Scott !

Sc:W-what ? But y-you were willing to think about it !

Al:And I did !

Sc:But it was only 5 minutes ago...

Al:Well I made my decision the moment you decided that coming in this room and spying on us was the best idea ! Stiles is a person , he makes his own choices and if he don't want to talk to you there must be a reason and you need to respect it . How can you even think of calling yourself his best friend when you can't even respect his privacy ! How can I trust you if even your best friend can't ? I don't want to be just " Scott's girlfriend " I want to be " Allison Argent " , not just a puppet you own and play with until you get bored of me and throw me away . So no Scott , the answer is no !


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