《the secret of Stiles》what a long day...
I've been in my middle form for 5 minutes now and my injuries are fully healed . I've not been distrubted in any ways...but...I'm still really inconfortable , I felt...observed . It's a really weird feeling .
As I was starting to walk again I heard a noise , like a stick breaking under the pressure of a foot . Is someone here !? Di-did someone saw me ?!
I-Is someone here...?
S...Stiles ? Is that you ?
Wait...I-I know this voice...but I can't remember who as it ! What if it's one of our ennemies , that they saw my transform and that they'll use it against me...I'm so screwed !?
Who is this !
Don't you remember me Stiles ?
I-I ummmh...I know your voice...b-but , I can't remember whose voice it is . S-so , show yourself...please...
Not before you tell me what you are .
Y-you saw me didn't you ?
You mean , you transforming in some kind of cat hybrid thing ? In this case , yes , yes I did .
Cat ? How dare you call me a cAt !? I'm hurt ! I'm not a CAT , have some respect bro !
You don't know who I am but you're either stupid or brave enough to talk to me like I was your friend or something ?
I vote for the second option , I'm fricking brave !?
Yeah...no I think your just stupid .
HeY !
That's not really kind you know !
Lying to your friend is not kind either " YoU kNoW " .
Yeaaaaaaaah....I'm sorry about that ! It's just that , if I had tell anyone I would have probably got them in danger so...
So you think I'm one of your friend ?
I mean...If you weren't I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be talking right now .
Yes that's true .
St:And since my heart is still beating I guess it means your not a menace !
?:It may sounds weird but actually I'm a little bit hurt that you don't remember me...
Awwww ! But I remember you...I remember your voice !
?:Just my voice ?
St:No...Not just your voice actually , it's weird but...I feel like I can trust you .
?:You can trust me Stiles .
St:Can I ?
?:Yes of course .
St:Pew , That's a relief !
?:You still didn't tell me what you are...
St:Well...I would love to tell you , really but...the problem is that if I can trust you like you said , it means that I'll put you in danger . I don't think I want to put you in danger...
?:Maybe I could help you...
St:Nobody helped me with this , and I don't think I want anyone's help honestly .
?:We have a connection Stiles , we know each other and you can tell me anything I will help you .
St:If I know you so well , then show yourself !
?:I can't do that before you explain everything to me .
St:Well that suck , because I'm not going to tell you anything until I know your identity .
?:Here .
The mysterious guy said and I felt something being thrown at me . I look down at the floor and I see a paper . I pick it up and unfold it , I was surprised...there was a number write on the paper .
St:What's that ?
?:My number .
St:Why did you give me your number ?
?:Because i need you to trust me more even without knowing my identity , the second you'll explain to me everything , I swear that I'll tell you who i am .
?:No , I know you won't tell me now . And honestly I don't plan on staying here until you decide to tell me what you are , so , I hope you'll text me soon enough .
St:What if I never text you ?
?:You will , I know you will .
St:And how are you sooooo sure about this uh ?
?:Your way too curious to let this down , I know you'll try to investigate Stiles . I know you too well .
St:Ok maybe I'm a little more curious than the normality but it doesn't mean I'm doing to investigate on every little mystery .
?:That's a lie...
St:Yes ok ! Maybe I like to solve every little mystery around me but it doesn't mean I'm going to text a random guy that I saw in the woods .
?:But I'm not a stranger , I already told you Stiles , I know you and you know me .
St:Well I can't confirm that .
?:Whatever I know you'll text me . With that , I'll be on my way .
The guy said that and left . Wow , that...that was something ! I feel like a teenage girl in some kind of shitty love movie , where she get anonymous love letters and it turns out to be the hot popular guy . Wait who's the hot popular guy in school ? Oh my gosh is Scott going to send me anonymous love letters ?! That would be hilarious tho !
( That's a new one XD )
I was going to ask Lydia to track Stiles' phone when I received a message from scott .
Hey , I lost track of Stiles can you do anything to find him ?
Is he serious !? Does he do that to try to make me believe he actually care for Stiles ? Because I know damn well that he doesn't !
Yeah maybe Lydia can Track him with his phone GPS .
Ok I hope it'll work
Did he seriously though I'll believe him ? Everybody knows he only care for him or the supernatural of the pack...the human of the pack or like invisible in his eyes , even if his bestfriend is ! And now that he failed in protect him he's scared that the other will think less of him ! I swear this man is a prank !?
Stop it Scott ! We both know that if you didn't said those things to the others he would have been fine and right now we would all be in class and he wouldn't be in serious danger !
What ?
And of course he acts like he don't know what I'm talking about .
He ran off when Erica started to accuse him and calling him names ! If you didn't tell the others just to feed your ego and pride , he would have walk in the school with us and we would've been able to protect him . But no you had to tell them knowing that they would pick their alpha instead of him !
Allison listen...I'm really sorry , I tried to save him !
You wouldn't have need to save him I you didn't put him I danger in the first place Scott .
I didn't mean to ! I didn't know it will end up like this...
Well it's too late now , he's in danger and he will probably get hurt just because of your legendary pride !
I'll text you when I have more informations .
After i send the message I finally have the time to text Lydia and ask her to track Stiles' phone , well at least that's what I thought but Scott won't stop spamming my messages with :
Wait !
Or even
Allison ?
So i simply turn off his notifications and go back to finding Lydia's contact . Ah ! Found it !
Allison , do you need something ?
Well , I know you're on Scott's side but could you try to find Stiles by tracking his phone please...
Yes of course i will...but...you know...
Scott ?
Yeah...i don't want him to be mad at me because i didn't do what he wanted...
He will use his alpha voice right ?
Yes , and you know how I really hate it...
I understand but Stiles is in danger ! Lydia he needs you he could get hurt any times now !
You're right I'll try to track his phone !
I know Lydia isn't bad , she's just terrified of what Scott would do to her if she didn't take his side or if she didn't obeid him . All the pack is scared that one day maybe they would get in an argument with him and get the same treatment Scott give to Stiles , so they just obei blindly . Stiles is the only one brave enough to say the truth at Scott's face , and since Scott can't accept the fact that nobody is perfect and that even he isn't , he obviously snap all the time . And blame Stiles for telling the truth and opening his eyes !? He should be grateful , Stiles saved him so much times , he just can't accept it because Stiles is only human and for him it's impossible for a human to be at the same level or even better then true alpha .
Collective Thinking
Dyna Graves grew up thinking she was special. An exception to the average. Not necessarily above her peers, but simply outside their context. However, toward the end of her high school life, she started to realize that nobody was really special. At least not in any fantastical way. Just as she started trying to figure out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, she got an invitation. A psychic institute scoped her out, realized her psychic potential, and asked if she would undergo psionic training at the Carroll Institute. Almost immediately, Dyna realized that she wasn’t quite up to the same level as many of her peers. Surrounded by clairvoyants and mind readers displaying obvious abilities made her own lack of ability all the more apparent. That was, up until the researchers and scientists of the facility realized that there was a bit more to Dyna Graves than met the eye. After an explosive incident during what should have been a routine experiment, Dyna quickly found herself wrapped up in a world of cutthroat espionage. The story can also be viewed on my website, https://www.towercurator.com/collective-thinking/. Cover art by Zoern.
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A scientist couple go to extremes to protect their child in the face of an apocalyptic event. Will their tears, sweat and blood pay off? Or is it all for nothing? Falling Star Of Evolution - Rewritten
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As warm and bright the Sun is, as cold and dark the void is. And as much as one can be hopeful, so much is the depth of despair. Being strong isn't about strength - it is about taking advantage of what you have, be it the light or dark. _ Lesson 1, Karacatoa.
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