《the secret of Stiles》it's your choice


I've been awake for sometime now , and I was trying to think straight . Which one of the two option this weird guy gave me should I pick...on one side , every part of me wanted to pick Stiles . My inner wolf was screaming weakly because of the wolfsbane in my veins , but was screaming that I needed to protect Stiles...but at the same time I felt that weird connection between the mysterious werefox and me...plus he helped me and the pack . But Stiles is part of the pack and the werefox isn't...but maybe we'll take him in the pack when we'll get to know his attention...Urgh why is it so hard to pick ! I shouldn't have any problem to choose because I don't know the werefox but I really feel like I need him to be in my life a-and I don't understand why...I shouldn't even hesitate !

So~~My dear friend , have you chosen or not ? Because time flies and you're running out of it .

W-what...no I still have time !

I'm afraid that you don't...


Your answer ?


I didn't have an answer yet !? What was going to happen to me or to Stiles ? Did he have Stiles ? Suddenly I heard a feminine voice from downstairs , was she here the whole time ? Is she another hunter ? Is she the partner of this guy ?

Maybe she's here to save me, I thought for a split second before shutting down the idea, obviously she wouldn't save me.

Micheal ?

Micheal ?

Uhhhhh...Yeah ?

Va:What are you doing up there ? I didn't find the human , I searched in the woods but he's no where to be seen , are you going to help me ? It's really cold outside and he was unconscious not long ago , he could get hurt badly if we don't find him...

So they don't have Stiles , that's a relief but...at the same time she said that he could get hurt and that he is probably already hurt . I need to get out of here ! I need to find Stiles and protect him !

Then keep searching for him and stop disturbing me !

Va:But Micheal ! We are not talking about a werewolf but a human !

Mi:I don't care , will he be any help ? No ! So if he was able to move it means that he is fine now stop bothering me I'm talking to the monster , he still needs to give me his answer .

Va:You wanna know what ? I'm done with this , I'm done with you , I'm sick of you treating me like shit ! I'm out...

Mi:Pfff ! And where are you going ah ? You have no family , and without me you're going to get bullied again at the academy so stay still and stop complaining .

Va:Don't count on me for that .

Right after she finished her sentence I heard the door close loudly. And after a minute of silence the guy...Micheal I guess ? Decide to stand up . He looks at me straight in the eyes and says :

Mi:Don't think we're done yet werewolf ! I'm going to get her and then I come back and you better have your answer , because this time we will not be stopped by anyone . I guess it leaves you more time to think...oh well whatever I'm sureeeeeee you'll make the right decision !


And with those words he left the room , and I heard fast footsteps going down the stairs...well I guess I need to find my answer...but wha-what if I'm alone in there ? Maybe this is my best chance of escaping ! Plus those hunters have good materials , and they can hurt us pretty badly if they wanted to...I need to find the pack and warn them about the danger too . But right now my priority even if I would prefer it not to be because it's way too weird for me to say but...right now my priority is to protect my mate...

Urk...mind note , do not call Stiles my mate because it's way too cheesy , even for me...I mean it's probably more like , especially for me .

I slowly and painfully started to roll over to the engine , once I was close enough I stretched my arm and tried to pull out the cable so the machine would stop sending wolfsbane through my body so I'll get my strength back and I will be able to get out of this place . Normally it wouldn't take long to unplug cables but my fingers are in pain and they feel a little dizzy so obliviously it takes forever and this Micheal guy could comes back anytime ! ok just a little bit more and...here we go ! I just need to wait a little for my system to eliminate all the rest of wolfsbane in my blood but it shouldn't take long , I just hope the hunters will not get here before I entirely recover...


Urgh ! Why is she being like this right now , couldn't she pick up another day to be annoying ? This is the day of my life and she chooses to just try and ruining it ! And now I have to run after her in the woods when I could literally already be searching for the werefox that lives in those stupid woods ! She really choosed her day...


No ! I don't want to hear you complain that I'm annoying are that I should be happy for you !

But you should be happy for me !

And why is that ?

Because I'll soon realize my dream , being a pro hunter . And I'll be the youngest hunter to ever catch a werefox ! Do you imagine the fame that I'll get when we will return the academy ? Everyone will bow down to me and will have to accept that I'm the best !

A werefox ?

Yes ! At first I wanted to kill the werewolf but then when I was searching him I found a piece of paper with written in it : " go at Deaton for the werefox at 4 . " Do you believe that ? Vanny this note proves that there as been a werefox here , in those woods the whole time ! And nobody knew about it ! And guess what , I'll be the one catching it !

Who's that Deaton guy the letter is talking about ? You know him ?

No...but if you hadn't leave like that I would of force the werewolf to tell us !

Like he would have told you...

Well of course he will tell me , because I threaten to hurt his so precious little mate if he didn't , aren't I a genius Vanny ? We can get anything we want out of this monster . He'll do anything for his mate just like any werewolf would , do you imagine what information he could give us ! He could give us the names of all the werewolfs in town and we'll all hunt those creatures down , one by one , and I'll be known as the best hunter ever who killed so many werewolf when he was only 17 ! I'll be a legend...and you'll be the best friend of the legend y'a know...


You really need to stop Micheal...

Stop ? No ! This is my chance , maybe it's the only time I'll have this chance I need to do it !

God ! Why are you so dumb !?

W-what ?

Stop being so delusional ! You're literally just a kid , you really think that you can just force a fully grown adult werewolf to tell you everything your little ears want to hear ? You're not a genius and certainly not a fricking hero ! Go down your little cloud , we are not in a goddamn dream ! This , this is real life !? Open your eyes ! Your just going to get killed at the first occasion...you're not someone special and neither am I . We are just two kids , in the woods who doesn't know what they are doing...I'm leaving before it's too late , and you should do the same because trust me...this is not going to help you in any way . We didn't even saw a werewolf in real life before this morning and you think you can kill all of them in town , plus a rare werefox that even the best hunters can't kill or even injure ? Come on ! You don't have a fricking chance in front of them , I even heard that a true alpha and his super powerful pack was in this town . Even the academy don't want to mess with them so you think that you , on top of your 17 years old self , all alone , without any weapons can beat them ?


If you couldn't find the answer , I'll give it to you . No , no you can't !

T-that's why I need you !

No you don't "NeEd " me ! You're telling yourself this , it's all in your fricking head !?


Suddenly we hear a loud crashing noise . Wait...that was coming from the house ! But if Vanny is here with me and that no one else is in there , that means...it's the werewolf !? I turn around and face my best friend with pleading eyes , I need her to help me...she's right I can't do any of what I said in my story if she isn't with me , by my side .

Listen Vanny I'm sorry-

No ! No you're not ! That's the problem !? You only say this because you need a favour from me , oh let me guess ! Mmmmmh..."Oh Vanny I'm so so so so so sorry , you know I love you and that you're my best friend ! I would never hurt you or put you in danger ! I'm do anything to prove you that I'm your best friend and that I need you with me !? Oh and could you also please risk your life and run after the terrifying werewolf that I threaten and shoot in the middle of the wood ? Pretty please~ " Well no !? I told you , I'm done with this ! I supported you my all life , always by your side , never leaving even after you decided that you would blame for all the stupid shit that done just so you wouldn't get punished ! I took all of this , I accepted it , and only because I dumbly thought that you would do the same for me...very big mistake...because you only care about yourself !? You proved it once more today ! Today a poor guy was attacked by a werewolf and woke up in the middle of the woods without a clue what was going on , it was freezing outside and he only had a shirt on...and you want to know what you did to help him ?


Va:Nothing , you did absolutely nothing !? And why ? Why ? Well because he wasn't part of your little plan of course ! What is the point of saving the life of a guy who must be terrified and not having a clue what's going on when you have a werewolf ,uh ? When you have a werewolf that will help you get your little revenge , your little 5 years old revenge because you didn't study for your exam and so you failed . Stop trying to reject the fault on the academy or on the werewolf or even on me ! Because if you failed this examen it was only because of yourself ! And no one else's fault !

Mi:I've studied really hard for this exame-

Va:No ! No you didn't ! Since you lie all the fricking time , you even start to believe that all your lies are true ! You didn't study at all , you were out all the time bragging everywhere that you're the best in class and that this examen was nothing and that it would even be easy ! Well , turns out all that time you when you were trying to impress god knows who , some of us were studying ! Studying so much that they didn't sleep anymore , you see , these persons are the meritants one . The one who worked hard all year to have the degree and be qualified as pro hunter , if you didn't pass the exam that means that you didn't deserve to be a pro hunter .

Mi:Of course I deserve to be a pro hunter !? That's what I've been working to be my whole life !? I've train since I was so little that I can't remember ! If someone deserved it , it's me ! Me and no one else !

Va:What do you think ? Do you think you're special ? We've all trained really hard since childhood to succeed , it's not because you're to focus on complaining that it means everyone else need to stop to hear you and give you attention to feed your ego , you aren't the center of the world ! Open your eyes and stop being so childish , stop acting like a five year old that can't have what they want ! Grow up for once and open your eyes once for all !?

I was going to respond but I felt something hit me hard on the side of my head and not even a second later a feel the floor and hear a familiar voice scream of pure fear and horror . What's happening ? No , most important question...what will happen to me and Vanny !?


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