《the secret of Stiles》what happened here ?


Ok so I have this strange man number now but...I don't have my phone . Wait I can't lose my phone ! It'll be the fifth time this year ! I can't buy another one , I really need to find it and also tell the others that I'm alright...not that they really care but , they deserve to know that I'm ok . Particularly Issac and Allison I know they don't like when they're force to choose a side , I'm not really mad at them to be honest .

How am I going to find my phone if it lost in this enormous forest ? I could call myself but the problem is that for that I would need another phone , but I doubt there's another phone near me...I think I'm able to find my way out of the woods and go home safely now that my wounds are heal . But I don't know where the pack is and without my phone I can't tell them that I've arrived home safely and that I'm not injured . I could have gone to Derek's but I don't know if I really want to...I mean I don't remember much but I know for sure that this morning he literally jumped on me and kidnapped me , I don't know what he had taken but what if he's not over it and that he try to hurt me ? I can't risk such a thing ! I'm already scared of werewolfs so imagine if one hurts me , I'll never be able to relax near one...not even Scott or Isaac . I think I will be so stressed that I would lost control and my fox mind would just run away and burry himself in the first hole he found . And that would be a huge problem since all my friends are werewolfs and this town is a nest of supernatural creatures , so...that would be just a little , little , tiny problem you know .

I was about to transform into my full form when I heard someone scream my name , well it sounded more like a whisper since the person was probably far away but I could still faintly hear it .

?:Stiles !!!

?:Stiles !

?:Stiles are you here ?

?:Stiles come back I'm sorry ok !

St:Mmmmh...GUYS !? I'M HERE !!!!

?:Stiles !

The I waited the clearer I heard the voices , it was...eummmh...why can't I remember ! I must have hit my head at some point because I can't remember who have those voiced !

After awhile , I saw 4 figures walking towards me , there was Lydia , Allison , Isaac and...SCOTT ! Uh !? What is he doing here ? I thought he didn't care...normally when we are in an argument he don't give a damn if anything happen to me . That's weird...did...did he decided to change ?



Ah ! Who am I kidding ! He'll never change , or if he do it's only because he fell in love with the first new girl in town .

Al:Stiles !! Are you ok ? What happened ? I was worried sick !

Ly:Ummh Ummh...

Al:I mean...we , we were worried sick .


Ly:No but for real tho , what happened ? We really were worried Stiles !

St:What happened ? W-well , I thought...actually I thought you would tell me this . I said with a nervous laugh and an awkward smile on my lips

Is:Yo-you don't remember ?


Al:It doesn't matter ! At least you're fine , are you hurt ? Do you have any injuries ?

Sc:He said he was fine...why are you all over him . Scott said sternly , I looked at him in the eyes and he seemed...it almost looked like he was...jealous ?

St:Wow ! Chill out Scott I don-

Al:Because since you abandoned him , he needs someone else to take care of him Scott !?

St:Yeah eummh...about that , it doesn't really matter you kn-

Sc:Abandoned him ? I'm here aren't I ? I helped search in the woods for him !

St:I mean that's ni-

Al:No !? Scott it's not because you helped us find him that it means you're excused for getting him in danger in the first place !

St:No no like I said it's all fi-

Sc:You need to stop saying that !? I didn't put him in danger , Derek did ! I have nothing to do with it !

St:You kinda do but it doesn't mat-

Al:You didn't put him in danger ? It's a prank right ? No...are you fricking serious right now !?

St:Hey ! Like I said it-

Sc:Yes , I'm serious of course I am , I alw-




St:Thank you very much...now like I was saying , it's all fine guys . I don't care the most important thing is that everyone is safe .

Al:No Stiles ! He always treat you like shit and no one say anything because they are to sacred of him !? This need to stop , it's not because he is a true alpha that he has all rights !

Sc:I'm sorry what did you just sa-

St:Scott I swear to every damn God in this planet , if you don't shut the fuck up and let me finish...

Sc:You can't do anything Stiles . Stop trying to scar me or whatever you're trying to do , because it won't work . I'm not scared of you , you're just a little human and I'm a true alpha ! What can you do to hurt me ?


If only you knew Scotty boy , I could literally break your neck in a second , I could stop you from breathing with a blink of an eye or maybe he'll prefer my fangs deep in his skin until he die , suffering a long time of pain and agony . But...I can't do or say any of those things or I'm screwed , a normal human can't do those thing and I can't have the luxury of being discover . So I need to refrain my pride even if it really hurt my ego to let him win....Urgh ! The things I do to keep my secret...

St:You're right , I can't do anything Scott , now can you let me finish...please .

Sc:Whatever...I'm happy that you're ok Stiles...I-I was worried too you know...

St:Yes , of course I know that Scott .

Al:Wait you trust him Stiles ! That's bulls-



St:I know you Allison , I know you only want my good and I'm very thankful for it . But you don't need to be so overprotective about everything , you start to see the bad everywhere and in everyone...yes Scott is a total jerk but , he's still my best friend and trust me , I can tell when he is lying or not . And right here , he was pretty much telling the truth and I'm glad he's still able to do that . I said with a little laugh at the end .

Ly:Oh...my...god...I thought you were going to say something stupid and without any sense like you always do but , this...monologue was...wow !

St:So you'll date me then... I was trying to get Lydia's attention and affection like i always did but...this time it sounded...weird ?

Ly:Who knows maybe I'll think about it...It was my dream ! The thing I wanted the most in the world . The Lydia Martin was considering dating me...but it didn't make me feel anything !? What's up with me ? I've always wanted this and now that it happens I-I don't feel anything...b-but I still have a crush on Lydia...right...? Yes of course I still do ! What type of question is this...why would I suddenly stop having a crush on the girl I love since third grade ? That doesn't make sense .

St:Wow i-eummh...cool...I tried to play it cool .

Alright guys we need to go tell the others your fine even if...

Even if they don't care ?

W-what ?

That's what you were going to say , that they didn't really care .

What ! No they care , you're their friend Stiles .

Nope , actually they are your friends Scotty , not mine .

You don't consider them as your friends ? Why !?

No , no I would love to have a friendship with them but I don't think that they want the same . I can't force them .

Why wouldn't they want to ?

Because if I get in an argument with you and that they are friend with me then they would feel guilty , and no one wants to feel guilty in letting down one of their friend ya know .

Sc:But they don't let you down , they just agree that I'm right , because I'm always right .

St:...Whatever you say Scott...

Al:Scott !?

Sc:What ?

Ly:Really !?

Sc:What did i do now !?

St:Nothing let's just go , oh and by the way...have you found my phone I lost it somewhere .

Al:Yes I have it , here to go . She said handing me my phone .

St:Thannnnnnnks Ali !

Sc:Ali...? Since when do you two use nickname ?

I looked at Allison and I did my " Jealous much " face at her . She rolled her eyes playfully and laugh a little . The truth is that me and Allison became really close since I came out as bi to her ( a/n : i honestly don't remember if he was aware of being bi in the first chapter and I'm way too lazy to reread everything so let's just say that he isn't aware of Derek being his mate but he knows he's bi and came out to Allison , because...it's my story and I can do whatever i want 😏😉 ) , and at first I didn't know if she was going to accept it but she did and was super supportive which helped me with my confidence ! I honestly consider her as my sister , that's why it always made me laugh when Scott became all jealous when we are close .

St:I don't know jut felt like calling her Ali , you know that's a cute nickname for a cute girl . I said with a wink

Sc:What !

Al:Really Stiles ?

Seeing the look of desperation on Allison's face finished me , and i just start laughing my ass off . When I finally stopped and looked up i saw Scott looking angry and confuse at me , Lydia seemed confused as well and Allison...well Allison was just done with my shit !


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