《Nico di Angelo x Reader Part 1》Chapter 12-Edited


By the time the two of you arrived in Manhattan it was already nine o'clock at night. You woke to Annabeth shaking you awake gently and Sapphrenia neighing softly. Yawning, you got up and tried to stand on your wobbly legs. Annabeth helped you stand and walk to the Jackson's back door. Walking Sapphrenia to the back with you, you told her to keep quiet and stay put. Slowly turning around, you wished Sapphrenia a good night and followed Annabeth to the house. Annabeth knocked on the door and hugged herself for warmth. Her stormy grey eyes looked into your e/c ones as you gave her a warm hug.. You gave her a soft smile and she smiled back.

Hearing the creaking of a door, you turned and faced Sally Jackson. Her dark brown hair flowed elegantly in the wind, the light of the full moon made her light blue eyes flash a light grey. Her right arm rested on her stomach as her left was placed on her hip bone. She lifted her chin up as if to ask why you were so late. "Mrs. Jackson." you commented as her gaze flickered over to you from Annabeth.

"You must be Y/n. Percy showed me many pictures of you and Annabeth. I've heard a lot about you-the fearless fifteen year old daughter of Athena." she replied as she looked you dead in the eye. 'Is she always like this?' you thought to yourself, unnerved by her stare.

Managing a small smile and holding out your hand for her to shake, you replied, "That's me. I'm so sorry for asking this of you and your husband. I wouldn't have asked if I knew we could trust you." You couldn't help but feel nervous around her; even with her motherly aura. Surprised when her stern gaze softened, you watched in awe as she smiled at you.


"Call me Sally. Don't be so nervous dear, we may have just met, but I wouldn't hesitate to help out a friend of my son's." she replied with a motherly smile. Her face glowed in the light of the night. Her hand slowly circulated around her round stomach, as if comforting her unborn child.

You gave her a shy smile and glanced at Annabeth. Her grey eyes held amusement in them. It was rare to see her smile, yet it was the most entrancing thing in the world. "Come in, come in! Wouldn't want you girls to catch a cold while completing your quest!" Sally gushed as she ushered the two of you into the house. You smiled and followed her into the living room. After greeting Paul, Sally sent you and Annabeth off to bed. After a while of lying down in the white sheets, you began drifted off to sleep.

"Please! Please leave her alone! I'll do anything! Don't touch her!" the boy shouted as Porphyrion approached you slowly. His scaly legs edges closer and closer as the boy's pleading cries were smothered by the wind.

"What makes you think that I'd let a child of Athena go freely?" he cackled, stalking towards me slowly. How is it that he had risen so fast after the battle of Gaea? The boy's cries could be faintly heard as the wind howled. Tears trailed down his porcelain cheeks.

"Please! Leave her be! She has nothing to do with this! Take me instead!" the boy shouted. A look of despair was apparent in his eyes. You could tell that he was becoming even more apprehensive by the minute. For some odd reason, the boy looked familiar, you couldn't quite put your finger on it though, but his words seem to have struck you to your core, making you cry out.


Porphyrion cackled once more as he took you in his rough hands. "My, my. You certainly are beautiful. I may say even more than Aphrodite herself!" the giant exclaimed, mockery in his tone.

"Put me down!" you cried as you kicked and punched his legs forcefully.

"Cut it out little mouse!" the giant screamed in anger. "You don't want your sister to be hurt, now do you?" he asked in a eerie tone as he stepped closer to an unconsciousness Annabeth.

"No! I'll do whatever you want! Just leave my friends alone!" you shouted over the wind. The harsh slap of the wind made your hair fly in front of your face, making you hold it back with your free hand. The giant bellowed with joy as he stomped his way to a dark cave. You saw the boy yelling and running after you, his legs giving out from beneath him multiple times, causing him to fall.

"No! Don't! Take Annabeth to safety! I'll be fine!" you shouted as you saw him come to a stop. You saw the shattered expression on his pale face, his brown eyes held no emotion-which made your heart shatter. With a simple nod, you turned around and saw the darkness of the cave come at you. . .

Waking with a scream and sweat pouring down your face, you began to sob. Annabeth shot up from her position and ran over to you. You heard the door open and saw Sally and Paul come through. "What's wrong?" they all shouted at once. You couldn't respond, your body sat in a paralyzed fear. You were petrified. Every muscle in your body ached.

Blinking back tears and holding your legs tightly, you replied, "He's coming."

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