
Taehyung was frozen on the spot, feeling those warm pair of lips on his after so long.A teardrop automatically found its way down his cheek because of getting something so unexpected yet so much needed.He didn't even know he missed the feeling of having Jungkook's soft kisses that bad !

Jungkook didn't really move his lips.He just stood there, putting his lips on Taehyung's.He didn't know if Taehyung was liking it or hating him for kissing him all of a sudden.But he knew one thing for sure.He needed to do that and he didn't regret it one bit.After few seconds, Jungkook pulled out, looking downwards, not wanting to see Taehyung's reaction.

A gasp left his mouth when he felt Taehyung's strong arms around him again, pulling him harshly towards his body.Before Jungkook could properly look at the elder, he felt it.He felt Taehyung's lips engulfing his in their wariness.Jungkook teared up, feeling the desperation in Taehyung.He slowly wrapped his arms around the elder's neck, pulling him even closer as he kissed back with the same passion.

To both the males, it felt like getting oxygen after being suffocated to the extent where death nears them.They both had tears in their eyes and their lungs burned in the need of fresh air.But it wasn't enough for them to separate just yet.They continued kissing each other, letting the other feel the want, the suppressed feelings in their bleeding hearts!








To say Nick got the insult of his life would be an understatement.He couldn't help but grit his teeth in sheer anger when Jungkook kissed the man right in front of him.The slaps long forgotten.His fisted his palms as tight as he could in order to not kill the man right then and there out of anger.He hated the fact that, Jungkook himself lunged on the man while he was trying play 'hard to get' whenever it came to Nick.

He was about to say something when Jungkook stepped away from the man.It made him smirk, seeing the dejected look on Jungkook's face.He knew the reason behind it.Obviously he could see how the man stood still instead of kissing back.He wondered how someone could be that dumb to let a chance to taste Jungkook's lips go....

But oh well !

How wrong he was !

As soon as Nick opened his mouth to say something to hurt Jungkook's feelings, he saw the man pulling Jungkook for a kiss harshly.Nick felt like puking when he saw how the two males kissed each other, how they kissed like there's no tomorrow.He felt ugly inside his stomach.


The ugly feeling even worsened when the man who was still busy devouring Jungkook's luscious lips, looked at him with sharp, fierce eyes.He then tilted his head a bit and kissed Jungkook even harder.The man again closed his eyes, concentrating on the pair of lips he was kissing only...

If he was insulted by getting slapped earlier, he didn't know what to name it when Jungkook and the unknown man kissed each other hungrily, forgetting that he was still inside the cabin.Nick didn't feel like staying there anymore.The scene in front of him was doing nothing but making him feel like a loser, a new feeling to him.It was getting hard to feel like that.It suffocated him.So he just left.....not even looking back once.....

He didn't want to run after Jungkook anymore....What's special about him anyways?

He's already used....that too several times.

(A/n - remember that 'sour grapes' story?)








After no-one knows how long, Taehyung and Jungkook finally pulled out of the kiss.They were too overwhelmed with emotions to make their rushing adrenaline calm down.They just stood there, basking in each other's embrace while panting heavily.None of them said a word nor did they look at each other in the eyes.They just hugged each other close with closed eyes, letting the reality sink in.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook.I truly am!" Taehyung said with a shaky voice after few minutes of silence.

Jungkook frowned, hearing Taehyung apologizing like he did something horrible.He pulled out of the hug but didn't let go of his hold on the elder as he looked at him in the eyes.He could see the guilt in Taehyung's eyes and he didn't like it.Taehyung did nothing to feel guilty, he did nothing which could hurt Jungkook in any way....

"Tae, why are you saying sorry.You didn't do anything wrong.All of it was my fault.If anyone should be guilty, that should be me and no-one else!" Jungkook spoke up, voice filled with regret and sadness, trying to make the older understand that he didn't need to feel bad.

"But Jungkook....."

"There is no place for any "but"s Tae.You shouldn't feel sorry and you won't." Jungkook's vulnerable voice turned stern all of a sudden, making the elder stop in the middle of his sentence.

"But baby....I-it's true that because of m-me, y-you had to endure so much pain....y-you were about to.........." Taehyung couldn't complete his sentence.He didn't want to think that Jungkook would end his life if there wasn't a life inside him at that time.


"I-I r-really d-don't d-deserve y...."

"I dare you to complete that sentence." Jungkook who was mentally getting ready to have a long talk with Taehyung, got triggered when Taehyung was about to say the sentence he would hate.

Taehyung gulped, looking at the murderous glare he got from Jungkook.He looked down, not being able to see the disappointment in the younger's eyes anymore.

Jungkook's face softened at the sight of an upset Taehyung.He took some deep breathes to calm himself down and cupped the elder's face lovingly, making him look up at him.

"I can understand what you're feeling.Trust me, I really can.You have to understand that whatever happened in the past cannot be changed now.Yes, we had to separate.Yes, it was hard for us.Yes, I was losing hope.Yes, I was about to end my life.Yes, I became a single parent at such a young age.But you didn't do anything to make those things happen.It wasn't your fault...not at all.

It was me who decided what to do with our relationship to save you from my father.I regret giving you pain knowingly but I don't regret leaving you.Otherwise, my father wouldn't let you live a normal life or maybe, he wouldn't let you live at all.I would die if he did something to you.So I had to be selfish.

About being a single parent, I feel lucky to have Taegguk.You know, he's like a photocopy of you.He makes my life livable, he makes me walk forward without even knowing.Yes, it was hard raising him all alone but my baby is really understanding....just like you.He never gives me a hard time.Instead, he tries to show his caring side to me in this age.

If anything, you helped me Tae.You helped me unknowingly.You gave me the most precious gift before leaving.You have me Taegguk, you unknowingly gave me the biggest hope to keep living.I couldn't think of dying when there was the proof of our love growing inside me.I wish...I really wish...I could show you....h-how grateful I-I am t-to you..."

By the end, Jungkook was crying heavily.Taehyung's situation was no better.He hugged the younger tightly, crying in each other's arms.This time, both of them felt the heaviness in the hearts fading away completely...

After calming down a little, both of them pulled out of the hug only to look at each other carefully.

"So...You're t-the one at fault huh?" Taehyung asked, sniffling lightly.

Jungkook nodded his head vigorously while drying his tears.

"Y-you know w-what happens to a b-bad boy?" Taehyung continued, still sniffling.

"T-they get p-punished..." Jungkook chuckled through tears, seeing Taehyung's attempt to get all cheeky.

"S-so will you agree to a-any kind of punishment I c-choose?" Taehyung asked again, getting a little calm.

Jungkook nodded his head, smiling big.He was loving how the elder was acting like a dork after all that happened.He appreciated the fact that Taehyung still cared for him...enough to want to make him smile...








Confusion laced Jungkook's expressions when Taehyung walked away from him.He got more confused when Taehyung brought the flower bouquet from the place he keep it on earlier.He looked at Taehyung's with questioning eyes, not knowing what the elder was planning inside his mind.

Jungkook took the roses with a still confused face when Taehyung handed them to him.He couldn't help but feel mushy inside, getting flowers from Taehyung after so long!

The fresh roses looked too attractive to Jungkook that he couldn't stop himself from smelling them.A smile appeared on his face with the sweet scent of the roses invaded his nostrils.He only looked up when he heard Taehyung clearing his throat.

A loud gasp left Jungkook's mouth as he covered his wide opened mouth in shock when he saw Taehyung sitting on one of his knees.

"Since you said you are ready to take any punishment I choose for you, I'll take the chance.As you've already given your words, saying NO is not an option as well....Jungkook-ah, now take the responsibility of the punishment I'm going to give you.....give me another chance...." Taehyung said emotionally, smiling a little as he took out a box.He opened it only for Jungkook to see a pair of simple yet elegant promise rings.....

"W-will you g-give me a-another c-chance?"




I'm too sleepy to continue.But I'll try to update soon.I wasn't able to fell asleep.So wrote this part.

There's one more thing.I'll update this book whenever I can since I doesn't have many chapters left.About the other books, I'll update them one by one after taking 4days gap between each updates.

Hope you enjoyed reading this part as well.Thank you so much for reading.Let me know how it was like you always do.Bye.Good night ❤




Well, this edit was lit 🔥👌

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