《Silverstone》CHAPTER 16


It's 4 o'clock and I've finally finished getting dressed for wherever we were all going because I hadn't got any insight on where they were taking me.

outfit down below:

Somebody kept on knocking on my door rapidly, Theo.

I flung the door open and his hand was still raised in the air to knock.

"One knock would of been fine Theo." I remarked, pulling on the hem of my jacket.

"Fine like my perfect b-."

"Goodbye Theo."

I was trying to slam the door on him but he put his foot in the way.

"Wait! Wait, wait."

"I'm kidding."

He tried to re assure me.

"Maybe not kidding about my body but-."

"That's it-."


He said in one breath.

I had no idea what he just said.

He paused and took two deep breaths.

"We're all leaving- get y-your stuff in five minutes." Huffing and puffing he walked away front my doorframe.


I closed the door quietly and ran back to my bed and grabbed my lip gloss and my suitcases.

I can't carry this on my own.


I waited a few seconds and heard nothing.

Plan B.

I check my nightstand drawers if anything was in there and grabbed the lamp that sat on top of it. I took the he plug out and smashed it onto the floor and fell with it.


My door flew open and the three came running to me.

"What the fuck happened."

Leo stood there hovering over my fake injury with an eyebrow raised.

"I fell."

I attempted a smile trying not to burst out laughing.

"No shit Sherlock, how do you break a lamp on the way?"

Noah stood in front of Theo staring at me up and down.

"If you like what you see just say so."

I wiggled my eyebrows up and down while in so much pain.

"Alright let's go."

They all started to walk away towards my door.

"WAIT! Don't go I need help."

I started to plead banging my hand on the ground.

"For fuck sake Julia."

"God someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."


"Now will you all please help me?"

I mean I slightly felt bad that I was lying but they kinda deserved it.

Silverstone stepped towards me. His gaze lowering to my chest, adjusting to my "injured" leg.

He reached his left hand out to me, acting like I was going to grab his hand and stand.

I just happened to be such a talented actor

"I think I've hurt my arm too."

I looked right into his hazel eyes hoping he would fall for it.


He said under his breath.

"Grab her arms and support her back."

They all reached out for me.

Theo grabbing my arms, Noah gripping onto my lower back and Leo's arms swooping under my thighs, his fingers digging into the insides of my thighs.

I squirmed in his grip and finally let go when they all practically threw me on the bed.


I'm glad I've got that off my chest.

They all looked at each other simultaneously with a look of confusion plastered onto their faces.

Theo pushed Noah and Leo out of the way dramatically.

"Of course Miss Black anything for you."

He sweetly smiled, a glint of sarcasm leaked from his tone.

About to pick up the bags, Leo pushed him over to the side and grabbed both my suitcases.

One arm each.


No response .

Show off

"Noah can you open the door."

"Aww is someone shy because-."

"I swear to fucking god if you finish that sentence-."

Before he could finish his own sentence he scrambled to the doorframe and opened the door gently. On the other hand Theo was huddled in the corner next to my broken Lamp that accidentally smashed into a million pieces.

what a bunch of pussies

"Theo get up and stop being such a baby."

I pulled at his hand to make him stand but it just went limp.

I flung myself back onto my bed sighing loudly.

I heard movement in the corner and rustling.

"You're up let's go!"

I enthusiastically said, and practically ran to my door.

"I thought you said you hurt your leg?"

"Yeah well I say a lot of things don't I?"

A smiled and slammed the door on him.


Big mistake leaving the room right away.

"So what happened to you're injuries?"

Noah stood there with his arms crossed and his eyes burning into my legs.

"Um- you see-."

I was fucked.

"Uh uh um um."

He stood there with a malicious grin smothered onto his face while mocking me.


"What are you 12?"

I shot back at him hoping he would stop being such a dick.

"She's right, now let's go before I push you out of the window to another state."

I stifled a laugh and gave him a quick smile.


He sarcastically laughed in the air.


Leo grabbed both of the suitcases one arm each as I've established.

"Theo get you're ass in here or we're leaving without you!" I shouted from the front door.

My door opened slowly and he stood there glaring at all of us.


He huffed and grabbed his suitcase from the sofa walked towards us.

"WHOOO YESSS." I cheered happily.

"Shutup." He stared at me, we were all holding back laughs.


"I call shotgun!"

I ran and flung open the car door and sat down calmly.

"No but I want shotgun."

Theo started to complain.

"Nobody wants to sit next to you, go sit with Noah at the back."

Leo pointed at the back window and Noah waved from the inside.

He sighed and opened the door and sat down while Noah started talking.

"Well who said I wanted to sit next to you."

"Shush like you're any better than me."


The drivers door slammed shut and I jolted forward nearly hitting my head on top of the glovebox but something stopped me.

Leo's hand was resting on my forehead bringing my head back to the headrest.

"Careful, god."

I slightly smiled at his comment.

"Don't want to get your blood on my new car."

My face dropped immediately.


I rolled my eyes and put my seatbelt on.

Don't want another accident.

"Noah hanno sistemato le stanze?"

translation [noah did they set up the rooms?]

"si, ho chiamato prima."

translation [yes I called in earlier]

I apologise if the Italian is incorrect using google translate <3


translation [alright]

Italian maybe?

Silverstone started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

Italian a thought to myself.


translation [yes]

I said that out loud didn't I?

"niente merda."

I smiled softly.

"What does that mean?"

I questioned him.

"No shit."

He replied, his eyes glued on the road.

I'm bored

"So you're Italian?"

"Mhm." He quietly hummed.

"So just Italian or like-."

"I'm half Saudi Arabian and half Italian."

He firmly stated.

"What is this 21 questions?"

Still looking in front of him he chuckled to himself.

"Let me ask you some questions now as we're taking turns, right boys."

He yelled to the back.

"Yeah." They said simultaneously.

"But don't you already know so much about me as you most literally abducted me."

I reasoned with him.

"I wouldn't call abduction, I have gave you food, clothes and somewhere to live."


"Yes and most definitely didn't strip me away from my life and family."

I sarcastically said and smiled.

bare minimum

"Well you didn't have much of a life when I most definitely stripped you away from you're life and family."


"But you're right I do know a fair amount of information on you, but not everything."

"So where are we going?"

I questioned.

"I thought the questions were about each other?"


"What's your job and don't say owning-."

"A mafia?"

"Yeah basically."

"Fun, my turn."

"Who do you live with?"


"What are you a stalker?"

I chuckled to myself."

"Just a question, Black."

"Okay well I live with my brother and sometimes my dad."

"What do you mean sometimes?"

This time he actually looked at me straight in the eyes, hence his furrowed brows.

"I mean his on the road most of the time and you never know when he can just pop up."

I truthfully answered.

"So he's a deadbeat?"

He shot back.


"Well- yeah basically."

I looked down at my shirt and starting twisting it around, I didn't like this conversation much.

"Look we're here!"

Theo shot up from slouching like he saw Harry Styles.

Not like I would ever do that

"Finally, I don't have to hear you're conversation anymore."

I turned around looking at him.

"You can say that again."

"Alright everyone get out, don't speak unless I tell you to."

I scoffed at his sentence

"Why not?"

"Look ahead of you."

He pointed to the cluster of people with cameras huddled up coming our way.


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