《Silverstone》CHAPTER 15


My hand was shaking at the realisation of the familiar voice.



"Why are you calling me, you left without any explanation and-."

"I get that you are mad but I need to ask-."

"Yea I'm mad oh my god dad why are you acting like everything is okay? Luke and I needed you and you weren't there, so don't go acting like nothing even happened!"

Shouting into the phone I got a sudden wave of drowsiness.

"Damn it Julia just listen to me!."

"Look I'm sorry for yelling but your in danger."

He was reasoning into the phone like I wasn't aware. I'm in a hotel room with a mafia leader and his associates.

"Oh like I'm supposed to believe everything you say." I scoffed into the phone.

"Look I know your with Leonardo Silverstone, Theo Wells and Noah Benjamin."


"That doesn't matter but your in danger as I said they are after you."

"They? Dad are you okay? Who are you talking about?"

"I don't have much time Jules but just keep these names in mind okay?"

"What do you mean you don't have much time? Dad I thought you were with Luke?"

"River King and Dalia Nightingale."

"I gotta go but don't forget these names."

"Dad where are you-."

I was cut of by the beep noise from the phone call. What the fuck just happened.

I climbed up onto my bed, trying to call him back. Nothing worked.

"What just happened?" I whispered to myself.

A wave of panic came over me, I need to call Luke.

I quickly scrolled down until I found his contact.


I pressed onto the name hoping that he would pick up.

"Come on pick up Luke."


"Julia why are calling me at this time." He questioned.

"Look are you okay?" Those words spilled out of me.


"No I'm not because you just woke me up dumbass."

I laughed into the phone.

"Alright that's okay I just wanted to check in."

"Oh and is dad with you or?"

"Yea I think I just heard the door close so he's either asleep or went out."

"Okay that's good just go back to sleep."

"Yea that was totally not what I was going to do."

"I love you and stay safe you got that right?"

"Love you too Jules." His tone was laced with concern.

"Bye." I cut him off and let out a big breath of relief.


"She's not moving should we call an ambulance?"

"Have you tried waking her up?"

"No but-."

"Yea exactly."

Two faint familiar voices were ringing in my ears, I could feel their breath hovering over my face.

"Julia, Julia wakie wakie." Theo said whispering over my lips.

"Theo shutup she's not going to wake up with your weird ass taunts."

"Julia we know your awake."

I laid still trying to silently get them out of my room and give up. I'm so tired it's draining. It's not like I haven't gotten enough sleep but just talking tires me.

"Julia?" Noahs voice had flipped to a tone of concern.

"Julia JULIA?" He began to shake me to awake me. I guess my plan didn't work out as I expected but it definitely worked somehow.

"LEO GET IN HERE." Theo yelled. His voice echoing from wall to wall.

The haunting noise of footsteps met my ear, moving closer by the second.

"What's wrong ladies?" I could hear his slick tone of sarcasm make its way through.

"No time for jokes sir, Julia isn't waking up."

"Sir? Wow this must be serious." He subtly laughed into the air.

"So boys have you tried you know waking her up or?"


"No we definitely didn't." I could tell that Noah had rolled his eyes by now.

"Let me try." The floor creaked as he came closer. His minty breath ghosting across my face and his cozy strong scent of cologne entering my nostrils.

"Julia? Julia wake up." He whispered into the middle open space of my lips.

I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath until his hand moved onto the side of my cheek.

"What is he-."

"Shush look what he's doing." Noah whispered into the air.

He moved a strand of my hair on the back of my ear. I shuddered at his soft touch, a pool of heat swirling around my stomach.

"Miss Black I know your awake, you can't fool me sweetheart."

Leo whispered into my right ear, the tip of his tongue sliding across the lower part of my earlobe.

I swallowed hard and automatically opened my eyes.

"Oh now she opens her eyes." Noah flung his hands up in the air, glaring at me.

Silverstone bent down, his pink plump lips meeting my ear.

"Now where is that beautiful big smile of yours Julia?" He whispered. A chill ran through my spine. As he sat up a glint of desire flickered on his iris.

I slowly sat up, the corners of my lips turning upwards into a fake smile. Staring at Silverstone I crawled up until the edge of bed where he sat.

My lips immediately met with his ear as I opened my mouth to speak.

"God you look so good right now." I whispered into his ear.

He chuckled into the air.

"But it's too bad that Theo is just making my insides twist and turn."

His smirk immediately faded at the sound of my words, like he had just been stabbed.

I got up into a standing position and waved my hand into the air, signalling them to leave.

"Oh yea." Theo scurried out of the room first, followed by Noah and that just left Leo and I alone.


It had been several minutes until we had been left alone.

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked.

"I just-."

"Oh wait I don't care." He laughed loudly into the air.

"As you can't seem to answer my question let me answer it for you."

"I kissed you because I felt sorry for you, and now I realise that was a big mistake!"

"A pity kiss, lets be honest who would actually want to kiss you?"

He raised his voice at mistake and took a step forward, cornering me to the wall.

My stomach dropped at the sound of his sentence. I don't know what I feel for him but it's definitely not nothing.

And I don't know what he feels for me but In that moment it didn't seem like "nothing".

Tears burned in my eyes, threatening to fall.

I gulped hard trying to strengthen my voice.

I raised both of my hands that were slightly trapped under his body, and pushed him off of me.

He leaped backwards and his eyes burned with anger.


"Let me tell you something Silverstone I am worth more than you ever could be, I don't go around treating people like shit or putting them down every five fucking seconds!"

I stepped forward making him take a big step back.

"Just because your pissed of doesn't mean you can take it out on others! Actually fuck others I mean me!"

I stepped closer to him making him stumble backwards towards my door.

"And one last thing Leo, it wasn't a pity kiss oh wait I'm sorry a pity make out session."

I took a big step towards him. He fell onto the floor outside my door.

"Trust me, I was there."

I slammed the door in his face and heard a muffled line of curse words.

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