《Silverstone》CHAPTER 17




You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out. It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It's - it's actually kind of peaceful.

- stiles stilinski


The most complicated part of being "popular" is the people. I'm not talking about six or seven people asking for your opinion on something at the same time, I'm talking about hundreds of people huddled up in a group swarming towards you like bees trying to get to a beehive in time.


Darkness is a powerful thing. I've been hiding in it for a couple of years. It conceals your flaws,problems and who you really are, filling you up to the brim. You're in hiding. Waiting for someone to open the door even if you want to stay hidden.

The mystery of it isn't what drew me in. It's how you could become someone else in a matter of time. Start over I would say.

But then comes .

It takes control over you, making changes you didn't want to make. You have to adjust yourself to it, like turning on the when you wake up. You seem to cringe at the brightness and your eyes start to water from the that's blinding you.

I would find myself trying to calm down and adjust. But it didn't work. I closed my eyes hoping it would return me to the comfort of being in the dark.

All I could see was pitch black, nothing else.

But darkness.

I could just open my eyes and let them in, but hey what's the point if they are going to keep on coming back.


Everything is muffled.

I can hear faint voices spinning around me like a Carousel. I hope the ride is over soon.

My breathing is hitched and my lips are moving. Spitting words out that I'm not even fond of.

But my hand. My hand, it's latched onto something I don't feel very often.


"Leo." A soft, angelic voice whispers.

"Leo." It calls again.



Black spots invaded my vision.


Her hand was stuck onto mine, holding on like there's no tomorrow.

"I know you said not to speak unless-."

"Mr Silverstone where are you headed?"

"Definitely somewhere."

I answer.

"Leonardo Silverstone, what a pleasure to be in your acquaintance. Who's the girl?"

"A friend".

I say, hesitant about it.

My throats gone dry and my left hand is digging it's fingernails into my palm.

I'm bleeding.

"Mr Silverstone are you alright?"

"Yes, very now I have places to be."

"Where are you going?"

The male with blonde hair and hazel eyes asks again.

He's getting on my nerves.

"Take a hint."

I flash him a smile as it starts to get hot.

I need to take my shirt off.

I need to get out of here.

I push through the Paparazzi with Julia latched onto me and Theo and Noah god knows where.

"Leo wait up!"

A familiar, annoying, whiny , idiotic I could go on forever voice met my ears.

"Leo where are we-."

"Shutup and walk with me, don't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?"

Maybe the time you had a panic attack and when we started passionately ma-

My thoughts were interrupted by be opening of the airport doors.


My hand was glued to Leo's as we started walking into the airport. I haven't been on a plane in ages, might be fun. Or I might start thinking about how we are so far high up in the air and the plane could just explode at any minute.


Besides, it wouldn't be so bad as I'm stuck with Thing 1 and Thing 2 for god knows how long.

Two men in black stepped towards Leo.

I couldn't hear what they were saying as they were practically whispering.

"non hai portato armi vero?"


[you didn't bring any weapons did you?]

"sono tutti da Lucinda."


[they are all at Lucinda's]

Yea I have no idea what they are saying.

Theo and Noah started to come towards me.

"Come on we gotta get through security."

Noah took my hand off of Leo's.

Right at that moment he looked back at me and shared glances between the terrible two.







The two men walked away and Leo lead the way to the security area.

He let Noah and Theo walk in front and came next to me.

"Don't speak, don't do anything unless I tell you to."

"Got it?"

He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine

"Don't tell me what to do."

I replied, I was probably going to regret this.


We were now practically jogging to the mini staircase leading up to the airplane to get boarded.

We were going to be late.

"Mr Jones you can now take your seat."

The flight attendant says to the old man.

Hurry the fuck up please.

"Hi how are you doing today?"



Leo handed the woman his flight ticket and she took it in her pile.

"Have a safe flight Mr Accardi."


"You are Mrs?"

what do I say? A fake name?

Leo stood there in front of me, his hazel eyes burning into my chest.

He was mouthing something to me.

Dental hygiene?

what now



I cleared my throat, looking up and down.

"Silverstone, Mrs Silverstone."

"Alrighty then you're ready to go."

"Thank you and have a great day."

She grinned widely at me.

"You too."

I said under my breath.

well done Julia , well done


Now Theo and Noah were now finished flirting with the flight attendant Leo and I could finally sit down.

"So where's our seats?" Theo rubbed his hands together looking around ahead of us.

"We're not going into first class Theo."

Noah tried to reason him.

"So where are we sitting because my legs are killing me."

I start to complain, my legs were aching from standing in this long line.

"Over there follow me."

I started to walk behind Leo and I think he could sense me behind him.

He rapidly turned around glaring at me.

"Do you want to hold my hand or something."

He gave me puppy eyes, furrowing his brows while looking at me.


"Well you didn't have a problem with it before."

I snapped back at him.

He kept a still face and turned back around.

As he should keep walking

"So who am I going to sit next to?"

Theo says looking at me.

Please not me

"You mean what's your assigned seat?"

Noah corrected him.


"Yea whatever."


Noah says while rolling his eyes.


"Come on."

They started walking the other way to their seats. Theo muttering words along the way while Noah looked like he wanted to kill himself.

"So that just leaves us?"

I said with a bit of doubt at the end of my sentence.

You're joking me

"So I'm going to s-."

Please not.


He grumbled.

Oh how this is going to be a long flight.


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