《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Plan in Motion



I sit back in my chair, watching as her marvelous ass walks out my office door. Martin faces me and tells me all I need to know without a single word spoken. That he and Joshua will be sure to protect her for the next hour until she is safely with me in our home. She does not know this yet, but there are far worse monsters out there then me.

I must take a few deep breaths to slow my heart rate and calm my body down. It would not help her, nor I if I lost all my self-control. It is extremely difficult when I think about the past, and those bastards going after her. Trying to harm what has always been mine. It makes me blind with rage.

There is a tap on my door, opening my eyes I put all focus to see who it is. My powers are extraordinary, in fact not many can do everything I can. Reading minds and seeing through inanimate objects are only the tip of the iceberg.

Seeing that it is Tony outside my door makes me feel a little calmer "come in."

He opens the door, without saying anything he closes it quickly, and takes a seat in the chair on the opposite side of my desk. Where not even five minutes ago Ellie sat. Hell, I can still smell her. Her scent is all over my office. She smells like vanilla, sweetness, and arousal. I could get addicted if I am not already.

"Downstairs is all clear. I didn't see anyone at all." His voice brings me back to the moment.

"Good, that just means they still don't know she's here. That she's alive." I let out an exhausted breath.

Tony just gives me a sharp look. One I know all too well. All of us know in two weeks it is her twenty first birthday. The day warlocks receive their entire power. Her power will be just as strong as mine.

She comes from one of the most powerful and prestigious bloodlines, just as I do. Meaning they will feel her that day. They will know she did not die in that car accident. The one that was a set up to kill all occupants of the vehicle, meaning her parents and her.

Being what I can do, I overheard his thought. Knew what was going to happen. At first my little eight-year-old mind did not want to believe it. Kept telling myself he would not do that. Jeffrey McCall, her biological father, the man she does not remember was his best friend. I grew up believing the motto they all taught us.

Always have each other's backs no matter what.

Being the inquisitive child I was, I followed their vehicle. Sure, enough they set up a trap to make the vehicle go over the cliff. His men were waiting to strike. In a matter of minutes, they rammed them from behind, making their car go over the railing. Falling to the bottom of the hill.


I was sure to run as fast as I could to get there, to break the window, and grab her out of the back seat. I ran her into the trees, set her on the ground, checking her heart rate. When I was sure she was going to be okay and did not have anything seriously wrong I was going to make my way back to the car to help her parents. I was too late. His men were already out of their own vehicle.

Hearing everything that was said and seeing what they did sent chills through my bones. Something I have never felt before was coursing through my body. Fear.

That was the night everything changed for me. That was when I saw the true monster. They searched the woods for the child, for my Ellie. Thinking she was thrown from the vehicle. I was sure to make it look that way. Guessing she did not make it, they took it as is, and walked back to their vehicles. Driving away.

I knew what I had to do. Although, it was going to kill a piece of my soul. Not having Ellie with me every day, I knew she was it for me. Knew she was my other half from the time I was five.

We stayed in the woods and out of sight throughout the night. Her huddled up to me for warmth. I did not mind one bit. I am always warm; it is the werewolf blood in my veins.

All I kept thinking of was how in the morning both our lives would change for the next fifteen years. I knew I would have to erase all her memories. Including all the times we shared as children, and that hurt the most.

"What's the plan exactly?" Shaking my head, I looked to Tony.

"I get her on my property, that way she's safe once she hits transitioning. That way when it happens, and they feel her alive there will be no way he can get to her."

"Are you absolutely sure they don't know she's alive right now?" He worried his lips.

"Do you see them here demanding to know why they can pick up her scent?" Answering a question with a question is something I have always done.

Truth is I need to speed the process of her coming to my house. Becoming mine for good because I am the only one that can keep her safe. Only a few of my men know about her. A certain handful of my closest, most trustworthy friends will be helping me keep her safe. With all the powers against us I needed to be sure I had guys just as powerful as I am to aid me in this endeavor.

Joshua, Martin, and Tony are three of the main men that will keep guard. They are not only strong, with as much power running through their veins as I, but they are lethal. If you are not one of us, they do not trust you. They will annihilate you without a second thought if need be. They are also my closest comrades in this world.


Growing up together we have had to endure a lot of messed up things. You do not grow up in the clans we had to and not know how to fight for your life. Most kids are born out of love and raised in a caring home.

Our births were more for a business transaction. Finding the strongest family bloodlines, paying the fathers for their daughters' hands in marriage, and forcing them to bare their children. Whether the women wanted to or not.

Our mothers were forced to keep trying if they did not have sons right away. If they had girls first, such as with Tony situation, the girls were raised to become housewives. For breeding purposes only. Because of this the females in the family did not have much of an education. What did they need that for when they were just going to have arranged marriages as young as fifteen years old to a powerful man, of their fathers choosing, and used like breeding cattle?

When sons were born, they were trained from morning to night how to use their powers. How to fight with swords, knives, and taught to kill with our bare hands as well. When we were not learning our powers or how to fight, we were being taught literature, our history, arithmetic, and more about our culture. We had little time for what human children call fun if we had any at all. If any of us misbehaved or got out of hand in any way, we were whipped repeatedly until we were standing in a pile of our own blood.

The four of us were taught together every day. Our fathers are the most powerful of our entire world. Therefore, our families have always been friends for centuries. We learned that we all hated the way life was for us. For all the children that were born into the most powerful families. We want a better world, and to not be like our fathers.

We want to make our world better, a place where you can choose what to learn. Go your own pace when it comes time to practice your powers. Take time to enjoy your life, and to love the powers you were gifted. Not to worry about any repercussion if you are not learning fast enough, or if you do not want to learn that day. If a child wants to just be a child and have fun.

"When are you going to tell her everything? Tony holds hope in his eyes.

"Within the next week. She needs to know so we can start training her with her powers. She hasn't had them for fifteen years."

Tony nods his head, then stands to bow his head. When he reaches the door, with his hand on the knob he turns "one last question if I may..." awaiting my response until I give him permission, "does she know how important she is?"

"To our purpose?" I question him, knowing all too well that is not what he is asking.

Instead of giving me an answer he just looks at me straight in the eyes. Showing me how serious he is. "She will." I whisper so low I am not entirely sure he heard the words. When I look up, he is wearing that sly grin of his.

"You're scared to tell her just who she is to you?" He raises his right eyebrow.

I know that was not something to be answered. He was simply stating a fact. Being the smart ass, I am "No, I'm not. I will tell her once I know she is capable of handling the information." I look him in the eye, with the look that tells him not to fuck with me further on this.

Where most people would back down immediately, Tony isn't one of them. Even knowing who I am. What I could do to him with a simple snap of my finger. Instead, he throws his head back and laughs.

"Prick" I try to fight my own smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say boss." he salutes me and walks out the door.

The truth is Ellie is not just vital to what we are trying to accomplish. She is one of the strongest supernatural's of our world. Her bloodlines are some of the most powerful warlocks and fae there ever were. She is the last of her bloodline. Which is why he tried to kill her.

She is everything to me, and so much more. We share a blood bond, and that means she is mine and I hers. Forever, it is how it was supposed to be since she was born. She is the most important person to me in my life. Fact is she is the key to it all.

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